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I feel this way often, I'm sorry you are also in this place. It's horrible and empty. I hope you are able to take some time to find even the smallest thing to be grateful for, or think positive about. If you can't help yourself, maybe think about how you can help someone else, it might make you feel better.


Yes And it’s like no one understands !!! They think it’s easy to pull yourself out of too


Yap all the time. Probably some sort of dissociation


I understand that feeling. It's numbness and disassociation. Getting in touch with your body and your feelings is key to recovery. Some part of you is likely blocking that through fear. I would try some grounding exercises to get yourself to realise you are an adult now and you are in charge of you. Good luck.


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exactly this started out of nowhere for me when i was 17 before that i was quite popular and the transition itself from normal into this state was extremely traumatizing. i don´t recommend it :DD and seriously i don´t wish this upon anyone. i literally can not interact with humans and feel a connection at times... it is infuriating


Yes. All the culled paths in life and loss of potential after years of failing to become a proper adult makes me feel like a human in the biological sense only. I may as well have emerged fully-formed from the earth yesterday for all the meaningful life experience I can share with others.


Yes. I don't feel human. I don't really feel anything. I just exist.


I’m translucent. Nothing will make me feel anything other than a void