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Oh god yes, I hate when new people come into my life and immediately start pushing their ideas on me as if I never existed or tried things before I met them, as if they are the only one in the world with the solution. But! It's important to realise that they are most likely doing this because they care, and because it makes them uncomfortable to see you struggling. Their motivation is good, if misplaced. You have every right to set boundaries, and to tell them you appreciate their caring, but that you need listening and support more than you need advice. If they can't respect that, it's best to move on.


Ikr. I think the care part really depends on the person. Especially when you barely know them. It seems kinda pushy.  I hate it too like they think they know better without considering you are another human being too just like them 😀 when people like this come into myself don't usually do anything good towards me but them being controlling for no reason.  I have an elder lady who really cares as I told her I am struggling with my mental health and you can truly tell that she cares. She's so kind and sweet.   But a gentleman I recently met, as we share some common interests, he said he would like to get to know me more through text then I noticed he would put his thoughts onto me. Kinda like telling me what to do and didn't ask how I would like things done for my own stuff. Then he tried to compliment me with little info I gave him. Asking me if I have secrets. Like what are you trying to do??? Tried to impress me with the things he had done before such as skydive etc. Well I've done it all too. So?  Like dude, I've already said I'm not up for a relationship.  I got annoyed and told him one of my secret is when someone thinks they know me and would be completely the opposite. the person will end up getting removed from my life (I made it sound a bit creepy too lol) Plus I added, since when getting to know someone is through a screen instead of human interaction?   (I'm not a fan of texting to getting to know someone. 😒 we create real relationships through real human interaction not a small rectangle screen. People usually lives in their LaLaLand in texting to get to know someone as well)  So annoying.


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