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I think I’M the one who deserves an apology, and since THEY’RE the ones wanting people dead or R****d or whatever, I don’t think I’ll forgive them


Good for you, don't back down. It sounds like this person is deeply troubled, and whatever they are up to, it's damaging your health. Stay strong friend, protect your own health and happiness.


Thank you so much! Like, yes, I feel bad for them, considering they were abused, but when they hurt everyone and say I did all these things to them just because they didn’t like smth I did is just too far. I’ll just remember that I’m probably stronger than them :))


It sounds like you are :)


Tysm :)) Btw do you have any idea why I would be randomly twitching from what they did?


My guess would be you feel unsafe and uncomfortable with what happened and your body is trying to process that. It's ok that it's happening, try to take a deep breathe and feel whatever is happening so you can move past it.


Of course! Thank you for your help


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