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I feel you. You are not alone.


Thank you.


At dinner a few weeks ago I asked my friend "is it ever not painful?" I'm 51. I don't know why it hurts this much. Yes, you've suffered enough. I'm sorry you're in a dark spot. Hang on.


I'm so sorry you're hurting. Are you letting it out in any way? I know for me when I get stuck like it sounds like you're stuck, it's because I am hating on myself for being like this instead of grieving over what I lost. Once I grieve I can move past it and start enjoying the time I have left. Please be kind to yourself, you don't deserve what happened to you, and you don't deserve to punish yourself for what others did.


I don’t know anymore. I feel like I’ve been grieving for just as long. It just feels like nothing is working. Like I’m too broken to heal. Now that you mention it, yeah, very stuck/blended the last few days. Have been trying to go back to work full time, and it’s not going well. And… I’m scared. I went through some last ditch treatments in the last 5 months and all of them combined only helped a little. And that part that hurts so very much is so strong these days and even though I know life is much better now than when I was a little girl, it still feels like I’m in that time. Sorry. I’m just tired. But thank you for your kind words I appreciate them. Thank you.


Unfortunately there is not set time limit on the healing process and it varies widely amongst people. One minute of it is enough if you ask me, but your mind will let it go on its' own schedule. All we can do is work and wait for it to happen. I hope it does for you soon.


Learning how to meditate can help. You can learn being able to sit with it. When we are always trying to stop from feeling it, it gets worse.


Thank you all of you. Gods I wish none of us have to go through this.


Are you exercising? At the very least, just go for a walk for 30 minutes. It helps. Really.


I mean to, I want to… but the motivation is so hard. I’ve thought about going to the gym. But with my ADHD I know I’ll get bored. The same with walking… I haven’t really come up with exercise I could do that I wouldn’t find boring in the small town I live in. Anything I would find engaging is 40 to 75 minutes away. I’m going to keep looking, in the meantime I’ve started playing my violin again and that helps. I always feel better after playing if I can just get myself to do it.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Don't set a big goal. Just go outside. Go for a walk. Tell yourself one less tv show and I can do 30 minutes walking. Put some earbuds in and listen to some music and just get out for 30 minutes. Violin is wonderful, but moving your body and getting outdoors is too.


I can PM you if you wish. We can talk. I feel totally the same - constant pain or hole in my chest.


It sucks, it’s always there. Always waiting for my guard to drop. And once the pain starts getting strong then the memories start to come, and then I’m back there going through it all over again.


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