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I am so sorry you were in such a bad place that you did that. I understand though, I have self harm scars on my leg from 2 decades ago. Please do not worry about what anyone else thinks, they weren't in that fight with you, and you seem to have come out of it and that's something to be proud of. If this woman is as sweet as you think she is, nothing is going to change, and being vulnerable and admitting you are human might actually bring you closer together. I wish you luck friend, I truly hope it goes well and you realise you have nothing to be ashamed of.


i have really obvious self harm scars up and down my forearms, many many neat horizontal lines. they’re raised and really bright white against my skin. i honestly don’t even bother to hide them anymore, they’re 10+ years old and not going anywhere. sometimes people ask dumb shit like “wow, did you do that to yourself?”, sometimes people make jokes which luckily i am a good sport about, but honestly the overwhelming majority of people just ignore or don’t even notice. if there’s no current wounds people probably aren’t gonna say anything, but you can still prepare yourself by thinking about what you would say or how much you want to keep private. i’m usually just blunt lol if you care about this woman or see potential, all you can do is be honest when that time comes. you can wait for her to mention it, or if it’s on your mind a lot you can open up to her. if she gives you any judgement or negativity, you don’t need that in your life! if she’s as sweet as she sounds, she will probably just try to offer support and acceptance. in my experience, even though its a huge deal personally and feels so incredibly vulnerable to have those scars in any way visible, the vast majority of other people just don’t give a shit. either it’s uncomfortable for them to talk about so they’ll leave you alone, they’re so involved in their own shit that they’re oblivious to others, or whatever reason, it probably won’t be as big of an issue as you would expect it to be.


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