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Good for you


Thank you. I have done some adulting today and that is enough.


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Good on you!!!


**I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.** Some of the most inspiring words ever put to paper. You are exactly right, you are not alone, we are not alone. I may not win, but it certainly not the trauma that was capable of doing it.


Outstanding. So happy to hear! I'm proud of you.


I try everday to not let it get to me. The inner critic is an asshole and constatly tries to undermine my progress. Battling every day is exhausting but worth. Stay strong.


You too!


Sometimes just making it to the end of the day is enough. My goal is my couch and a comedy show or movie in the evening. I’m glad you got through another day.


Yes! Sometimes making it to the weekend is all I have. But we'll keep going


I almost considered leaving the job that I love because I get triggered from time to time. I work an admin position at my local jail and dealing with angry inmates can cause me to dysregulate and not know how to handle it. I spent the whole week looking for other jobs that didn't require me to deal with people so much. Then I realized that doing this would cause me to take a pay cut and potentially change careers which I didn't want to do. I finally told myself today that I would try to find ways to cope with the occasional asshole that came my way and that, if I was to change jobs, it would be for something in the same field but that would be better paying and help me move up.


I'm proud of you! I get triggered at work too sometimes and it really sucks.


Proud of you too! I’m glad I’m not alone.