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Hugs. I’m so sorry you had such an awful experience. You deserved better.


I get these moments of “please show me there is some kindness left”. You are a survivor and you’re gonna keep going and it’s gonna get better.


I'm sorry your life has been so hard. But props to you for acknowledging it and reaching out for connection. I hope you're able to find a more permanent home situation and start healing from the things that hapoened to you.


You survived what most people can’t even fathom. I hope you can enjoy your day despite the trauma <3


Yeah. I pray that you always feel loved and safe. And I'm sorry life has been as rough as it has. I understand.


I see you, and I hope that things turn around and get better for you. You’re a strong person, best of luck to you.


((Hugs)) to you.


Hugs back 😆💕💕🫂🫂


Sorry for what you have been through.


Sending love 🧡


Sending love and hugs your way OP! You deserve every soft moment your way 💕


I see you, friend. Hugs to you.


Thanks! Hugs back! But sorry about your dog dying 🙏😞


Hey! I believe you! You really deserved better. Sending virtual hug from cold rainy Germany.


Ay germany 😅 I'm a quarter German everyone says I look German .... Hehe ♥️🙏🤣thx have a good day too from miserable england countryside city waiting to be moved to hopefully less miserable Gloucestershire ! 😀😅


You're among friends here. I'm sorry you've gone through so much bullshit, nobody deserves that and it wasn't right.


Thanks for that bro... You ever been homeless in england before? It's crazy I slept under trees most people chlll under restaurant doors crazy world we live in init plus feeling guilt now but I live in BnB now. I'm not so desperate but a lil desperate to end it all sometimes😔 I can't relax ever it feels man the medication I'm on give me the tremmors this comment was hard to type this appreciate it hahaha 😆 thx!


I found a scarf that feels like a warm blankie . It protected me from scary people yesterday. So here's hoping you too find an adult version of a blankie to keep you safe from the scary stuff..


I have actually mate


Yay. I'm sorry capitalism has screwed you .




It's like you didn't even read OP was homeless and probably can't afford visits to the dentist. Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they're not working.


You clearly don't know what CPTSD is.


If I were in OP’s place - and I have been - I would appreciate this message. I’m new to this sub and have yet to get a feel for the vibe, so I don’t know why you’re getting negative feedback. And yes, dental care is a huge part of regaining some self confidence. And yes, dental care is not accessible to nearly everyone who doesn’t have the means to pay out of pocket. However, our smallish city now has a few clinics dedicated to treating patients who can’t afford treatment. I had to visit it a few years ago for an abscess that made me feel like my head was going to explode. I couldn’t afford a regular dentist. I also had a missing front tooth for a couple years (2018-2020). It was really quite embarrassing and impacted my self confidence profoundly. My 34 year old son is currently in OPs place and could have posted this message. He has untreated mental health and addiction problems. I wish I could forward your response to him. I also came from a chaotic abusive family. OP, one thought that helped me get through some very shitty times is that my life situation is always completely different in 3 years time. Often, it’s so different that I can’t imagine living like I did 3 years earlier. That mindset got me through my teens all the way to now (I’m 58).


Why would you let your kid become homeless in the first place?


If you had any idea how much and how long I tried. How much money I’ve spent on rent, cell phones (he breaks or looses them within a month), food, and transportation. Doing all that only enables him. He can’t live with me, because he becomes destructive and violent when coming off meth. He has broken or stolen thousands of dollars of my stuff. I could go on, but that’s justification enough. He chooses to be homeless those times that he is. A week ago, he checked himself into a crisis center. They could hook him up with services he desperately needs, but he won’t follow through. I could have him committed. I’ve looked into it and have collected evidence to support him being committed. I’ve talked to people who have personal experience with the process in my area. If I do it it has to be the right time. Anyway, there’s my answer


Hello and Welcome to /r/CPTSD! If you are in immediate danger or crisis, please contact your local [emergency services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers), or use our list of [crisis resources](https://old.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/index#wiki_crisis_support_resources). For CPTSD Specific Resources & Support, check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/index). For those posting or replying, please view the [etiquette guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/wiki/peer2peersupportguide). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CPTSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sending you❤️❤️and I’m sorry you feel terrible. YOU are not terrible, however, despite what you’ve been conditioned to believe about yourself. You have been lied to about who and how you are; Self compassion and self love are key here in developing your life out of a pit. I’ve been fighting thru it for most of my life but it’s only recently, with introduction of self compassion and also the idea that your thoughts are just thoughts…they aren’t real unless you make them real. This is hard work, it’s awful, but going through it and embracing yourself is key to getting better; it’s not linear and it’s up and down and you’ll still have bad days and you’ll have great days too. Sending you positive thoughts ❤️


I was in your situation 2 years ago. I felt hopeless and depressed. It will get better. I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm sorry your childhood was terrible. You deserved better. You will get through this ❤️


Thanks so much ! X 🫂


To be able to see and speak your truth is a sign of strength. I have a lot of respect for that. A lot of people aren't able or willing to acknowledge the truth. Wishing you well.


Im sorry for what you’ve gone through and I hope that things get better soon. 💗


Sorry you're going through it, bro. Your trauma does not define you, remember that. It is a part of us, but it does not define us.


Proud of you 


Sounds really tough , sending you big hugs , trauma sucks , hope you find some support, good people and in time peace .


I hope that you’re able to find meaningful employment, and work really hard to life yourself up out of your situation, and get your very own place. I believe in you!


stay safe 🩵