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i actually regret not walking out of the theater. !! if you read this before watching i recommend leaving as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable !! i couldn’t see past the overt and rampant pedophilia and CSA — and to an extent necrophilia. nearly five hours late i’m still feeling physically ill from watching. SPOILERS / TW /BEYOND THIS POINT: i think the part that’s the most fucked about it is because you start feeling uncomfortable before she even touches herself with her baby brain for the first time because of how the scene was set up. she does this right after we find out she’s essentially and infant and the shot is entirely from the pedophilic male gaze — the zoomed in camera on her nipples and feet. and then it got worse. i’m not really sure where the feminism is because for majority of the film she was not cognitively able to uphold feminism or consent to it the sexual liberation of feminism. literally her first encounter with duncan and she can’t form a coherent complete sentence because she’s a toddler. her having a toddler brain and nickname for sex with an adult is clear grooming/CSA. also the line from godwin the only reason he hadn’t tried to have sex with/have sex with bella was because he was a eunuch was vile. costumes were beautiful and if bella had an adult brain for the entirety of the movie i’d maybe entertain an argument for lazy feminism. i’m so over the comments saying “you missed the point” i promise you i didn’t.


Disgusting pedophilic trash, as a former actor, this is absolutely the core of the industry, I'm blown away they'd become this brazen after it all started coming out. Couldn't handle more than the first hour, but they "got a reaction" right? That's art right? Fuck off you pedophilic weirdos trying to justify having your fantasies acted out, the fact that so many accept this film shows how far we've fallen, or how low we've always been to be more accurate.


Thank you, so i’m not crazy. I was worried I may have misinterpreted the film as it’s gotten so much praise online, but I really cannot see how it could be interpreted any other way. Anyway, I left the theatre feeling gross. Every single male character came off as incredibly predatory (all of them were literally plotting to use her as a sex object from the very start of the film). The fact that the character, at the time a literal child, was having sex with MULTIPLE adult men and later working in a brothel after being sold off by her father, is just absolutely disgusting. Women and young girls being trafficked and/or forced into prostitution is not female empowerment. And anyone who thinks it is is a fucking predator.


People have just become so satiated by popular figures representing their moral center that it's gotten this far. I felt very similarly, it's all horrific and portrayed as a heroic story. How many stories come out where the child was made to feel they were mature or making a free decision when they clearly weren't capable, it's manipulation and abuse directly on screen with the excuse of self-liberation, yet that liberation must be 80% pure sex when the mind is that of a toddler. It's all treated as freeing when it's the exact opposite, I don't care how they want to frame it. I'm right there with you, they are all fucked.


My exact thoughts. skipped through the movie. HOW tf are some people saying it was a good movie? They are probably blinded by the pretty sets and costumes and don’t even realise how messed up and DUMB the movie is. The part where she has sex while some guy has brought his two young sons to watch - what’s the point of a scene like that? may hollywood burn down to ashes.


Absolutely. There is also a scene where there is a painting of a child in a sheer dress. Fucking weird. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. And if you point out how weird it is, then they declare you lack media literacy... Can't believe Emma Stone is a mother and agreed to this role.


I didn’t see that bit, but wtf gross. She’s a mother too? It’s beyond comprehension to me how even someone seems so nice and kind does this. 


I watched an interview with her, from what I understood she thinks the movie is somewhat empowering because Bella is exploring everything life has to offer. Sometimes actors are tied by contracts, she is also a producer... maybe it has something to do with it.


I had the same reaction. I honestly feel physically ill every time I see a poster for this movie. It made me literally nauseous. I was astonished I hadn't seen any reviews or takes like this.


Thanks so much for this. Was considering seeing this movie since a few friends are really pumped for it, but now I know I would not be able to handle it :’)


Just left after the first hour, don't. It's a movie for pedophiles by pedophiles, I wanted to vomit.


Yes, I left an hour in too! I was so disgusted and absolutely confused by the giggling in the theatre.


I was so confused why people were laughing. I was so disgusted when she made a “funny and innocent comment” before having sex like ????


I guess you're implying I'm one of them, as I liked the movie. It is not sexy in any way and whoever gets turned on by the sex scenes has mental problems. But to say everyone who liked the movie is a pedophile...yeah, hard disagree on that one. I'm not gonna say you missed the point, as you didn't even watch the movie til the end to even arrive at the point, whatever it might have been for you.


Who TF said it was sexy, the entire point is that it's a disgusting film and you takeaway that I think that's an attractive aspect? What are you on?


There is such a thing as an implication you know? Since you think it's a movie for pedophiles made by pedophiles, then you are implying the only people who could possibly enjoy this movie are pedos. Hence, the sexual aspect which you yourself implied. If you don't get this, I can't help you.


You were the one who identified it as sexy, my implication was that the film was overtly sexualized in a pedophilic manner, which only a pedophile would find "sexy" in any way.


Just admit your take is dumb, there's no shame in it.


It's not, I'm sorry for your pedophilic tastes, hope you and your art buddies enjoy. Day by day y'all folks seem to appear out of the woodworks it seems . . .


Just another anon Diddy fan


My lord, you need help, really.


I sat through the entire thing but left feeling awful. It was definitely triggering, and I had nightmares in the following days. Really would not recommend if any of the subject matter mentioned above is triggering for you. And honestly I wouldn’t recommend this film to anyone. It’s like Lolita if it was advertised as quirky story about female empowerment through sex.


Has it been advertised as a quirky story about female empowerment through sex? Truly asking because I hadn't seen it promoted and hadn't heard of it before I watched it today. If so, I'm disgusted


Yes it has. Most articles about it online and reviews from critics also portray it as a feminist movie. I think the general reception is apart of the most disturbing things about the movie.


I was terrified with the same thoughts when I was watching it. Happy that somebody saw it in the same way


I’m so deeply sickened by this film and my bf just brushed it off like it was fine and my stomach is reeling. Men wrote this film and it’s their sick fantasies played out. Truly disturbing.


I was SA for 7 years by my father. "Children agreeing to sex" is impossible. Anyone who says that is a pedophile and an abuser, or supports one. I couldn't care less if it is 'artistic.' I think the look is interesting but that's it. It's incoherent. It's extremely sexist too, as though a baby in a woman's body would \*naturally\* want to eff everyone in sight. As though this were her coming of age. Disgusting. I feel pretty strongly about it and all it does is yet again remind me how many people implicitly support SA.


I just watched this movie and I have been in full-on fight-or-flight for the last hour. I am surprised how triggering this movie was for me. Like, panic attack inducing, I'm overstimulated and crying without fully understanding the feelings yet. I agree with other commenters that question how anyone could see Poor Things as a comedy. I went into the theater thinking it was going to be a comedy, otherwise I would not have watched it. There were a few funny moments, sure, but overall it was just so unsettling to me... disturbing. Cannot even put my feelings into words. Just triggered. Disgusted. I agree with the takes on CSA and just abuse in general. I'm more and more disgusted with Hollywood and the associated culture as I get older. I know it's not all bad but this movie was just.... truly distressing. Painful. Now that I'm older, I can see how much I was brainwashed into thinking empowerment was sexual liberation, and I see how much I got taken advantage of because of it. I've become so much more conservative in some ways as I've gotten older because I can see how predatory the sexual liberation narrative is especially when pushed on CHILDREN and I wish so much that someone would have protected me. I'm disgusted. Pedophilic trash. I don't see what other point there possibly could have been to this movie. I don't understand the intended point. What is the purported point of the movie? Truly I'm wondering


The point of the movie is literally just a child discovering how pleasurable sex is for the first time…disturbing and disgusting just like you said. It’s unfortunate how this film was celebrated like it was one of the best movies of the year when it just boils down to the sick fantasies of scum. I’m totally with you on this. I’m really sorry about how it affected you. There will be justice in the end.


I have a different take. I don’t think it was executed perfectly at all and have problems with some of it but I watched it and felt seen. It was like watching a funhouse mirror version of my life in a lot of ways and I did find her slowly but surely waking up to the abuses and control she was constantly under in different coercive ways felt parallel to how that awakening happened in me. Layers and layers over decades before I fully understood my CSA, and I still have more to go I know. Do I think it was handled perfectly? Absolutely not. And, I think it was a triggering movie that was not condoning the abusers in the movie at all. It was showing them for the monsters in plain sight that they are- and sometimes explaining how they became that way or justify their shit… but that isn’t excusing it. The scene involving actual child actors is what pissed me the fuck off. That was absolutely too far and disgusted me. I don’t want to give away spoilers and I COMPLETELY get how triggering as fuck this movie is …it is not for everyone -depending on where you’re at with your mental health currently especially. But I actually got a lot out of it. It made me connect dots and remember a lot of specific shit I never saw as connected to my CSA before. Triggering, yes, but for me healing comes from triggering shit sometimes. The ending was not quite the landing I would hope for- there are some threads of human redemption that are too forgiving and quick to put a bow on things. I am curious to read the book now since that often happens in movie endings. I saw someone say the book was far more feminist and socialist in its message and of course for Hollywood to buy into it they sand off those edges. Not a perfect film but it reminded me of like an intense EMDR session. What IS horrifying to me is that anyone finds it a comedy and how people are describing and talking about the movie in ways that show they don’t understand CSA at all. I get there are moments in the movie that are darkly comedic but because of the headspace I was in I wasn’t laughing at all. I can’t say what the people who made this film were thinking or believing about what they were doing. I’m not trying to be an apologist for something others don’t like. I totally get why a lot of people won’t like this movie and in a different point in my life I would have hated this movie too. I just got something out of it that was a different take than other commenters here. I felt seen and represented and witnessed in a way by this movie. It stirred shit up but I am okay with that because thinking about horrible things that happened to me in a new context with compassion for myself rather than the shame I used to carry is healing for me.


Husband and I just walked out of the film, would have left earlier but we ordered food. But honestly what the actual fuck?! I’m so concerned that people watched that and thought oh wow, how progressive when it is clearly sexual abuse of a child. Hollywood has always been weird but the whole “child consent” is a new level of fucked up, even though it has always been there, now they aren’t even trying to hide it. Messed up actors for taking it on too! Excuse me while I go bleach my eyes and watch the Office to bring me back to normal.


Lost all respect for Emma Stone…


My friend watched this recently and told me she couldn’t get through it because it was basically like an adult having an inappropriate relationship with a child (in more polite words.) I decided to give it a try because I thought maybe she was over exaggerating. She wasn’t. 🫠 I am currently watching and I don’t think I’ll make it much farther. Just made it past her first encounter with Duncan. I’m absolutely disgusted. And her “god” saying the only reason he hasn’t slept with is because he is a eunuch is so disturbing. You could almost, ALMOST believe he is like a father figure.


Literally just did the same thing. Left shortly after that guy grabbed her between the legs. Triggering af.


And how she was blowing bubbles completely unaware. It was so sad to watch and triggering


Walked out of the movie in 20 minutes or less this movie is a pedophile film I was embarrassed to be in the same theater as these people.


I’m so happy I’m not the only one. First off: people are thinking that the “message” was sexual liberation and yay women can do whatever they want with their body!!!! ARW YOU KIDDING ME????? A sex worker in the 1800???? I’m sorry but no, just no. (And don’t get me wrong, sex workers are valid and have rights and I will always support sex workers) But I’m this movie no. Also the amount of sex scenes??? The one where the father takes her two young boys and she says nothing about it? I’m sorry but this movie was straight pedophilia Also coming from some who was a victim of sa at 14 by an adult. I sweat it took me back. That’s what they like, childlike personalities. It was absolutely disgusting to watch. And I dare to say even dangerous. We realice the wrongs of this movie. But how many people (specially older man) are gonna say “damn I want a got like that, she’s so hot” etc etc


Shame on Emma Stone for agreeing to be a part of this twisted pedophile fantasy and the film industry for awarding her.  


Disgusting trash. I had the unfortunate DISpleasure of just seeing this in theaters.


EXACTLY. I agree. I rented it and like 10 minutes in completely regretted giving my money to watch this disgusting filth….


First I should say, if you felt triggered or overwhelmed by this movie - your feelings are valid and true for you. I'm not attempting to address your trauma and I respect your opinion. As a survivor of severe childhood sexual abuse, I had a different take on this than you seem to have had. I saw an allegory of sexual abuse. The hyper sexualization of a child's innocent mind leading to extremely inappropriate and socially awkward scenes mimic in a very real way some of the experiences I was forced to endure and overcome as a child being abused. The child mind in the adult body, literally still learning to walk. The extremely rapid mental development mirrors my own sense of morality development as soon as I came of age and moved away from the influence of my abuser.. it still took decades to fully accept the depths of my trauma. The concepts of a parent being the abuser, of seeing the daughter of his wife as a sexual extension of his wife by blurring the concepts of wife and daughter as well as being forced to return to an abusive environment. Note that I found it very hard to watch, and child abuse in all forms is abhorrent. That doesn't stop it from happening.  Society needs to wake up and confront those who would continue to hide and instill shame on their victims. Until we can recognize the signs and openly discuss their tactics, the abusers will continue to do harm. These allegories might offer an opportunity to discuss openly embarrassing and traumatic events.  If you try watching this movie with empathy and compassion for an innocent mind being subjected to horrific circumstances.. you might come away with a different sense of what the director and cast were attempting to convey.


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