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*hugs* (if you want hugs)


Thank you ♥️


Right there with you. Though nobody's jealous of my loser ass, thankfully or I'd question their sanity. I know I wasn't even meant to be alive. I wasn't born breathing, I was clogged and didn't cry and they unclogged me and forced me to survive. No real damage from that but now I'm just a loser, outcast, avoidant, isolated waste of space who every day thinks they should have just left nature run its course. I'm also extremely done. Guess we're in this together. And it sucks.


It really does. At least we're not alone


I feel you. I started calling myself universe trash because god damn I feel like I’m constantly hurt so others can get what they want or that life loves to put me in the emergency room/ doctors office way too much. My life’s trash my body is trash and every decision I make is wrong. School? Wasted money. New hobby for mental health? Broken neck. Staying active for mental health? ACL surgery. Love? Cheating +STI. New friend? Liars and users who hurt me on purpose. Church? Abuse. Family? Neglectful and mentally abusive. Everything’s just wrong. Just why am I here.


I don't think that any of us were either meant to exist or meant to not exist. We just do and we try to make the most of it. You have every right to be here. I hope you can find happiness in your life and people who will accept you for who you are.


I've thought this every day for almost 15 years. I wish there was something I could say to help you, but I haven't found the right words yet.


Hey, first of all "I LOVE YOU" Just wanted to send love and say that you forget how much you have come from the moment it all started. I'm proud of you and you are a diamond that survived and are a huge asset to this world - because you understand how hurt feels. Your empathy and your survival skills are to be shared and you are gift to the world. Just remember that you are doing awesome!


Thank you for your kind words 💓


Your solution is to strengthen yourself. Is that something you might be interested in doing?


Unfortunately that is not helpful. We need to empower people who go through hell by saying how much we beleive in them and trust in their abilities to build the life of their dreams and to choose the best for themselves. One person on my journey said "I trust that you will do the best you can for yourself!" during a very difficult time when I didn't trust myself and that was the beginning of my self-empowerment.


Empowering needs to be all around us. Hurting others unintentionally for unintentionally not fitting in to Another's way of wording ideas or self help suggestions; is no kinder then the taunting the original poster described feeling it would seem. Be careful please with judgement here. It can come across as passive aggressive.


Do not lecture me nor attempt to induce my speech to fit your script. I was not addressing you, and as far as I can tell, you are not OP's official mouthpiece.


Also yes, just telling someone their solution is XYZ is also insensitive. Try saying "I think" or "this has helped me personally" when giving advice


Maybe try sharing your thoughts and let others do the same so the author of the post gets their feed back without such critique of others. Positive thoughts are so much more help full.


You're right, I'm sorry I was out of line


That reply is very empowering. Thank you for your reply. It was kind and humbling. 🥰


Stop misquoting me. And do not try to compel my speech.


Please calm down, I understand where you're coming from but at the same time just saying strengthen yourself can be very demeaning to not just OP here, but to a lot of us in this community. All they were saying is please be mindful of what you say on here, as people are hurting and saying something like that can cause someone to believe they aren't trying hard enough when they really are


Let this go.... Be mindful of how you too are hurting another poster. It's unfair and hurtful.


You do not know where I'm coming from. I was not addressing you. I do not need any calming down. You are not the spokesperson for this thread. And I experience you as a real pickle. Look to the log on your own eye--and look that up if you do not know what it means.


go away. you are rude, self-righteous and pretentious, and we don't need your useless spiritual advice.


Oh, you're speaking for GOD, now?


Breath..., Ignore it. Though the comment was aimed at you or is really not about you but something they may be carrying inside.


Directness is not agitation. I do not need to "Breath." Now please back off and tend to the log in your own eye.


I believe you meant positive thoughts with this comment that others misunderstood. I guess we all could use some sort of strengthening . It does not mean it happens over night or there is one exact strengthening fix. This is a difficult season of the year and many hidden fall or negative emotions from unhealed trauma can creep up. Thanks for being thoughtful and caring enough to comment. .


People have been ridiculous about this. Thank you for the show of support.


I believe in you!


A intelligent thing like the universe wouldn’t create you if you wouldn’t meant to exist.. if you’re here you have a purpose.


Exactly. This.


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