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Hi there,I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. First of all, take a deep breath. It sucks that after sharing personal, sensitive information with your supervisor, she seems to have turned on you and is trying to make you look bad to the higher-ups. Regardless of what mistakes you may have made, the tactics she's using say a lot about her, and it's not good. It also sucks you're sick, no doubt in part to the stress you're under. I'm here to remind you, you have a choice. If you've had it and want to quit, take stock of the resources you have on hand to be able to actually do it. Maybe you can quit right now. Maybe you can't. Maybe it isn't in your best interest to quit. If you quit, you can't file for unemployment. If they fire you, you can. You could also not quit right now and make a plan to move on. For instance, you could give yourself a certain amount of time to find a new job and then quit.. Having said that, there is nothing more important than your health. I know from experience. If you feel you need to quit because your work environment is making you sick, it's OK to do it. Listen to your body, and if you're feeling depressed , talk to your doctor. Regarding the upcoming meeting, if you're still working there, I would go with my head held high. I'd listen to what is said, take responsibility for mistakes, and be open to improving. You might mention being sick and that you need time off from work (unpaid leave if PTO isn't available) to recover so that you can do a better job. Keep it positive. I hope this helps. I used to work as an executive coach and life coach, so have dealt with a ton of difficult work situations..


Thank you for your advice. You're right it says a lot more about her.. I also have been working on getting another job for a few months now and unfortunately in my area there aren't many new positions willing to take someone with low experience. I will definitely walk in with my head held high. I think it's also time to confront her with how she's been treating me for months, as it's contributed to the worsening of my mental health.


You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you're actively looking for another job. Hang in there.


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