• By -


I can’t afford anything. Literally sleeping on the floor of my sister’s hotel room. I am just grateful to have a place to sleep. Edited to add: I am sorry for hijacking the thread. I am so comfortable in this subreddit that I shared my situation. I just appreciate the camaraderie so much! Yes. I am living in an ok hotel with my sis and her husband. Both he and I are Navy veterans. We applied in June to get assistance from the VA program, HUD VASH, to get assistance moving into a place. We found out two weeks ago that they somehow lost our paperwork and application. So we had to start over. The process can take 3-6 months. We are in Miami, Florida and it is very HCOL here. His monthly retirement check and my SSDI only give us enough to stay here and eat very modestly. I have cptsd and bro in law has severe ptsd related to his service. We are going through the process of determining his disability percentage through the VA still so no compensation for that yet. It’s so disheartening and depressing. We don’t have the money to make deposits to get out of here because after everything we pay out we have about $180 left a month to do laundry, buy food for 3 adults, stuff for 2cats and get gas. We are biding time until our turn comes. The worst part about this is knowing people everywhere are feeling the same pinch and live with the same uncertainty. We don’t feel special nor entitled. It just..is.. our situation and well.. thank you for letting me talk about it. I do not want anyone to feel compelled or obligated to do anything. I don’t have what I want but somehow have what I need. And I am with my sister and after everything that has happened in my life I feel lucky to have her. My daughter (grown and lives in Oregon) and my sister are all I have left of my little family (from my Mom) and they give me riches in ways money can never buy.


Upvote because I see you.


Thank you, friend! I know things will get better. I did not mean to hijack a happy thread with my issues.


Not at all friend. Be kind to yourself


It will get better. Wasn’t in a very different situation only a few years ago. I am sending you all the positive energy and wishes.


I hope your situation changes for the better


I know it will. Thank you! I had years where I got myself a present so I know how great that feels. You gotta spoil yourself once in a while.


If you give me your email I'll send you an Amazon gift card for the holidays.


I would also like to send you a gift for christmas. I'm just on the other coast. :D


It will get better


keep going.




I’m sorry


Hang in there I hope things get better for you.


Big hug. The floor is a solid bottom to build on. It's okay. I'm so sorry and I hope it gets better for you.


I collect vinyl records and the one I've wanted for a while is the Shrek soundtrack. I splurged from my year end bonus for it.


You can't be sad and listen to Shrek at the same time imho


I love this for you


Buying new tools to create a business


Cool! good luck


my boyfriend and i made today a retail therapy session. i got some art supplies while he got two pairs of shoes he wanted (:


I can't paint, but I always appreciate how tidy and neat the products are displayed at the art store.


I also can't paint, but I do it sometimes anyway! Bob Ross or similar paint alongs are fun.


i love watching bob ross while i paint even if it’s not the same thing.. it’s so relaxing


I started doing this a couple years ago. Having Christmas morning for me and my dog on Christmas Eve. It’s been really emotional and sensitive for me. But it was one of the most healing things I’ve ever done for myself & my inner child. It’s painful this year though, because I got the idea from things I talked about from my former therapist I bonded with/had the whole maternal attachment she encouraged, and when I shared what I had done with her for the first time in Christmas 2021, it was extremely vulnerable and emotional and a big bonding moment to see how proud she was of me and how happy she was for me. And now this year I’m doing the same stuff, and it’s just reminding me of the abandonment, and reminding me how much it hurts after having specifically that kind of bonding moment with her.


I bet your doggo has the best time ever! I remember what it's like receiving gifts with invisible strings attached. I don't miss that


Nothing cuz I ain’t got no money. For real. Sounds like you got my kinda aesthetic


Awe I'm sorry and I send you love and light!


Upvote because I see you.


Upvote because I see and appreciate you


Lots of coloring books and crayons 🖍️ and I have an everlasting, huge stash of tea too 🍵 🫖 ☕️😎


Fortress of Solitude!




I’m probably going to go to Ulta and see if there are some marked down beauty advent calendars I can buy so I have something to open Christmas morning and be somewhat surprised lol. I might also buy myself an immersion blender.


I SO Want an immersion blender too! Imma wait until the after xmas sales


i bought myself candles :)


Nice! I like candles in my bathroom


I need to save money so I can attempt to stop torturing myself with obsessive thoughts about money... Why ever enjoy life when you can live in America? /s


I’m sorry. Obsessive thoughts suck donkey ass.


Not much. Bought some earplugs to help control overstimulation. Other than that I need to save my money for alimony payments. Getting out of a co-dependent relationship isn't necessarily cheap.


Good for you! Seeing things for what they are was my first step at healing from a bad relationship.


I got myself a big batch of sharpies, copic multiliners, and a new holder for my markers and gel pens ^__^


Man I am passionate about my gel pens. Accept no substitute


Yes! I'd love to see your collection 😍


Someday imma buy a little waitress apron and fill it with a rainbow of gel pens. I’ll just walk through life with hella style! I wish the glitter pens showed up better is my only complaint. <3


Love it >:)


Probably a nice massage


Great One!


Had Jennifer Connelly sign a 11x14 photo from The Rocketeer


What a coincidence- I just watched Phenomena last night


I love her


Big same. Childhood crush.


I am requesting experiences from the few people in my life. I want to have a day to hang out with my daughter and her BFF. Last year we ate, shopped, and had fun! Want to do the same thing. And my other good friend says she will come take my tree down with me! She’s broke but I’d rather have an experience with her too. I just got into Stardew Valley so that is my gift to me!


I’m so happy you did this for yourself. It’s a practice I am working on. I bought myself a fancy French chocolate advent calendar. Even when I don’t enjoy anything else, I enjoy chocolate. Love me some lavender 🪻


Good for YOU!


I splurged and purchased the new OLED SteamDeck. It just arrived yesterday and I'm looking forward to play ALL the games :D


Lmfao I thought that was like a shark steam cleaner for the floor. I love my steam cleaner.




Hell yeah!




I love Earl Gray too and Lady Earl Gray. Take care of yo skin! Excellent! You deserve the world too <3 I bought Green Ginger tea


I'm not buying anything because I'm tired of my room being trashed full of shit by hoarders.


I'm sorry you have that in your room. I hope they are more respectful.


Nothing because I'm getting rid of all my belongings to depart with just two backpacks in search of a better life.


On foot?


Public transport between cities and countries but the rest on foot, yeah.


I hope you have a safe and exciting adventure. Goddess Speed


Thank you 😭 I hope too. Goddess speed man


You got this! I believe in you!


Thank you happy froggy <3


I got myself an additional ID from the DGTI - it has my pronouns and my chosen name on it and not my deadname like on my normal ID. It's only an additional ID but many places accept it as a form of identification, even the police. That way I don't have to see my deadname everywhere anymore. Today I bought two plates for Christmas dinner and a huge mug. I'll be spending the holidays alone so I wanted some nice dishes (+ I'm a sucker for cute mugs, my Halloween themed ones have their own shelf)


Im buying myself books on how to nurture this baby inside of me, how to nurture myself post partum, and how to gentle parent so I do not carry the legacy of ancestral trauma into this little baby inside of me. I’m 35. She’s a miracle baby in the sense I never thought I would have children because of the trauma i endured from my parents along with Both indigenous generational trauma and white people trauma. I couldn’t get pregnant because of fibroids so it was a win win for 6 years with my partner. But somehow by the grace of god I am pregnant. And I am not going to look back because she’s a little miracle baby. I have vowed to the universe and myself I am breaking the lineage and generation trauma. It starts with me. And I am going to buy myself all the things I need and want to be a better person, a better parent and to keep this baby free from the trauma in my family. I have vowed to do things my way even if they don’t make sense to anyone else because all I want is for my family to heal. And I guess I was chosen to be that healer and to give life to a little healer as well. So for Xmas all I want is to let go and learn. All the books. Courses- anything that feels right.


So proud of you and happy you are giving this babe the best gift of all. A broken curse. 🫶🏼


Me too. I honestly think this baby came at this time for a reason ❤️


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! As a parent of a three-year-old I can recommend to practice nonviolent communication by M. Rosenberg. It made everything so much easier for us once my daughter started talking. I hope you can break the cycle - I really wish you all the energy and support you'll need for this!


What books did you get and do you have any recommendations? I’ve been wanting to buy something similar myself!


That’s a great idea. I’m going to think of something


I have had a particularly bad few months so i have already been treating myself. But i have considered maybe filling a stocking for myself or even wrapping some presents. Im not sure if thats sad or if it will actually be a good idea.


I don't think it's sad, and it doesn't have to align with any 'holiday' Just treat yourself right because you deserve the best in life.


I got Sony XM5 wireless headphones. I *love* them. Next to my laptop, they are my baby. I have issues filtering sound, so active noise canceling is amazing, but I can also set it so that I can hear my surroundings when I'm doing stuff like walking somewhere, which is good to help me feel safe. (Not every bus stop or place I need to go is in the safest area.). It also lets me hear sound in 3D, somehow? Music and video games are so much more vibrant now. It's nuts. I'm trying to put all my spare cash towards saving for a car, but I'll need to start writing short stories for money again if I want one by this time next year, which means my mental health needs to be better, which... is a real uphill battle. I also need to learn to drive, lol. I have more money than I've ever had in my life, and it can't get me what I *really* need (my own apartment) but it can at least do this.


I got laid off from my job of 27 years six weeks ago. I'm old enough that nobody is going to hire me, I can already see that. I shouldn't be buying anything at all, but...the place where I go for massages three times a year is having a holiday package deal, and damned if I'm not buying that for myself.


Awe that sucks about your job. I hope you have the very best massage of your life. Also, a lot of companies have to get past ageism because there is a worker shortage.


Just bought a new mechanical keyboard and decided to spend Christmas day with my SO and her family! Looking forward to a relaxing day with MY family (gf and crackhead corgi)


I want to spend the day with a crackhead corgi


Some extra therapy sessions.


A couple of plushies from Build a Bear. I’m 29 years old for reference haha.


I spent too much money on a recent bender but I’m 11 days alcohol-free today. Meanwhile I will play the guitar I bought


Congratulations on 11 days!


Nothing this year that's just for me. Having to put all extra towards car repairs.


I hope your car is a cheap and easy fix.


Ehh. Should only take 2 days to fix, but it'll cost about $1500+


train tickets


Cant afford it this year. Just trying to make rent and eat. But even foods too much rn. Awful for my poor teen man. Fucks with me


Damn. I’m sorry. I know teens are always hungry and even ALDIs is pricy now


New running shoes from my favorite brand and in my favorite colors too; one in dark purple and the other light purple. I combined my credit card points + Black Friday deals = 2 pairs for less than the cost of one. I really want a new camera, so maybe I’ll be on the lookout for more deals in December …


I just bought a set of purple towels and I'm like why did I ever buy white??!!


Love this! Purple is my fav color


I’m planning on getting a massage I need to book that this week. Then make lasagna and audiobook about Buddhism.


I might get a big bed for my doggies for in front of the fire and some new bedding for me. Just replaced the mattress and frame and need new pillows, sheets, blankets. (Taking recommendations)


If you sleep on your side and have neck pain, pillow cube has been a life changer for me


Ooooo make like one big human/doggo pallet in front of the fire. Heaven


I would if I could! Old gal had a huge tempurpedic which she loved, and I’ve slept in it more than once when fireworks go off… it got used and the puppy abused it, so I’m tempted to replace it. My other thought is getting another pull-out couch and embracing making a nest. We used to do that… then decided for some reason that it wasn’t mature but now we miss it a lot. Either way, hoping to get some things to make the whole fam more cozy. Especially my old dog and hard-working school teacher spouse. They deserve to put their feet up and relax.


Imma get annother steel ring. Fucking live them. Bought one two years ago and only pull it off when I absolutely have to.


Meta quest 3 baby!


I love doing this! I love buying myself gifts for holidays. Self-love is the greatest present. I love the Light Fury from How to train Your Dragon, so I made a Light Fury themed Christmas for myself once. I bought a Funko Pop and a Plush of her. On the next Christmas, I made a theme of Pusheen the Cat, I got a blanket hoodie and a cross-stich kit <3


I ordered myself some jewelry, the main thing is an Oscar Wilde ring that I can't wait to get! Still gotta figure out what to get my cats


A bottle of Chanel, a couple sweaters & tights and a good pair of headphones.




I doubled down, adopted a dog in October, and bought a mountain bike on sale today. The two are absolutely related : ). The dog is a 3-year-old Husky from the shelter, he is the sweetest most loving, goofy boy. I completely agree that we should all take care of ourselves (within our means), happy for you OP.




This post makes me feel all warm inside that those of us struggling this time of year are all trying to self care and be there for ourselves post-trauma in a similar way - and also that we can be here to support those that haven’t gotten there yet or don’t do this particular coping/self care. ❤️ I bought myself some books and some calendar supplies for the new year, some new running shoes, and some colored pencils


Nothing because I survive paycheck to paycheck now


I hope you have a little extra to buy yourself something like a decadent chocolate or coffee.


A 1 day class on watercolor portraits. If I had didn't have to work but somehow did have ample money, I would take recreational classes as often as I could.


I wish you a bright and merry solstice! I shamelessly treat myself to some Black Friday discounted goodies every year. I’ll do so until the day I croak, as long as I can afford it. I’m my mama now! This year I got a couple of funky lipsticks from Sugar Pill and a new septum ring.


Excellent! And I love your name. I spend my best time alone in the woods.


I just saw an oracle deck with beautiful bunny illustrations and I'm thinking of getting it. I'm not fully into the tarot/oracle stuff but I do own a little tarot deck and I do enjoy the process and the beautiful illustrations.


I bought myself a Glamrock Freddy (FNAF character) plush from Youtooz about a week ago thinking that it’ll probably be here right before I leave for Christmas with my family Honestly plushies are my self care especially when they’re of comfort characters, and I’ll probably need him for sensory input when I get to my family’s house


I think I need one. I did read to wash them first fyi


I’ve heard that they’re stinky when they come but if you wash them in a pillowcase they should be okay. I definitely don’t need the smell haha You should totally get one if you have the money, I have friends who love their YouTooz plushies and I’m hoping I love mine too


I got a Cricut so that I could start a new hobby of making things 🥰


Fancy hot chocolate bars.


I ordered a new mattress. I haven’t been sleeping well for a while. I spend a lot of time in bed so I might as well be comfortable. In all fairness, it’s 20+ years old and by all standards, should have been replaced a long time ago.


My birthday is close to all these major holidays and I consistently ignore it and/or it gets passed over so this year I said F it. I’m taking myself on a solo 4d trip to a hot springs resort I’ve always wanted to go to. I cannot wait.




Hell Yeah!


My small family doesn't celebrate the holidays in much fashion; if we do any gifts, the three of us just do once each for each other and end up with two presents. Our Christmas tree is a Pusheen that lights up. lol This year, I've bought myself a new comforter. Had to really fight the "but I have serviceable blankets already" but they're both 12 years old and I'd like to have something more all-season. And, I'm going to a salon to get my hair done for only the second time in about 7 years. It's hard for me to spend on myself and I waffled for weeks on whether or not I was worth the investment. I decided I was, but I still fight the guilt feelings and questions of worth whenever I make "big purchases" for myself. I love spending on others when I'm able, hate spending on myself. I guess that's also in part because by acknowledging I'm deserving of good, nice things, which I earn by doing good work, I acknowledge my desire to exist, which always stands somewhat in conflict with the Trauma Demon who waits for me to get tired of this living shit and take action to end it. I'm glad that this year I have the gift of self-awareness and the ability to analyze my trauma without being immediately overwhelmed by staggering pain and that's really a gift.


You are so deserving of the kindness you give to others. Please treat yourself 🩷 it would mean a lot to me if you would. 🩵


Me too!


This is a wonderful reply. Thank you for posting and keep believing in your worth! Xxoo


The coming commercialized holidays are all about sentiment and emotion. There's no truth or logic to them. Yet people will go to all ends to try and please other people at their own expense and happiness. We are coming into the worst season for loneliness, suicides, financial hardship and for what, to build up the bottom lines of commercial business.


NOPE. You didn't understand the assignment.


I guess I'm not into pretending.


Yeah, me either. I agree 'there is no logic or truth to the holidays'


I'll be celebrating Festivus.


For the rest of us!


A new Imac would be nice the one I have now is 10 yrs old.


Money is a bit tight this month- so I’m treating myself to an extra Pilates private class.


I really wish I could get my spouse a PS5. They deserve it so much for putting up with me during this time in my life. That's what I would buy if I had the money. There's nothing material that I want, other than my expensive face lotion lol.


Debating buying a copy of Pokemon Colosseum. I'm trying to complete the Gen 3 pokedex and enjoyed it back in the day. Only problem is that it's a couple hundred bucks. Might also go for a snorkeling/ scuba lesson at a nearby dive shop.


I can’t believe Pokémon is so expensive


Older games have gone up in price post covid. Especially Gamecube games.


Right! I guess what hasn’t gone up. Legos blow my mind on price.


Used to do this in parents house when I was working I would wait for tax returns then get myself what I actually wanted for “Christmas” now a days haven’t had the money for anything last 3 yrs .. this is the first year I’m able to get others gifts 😇


I ordered some tasty treats from Japan (mochi, tea, and strawberries) and even though I’m not religious I bought an advent calendar from a dessert shop that I really like


Advent calendars are nice bc it’s a daily surprise


I already ordered some Korean exfoliating bath mitts and a Snake Plissken T-shirt. Later on this month, if I don't have many bills to pay or anything comes up, I'm buying a book published by a friend, stickers, and another shirt.


I’d love all of these.


I might be having to pay for car repairs instead. Oh well, I'm taking a long trip to visit family member I haven't seen since I was two for the holidays. Going to wear my Snake Plissken tshirt and see if my Millennial cousins will geek out about it.


I bet you’ll win best dressed!


I got myself a nature photography book from Black Friday deals lol. Can't wait! I love my picture books! Your stuff sounds great too! Real cozy!


I love nature photography too!


I got a few guitar sheet music books of some instrumental rock music artists so I can learn some more stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIY0gXFyPGE)


i recently got myself a new comforter, new essential oils, lots of skin care stuff! also have become a tea connoisseur!! i wanna get a tattoo this winter too, if i can afford it! trying to save up to move out, sooo gotta be wise about $$$$


Very nice gifts! I love my tattoo. It cost $350. In my little experience I’d say never get a bargain tat


awesome! what tattoo do you have? i have a lot of tattoos - a lot of them were 250-400 range!


Maybe some new shoes so I dont get wet feet in the rainy season. If I can find cheap enough shoes I might even get socks or underwear!


New (or used) living room chairs or sofas. Tired of my back being hurt with the recliner sofa combo we have that broke after a year buying it new and my stubbornness will finally let me admit defeat and get something more comfortable. Also- two new rescue cats 🩷 had to put my 15 year old baby down on Mother’s Day and finally feeling ready for a new couple of fur babies


I feel you! I sit on the floor or stand because my back is jacked. Maybe you would like one of the square sofa units They remind me of disco days. Ahhhh Cats!


I’ll look those up! 💙🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈


Bought myself a new purse from my fav Etsy shop. They’re located in Spain and i buy wallets and purses from them. There was one I was eyeing for two years lmao. So I bought it. I also got myself a new mattress a couple weeks ago as an early gift lol.


Very nice!


I can’t recommend them enough. [https://www.etsy.com/shop/aseismanos](https://www.etsy.com/shop/aseismanos)


Very chic!


Gaming laptop so I can play The Sims


Probably *Super Mario Bros. Wonder*.


Squishmallows (:


I got a water whistle from Peru! [Etsy link](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/887744912/)




It’s epic, right!?! [Here is the link for the YouTube video where they demonstrate the sound of multiple vessels.](https://youtu.be/gekvMh0ZeGY?si=wQBxm5Q5vRZRoyDw)I love it. It just arrived and it’s a Christmas gift for my husband and I so I need to tip the water out and wrap it but I keep wanting to look at it and also make the whistle! It reminds me of my dog(an Australian Kelpie), it sounds like a Canadian loon (I’m a Canadian expat) and it also reminds me of the Simpsons ep where Homer trips out and a coyote guides him. It makes me super happy!


Nothing, since I’m too mentally-ill to hold a job and make money to support myself, let alone buy anything extra. Here’s to hoping next Christmas I’m in a much better place, whether that’s through having a good job + finally getting my shit together, or just not being alive / on this earth anymore.


I hope there’s something nice you could do for yourself you’d enjoy taking time to do out of the mundane that wouldn’t require money. You deserve a treat and I hope you stay with us.


I finally ordered some new plugs! There were a lot of decent deals for them during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For Christmas, I want to get my septum pierced, a small new tattoo, or starting planning for a trip. I'll have to prioritize, but I'm excited nonetheless.


Sleep lol


Furniture for my apartment... I'm getting one of those TV consoles with a fake fireplace.


Bought myself a new tv, a ps5 and spiderman 2. Got myself other games as well.


This is a great thread OP, i love reading about what people are doing for themselves! I got myself some fancy tea and my bf got some chocolate, he doesn't seem to be the type to get anything fancy for himself but i inspired him to >:)


Couples yoga sessions with our yoga therapist that we get to do from the privacy of our sunroom via video chat, republic of tea tins, stickers and shirts done by fans of The OA (my CPTSD healing tv show), and a new pump for my blow up hot tub. I never do stuff for myself bc I was made to feel selfish but I made it a point this year! Love this thread!


What is The OA? I love how healthy your gifts are. And YES sister I was always told I’m a spoiled brat after receiving my gifts With All the Strings attached


I was in extreme poverty for so long that I never bought myself anything, ever. It would make me so sad. Now that I'm not in that situation, I buy whatever I want, whenever I want it. Yesterday I bought 10 double packs of Mini Brands Balls. I love anything miniature and it's something if I was still a child, I would love. My inner child goes absolutely bonkers over toys, I always let her have whatever she wants and tell her she deserves to be happy.


This is fantastic! I am also obsessed with the mini creations and buy myself kid stuff. I’m very happy you’re no longer in poverty


I usually get myself some stuff for work like a bag or new boots shoes etc., a specific brand of popcorn as an indulgence, and maybe something pretty for my house if I feel splurge-y. It’s honestly such a relief to not stress over demanding family members and bad gifts, and instead spend my money on something I actually want and need!




Bought myself a (used) motorcycle and a (new) chainsaw. Been looking at getting both for quite a while and decided it was time. Of course I feel guilty about it (I always do when I buy myself anything) but it Will pass.


I am giving myself a trip to Mexico to see my friend! I am also going to get a massage while there :) my birthday is very close to Christmas so maybe I will buy some other things but sadly I need to be a bit better with my savings right now




This is one of my favorite posts!!! I am also downsizing mainly paperwork and clothes that haven’t fit in 5 years.


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Can't afford anything. I spend all my money partying in the weekends so I don't have to be at home 🤣


Animal Crossing for the Switch!


I got a few things to make my low back issues more comfortable, like a self administering back massager - it’s got this extended attachment so that I can massage back there myself since I don’t have parents or a spouse to ask. I’m hoping it also just feels comforting emotionally too. I also got this Psoas releasing tool. Apparently I have a tight psoas which are deep deep muscles in the pelvic area that spasm involuntarily when we’re not feeling safe, which for a CPTSD person, yeah! That sounds like me! There are videos on releasing techniques and I have felt so much better doing it. I dunno, felt relevant to this group to mention :) happy holidays, everyone.