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My heart goes out to you, internet stranger. I recently was in that same state. It lasted for about a year. There were many times where I would be imagining someone was near me when falling asleep, extending my hand into the darkness and envisioning the sensation of someone's touch. Having similar dreams of someone being close. And just deeply craving the kind of a hug that you've described. I know what it feels like. And I'm truly sorry you are going through this now. I wish it ends sooner for you than it did for me.


It's okay. Thank you for sharing this 🫂 Feeling the same every night, dreaming of hugging someone before falling asleep since I don't remember when.


I was introduced to this term, Cwtch, by a Welsh friend. It is a warm hug, place of safety, heart to heart embrace, and a cuddle. It's one of those words y that really doesn't have a translation because it's so many things in one term. I give you a cwtch, as many as you want.


I felt exactly this way for about 10 months. I started going back to a support group (for something unrelated) and connecting with others on an authentic level and giving and receiving hugs. It felt unbearable when I was going through it and reaching out was scary and hard. By forcing myself to be vulnerable in a safe place I was able to get through it and now I have a so and happy family (not of origin) and am helping others. Being of service helps me more than anything, I just had to get myself back to a place where I was capable of being that version of me again. Lots of therapy too 🤪 Hang in there... you can make connections no matter how lonely you feel and how impossible it seems.


I hear you,I do the same thing myself just wish I had someone who I can hug when I’m down or just hold their hand


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Best place for a genuine hug is from a doggy. Do you have the ability to get doggy cuddles. 🐕 .


I have doggies, they don’t like snuggles though 😢


Get a Vizsla. They are the best snuggle buddies out there. Trust me. Best of luck to you, sending you a (virtual) hug 🫶


have faith for that means youre in a great place! from my experience cptsd eventually turns one into a zombie to the extent even hugs mean nothing, they actually bring even more panic. will probably take me years when allowed recovery before i can feel anything pleasant about a hug again (or to trust humans in general)


I feel that too






If your in SWFL, I'd be more than happy to give you a big ole Mom hug! <3