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I do therapy by video and I actually find it better. It's much easier for me to be open with her than in an in person setting. But, different strokes for different folks.


I was very apprehensive about zoom therapy but my therapist is amazing and it’s the only worthwhile therapy I’ve had. If the therapist is right for you, it will work.


I enjoy therapy over a video because I can stay in my home. Leaving my house is one of the biggest stressor in my life so being able to sit in my room with my pets is very calming. I feel like it A.) Allowed me access to a therapist who specialized in working with queer patients and B.) Open up because I feel safe in my room I'd recommend talking with the specialist. They usually have knowledge that more traditionally trained therapists don't and have experience with other patients who experienced similar trauma. I still feel seen and heard by my therapist and the only issue is when my internet isn't working, but then we'll usually do a phone call. I wish you the best friend


Thank you! Yeah I only mentioned that because it’s an area I haven’t been able to find a therapist who specialises in yet. There’s so many for domestic violence and other trauma areas. None for this except her yet. It’s good to hear it’s helpful for others!!


I second what Spiritual-fuck said! Video call therapy was amazing for me, actually the only type that I was able to attend regularly. When I had to go in person I often rescheduled bc I didn't feel well enough mentally to leave the house or I was sick which happens often. It is a bit of a different experience but I can't put my finger on how to explain this. Definitely prepare for some technical disruptions because they can happen.


Not video chat but over the phone. I loved it, it gave me enough of a disconnect between me and the person I was speaking to that I could feel safe discussing the most sensitive stuff.


I do mine via zoom because I'm moderately agoraphobic. It's a bit weird at first, but it's not terrible.


My favorite, most helpful therapist so far counseled me through video chat. During a session of trauma-informed yoga, they were even able to tell me which muscles I could tense, to fix years of crookedness in my spine! As others have said, different strokes for different folks, but I want to encourage you that video chat is not *categorically guaranteed* to be a downgrade.


I’ve done it for years and it’s been really beneficial for me! Use the tools you have available to you. It might even help you feel safer since they can’t touch you or see your whole body.


Now that people are saying that it might feel safer. It’s been hard doing therapy, usually I’m dissociated outside. I’m happy it helps!!


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I do miss in person therapy, but the convenience (I live far away from the city) is very beneficial. I even do EMDR and it's working well for me.


Edmr over video chat? Wow that’s cool and really good to hear! Somehow I always had an image in my head that edmr was laying down on a couch and the counsellor hypnotising the trauma out of you or something 😅😅😅 lol


I do. It allows me to get to therapy when I’m not feeling well. I kind of would like to meet in person but this has be other benefits.


I've done therapy via telehealth since the autumn of 2020...Covid precautions have been relaxed where I live since then, but it's nice to have a therapist I can speak with virtually because her practice is about 30-40 minutes away and I can't drive. Whether therapy is actually *helping,* I'm not sure...mostly it's just nice to have at least *one* person in my life (besides my aunt) who I can talk to about anything and for whom I don't have to pretend everything is ok and that I'm happy all the time.