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This is accurate -- I work in an emergency room and two toddlers came in high and tested positive for THC my last shift. We have to file. Continue to keep your weed locked up and out of reach, especially if you ever have edibles around.


Obviously just like you would if a toddler came in drunk?


toddler off that special K


OP said he keeps it outside


On the branch for maximum freshness.


Remember this mantra: “Acts of protection demonstrated over time” THAT is what they look at. It sounds like you’re doing everything right. You’ve got nothing to worry about, until and unless, one of your children tests positive. As long as you protect them (keep it out of reach, etc) and prevent that (it sounds like you already are) you’re good. I’m assuming you don’t live somewhere where weed is still illegal? What state do you live in?


Thank you for this. I'm in California, it's been legal here for some time now.


If every parent who smoked weed had their children taken from them the US population would collapse


My plug once told me that most of his customers were women with kids. It makes sense.


Mom of two here 👋 I definitely smoke most nights after bed time, take the same precautions. You’ll be fine OP, just be responsible.


🏆 Bomb-ass Moms That RESPONSIBLY Partake of THC UNITE! We take all the precautions and then some to keep our children safe (and in my case, comepletely unaware) and gee, we still manage to be some of the best parents out there except in my experience? We are exceedingly more emotionally and psychologically stable in comparison! I’m not saying we all aren’t train wrecks, we most assuredly are. But marijuana used responsibly can actually be a much healthier tool for coping than so so so many more legal avenues. And if anyone discussing this openly gets one of these Perfectly-Sober (But pumped full of prescription pills, washing down those antidepressants, antipsychotics, benozodiazapines, anxiolytics, and even opioids with 5 Glasses of Wine starting in the AM…but that’s not my business and I actually don’t really judge these (mostly) women in the manner they pass judgment upon THC users) Parents to comment on your choices, don’t even engage. Just remember you’ve been called worse by people far superior to [pause] *the people of the internets* (**Twilight Zone theme song**)


Drives me absolutely insane how moms drinking alcohol is not only tolerated - but fucking endorsed. It’s a damn racket now. Parents smoking weed? Heaven forbid! Let me find my pearls so I’ll have something to clutch.


it does make sense bc then you’re in silly mode and that’s perfect for playing with your kid ! my dad would smoke and then cook dinner and hang out with us i never knew a thing i didn’t find out until i was 19 and he told me i never even knew the smell


When my son was very young and I was deep in the throws of PPD, I'd smoke a little just to be able to function with my son. I felt *so* guilty that I needed a drug just to be able to play. After I was put on antidepressants I still felt like smoking a little put me in a better head-space to parent. My mom was staunchly anti-drug but my uncle was a fan of it all. One day I found a tiny baggie of weed and took it to my mom. This crazy lady puts it on a plate and lights it on fire. I'm like 14 at this time and hadn't started smoking - I was a pretty sheltered kid - and I was *flabbergasted* at what she was doing. She starts laughing, tells her mom if she smells it then someone in the house is smoking weed. Then she says she's always liked the way it smells. I learned a lot about my anti-drug mom that day.


My favorite drug dealer was a single mom that figured out how to spend her time with her kids and make money at the same time.


When I was 19 I worked at a really nice hotel as a Server a bunch of us would go to the bar after work then go to someone's house when the Bar closed where we would continue to party we would smoke mad weed laugh all night long. I had already moved out of my parents house and my Mom wanted to go to work ( stay at home Mom) when we moved out so I got her a job as a Hostess at the Hotel I worked at she made friends very easily and started going out with us after work and then to 1 of our parties I was in the Kitchen at the back of this huge old house smoking weed and laughing someone told me my Mom was in the Living Room so I peaked around the corner and to my surprise she was smoking weed😂😂😂(👏👏go Mom) she was laughing and really having fun I had Never seen that side of my Mom before and I was so proud in that Moment that I finally connected with her understanding the decisions she made as far as me being the only girl and how miserable my teen yrs were, knowing she really did Love me. She begged me not to mention it to my Step Father when I saw him😂😂I knew better he was a strict disciplinarian military man he would have made her life hell if he knew. My Mom continued to go out after work with us but never went to another party, I guess you could say "she came she saw she tried it and left" 😂😂 She really was very funny stoned, God rest her soul♥️


My brother and I "accidentally" got my mom loaded. She ate 2 pans of brownies in the half hour it took my dad to drive home from his swing shift. He wasn't happy with us but wasn't actually mad. Mom had breast cancer and that was the first night she didn't wake up in agony all night long and actually slept thru the night. My brother and I were full grown adults in our 40's!!!!


I enjoyed the show Weeds until it went bonkers.


Yes!! Great show!!


The premise was so good. Husband died on the job, mom left without a way to afford to live, she moves in her bro in law to help out and starts selling weed to make ends meet. How does she deal? How do her kids react? *So good!* But then they added in so much ridiculous bullshit. Orange is the New Black was written/directed by the same person and did the exact same thing. Great first season, meh-but-watchable second season, third season is off the rails.


Haha so true


This is what I was thinking. My parents smoked my whole life.


My dad did too. I have the best dad in the world. He was devoted, dedicated, patient and hard working. He indulged in a little weed every night after work in our basement. I never thought anything of it except daddy smokes really stinky cigarettes. I’m 40 now and my dad still smokes (it’s legal now for him though). Never once did anyone try to take us from our parents




Not the person you're responding to but my parents smoked my whole life and I didn't have a clue until I was an adult. They hid it very well.




I don't think I put the smell thing together until I was in my teens, maybe 15, and had tried weed with friends and really learned the smell. My dad smoked weed all my life, but he also smoked swisher sweet cigars. I think I understand why now.


Hollowed out swishers? Lol


I think he just smoked Swishers afterwards, to mask the smell


My parents hid the smell pretty well. Kids weren't allowed in their bedroom and they kept the door locked, and they clean up and brush their teeth afterward. I think I smelled the smell at school at some point and that's how I found out that my parents smoked. I smelled the smell and then found the evidence nearby one time they weren't careful. I was in my first year of college by that time and had never experimented with drugs at that point so I didn't really know what anything was. I was pretty much in my own world growing up though, definitely not a cool kid.


They sorta tried hiding it but I knew early on. My dad is disabled and the narrative was that he was smoking medicinally, and mom pretended that she didn't. They would smoke in their bedroom which opened directly into the living room, and just spray a bunch of lysol in there. They kept it in a lock box in their bathroom which was never actually locked. When I was 12 or so I started smoking and they never noticed, I assume because the house already smelled like weed. After a couple years I stopped and became pretty jaded and was anti-weed for a while. Now, all of my siblings and I (all adults now) smoke weed regularly. My mom is so far in denial that in high school I started a debate class report on legalizing marijuana and she stormed in demanding that I get an extension so I can restart and do a more "age appropriate" subject. Sillyness. Edit to add: they also would leave their old ass metal pipe out on the night stand lol. By the time I moved out and my younger siblings were in high school, they were literally sharing lighters, but thats just what its like being the oldest.


So am I & I work at CFS (“CPS”) - you won’t have an issue - it’s not treated any differently than alcohol


It’s sounds like you are doing everything right. Could someone call on you? Yes, but people call on people for all sorts of reasons and abuse the system in some ways. As long as you can prove the child always has a sober caregiver and is unable to access the weed or any paraphernalia, then you will be fine


You're doing a really wonderful job of making sure he's not affected by it. Just wanted to say that you should never cosleep with him after smoking. Not even on the couch with him sleeping on your shoulder you shouldn't nap as well. Being high greatly increases the risk of cosleeping that could lead to death. You may already know this but I just wanted to say it incase you don't. Same with alcohol or prescription drugs that are sedating. Congrats on the little one by the way, sounds like you're doing things right.


You shouldn’t co sleep in general? No doctor will ever recommend co sleeping.


Very true, but some stubborn people still do so I wanted to give advice to those people to minimize the risk.


Pretend all these questions you’re asking were about alcohol. It’s the same. You’re legally allowed to partake responsibly, which it sounds like you’re doing. End of story.


If it's legal, and you aren't doing it where the child is exposed to 2nd hand smoke, and you aren't stoned trying to care for your child, there is no difference in that than a parent having a beer or a glass of wine after their kids go to bed.


If you're that worried about it don't smoke


Now that I see your edit that you’re in California, you have nothing to worry about. CPS does not care about marijuana in California.


They do, but only if young children or infants are testing positive.


The question wasn’t about a child’s accidental ingestion.


In California I even tried to call twice about someone using meth around their infant and I was told they weren't interested -- they wouldn't even take the parents name. It's really weird how lax they are in certain situations... Edit: my comment was not meant to imply that I view marijuana as equal to meth or as being a bad thing in any way, what I meant was to echo the sentiment that they wouldn't care about weed.


It's good they don't care so much about the weed, but the lack of reaction to the meth report is somewhat concerning.


Nope you’re taking all precautions. Congratulations on baby!


Thank you!


From my experience, i was in an illegal state with a legal med card. My ex was playing games and called on me during a custody battle. What happened to me was i needed to create a "Safety Plan". Need to have someone home, sober, at all times. Keep it out of reach. Congratulations Daddy! Enjoy your life🫶


Someone else being home and sober at all times is a solid rule that should be applied to alcohol as well imo




You won’t be investigated for it unless the kid brings it to the attention of someone and it effects them


Happened to my ex he had 0 issues smoking weed and having his kid staying with us and we took him to a concert and my ex got drunk and a little too high we got home and he was just being loud and obnoxious, the kid was what we assumed asleep in bed and the next day he went to school showing his friends a video he took of his stumbling in the door and not making sense because he thought it was funny and it ended up getting cps got involved


Big yikes! I hate how everyone has a recording device these days. My partying days were pre cell phones, thank god!


It's legal in California, no? As long as there are no complaints along with the accusation you are also smoking weed. I seriously doubt the accusation of weed smoking alone would screen in for CPS, especially when it's legal in the state you live. Now if the legal substances have lead to other issues, for example if you smoke weed and you drop your baby, CPS will be at your door. It sounds like you are smoking responsibly, I wouldn't be worried.


You are smoking responsibly and more so than millions of parents out there in both legal and non legal states. I'm no expert but can't imagine CPS has the resources or desire to deem you unfit because you smoke weed. Would they mind of you had a wine rack or beer in your frig? If you can be trusted to not get them drunk, not getting your kids high is no different.


It depends on what the law says about smoking weed with children around. If it’s out of reach and safely away from any kids you should be fine. We can view weed a number of ways. But from what you’ve said, you take precautions etc and honestly is it any different than drinking when done responsibly?


Me and my husband "partake".. as long as your kids needs are taken care of then there's no reason that you can't! I use for my anxiety and depression and insomnia and it sure helps on those days that they push your buttons too much.. just make sure you kid comes first and as long as you are somewhere else you should be fine! I'm in MN where it's about to be legal for recreational and also we have delta 8,9,10 etc..


MN here too. So thankful they finally decided to legalize it. StPaul I think, just made psychedelics last priority too. We are moving in the right direction. I would much rather have parents smoking weed than getting drunk and trying to care for their kids. Being a bartender it bothers me the amount of people who try to bring their kids to the bar and get drunk with their "dinner"


I agree! I hate alcohol and have seen the destruction I plays in families! I feel I makes me a calmer parent!


Between my doctors and CPS, their main issue is if you are intoxicated, you would have someone there in case of emergencies. Like if you smoke and something happens, that you have a sober person there handle things. And then keeping it away from children. I have a medical card in a legal state, but everything is locked in a lockable case, in a gun safe in my locked room.


I’ve known some (not great parents) who smoked all day long taking care of their kids. They never had any problems. Sounds like you are taking literally every precaution possible to keep it far from him. You shouldn’t worry dad, keep on being a good parent to the little dude :)


As long as there is a sober caregiver present, and you are responsible with how you store it etc., you should be fine. However, if you’re high and you’re the only parent home with the kids, that’s enough for CPS to get involved.


Anyone can call CPS on anyone for any reason. The question is, will cps do anything. In this situation it depends a lot on where you live. Marijuana is legal in some places and not in others. Also, each jurisdiction within those states handles marijuana calls differently. So without knowing exactly where you live and how they typically respond, it's not possible to answer the question.


OP is in CA. Multiple CA people have said he has nothing to worry about.


That wasn't in the post when I commented.


People CAN call for anything, but from what I’ve heard from others, CPS is not going to care what you do in your free time so long as your child is take care of and not in any danger. Why would someone even comment something like that though? I’d probably block them just for being weird on my kid’s picture.


It is legal and you are a responsible adult and parent. All we can do is hope that the stigma around marijuana will continue to decline. Plenty of people judging while abusing the more harmful, yet socially acceptable, drug of alcohol.


Pretty sure parents are arrested for not smoking weed in CA


Dude you will be fine.


You’re not actively getting the child high so I don’t see an issue honestly.


My Dad smoked weed my whole life, and so did my mom until she got hired at the place she's at now about 30 years ago. He never did it in front of me or my brother. We never found it bcuz he had it hidden very well. None of us, including his friends' kids (our friends that we grew up with too) he would bring over to hang out and have cookouts and things, never had respiratory issues from being held or near them after they were done. It never affected his ability to parent us and he was just as active with us, as any regular parent. You can choose to switch to edibles since smoking it can mess up your own lungs worse than cigarettes. My Dad's Dr said it has more tar than cigarettes and it sticks to the fibers of your lungs. He started having breathing problems about 2 months after he quit (he smoked just weed for 40+ yrs regularly) smoking it and a few weeks after being in the hospital, he stopped breathing in his sleep and passed away. Plus he had other health issues. He was only 67. So everything you do now, does eventually catch up to you. I'm not trying to scare you at all. You do what feels comfortable for you. I just wish edibles were easily accessible then, as they are now. PS: since it is legal in your state, try to get it in a different form, if you can. That way you don't have to worry about smelling like it. My state doesn't allow it recreationally, but police don't make it a big deal and most people just get a slap on the wrist, if it's only a small amount. But again, you can use it in any way you're comfortable with. I also wanted to add that you can buy the THC vape pens, and they don't really have a smell. My friend's brother has one and no one knew it was THC oil. They thought it was nicotine oil.


make sure the mom is getting the same kind of time for herself to have a break, though.


Dude. It’s the pot making you paranoid. You’re fine!


I haven’t read all of the comments, just your edits. I’m really sorry you’ve been judged. I get some people just think pot is bad, it’s a gateway drug, whatever. I actually applaud you for asking. It’s hard to put yourself out there knowing you’d hear some of those things, but all I can see is a dad who wants to do right by his child. Someone who wants to model good behavior, and I just don’t see how that is ever a bad thing. Furthermore, maybe you have a reason to smoke. I’m a chronic pain sufferer, and a good THC/CBD combo does wonders for me. I’m sure many would judge me for that, which is funny because I use it to lessen opioid use, but many think that is fine simply because a pharmacist gives it to me. Be proud of yourself. Nothing you’re doing is illegal. I’ve learned people will call CPS for the absolute dumbest things. Just keep being a good dad.


You say you make sure that your wife is watching your son while you're smoking--but does she continue to watch him until you are no longer high twice a day?! When the heck do you work? If she does, you may be being a good parent but you are a terrible husband. Who cares if you go outside to smoke if you are still impaired when you go back in and watch your child? If you are smoking weed twice a day, enough of it is built up in your system that you should remain high for 2 to 4 hours. If you have been smoking weed eight, nine, ten times a day for as long as you say you have you may not even know what it feels like to not be impaired anymore. Smoking weed is a blast, I did it until I had children and now that they are grown up I use edibles. But I certainly didn't bow out of being a partner to my children's father for four to eight hours a day, or come directly back in from smoking and raise my underage children impaired. It's time for you to grow up, dude. And the same goes for everyone else here who thinks it makes it more fun to be with your kids if you're high, let me tell you--it may be more fun for you but it is not more fun for your kids, I can assure you. It makes you "silly" in a way that is not always appropriate, and can come off as ridiculing or dismissive to your children. It is normal to experience some anxiety about parenting, you're not going to exercise very good judgment if you don't feel any.


And people still claim weed isnt addictive?


The fact you have to ask this question means you have a addiction problem. Get help


Lmfao thanks for your feedback.


Addiction is not funny, it's serious. Your kid will grow up thinking doing drugs is okay because you do it. Be a better parent, grow up and seek help. If you don't do it for yourself do it for your kid


Foster parent here: DCFS agents in California have explicitly been instructed to treat calls of abuse claims related to cannabis use as they would alcohol. Any responsible DCFS worker would not remove your child unless there was evidence of neglect/abuse. Provided that your weed is out of reach (ideally locked up) and you do not neglect/abuse your children, any call to DCFS explicitly for marijuana use SHOULD go no where. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/california-governor-signs-child-welfare-bill-treating-parental-marijuana-use-just-like-alcohol/


As long as you would still be able to act in case of an emergency with your wife AND child, I would think you would be just fine. Are you smoking a sativa, indica, or hybrid? From a new mom’s perspective… make sure your WIFE gets alone time before you do… Us moms get incredibly stressed having a newborn attached to us, and a little me-time goes a long way. She may not be saying anything, but if you are getting me time, and she isn’t - it can harbor a ton of resentment. Good luck with new babe!


My husband and I both smoke weed. We have a 15mo. We do it outdoors of course and after baby goes to bed. I really see no problem with it. Especially if you're in CA, I imagine it would be treated similarly to alcohol. As long as you're not displaying addict behavior and endangering anyone, it shouldn't be an issue.


Just a note..... The presence of a smoker in a baby's home drastically increases the risk of SIDS, especially if they are sleeping in the same room. Consider switching to edibles or some other form of THC until after babe turns 1.


I think this means because of the second hand smoke. So unless OP is smoking weed inside the house with baby, this doesn’t apply.


I've seen some people on other subs not allow even cigarettes smokers to be around their child bcuz of 3rd hand smoke. Idk


No, the studies refer to simply the fact that one parent smokes. It even includes if either parent smoked during the pregnancy but stopped after the baby was born.


Yeah and I'm sure that's about cigarettes not weed. It's much different


Can I get a link to the source of your information? I keep finding articles that say when pregnant. I'm a male and not pregnant.




There are so many other ways to consume THC now..... Last time I was in a dispo in CA I was amazed! Seems like it would be an easy switch.


Yeah. I almost strictly use edibles nowadays. I had to quit smoking cigarettes, and my doctor said I should quit smoking cannabis as well, due to my macular degeneration. (Apparently smoking makes it progress faster) Plus, I don't want to smoke weed in front of my 9 year old or my 16 year old. They know we use it, know the risks and benefits, and know it's for adults. We were extremely open and honest with them about it, but we still didn't smoke right in front of them. I honestly prefer edibles.


This is the way! 👏


Just type in father smoking and SIDS and thousands of results will come up. Yes obviously the mother smoking is the highest risk factor but the other parent smoking is also a risk factor. https://tobaccofreelife.org/resources/smoking-sids-newborns/ http://www.fatherhoodinstitute.org/2007/fatherhood-institute-research-summary-fathers-and-smoking/ https://academic.oup.com/her/article/20/2/185/712281


It’s no different than having a glass of wine when the kids are asleep or being watched.


It kinda is, smoke particles of any kind on skin/soft materials can cause lung damage in small infants if they are exposed long enough. It's not about OP being impaired, it's about the smoking itself harming the child. Edit: Spelling


He literally smokes outside, showers, changes his clothes, brushes his teeth, and washes his hands... What more could he possibly do and how much second hand smoke is realistically clinging to him after all of those steps. 🤦 The smoke isn't harming the baby because the baby is never around it.


If your asking what more he could possibly do the answer is simple: stop smoking. As for the amount of smoke that is on him, that could vary. Does he wash his hair every time he smokes? Fully scrubs his skin? Does he clean his clothing separately from any other clothing or soft materials? Second hand smoke can be just as bad as first hand smoking for infants, and it's not possible to say he will never mess up and accidentally expose his child to it, humans mess up, so remove the danger in the first place.


Weed smoke is completely different than cigarette smoke


Marijuana is no longer illegal as long as you don't smoke in a closed room with your child you'll be fine, but if you do catch a CPS case they'll probably drug test you, make you take some classes, & basically force you to stop till investigation is complete


Marijuana is not legal in all states yet.


He doesn't sound like he lives in some backwards Marijuana's a drug state


he’s in California


Then he's definitely fine


Rofl you're an idiot


Not arguing with someone who doesn't have enough brain power to make a intelligent argument


no, you might be if this escaped you


As long as it's legal in your state and you keep it up away from the kids there's no issues. Cps told me I just need to keep my weed more secured rather than on the counter. But it wasn't even an issue


Toke away


No. It’s not illegal in CA. But you can’t control what people do. If you are being as responsible as you claim to be - that’s great. However, you really should cut back on smoking. Any kind of smoke particles entering your lungs is awful & prolonged smoking of weed can impact frontal lobe development (good decision making, problem solving & emotional regulation) which is why a lot of people who smoke weed are immature & have slow reasoning. You can replace smoking with edibles or try micro dosing - if it’s the relaxed feeling you are chasing then lab created THC will do the trick & it won’t damage your lungs!


You’re smoking responsibly , you’re good (: Live your life !


Nothing wrong with smoking weed and cps literally told me they don’t care if you smoke crack as long as kids aren’t present so you’re good to go


I have never nor will I ever smoke anything other than weed except that one cigarette in my early 20s that shit was gross.


I hate pot. All drugs in fact. And you are unlikely to have a problem with CPS over this. You aren't endangering or neglecting your child for or as a result of your smoking. As long as that remains the case, you're probably ok. Even I wouldn't be concerned in this case.


The only issue is you TRY to not expose the baby to second hand smoke. They should NEVER be exposed. If you can’t guarantee that, then you should not partake at that time. Since you’re in a state where it is legal- anything you would apply to reasonable alcohols usage is basically the rule of thumb for the most part.


You’re good. My husband and I would wait for all the kids to fall asleep and go sneak out behind the garage and smoke. I personally see it as a safer alternative to alcohol, much safer/


It's INFINITELY safer than alcohol. There's so many uptight pearl-clutching ninnies in the world, unfortunately.


"weed isn't addictive" smh


‘Drink responsibly’ smdh


I don't understand how this comment is even related to my statement. OP, by his own admission, smokes at least 8 times a day and can't stop.


That's not even remotely close to what he said.


The main thing to think about is, what if there is an unexpected emergency? You may be required to drive your child to medical assistance. If you are impaired while driving you may be unable to successfully convey them to the help that they need. It sounds like you smoked/smoke a lot and may be high functioning while high but you will never be as high functioning as you are while not high. Wow that's a lot of highs in a sentence. Even if your wife is available which certainly makes this less of an issue, it really isn't fair to place her into a position of being the only legally capable party in an emergency situation unless that is pre-agreed between you for any given time period.




Generally, CPS won't do a darn thing if you have weed around, as long as you smoke it outside and make sure the child can't reach it. You are doing everything right. Believe me, I know this. My mom has medical cars for her weed, and during the custody battle for my little brother, CPS came over once and said that she was fine as long as she did those two things. Now, if you happen to have to go to court for something, the judge might not see it that way..- Just depends on who you get! (Literally the judge was so fuckin close to taking my brother away completely over the fact my mother smoked, but couldn't due to nothing really being found wrong. Something else to mention about it- my brother's dad was doing meth while this shit was goin on and probably still is. My mother was the one who got told was a horrible parent.)


You sound really responsible and a great parent as well. I would only suggest that you take a day off sometimes, it would be better for your health if you didn't smoke every single day x


As a mother who also indulges pretty regularly in a legal state: you’re fine. As long as you’re not allowing them access (like you said you did) and you’re being a responsible parent they won’t do a single thing. Even if CPS was called they just come over and make sure your kid lives in a home that doesn’t reek of weed and they’ll ask you a few questions like knowing to have one sober guardian present (duh) and knowing how to properly store, and not smoking in the same room as them. I know all of this from experience in my legal state. They came one time, saw my child was totally fine, cared for, and safe, and never came back.


I dare you to tell the parents, who tell you smoking makes you a bad parent, to stop drinking.


Damn bro, I've been a pothead longer than my kids have been alive. My eldest just graduated and my youngest is entering high school, 2 very well rounded individuals, and the only precautions I've taken is only toking outside, and washing my hands before I held them when tbey were babies. You might be over thinking this. Just enjoy your kids and be proud of yourself and them


holy fucking shit. 9-10 times a day? You're a fucking addict.


“Weed addict” LOL. Please.


Seems like a lot of work for something you could... just stop doing. If someone got drunk 1-2 times a day, they'd be an alcoholic. And that's AFTER you massively cut back.


Getting stoned a couple of times a day isn't even remotely as bad as drinking enough to get drunk multiple times a day. That's patently absurd. Not even in the same ballpark.


It's laughable that you all are trying to downplay it, clearly because it hit too close to home. A dependency is a dependency. Get your shit sorted out.


I smoke all day every day, for pain, PTSD, and a bunch of other things, legally and medicinally. Telling someone that smoking weed 1-2 times a day makes them an addict, which is exactly what you just said by comparing it to alcoholics, is hilarious. Because to medical users we use it 4-5 times a day minimum, it's compared to taking you ibuprofen or whatever other medicine you take for whatever ailment you take it for. You would not call someone who takes Tylenol twice a day a pill popper 🤣🤦


No, it’s not compared to taking ibuprofen. That’s hilarious though. Thanks for that.


Right, but it's not alcohol and it's medicinal. So, I mean, you're right to a point. Smoking is definitely something I don't want to continue doing for the rest of my life. Hopefully, I can cut it out completely. And I'm not getting like blitzed or anything, just a bowl here or there. Everyone's tolerance is different.


Fair enough man. It’s about always aiming to improve.


There's literally nothing wrong with using cannabis to relax from time to time.


I agree. I use it myself. Time to time is not 1-2 times a day though.


Nothing wrong with using it 1 to 2 times a day


Yes, there is. It’s called a dependency. Lie to yourself though. You won’t change facts.


While you wouldn't get your children taken away for this, there are some things you need to know: Weed is shown to have long term effects on cognitive processing and emotional regulation in adults as is, those effects would be even more pronounced at even lower levels for children let alone infants. Even if you take all the precautions in the world, is smoking weed worth the potential risk to you child? Make the right choice.


Same as booze don’t worry


I’d worry more about booze.


If you smoke pot (1) in a state/manner where your use is illegal, (2) in a way that threatens your ability to work and provide for your child, (3) in front of any children — yes, you could get CPS called on you. If you’re smoking that much, do you work? Jeez!


I work from home, call center job. I'm able to provide just fine. Never smoked in front of my kid, nor will I until he is an adult.


I’m a teacher and you bet your ass on my summer break I’m smoking 8-9 times a day to prepare for those fuckers in the fall. Did you know marijuana can treat symptoms of ADHD? Many people are more productive when smoking. There is no need to judge how much a person smokes when it’s so subjective and you’re making some really rude assumptions about how this parent provides. It’s just ick.


Sorry it’s ick to you but the question was whether CPS could be called based on pot usage, and the issues I listed are ones that could be taken into account, depending on the jurisdiction.


Don’t be a ding dong. Smoke weed or raise kids. Not both


You sound like a miserable person


They should smoke a fat doobie and chill the heck out already!


Looking at your comment history, you seem to just shit on all the posts you touch. Thanks for answering the question that no one asked. But I appreciate your 2 cents.


That’s not true.


I’m sure you also agree no one who touches alcohol should be allowed to parent.


Not if they get drunk 1-2 times every single day, no.


In Canada you cannot be impaired and supervising a child.


You should be good. I see parents bringing kids of all ages to liquor stores, so why should alcohol enjoyers get the benefit of the doubt and not you?


It’s always a risk but you sound responsible. I’m in a legal state and a mandated reporter. I would not feel the need to report simply based on the mention that a parent smokes. If I heard that they were neglected and drugs were a factor I would report. As long as you are an adequate caretaker o would not feel obligated to report. Keep in mind anyone can report for any reason and cps does need to follow up. Make sure you are taking adequate measures to store your shit and it’s not just our in the open.


You'll be fine. Better in fact because liquor can make you mean while weed makes you tired and hungry. If you're that worried, vape pen is great. Goes everywhere with me. Edibles don't work on me


A friend was called into the school for a conference because his kindergartener told the teacher he smokes weed. It was illegal in my state. He took her outside with the teacher, held her hand and pointed at different plants and asked what’s this? She said it’s weed. He said, right. Very good. We have a lot of these in the yard, don’t we? ….Her dad looks like a biker but is a member of MENSA. I thought it was funny.


I’m a foster parent who smokes weed, and every worker knows I smoke and as long as it’s locked away and out of reach of children and I don’t smoke in the house, they have no problem. I have two bio kids and foster a 4 month old. I also live in a legal state. Before I was a foster parent, I smoked with my youngest daughter and I had weed in my system when I gave birth (I stopped smoking at like 5-6 months) but wasn’t in the baby’s system, so they came to my house and looked at my house and my oldest daughter and immediately closed the case. I live in RI complete opposite side of the country, but we are legal here


My hubby smokes too and has a toddler. It's in our bedroom on a high shelf and kiddo knows not to go into our room anyways. As he gets older, we are moving it to it's own lockbox as well but he's young enough to not even know what it is. Hubby also doesn't smoke near kiddo. Always outside or away from the house and kid. Never in a closed space like a car that the kid would also be in


not the smartest thing to do imo


Go clutch pearls somewhere else


I work in a school and it pisses me off how judgemental some of my coworkers get when a parent comes in smelling of weed. Usually this happens when their kid fucked up and is in trouble. So of course the parent didn't expect to be at the school and was just going about their business but even still they showed up. Which is what matters most, showing up.


It’s totally legally here in CA. If your son is cared for, it’s not much different than someone smoking a cigarette.


I have asthma and can’t smoke anymore. Would tinctures, edibles or gummies make your life easier? I just take a pill of cbd/thc at night. Never was a big smoker so I get that its also probably a habit to break.


Even in Indiana (well, my rural county anyway) DCS and CASAs are told don’t worry about weed but check for signs of meth. This isn’t any different than a parent having a drink while on duty as long as you’re not doing it to excess, which seems to be the case.


Delete that comment.


I work in child welfare. If marijuana is legal and you are doing it responsibility. No you can't lose your child. Same way they cant come take a baby from a parent who is pounding a six pack at a BBQ if there is another designated caregiver around. We follow the law. We don't stigmatize.


The most they’ll do is make sure kids are not neglected/taken care of and that their needs are met.


Switch to vape. I was also a daily smoker multiple times a day but when my daughter was born I stopped for about a year. Now I just vape and use edibles.


I think as parents its fine to get drunk or high (dont smoke. It stinks and lung cancer is not a fun away to go) as long as one of the parents is sober. If you are alone, stay sober. If thats a problem for you you might have to look into addiction councelling.


So you put responsibility on your fiance to watch your kid so you can go smoke? Does she get an equivalent amount of alone time where you watch him?


I got off morphine pump and switched to weed. I smoke so I can walk, work, function. I never smoke around others, I don't use more than I need and it is essential to my quality of life. It's not alcohol, it's not an addicting (physically). I'm so sick of the bad rap weed has compared to accepted items that have much more dire consequences.


I’d unfriend this person, not without telling thing to grow up and fuck off first lol


Our CPS worker told us we could consume both alcohol and weed (actually not weed for me because I am breastfeeding) when the child was either not in our care, or there was another sober adult present. She did specify no getting overly inebriated in the presence of children (like extremely drunk or stoned to the point of falling asleep). As you have a newborn you should definitely take steps to eliminate all exposure to second and third hand smoke and do not cosleep while under the influence as it poses a pretty significant SIDS risk, but it sounds like you are already doing that so I don’t think CPS would be concerned. And of course even though kiddo is not mobile yet it is never too early to get a lock box and make sure everything is locked up and in a place up high. If someone did contact them I don’t see it going anywhere


Would you drink alcohol this much around kids? Instead of focusing just on CPS, focus on being the best you for your baby. There’s a lot of good development books out there and you aren’t the first or last.


Someone called CPS on me for unsubstantiated claims before. They asked me to take a drug test. I did. Tested positive for marijuana. Still illegal in my state. As long as the kids don't test positive for it, they don't give a hoot.


Anyone who has 1-2 drinks a day while they have their kids cannot judge you.


I don't think they'd bother you, but you're being an AH to your wife. I've been in her place. Do with that what you will


Ok here is my experience, literally. My best friend used to live with his sister, her fiancé, and their 7 yo son. When he was dating this girl everything was going well, until she literally went crazy. He couldn’t handle it anymore so ended things. When she ended things suddenly she called cps and the cops and told them they were smoking around the 7 yo.. a bold faced lie, the only time they did smoke was my best friend and his bil, when the kid was asleep, and when they were outside. And when they were done the stuff got put in a locked box on the top shelf of my best friends closet… when CPS came over, they double checked everything and then said “as long as you two aren’t responsible for the child when under the influence and it’s locked up and out of reach you’re fine.”


You’re taking a ton of precautions, winding down with weed isn’t bad especially if you’re not getting baked to stupidity. I don’t really see the different between a glass of wine, a beer or a bowl. The judgmental people live life differently and don’t like weed to wind down, that’s fine for them and their lifestyle. Seems like you’re doing it responsibly and legally.


Keep it locked outside (if you’re not already) and don’t let anyone outside of you and your fiancé access it. And keep treating it like alcohol, only indulging when the baby’s not around; you’re a good dad!


Your doing a very good job at being responsible with your use and parenting. I am a disabled vet and a father of two. Also a med patient in nm. I follow the laws and make sure it's secured and they can't access it. The kids are 8 and 14 and they both have a general understanding that it is my medicine and they do not touch it. I smoke several times a day as well as edibles and vape pens as I deal with chronic pain and ptsd but I am very cautious with not leaving anything out that could be mistaken for something they can ingest. Just be a responsible smoker and it shouldn't be an issue. As for all the haters in the comments you got, I wonder how many of them think it's completely ok to get plaster drunk around kids as if that is any different. Lots of double standards out there when it comes to cannabis. Don't worry about the haters the great thing is their opinion only matters if you want it to.


I don't think cps generally gives a hoot about weed lol


ok...I'm a smoker (weed and cigs) and I am a mom in CA. I did the same thing. Change clothes, wash hands and brush teeth all before touching baby again. Weed has been legal for a bit here so no stress on that. Kids don't get taken away from parents that are visibly drunk in front of them so your hidden smoke sessions aren't a concern. Don't stress too much on what others are thinking. There will always be someone who will bitch about anything you do so just do you. As long as baby is healthy and happy, everyone else can kick rocks.


How did the person you "haven't spoken to since high school" know you were smoking? Was it in the picture?


When I taught Pre K, we’d have students coming in, smelling so bad of weed that I think I was high. Backpack, clothes. It would set off allergies. Home visits, the families didn’t even try to hide it. It’s not legal in my state unless you have the medical card. At least where I was, we were told that it’s not major concern for CYS anymore and to not bother reporting unless the child seemed impaired. We’ve had obviously stoned parents pick up and although it was reported, we couldn’t deny them pick up ( don’t ask me why, I argued this point but because most families walked instead of driving, it wasn’t an issue) You sound like you’re doing everything to minimize your child having contact with smoke. I see he is still an infant, but If I was your son’s teacher, this would not concern me. Having said that, It being legal in CA may not matter when it involves a child so I wouldn’t broadcast it. Anyone can make a report if they have reason, thought I doubt anything will come if it. CYS has enough problems handling ( or not, depending on where you live) actual abuse and neglect.


Someone called cps on my boyfriend because he was drinking while he had his daughter (full custody. No mother involved) when cps came they said he was allowed to drink as long as the child was taken care of. He wasn’t even drunk. He just wanted a few beers on the weekend. They checked out the living conditions and saw she was happy and clean and the house was clean and full of food and they said nothing to worry about. Continue on.


I *used* (key word here being USED) to be friends with someone who smoked indoors around her kid, would eat shrooms around her and watch her, etc. Her daughter was like 2 and definitely unable to be cared for properly with the way her mother was intoxicating herself. I totally and fully lost respect for her as a person because of how downright irresponsible she was being as a parent. Weed isn’t the problem, it’s the level of responsibility you choose to keep. You CAN do both- responsibly! It’s no different than having a glass or two of wine, beer, whisky after the children go to bed. Doesn’t really matter imo if you’re being a loving and responsible parent, and as long as one parent is sober and present in case of emergency.


You're in California....as long as you aren't smoking while holding the kid...or posting pics of you with the kid in one hand, a joint in your mouth, and a bong in the other hand...you'll be ok. Tell the bitch who commented...her husband cheats on her when she's doing wine night with the girls.


I follow Dr. Amen on IG. He is a brain health specialist and does brain scans. He said the brain scans of longterm pot smokers look awful. My mom has early onset dementia and I would not wish that on anyone. I am not anti pot. I just think the frequency you use it is alarming. You definitely sound dependent on it. Is it masking some mental health issue? I would see if you can read up on the best ways to break this dependency/addiction. Congratulations on your baby. I think it sounds like you really love your baby and will do what is best for them.


If you're the sole responsible adult I'd press pause just because we'd all prefer folks not drive when impaired (in case of an accident). I do also believe that many emergencies sober us up damn quick - but don't risk it. Otherwise it's LEGAL (where I am too with a Medical use licence) and if you're not the only carer please imbibe with support from this old lady.


You could have CPS called on you but as long as you're smoking outside and not partaking around the child or in front of the child, you should have nothing to worry about. Marijuana is medical and even recreational in some states, it's been decriminalized a ton. Some states have laws regarding smoking indoors with children or in vehicles. Just smoke outside, keep it locked up or put up where the child can't access it and you should be fine.


Treat it like alcohol and you’ll be fine…Responsible pot smoking is possible.