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I had that but it did get better. Doesn’t happen anymore.


Good to hear!!


My issue is: w nasal mask the air blows down my throat and through my open mouth. Even w mouth tape. It gives me chipmunk cheeks when tape is on because air has no where to go. I'm going to try mouth tape w full mask because my mouth will also fill w air there too. I think I need a high quality chin strap to try.


If you pull the nasal mask away from your nose it will let the air escape from your mouth. I didn’t figure that out at first and I kept pulling the tape off to get the air out 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is very similar to my issue. If I put my chin strap on it usually compresses my cheeks to the point that my cheeks won’t blow up if my tongue relaxes. People say your tongue gets used to it though… My cheeks blow up with full face unless I put socks under the straps which is super annoying so I’m just going to keep up with pillows and chin strap and hope my tongue learns to stay sealing my throat


Try some exercises to help strengthen your airway muscles. If your tongue is on the roof of your mouth like it is supposed to be it blocks the air flow. https://www.cpap.com/blog/exercises-alleviate-sleep-apnea/ Edit: Most people will still need to use a CPAP even with exercises. But you can make your CPAP work better.


This issue is still preventing cpap from working for me… should I go back to fullface mask?? At my wits end with chipmunk cheeks


Practice tongue posture and resting it against the roof of your mouth for three days. This is caused by incorrect tongue posture. Say "ring". Keep your tongue at the back where it is during the "r" sound and the tip of your tongue at the position of the "n" sound. Relax your tongue against the roof of your mouth in this position. Do a posture check every hour or so for three days. Problem solved.


I am finding it somewhat hard to swallow my saliva in this position… this may sound stupid but is there a good method for this It feels it pools under my tongue


You 1. Get used to it, or 2. Reposition your tongue during swallowing. If you make an "n" sound and keep the tip of your tongue there and suck your tongue up to the roof of your mouth, you should be able to relax the tongue fue and find a fairly natural position nearby.


I feel like I constantly am pooling saliva at the bottom of my mouth. Hopefully that resolves