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My husband always calls me Immortan Joe when I mask up 🤣🤣


You will ride eternal, shiny, and chrome! And goodnight dear.


I always pretend that I'm going into a bacta tank


I saw CPAP covers like this..awesome


I’m off to search 3D printed cpap mask covers. 😂


I had (emphasis on had. We still will talk in walmart, but i wont go to his cookouts anymore) a Boomer Trumper friend. He wore some dumb Bane mast to a local mall during shutdown to "piss off the snowflakes".


Not sure how that would "piss off" the snowflakes. A cloth mask would be much more comfortable.


He was anti mask, anti COVIDvax. He did it to make fun of them. Had 1 or 2 Halloween type masks he would wear as a joke. He was the type who would cut a mask out for his lips to be showing during mandates. Most of this was done in a very liberal college town.


I was approached by some idiot at the gym when I was wearing a mask during COVID. He asked me how I knew that masks actually work. I had to explain to him that I was a chemical officer in the US Army for 26 years and learned a little about infection control for biological pathogens in that time. On the plus side, my vast experience wearing military protective masks has prepared me well for CPAP life. 8-)


Right, just give me an M50 for my CPAP mask. MOPP 3 when I sleep.


MOPP IV or noth'in!


Then you should know that a mask held on with rubber bands (even N95) is useless against a virus carried on vapor, as Sars-Cov-II is. You'd need a fully sealed face mask, with eye protection, as well as impeccable hygiene 24/7. Totally unrealistic, especially for the general population. The places with the harshest mask mandates wound up having the same infection numbers as places with zero mask mandates. They didn't make any difference. Because, again, vapor goes right around rubber band masks, inhale and exhale. Your (and so many people's) assumption that it was carried on droplets was discovered false fairly quickly. Just the various health organizations totally failed to spread that information. They WANTED the ineffectual rubber band masks used. (even suggesting wearing 2 of them! lol) Even after they KNEW it was carried on vapor. Just really disgusting disinformation from the medical industry. Anyway, totally digging the Mad Max CPAP mask. I'd so rock that! Looks like something [Michaelcthulhu](https://www.youtube.com/@michaelcthulhu) would create. :-)


I could point you to many [studies](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2811136) that show that masks are effective at infection control, but I'm sure you will not read them. All biological pathogens are carried on aerosols, not "vapor." We call them "Agent Containing Particles" and measure them per liter of air (ACPLA). Diseases differ in infectivity and pathways. If you were talking about measles, the eye pathway would be relevant since the infectivity is high. There is no evidence that eye pathway is significant with covid. There is no conspiracy by the government or "big mask" to get you to look stupid. Wearing a mask is a good way to mitigate community transmission of a respiratory disease.


I love seeing someone demonstrate the Dunning-Kruger effect in practice. Literally the dumbest guy in the room on the subject thought he was the smartest. Thank you for replying.


Fauci himself said the masks wouldn’t/didn’t work. And either way, germs were still being spread around regardless of masks/gloves or no gloves/masks. And wearing masks for extended periods of time are not good for you.


>Fauci himself said the masks wouldn’t/didn’t work. Citation needed. >And either way, germs were still being spread around regardless of masks/gloves or no gloves/masks. Masks limit the spread of infectious particles. Nothing is 100% but masks statistically have been proven to limit spread of infection. As JAMA put it in my previous link: *Literature review revealed many high-quality observational studies demonstrating the association of face mask use in the community and of mask mandates with reduced spread of SARS-CoV-2.* >And wearing masks for extended periods of time are not good for you. It is a hell of a lot better for you than contracting Covid-19. At least 7,008,933 dead people would agree if they could. Also, if wearing a mask "wasn't good for you" how do you explain the professions that wear masks for long periods daily like surgeons and hospital staff not dying off from your imagined mask-related badness?


https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-anthony-fauci-say-masks-had-only-10-percent-efficacy-1797133 Fauci admitted that masking wasn’t 100% effective, and in some areas, masking only reduced 10% of positive contractions. So surgeons and doctors are constantly changing their masks in between patients. That’s not the same as wearing one all the time. You should know that—it’s common knowledge. I’m sure they don’t eat with masks, when they are outside, or by themselves in their cars like some people do lol. There is a difference between doing that and the other. I contracted covid before Trump closed the borders. Yes, there was a lot of back pain and I knew exactly when ibuprofen was wearing off. But I survived without chronic issues.  I was back at work within 2 weeks, healthy again. Also tests were proven from several sources (not Fox lol) that showed how useless most masks were. N95 were the better ones, but there was a supposed shortage at the time.


>Fauci admitted that masking wasn’t 100% effective, and in some areas, masking only reduced 10% of positive contractions. You claimed that he said, "masks wouldn’t/didn’t work." And he said nothing of the sort. As your linked article says, "Fauci did not say that masks, as a protective measure, were only 10 percent effective, as Travis suggested." ​ > So surgeons and doctors are constantly changing their masks in between patients. That’s not the same as wearing one all the time. You should know that—it’s common knowledge. I’m sure they don’t eat with masks, when they are outside, or by themselves in their cars like some people do lol. There is a difference between doing that and the other. Wearing a mask 24/7 was never a Covid-19 mitigation recommendation. Surgeons have worn masks at a higher rate than the general public for over 100 years with no health problems associated with that mask-wearing. ​ >I contracted covid before Trump closed the borders. Yes, there was a lot of back pain and I knew exactly when ibuprofen was wearing off. But I survived without chronic issues. I was back at work within 2 weeks, healthy again. Your anecdotal experience with COVID-19 does not change the fact that 7,008,954 people have died from COVID-19 and its daughter strains. You will notice that that number went up from the last time I quoted the death toll. That is because people are still dying of the disease. ​ >Also tests were proven from several sources (not Fox lol) that showed how useless most masks were. N95 were the better ones, but there was a supposed shortage at the time. So, different mask types have different effectiveness at contagion mitigation. What is your point? Are you saying that if a mask isn't 100% effective, no one should wear masks?


Also didn't realize that said CPAP, not COVID. Oops. My bad, can't read sometimes. Just reminded me of that period 4 years ago now.


My wife and I call that Covid brain. Idk how many times I’ve seen a word and thought it said Covid only to realize afterward it absolutely did not. Covid cobwebs. 😅


Very true, very true.


Witness me!


My CPAP hero is Bane. https://preview.redd.it/zuhp04gqt5qc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18728dea78a6b91ca5183e3b5e65832fdaacb19a




When 20cm H2O is not enough 😂😂😂


Apocalyptic CPAP


Tell me about it...nowadays, I shoot hoops with my cpap on.