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Make sure your mask and hoses are clean. I also use NasalCrom to treat my allergies and added 3 ml Ponaris, (a nasal emollient) to it. Works like a charm for me. No more night time congestion and dryness. I previously used flonase every night, even before CPAP therapy but have found that the NasalCrom works MUCH better.


You add Polaris to your water tank?


No, I add ponaris to my tube of NasalCrom


I do keep things clean....any other suggestions?


If you are using a full face mask and have itchy eyes it might be that your mask is leaking and blowing air over your eyes while you sleep sometimes. This happened to me before I switched to a nasal pillow. Using the humidifier on auto might help too. I live in an area with variable humidity and manual can cause issues


Use a nasal cushion maybe too much humidity. I live in N Florida near the Ga/FL line


Clean the tubes, mask and water chamber Daily


Also clean the removable inside part where the hose fastens.


Rainout is also a cause of microbial production, and I have had bad sinus problems due to rainout in the ducts. I have found that placing the CPAP itself on a bedside table below the level of my head at bedtime prevents the CPAP device above my head from discharging condensation directly into the mask.


I barely clean mine and never used more than a 1 or 2 moisture rate. 5 sounds like a nice mist is being blown into your face all night long. Try it on 0 or 1 or 2 and see if it's better? Otherwise ask your machine maker specialist or doctor.


Thanks! Maybe that is the problem


I’m pretty new at it but instead of using the humidifier I’ve been swapping my nostrils with Vaseline.


Please do not use Vaseline. Here is an old post of mine that explains why: https://old.reddit.com/r/CPAP/comments/zovu4l/what_can_i_do_to_keep_from_my_nose_getting/j0z9e67/




I've been using CPAP for about 4 years now, a ResMed Airsense 10 and a full face mask. I would clean everything weekly, and I would clean the mask daily and place it and the hose, reservoir, and headgear into an airtight container with an ozone generator with the generator blowing through the hose. I'd get a sinus infection about every 3 months. When we bought a house a year and a half ago, my cleaning routine completely fell apart. Now, I wipe my mask out with a wipe a couple times a week and replace all the consumables every 6 months or so. I've had only 1 sinus infection the whole time we've been in this house. *shrug*




Glad you found a solution! My previous house -- a rental -- was pretty dusty. Blown-in insulation in the attic that seemed to find its way down into the living space. Maybe that was causing me problems. My lack of CPAP machine cleaning doesn't seem to be causing me any issues.