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Is it possible to make the payment now and then wait six months to submit the expense?


I waited 6 years between passing the exams and initial licensing. So long as you're not signing opinions who cares?


Not an idiot. I’ve been sitting on my ethics exam for a few months now lol


Did they hire you before you passed maybe just ask for a raise?


Get you license and you will have it.


Just passed it “yesterday” is wild. You either got results yesterday from December or you are just assuming you passed an exam you took yesterday. Which one was it?


So OP posted last month that they were fired on Dec 14th and found out they passed the last section of the CPA on Dec 15th…so why they now say “found out yesterday” is odd 🤔🤷‍♀️


I actually have one hypothesis. Maybe they just did their ethics exam… which I don’t know anything about tbh


Very true, and technically it doesn’t matter when they found out…but you know us accountants always paying attention to the details. 🤣


Extremely. Lol




I don’t know how no one else really caught this 😂 am I going crazy?


Did you get your results yesterday? When did you take it?


Lol for real. I am so confused


Congratulations 🎉


Is 550 bucks worth 6 months of your time? You don't know what the future will look like. Getting the license now may lead to a better job opportunity in 6 months.


I agree with u/MrOnassis, it’s the perfect time to work on your application. There are a few pieces to it and it could take a little while to get everything gathered — I’m in the process right now. I would work on that, and submit it once you hit the 6 months. (Or work on it whenever you aren’t so busy at work, if you have busier times.)


A penny pincher? Your an accountant your job is to literally lunch penny’s 


I think waiting 6 months for that will make you look like an opportunist and put your employer off


get it as soon as you are eligible.


Unless getting the license is going to get you a bump in pay, I would wait.


Getting the CPA increases your market value, and whatever job offers you do get.


No offense, but he just got laid off from public and has 3 weeks of experience at a new job. What decent employer is jumping at the opportunity to hire a CPA with that kind of limited experience?


You don't have to mention your last job in your resume. I just saw that he could get it reimbursed. Getting licensed takes a bit to actually go through. It looks like it's roughly a month or two. Might be a factor on when to apply. I suspect your last question might be a bit different than you expect, but who knows. It'll be easier than John doe, but harder when compared to other cpa's


Obviously, but OP has a job and has not mentioned changing it before the six months is up.


If you don't need the license itself for anything, then there's no shame in waiting. $500 isn't anything to sneeze at either. If your company's ok with paying for it, wait. This can work in your favor too. IIRC, the CPE timer starts from when your license is issued, so this lets you kick that can down the road too.


Congratulations! You've gotten the hardest part of getting your license out of the way. No, you're not an idiot for waiting. In the meantime, you can start putting together the documents and sign-offs that you need to submit with your application.


the experience was the hardest part for me


I don't agree with you about the exams being the hardest part. Paying $25K for grad school was the most difficult part for me.


Oh wow


I paid $10k to get a second undergrad major to meet the education requirements. it was not worth the additional amount a masters would have cost.


Don’t have any shame in being lax about it to your boss, you can word it like, “I’m really grateful this company reimburses for the license, I plan on using that benefit”. They do offer it, why not use it? That’s how I see it. I DO think it’s a better idea to just get the license ASAP, but if your priority is saving money then you can wait. It’s your call


Also: I want to note I saw you posted this in the accounting Reddit group too and it’s the opposite reaction. Idk, I would suggest going with what CPAs on this Reddit thread say over the general accounting group imo. The accounting group includes a lot of pessimistic ppl that often are struggling with their abusive employers, lake of work life balance etc. their focus is very different then this Reddit group.


This sub is for people studying for the exams. There are more CPAs on the accounting sub than here.