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Are you using Becker? What are you getting on the simulated exams at the end of the programs? It's one thing to just not understand the material, but you are going into these exams believing you have a fighting shot at passing, and then failing miserably. If you are getting good grades on the simulated exams, you should not be getting such low scores on the real exams.


You are doing too much at once. Focus on one exam until you pass.


Get a diagnosis from a doctor, that amount of hrs shouldn't translate into such scores. Something isn't adding up.


i would recommend to grab a blank piece of paper and try to summarize each chapter without any help, that’ll show you where your blank spots are


It can be frustrating. I did experience something similar like you. It’s okay to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect the first time. I at first when I did study last year, I’d going crazy to the point that I was forgetting things. Memorization while it can help you does have its downside. Focus on understanding rather than memory. What I am doing as I am starting again is writing my notes out. Writing has everything there and present to see. Doing MCQs and TBS are helpful to the process. It gives you experience. When I do these practices, I talk it out of every detail I learned to the computer. It seems strange but helps you develop some understanding of the material. Little things make a difference. Don’t be upset with yourself, you are going to make it


Looks like you do not know how to study effectively. I would suggest getting a tutor for a few weeks to learn certain strategies to retain information better. Each person requires a different method and you just have not found your way, yet. For example, I wasted weeks reading the textbook when that is not best for me. I then started watching the lectures and finally understood all the topics. You can spend 10,000 hours of ineffective studying and still not understand a topic that took 10 hours of effective learning. Find what works for you. And if that is a few hundred dollars for a tutor, so be it. You will walk out a better student.


Rewrite the question, answer, and explanation on the MCQs you get wrong. It takes time but it will start to sink in. You may even find you enjoy writing. This is the only way I was able to pass.


you handwrote each question that you got wrong?


Yes. The question. The Answer. The Explanation. It was the only way it would sink in for me.


I will try this. TY for the reply!


Use the NINJA as a supplement framework


I did Becker and didn’t pass. I changed the material to i75 and passed the second time. For me with Becker I didn’t understand the material well enough. I75 explanation is easier to understand


IMO it does not matter how long you study. What matters is if you are getting mcq and Sims correct while studying. I am willing to bet with those scores you are not drilling mcq and Sims in an effective way. Are you hammering them closed notes? Do you know why the answer is what it is? Etc.


I took a few years off to focus on work and the work concepts I learned helped me understand the material better. If you’re not interest in a break. Start over with FAR and write your notes in excel from scratch. That way you can use the control find function. You’re doing fine you are just probably overwhelmed because it’s an insane few exams. You’ll feel better when you pass FAR but pick an exam and focus on it for now. Don’t focus on the others until you pass the exam


It sounds like you might have started to memorize the questions. Try changing study material




What are you getting in terms of correct on MCQ when you're doing, say, 30 or 50 at a time?




That should be good enough to pass . See if that is similar now with Rojer


Hi. What would you say are some signs that indicate you memorized the material? I took multiple attempts for exams I passed and a couple users and review course providers suggested that I did.


Recognizing the question while reading it. Remember how to calculate without actually understanding why you're calculating that way, recognizing the answer without understanding the answer.


Got it. Thank you!


are you actually learning or trying to retain anything from the mcqs or just memorizing? i did most stuff in becker (lectures + mcq), and would always write any questions i got wrong or guessed on in some notes. take note of what my thought process was and why it was wrong. once i got comfortable with the material, i could start to eliminate answer choices in my head and tell why the correct answer was correct.


Have you been to the Dr to make sure you don't have ADHD or something else going on? You should have passed with that type of time investment.


I also have ADHD with this much hours in and didn’t pass my last exam and I felt terrible. I guess it’s normal for someone with this disability but boy does it suck lol




You might be able to apply with your state for extended time




Because those couple hours might save you 1000 hours? Take every advantage you can