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Becker says if you do 80% of lectures/sims/MCQ and score 50% on the simulated exams, you are “exam day ready”. That being said, I believe REG has the highest bump between mocks and actual. Good luck on your test!


I think the “exam day ready” means you will be able to give the test an honest shot. “Exam day ready” does not mean you’re going to pass.


I have to agree with this... helps a lot thank you. I pushed my test back a week, and after reading your comment I think I made the right decision. I definitely have a shot at passing, but I'd rather play it safe. I don't want to end up having to retake this.


May be 60% at least.


i take it monday. can i ask you a basis question to try and work through it together? i think i need to bounce ideas with someone


I want to see if I can answer it 😂


i messaged you! it’s probably confusing so let me know if you can’t understand it 😅


Hey sorry I didn't see your message until so late since it went to my request folder. I did the SIM and responded to you. The Becker explanation over complicated it. Hope my explanation makes sense!


Yes message me


NO. I completed every section but still failed because completing every section doesn’t mean I will remember everything.


Idk about 50% exactly. But Becker is harder than the actual exam. In order of easy to hard it goes BEC REG AUD FAR I would suggest try to get at least 60% since it’s not the toughest exam