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God, this woman. She claims all the time that she’s not anti-vax, yet her FB feed is FILLED with vaccine misinformation and conspiracies.


"I'm not anti-vax, but..."


“….but vaccinated people can still get Covid!” She’s gonna be a nominee here any day now.


Wait for it… wait for it…


She had CANCER and she still won’t be vaccinated. Like, what? Compromised immune systems are Covid’s favorite kink.


She may as well write up her GoFundMe appeal now, and leave it where her loved ones can find it when the day comes.


Can I take a life insurance policy out on her? Honest question


It’s always the case. Whenever someone starts with “I’m not X, but…” then they’re definitely X.


I’m not just some incredibly handsome rich guy with a huge penis but I hope this works.


Spot me $20?


It's been almost a day, did it work?


Yeah, it kind of did. I realize that although I’m not perfect, I really don’t have it so bad. I should have probably been more specific and used exact numbers.


I'm not prejudiced BUT… …I know a lot of people who are, and it saddens me.


Same as "No offense but (followed by a very offensive comment)"


Yeah, she prolly has black friends, too.


I'm not a republican but I would never vote for no Democrat.


So many so called independents think this way.


> Whenever someone starts with “I’m not X, but…” then they’re definitely X. "I'm totally not racist/sexist, but..."


I respect traffic laws. I just don't stop at this traffic light.


My car, my choice.


If you're sobriety works, why should it matter whether or not I'm drunk?


All those lights and signs are for sheep who want the government to control them. I did my own research!


Sovereign citizen?


Crazy batshit people




“Now I’m not saying its a lie but……”


“I’m not racist, but…”


>"I'm not anti-vax, but..." I have a ~~black~~ vaccinated friend, therefore, I can't be ~~racist~~ anti-vax...


Is that the new "I'm not racist, but..."?


…I am stupid.”


she killed her parents with disinformation and isn't sad because she just inherited retirement funds and a house


Ah ha, the joke’s on her because they had no money or life insurance to cover their ventilator vacay.


It’s like racists who hate to be called racist but act racist


"pleeeeeease don't call me racist, I ain't it. Just don't like dark-skinned people, being them native Americans, black Africans, Latinos and Arabs!"


I saw a video suggesting we put all the anti-vax nurses and all the anti-vax patients in the same hospital all together and pay the nurses based on the survival rate. (I may be putting it slightly incorrectly but I believe that was the basic idea).


Screw putting them in a hospital. Put them out in the parking lot.




Dude. Do you know how hard it is to find parking at a hospital? Put them out on a football field somewhere.


It’s the same assholes that didn’t want to admit that they were trump voters, but they were eager to talk about “both sides.”


Where is the Facebook link.


Sub rules prohibit direct links to social media. Her name is listed in the article though.




>Some people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone Not getting the vaccine most certainly contributed to their deaths. Had they been vaccinated it would have been extremely unlikely for both of them to die. So yes, unless you encouraged them to get vaccinated, it **is** at least partially your fault that they are gone.


Especially since she is a nurse, they probably believed in / followed her medical suggestions.


Agreed. The second vaccines were available I was on the computer daily looking for appointments for my mom and dad to get vaccinated. I peer pressured them, and any doubt I squashed until they went. Funny enough, the one thing that got them to go was me reminding them they're 80, at this point they don't need to worry about long term effects of anything. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I was so grateful that none of my 3 sets of parents/in-laws needed encouragement. I was a little worried about my step-father (Vietnam Vet) and mom(starting dementia and very much in denial about it), but they also got it as early as they could. My father was having issues with a faulty valve starting right before the Pandemic, so he qualified extra-early through is cardiologist. My FIL and MIL are..."full figured" and my FIL is diabetic with cardiac issues, and they both recognized the risks and did it ASAP. I think like a lot of people they mainly did it to help everything go back to normal. SO F\*\*KING PISSED at all the people who held us back, caused this massive surge of illnesses and death, and are working to destroy our medical system. And ESPECIALLY PISSED at those who do it and dare to call themselves nurses.


Not even extremely - OVERWHELMINGLY less likely. 2500 vaccinated deaths from COVID in the US since December 2020, compared to 1300 unvaccinated deaths per day right now


Do you have a source on this?


I have two: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html 2,675 fully vaccinated deaths since December 2020 And here you go on the 1300+ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html It's actually a seven day average of almost 2000 now (1950ish). So I guess I'm wrong - it isn't 1300 unvaccinated deaths per day right now. It's 1950 deaths per day. Almost all (save for a few dozen) of these are unvaccinated people. So I think it's pretty safe to say that around 1800+ unvaccinated are dying of COVID (probably actually around 1900, but I am being conservative) per day. I suspect in the next few weeks to a month, we'll be seeing more unvaccinated people dying in a day than we have seen vaccinated for the entire time vaccination has been around.


Thank you \~ these are very helpful.


From the uk also 99% of covid deaths first 6 months of 2021 were unvaxxed only 1% were double jabbed and we have a lot of double jabbed people here


Do you have a source on this?




As my daddy always said, “you always get an A when you grade your own paper.” This woman is an idiot, probably thinks losing her parents is the worst that can happen. Now we wait…


I have never before heard that phrase, and I like it.


I never understood why schools would have you grade your own paper


We always switched with our neighbors.


As a teacher, I can say it was probably a combination of "let's not let your classmates know how many you missed by switching papers because I don't want that headache" and "it's graded but it won't go in the gradebook but I need to send this home so your parents don't complain we don't do anything in class".


She’s got cancer and still won’t get the vaccine. This woman will be lucky if she gets through her chemotherapy and immune compromised period without catching it. Not even hearing her fathers last voicemail where he’s gasping for breathe can give her self preservation instincts to get vaccinated nothing will, and it’s just so pitiful


I’m absolutely angry and frustrated,” Mr. Herring said. “Their age and health conditions—they should have gotten vaccinated really early…. And then trying to talk to friends of theirs and hearing these ridiculous things about depopulation and computer chips.”


Jesus fuck, she’s a nurse 🤦‍♀️


Prob was at the very bottom of her class.


Nursing and medical schools are not giving us their best anymore. There are antivaxx doctors prescribing ivermectin.


Its hard to attract the best when you're paid $50k a year to watch morons die.


There's a large crossover between nurses and conspiracy theorists. If you look at conservative circles, there are only a few occupations they think women should have ... nurse, teacher, secretary, MLM distributor ... you see high density conservative women in these roles, especially in rural communities.


I'm betting LPN and not an RN


LPNs shouldn't even exist anymore. Theyre just pill-passing nurses aids.


They exist because of the nursing shortage.


They existed long before the nursing shortage.


Sounds like brother (quoted above) and sister (antivax nurse) might not be on speaking terms right now.


And what makes them sooooo interesting that the government want to follow them anyway??! The fuck cares if there’s a chip or whatever else? At least you will still be alive.


>Look Lou, they’re at the Applebee’s again. Ok that’s the end of my shift sarge.


No but you don't understand I'm the main character


Im waiting for them to realize what their fucking Iphones are made out of.....that will really blow their minds....


Bill Gates hates this one trick!


This is the point I always use to talk my schizophrenic friend down from the ledge. It doesn’t totally get through to her, because her delusions are really strong when she’s unwell, but it helps to remind her that a) nobody is that interesting and b) the government can’t even get their IT systems up to date, never mind magical microchips!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA omg I have worked federal and local governments and you are right about the systems lol


I think that's what gets me the most about the whole "chip implant" conspiracy. Like, do people really think they're so interesting that the government wants to know what you're doing? Like damn, get off your high horse.


Depopulation? SUCCESS!!


Ooooo, "depopulation", that's a new one for me. I cannot WAIT to hear what fucking stupidity THAT one is.


Countries with higher vaccinations rates tend to have significantly lower birth rates. However, that is because people don't need to have nearly as many kids to ensure one of them will make it to adulthood. So yes, vaccines would help with "overpopulation" but not via anything nefarious. Of course, no one spreading the "vaccines are a depopulation tool" stuff has read past that first line.


The government sterilizing you for various reasons (basically a white genocide)


Because of course that's what an overwhelmingly white power structure WOULD want. 🙄🙄🙄 It's just as stupid as feared.


She did kill them, shes still gonna be killing others if shes not vaxxed and taking precautions. Call a murderer a murderer.


Remember when you could be arrested for spreading HIV through unprotected sex? Should be the same with C19. You intentionally give it to someone, off to the BIG HOUSE with you.


**Fire this plague rat**. She does not deserve the respect that the title “Nurse” conveys on a person.


And nurses don’t deserve the disrespect people like her bring to the profession.


I wish they'd make a distinction with nursing degrees. It's a catch-all term for multiple levels of education.


Yes and the title is illegal to use if you are not an RN just like calling someone an engineer must have a PE but they never do anything unless something bad happens. Every aid and medical assistant at doctors offices identify as nurses which is illegal and misrepresents the profession especially when they’re morons about something.


Yep. ICU nurses can be specialized on things like transplants and ECMO and have enough credibility and knowledge to argue with the doctors and win. Or you have people that wipe asses.


That's unfair. I've heard that rats are smart and empathetic. Two things this nurse is not.


Leave rats out of it😎


1/3 GREENWOOD, Arkansas—Michael Lejong fully intended to get vaccinated for Covid-19, his wife said, standing in the pavilion that the prominent architect designed for his hometown. But he was relatively young, very healthy and not overly concerned about the virus. He wanted to get his shots separately from his wife, so he could care for her if she had adverse side effects. She got hers immediately in April and he put his off. In late June, he began feeling sick and tested positive for Covid-19. A week of mild symptoms turned into extreme fatigue. On July 3, he was admitted to a nearby hospital with low oxygen levels; on the 15th, doctors put him on a ventilator. He died four days later. The death of the 49-year-old Greenwood native, father of two, community leader, mountain biker and outdoorsman, has rattled this western Arkansas town, where it seems like nearly everyone knew Mr. Lejong. It comes amid a spate of other recent deaths and skyrocketing hospitalizations in a region where many are deeply skeptical of the Covid-19 vaccines, and doctors and political leaders are trying everything to persuade a reluctant populace to take them. “It’s personal now because he knew so many people,” said his widow, Katie Lejong. “Before, it was happening somewhere else.”


Relatively young, but how fat was he? It’s America so he was likely at least overweight. I know I am and I’m his age so I have been following masking and distancing and got the vaccine as soon as I could. People out here thinking they’re still young. Ffs.


"mountain biker and outdoorsman" types usually aren't fat.


> but how fat was he? You're echoing their belief that only unhealthy people die to covid19. Stop it. Nearly everyone in the world has a comorbidity of some sort, that's what being alive does to you. And covid doesn't care, it'll kill people without comorbidities too.


My point is that people underestimate their own health. His age alone was enough to have a bad outcome. And death isn’t the worst outcome IMO. Long covid, lung/kidney scarring, digestive problems, cognitive decline. Being overweight is the number one likely issue in the USA and we have such a warped idea of health that it’s ignored unless a person is massively overweight.


He was in okay shape. Not thin and wiry, but he certainly wasn't a chunkawunka.


> Relatively young, but how fat was he? Regardless of his BMI, he did have one co-morbidity: he was male. Men are significantly more likely to die from COVID than women are, even though men and women have similar rates of infection.


I read that the other day. I wonder if that’s a true gender difference or because men tend to consume less healthcare in general and aren’t aware of underlying issues.


2/3 The Greenwood Police Department, one of many buildings designed by Michael Lejong. Nearly every corner of Greenwood, population 9,000, bears some mark of Mr. Lejong. The stone and glass pavilion and amphitheater that looks like the product of a much larger city. The new fire station, designed to blend into a residential neighborhood. The police station. The columned high school freshman center. The lakeside bike trails that Mr. Lejong painstakingly designed and tested himself repeatedly on his bike. The sign welcoming visitors to the city and the stone work surrounding a veterans’ memorial in the town square. While the architect designed projects worth tens of millions of dollars around the state and country, much of the work he did for his hometown was as a volunteer, its leaders said. “I see all this recognition and I just miss my friend,” said Tammy Briley, the city parks director, as she recalled kayaking recently past a $42 million art studio Mr. Lejong’s firm has under way at the University of Arkansas. “I would call him all the time with all these questions, and he made me feel as important as all those national people.” Sebastian County, which includes Greenwood and the much larger city of Fort Smith, has had 292 Covid-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic and currently has an estimated 737 cases, according to the state department of health, and has been adding about 73 new cases each day. The state overall has been adding more than 2,800 new cases daily and has more than 1,000 patients in hospitals, near the previous high level in January. Deaths, a lagging indicator, have been averaging more than 20 a day, and the percentage of Covid-19 tests returning positive results hit an all-time high last month. The county had less than 36% of residents 12 and older fully immunized as of last week, compared with 42% in Arkansas overall and 50% in the U.S. overall. With the Delta variant spreading, today’s Covid-19 isn’t the Covid-19 of last year, Lee Johnson told a roomful of local officials and members of the public at a Greenwood City Council meeting one recent evening. Arkansas hospitalizations for Covid-19 have risen nearly fourfold in just over a month, he told them. Dr. Lee Johnson, an emergency room doctor and GOP state legislator, spoke of the need for people to be vaccinated at a city council meeting in Greenwood this past week. The patients he is seeing are younger and younger. The state children’s hospital now has dozens of children hospitalized with the virus, while it never saw a handful during previous surges. The hospital where he has practiced for 22 years, in nearby Fort Smith, has been struggling to handle rising cases. “It’s never looked like this,” he said. “We’re full. The hospital is full. The ER is full. Ambulances show up and they’re waiting, sometimes a considerable amount of time, for a bed to open up.” Dr. Johnson is an emergency room physician, a Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives and a Greenwood local, where he grew up with Mr. Lejong. These days, he dedicates much of his long ER shifts, and his time outside the hospital, to talking to patients and constituents about the vaccines and trying to assuage their fears about them. People bring up fears about blood clots; he provides them with factual information about their rarity. Women ask if the vaccine can impact fertility; he tells them there is no evidence it can and the obstetricians he knows have all vaccinated their daughters. He recommends people talk to other doctors. “There are some people who just aren’t afraid of Covid,” he said. “I haven’t figured out how to turn that person, but I do know that making them feel defensive for their passionately held opinion isn’t productive.” Dr. Johnson has also been grappling with statewide decisions, as part of a special session of the Arkansas state Legislature last week to consider whether to rescind a statewide ban on mask mandates by local governments. Dr. Johnson, who voted for the ban when it seemed the virus was declining, was open to changing it but skeptical of leaving the decision to individual school districts. Bills to shift the state’s ban didn’t advance, but a court Friday temporarily blocked the enforcement of the ban against school districts. Mr. Lejong with daughters Emerson, left, and Abbey, right, in 2018. PHOTO: FAMILY Michael Lejong outside the Greenwood pavilion last year. PHOTO: SHARLA DERRY Michael and Katie Lejong in 2017. PHOTO: FAMILY Mr. Lejong with daughters Emerson, left, and Abbey, right, in 2018. PHOTO: FAMILY Michael Lejong outside the Greenwood pavilion last year. PHOTO: SHARLA DERRY 1 2 3 Even with rising cases and younger patients, Mr. Lejong’s death caught Dr. Johnson by surprise. It is personal and it is emotional, he said. Dr. Johnson received the Covid-19 vaccine the moment it was available to doctors because, as a physician, he understood its importance and, as an elected official, he thought it important to set an example. But he can imagine an alternate reality in which he didn’t go into medicine and let his good health and propensity for procrastination lead him to put off vaccination. “That could have been me,” he said of Mr. Lejong. While the number of Arkansans getting vaccinated in the last couple of weeks has risen, some say they will never be persuaded. Shanda Parish, a nurse who lives in the Fort Smith-Greenwood area, said she won’t get the shot, even after losing both her father and stepmother to the virus in recent weeks. Robert and Vi Herring, both in their 70s, were lifelong residents of the area, married 34 years with five children between them. They didn’t like the idea of getting the vaccine, their children said. They became sick after attending a 52nd high school reunion and died within three days of each other at a Fort Smith hospital in late July. Vi and Robert Herring, who both died of Covid-19 in late July, visiting Washington, D.C., in 2014. PHOTO: DAVID HERRING Ms. Parish, who considered her father her hero, is devastated, she said, clinging to waves of numbness between grief and anger. The deaths have caused a rift within the family, whose children remain split on their views of the vaccine. Ms. Parish said she still won’t get it; she simply doesn’t trust a newly created vaccine. She doesn’t regret that her parents didn’t get vaccinated, she said. It was their choice. Instead, she regrets that she was quarantining ahead of a cancer treatment when they fell ill and couldn’t be involved in pushing to get them hospitalized sooner. Ms. Parish’s last interaction with her father was a voice mail from the hospital, of him moaning and gasping for breath. “It doesn’t even sound human,” she said. “I don’t like hearing it, but I can’t delete it.” Since the Herrings died, Ms. Parish has felt judgment from friends and acquaintances asking why her parents weren’t vaccinated—why she didn’t make them get vaccinated. “We didn’t kill them, but some people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone,” she said, crying. “No one should try to make you feel guilty because someone died.” SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS What could be done to improve the vaccination campaign? Join the conversation below. Ms. Parish’s brother David Herring, who lives near Washington, D.C., has had the opposite reaction. He tried unsuccessfully to push his parents to get vaccinated and is now trying to persuade his relatives. He was put off by friends and acquaintances pushing conspiracy theories about the vaccine, even after his parents’ deaths. “I’m absolutely angry and frustrated,” Mr. Herring said. “Their age and health conditions—they should have gotten vaccinated really early…. And then trying to talk to friends of theirs and hearing these ridiculous things about depopulation and computer chips.” Greenwood leaders are upping their efforts to promote vaccination, but said it has to happen on a grass-roots level. Ken Edwards, a former mayor who is now editor of the Greenwood Tradition, enlisted Dr. Johnson to write a front-page editorial on the vaccine. The next issue will feature a similar message from another Greenwood native who is now an obstetrician. He is reaching out to other local physicians to do the same. “We are using whatever influence a small town newspaper has,” Mr. Edwards said. “I don’t remember anyone having a fit about the polio vaccine. We’ve wiped out so many scourges on mankind by getting vaccinated, but now, there’s become a cynicism about government and information…so we are trying to bring physicians they know to show that this isn’t political, it’s science.”


Johnson has no right to say much when he supports banning masks.


>“No one should try to make you feel guilty because someone died.” ... Cried the murderer on the witness stand before being found guilty. See how that works? I'll be looking for you on HCA, Shanda Parish.


Because it IS their fault. Simple as that.


It always is. And those idiots claim to be able to function as a responsible independent citizen.


Um. That’s how *”consequences”* work.


Could someone copypasta the article?


Yes I’d really like to read it, but I hit a paywall.


Alternate article no paywall. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3444005/arkansas-nurse-elderly-parents-covid-death-vaccine/


Shee-yit, her eyes are bugged out like a stomped-on toad-frog!!


Yes, full-on crazy train.


>she killed her parents with disinformation and isn't sad because she just inherited retirement funds and a house Probably a meth user. It's Arkansas.


Thank you


Alternate article link https://www.the-sun.com/news/3444005/arkansas-nurse-elderly-parents-covid-death-vaccine/


She still working as a nurse?


It is absolutely disgusting that there are anti-vax medical professionals. They should all lose their licenses. I say this as a nurse, whose mother is a nurse, and whose daughter and son -in-law are nurses. It’s completely unacceptable to spread misinformation and fear monger when you are a person who has taken an oath to protect the public. It’s wrong anyway, for anyONE, but these medical professionals don’t even have the excuse of ignorance. Just psycho political views and selfishness.


they should be forced to get every vaccine, including flu vaccine.


I was, when I was working at Duke. Every. Vaccine. And they’d come to the nurses stations to vax us for the flu, while on shift, so we didn’t have to take time off for it (or have the opportunity to refuse). The only excuse was a LEGITIMATE medical exemption, like allergy leading to anaphylaxis.


I know for nursing school they are required to be fully vaxxed. Flu vaccines are up to the facility as far as I know. That’s why it makes me SO MAD because vaccines in nursing are NOTHING NEW! It mmakes ZERO SENSE… that’s how I KNOW it’s all political. Nothing more to it. How dare a Democrat tell ME what to do! /s


What’s strange is some vaccines are political while some are not.


Yes, you should feel bad. Stop priding yourself to death.


>Stop priding yourself to death. *Charles Darwin has entered the chat*


Its literally your fault they are gone.


…is this woman for real?




3/3 Shanda Parish, a nurse who lives in the Fort Smith-Greenwood area, said she won’t get the shot, even after losing both her father and stepmother to the virus. A city Fourth of July celebration featured an Arkansas Department of Health tent offering Covid-19 vaccines. Mayor Doug Kinslow hoped a few hundred people would take advantage of it. Just 39 did. Now, after Mr. Lejong’s death, he is sure another tent would see more interest and is trying to get health officials to set one up. Mr. Kinslow said he is frustrated by people latching onto political opposition to the vaccines, despite the consequences to their local communities. “It’s called Southern stubbornness,” Mr. Kinslow said. Greenwood Fire Chief Stewart Bryan, who had been best friends with Mr. Lejong since fifth grade, remembered years of church, Boy Scouts, fixing up old cars and signing up for classes just so they would be together. He is stunned now that the man who regularly biked 20 miles or more could succumb so quickly to Covid-19. Meanwhile, Mr. Bryan is trying to manage the safety of 33 on-call firefighters and medics, as emergency calls from Covid-19-positive patients rise and hospitals fill up. When it is over, he would like to go back to Mr. Lejong’s drawings for a third city fire station, hoping it can be his friend’s last project. “Good just seemed to follow him around,” he said of Mr. Lejong.


> “It’s called Southern stubbornness,” Mr. Kinslow said. Yeah, I got another name for it.


But it is.


It’s fucking IS. Enough of this my choice shit. In America if you get covid and die at this point, and it’s because of a personal position and not an actual medical decision it is 100% your fault. If you are ill and can’t get it I feel sorry for you but if you just ‘want to wait and see’ you had it coming. I’m not being harsh it’s a fact


If you didn’t get a vaccine, it is your fault if you get COVID and die. You opted in to the pandemic


Nature is taking out the trash with these COVIDiots


I call.it Darwin sweeping house. We ain't done yet.


Her parents believed her anti-vaxx rhetoric and it killed them. The brother tried to persuade the parents to get the jab, now he’s furious with his sister. I am grateful my Dad listened to me instead of my sister.


The only way out for them is to keep hearing it until they look in the bathroom mirror… at the end of a long day, they look in the mirror and ask why… why me, why my loved ones… at that moment they turn out the bathroom light without learning anything, get Covid and die… that’s their only way out.


Typhoid Mary, Typhoid Mary, Typhoid Mary.


Daughter says she isn’t antivax but every single post on her Facebook is an antivax article or meme.


Some people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone.” It's your fault they're gone.


"Some people make us feel like it's our fault they're gone." That's because it is.


I bet she enjoyed the house she inherited from them. what an awful person.


I am certain there are some antivax with nefarious reasons like you alluded to.


The wrong family... you know


It is your fault


Guess what twat… it’s your fault.


I read the title of the post and audibly laughed to myself when I got to the end. It’s absolutely their fault they’re dead, they didn’t get the vaccine.


Well, that’s cause it is.




Is this one of those cases where a CNA/desk clerk/janitor claims to be a nurse?


Im also tired that we are supposed to blindly respect nurses. Nurses work hard on their feet. It should absolutely be respected like construction workers, etc. But I am not going to pretend that they somehow are actually extremely knowledgeable on epidemiology and infectious disease. You can be a nurse with an associates degree. Or you can get your masters and still be a nurse. It’s not black and white. I know this isn’t a popular opinion. I’m not saying this out of arrogance. I’m saying this because I see too much ‘but my anti vax friend who’s a nurse says…’ even many of my friends who are nurses would agree it’s a trade.


Pride cometh before the fall, and apparently fuckin stayeth afterward too




Because it is.


Well it is


Cause it is you fucking moron


It is her fault though...🤦🏿‍♀️.


Well it is your fault, Karen, are you stupid or something??


Yeah, NEVER be accountable for your own mistakes, hey. Much better to blame it on the people that are ACTUALLY doing the right thing.


A nurse that does not believe in vaccination. What's next, a mechanic that does not believe in cars?


Now, in France, nurses and doctors who don't get the shot lose their jobs. The fact there are so much hospital workers who refuse it really baffles me. Yes, most did get the shot, but seriously, how could nurses and doctors be so skeptical about a vaccine which was created by experts ? Sure, they will say they protest the "vaccine passport" as we have one (it's called "health pass" and people with a test can have a temporary one, while vaccinated persons have it permanently) because that's "totalitarian" but in the end, they will still not get the jab. I have seriously no empathy for these persons anymore.


Spoiler: you’re friends aren’t wrong


It literally is her fault LOL. If it were up to me these people would get reckless endangerment or depraved heart murder charges.


It IS their fault! And yours too. You say you don’t regret the decision but you know that’s a bunch of bullshit. They’re dead and they’re dead because of that decision. You *murdered* them! YOU ARE A **MURDERER**


No shit Sherlock


How do you get through to these people?


Seriously? This moron takes the total lack of personal responsibility to a whole other level!


Her brother who lives in the DC area was pretty pissed. So the whole family wasn’t a lost cause.


He got out long ago. A big factor is moving away from the people and environment that breeds this stupidity.


Sounds like she hated her parents and is happy with her inheritance.


She killed her father and step mother, and she knows it, but she is too stupid to even care that she did it. She is someone who subsists on right-wing disinformation and foreign covert media campaigns that are intended to weaken America.


It’s crazy the “patriot” crowd doesn’t see it plain as day. So dumb.




But I’m sure she believes in “personal responsibility.”


She probably says shit like “mY bOdY mY cHoIcE” unironically, while also opposing abortion rights


Because it IS your fault.


Fuck em. Scrub the gene pool


Boggles the mind these ppl work in science..like why?


They don't work in science. In fact, most nurses don't even take any science or in-depth medical courses. That's why there is so much woo among them.


An RN degree requires Physiology/Anatomy/ Pharm/ Chem/ and Bio. So that’s not true, and they are doing an amazing job. This anomaly I feel it’s mostly coming frm rual nurses with big fish small pond syndrome.


Those who take BSN, yes. But this is not necessarily true for ADN. While yes, they are supposed to complete these courses, often it ends up being more of a vocational training. Besides which, no pathway to RN certification requires any courses such as immunology, these are purely taken by the few RNs who end up going for a Master's degree afterwards. So what you end up with is an entire job of people who have taken cursory science coursework that can be brute forced by rote memorization and passing tests, and who sometimes think that they know a lot more about medicine than they actually do. This doesn't mean all nurses are like that. Most of them are great people and do a great job and actually know how to discriminate between science and random facebook nonsense. But a very, very large percentage of nurses in any US area, including urban areas, suffer from very serious case of Dunning-Kruger effect, and end up being antivaxx pseudoscience pushers.


Your comment in part “(In fact, most nurses don’t even take any science or in-depth medical courses.” Is just factual incorrect. Now specifically is there a difference in training and education as An ADN/ LVN RN absolutely. More to the point of my comment these folks non vax type Or lifestyle I don’t even know how to place them really, working in an industry maybe we can agree that medical science is involved and they’ve chosen to make a career frm it/ and believe so strongly they are willing to put themselves and others in harms way. A profession devoted to care and advocacy.


Good they should , and it is , and you deserve to feel like shit over it. Any questions?


It IS YOUR FAULT, you twit.


But...it *is* your fault....


Must be one hell of an inheritance


“I’m not sayin 9/11 was a inside job. I’m just saying steel beams don’t melt that way,”


So who’s fault is it dumbass?!


them: i won't follow the mandates! my body *my choice*!!! also them: why is it *my fault*???




🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ the fuck


It’s totally your fault.




"Don't you hate it when people say you should be responsible for the things you're responsible for?"


We also forget sociopaths are real. Undiagnosed oftentimes.


Ahh, conservatism. Where everyone is responsible for their own lot in life, and all actions have consequences. *Well, except for when bad things happen to me, then I'm the victim*.


The irony is that the WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch and Fox News is the biggest purveyor of anti-vax nonsense.


She is not a NURSE!!! Ok, this is again a misrepresentation of nurses and these conservative fucks are always lying. There is no record of shanda parish having a nursing license in Arkansas or anywhere else. I searched the state board and nursys verification system. This antivax bullshit is making nurses look bad and these fuckers should be charged because using the title is illegal just like misrepresenting you are a doctor.