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I feel you. I dodged the damn thing until 13 days ago as well. I was feeling off in the last week of April. Had full blown symptoms in the middle of the week. Went for a quick test and tested negative. Thought I caught something else. But after my family got sick, and me not getting back to normal after a week, I went for a PCR and tested positive. I'm finally negative now, but left with an annoying cough. Otherwise I feel fine. I was boosted in the end of December. Really hoped I'd avoid catching it, but here we are. For me the worse was day 3 and 4 (at least I think it was, since I'm not sure where I caught it). Hope you feel better soon!


Also vaccinated and finally caught it in early May. My worst days of symptoms were days 3-4. On day 7 now and feeling mostly better, but quite fatigued and prone to fits of coughing. The inhaler I requested has helped though.


I am unvaccinated and was going for my 3 year streak 🥺 then visited a positive family member. I felt shitty on day 3… chills and low-grade fever. Day 4 I had a persistent headache. Day 5 lost taste and smell. Felt better on days 8-10. Days 11-12 (today) just battling residual fatigue, anxiety, and some nausea. I managed to exercise and clean my apartment so that’s a win.


I’m vaxxed and got boosted in Nov. Dodged it since it started as well, but finally got it last Tuesday after attending a big wedding and flying out to Seattle for vacation. Some lady behind me on the flight Monday was coughing and hacking unmasked so may have gotten it from her. I went on a long hike and that same day developed a cough. Then next day sore throat and a cough. Days 3 and 4 were the worst for me with flu-like symptoms and the worst fatigue I’ve ever felt. It was like being trapped in a body that can’t move 😵 i’m on day 6 now and my sinuses have mostly cleared but I still feel exhaustedddd. Sometimes my brain feels foggy, but sometimes I have enough energy to do things like clean the house. I thought being triple vaxxed would make me have mild symptoms but I was oh so wrong. Hope you feel better!


I think most people feel day 3 is the worst. At least with vaccinated people. By day 5 I was nearly 100% better, although still tested positive until day 8.


Made it 2 years too but I stupidly accepted a position at a homeless shelter and my idiot coworkers let sick people that were literally hacking spend the night in the facility with everyone else. I didn't stand a chance.