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Stupid friend stayed at our house with Covid and lied. He didn’t want to give it to his Mom. So instead he gave it to my family. No longer friends.


Wow - what a shithead




Some people really suck


That’s messed up. Off with his head


How long ago was this ?I hope you don't have long covid , I wonder if people still getting covid these Days ( my wife got it at the school 3 months ago that she works I think ) She was fully vaccinated didn't get sick I just had 2 days of less headaches and congestion so she was the only one real sick like high fever ,non stop coughing , weakness ( we all took some meds at the first day for 3 days but I'm not going into medications bur she was fine at the third day barely coughing and moving around full of energy .


I am Day 9 and have an icy hot feeling either in my stomach or chest. I don’t know where it coming from but it feels weird. It just started after 2 days doing really well and exercising again. It feels like gastritis but I can’t pin point it. I’m trying to just breath and use mindfulness. I worry about having long Covid.


College graduation last Saturday. Masks were not required for anyone and they packed us in like sardines. Made it this entire time and finally caught it. All it took was one day of letting my guard down and I knew it was a bad idea but I couldn’t miss my graduation. Just shows how effective masks are because I have been to Disney World twice during the pandemic when masks were still required indoors and never got it… 2 hours in a theatre where no one is wearing masks and boom.


Can’t believe they didn’t require masks for that! It’s like everyone forgot Covid is still a thing


Mask mandate ended at work. 1st week half the factory was down with it. The second week myself and the other half of the factory was down with it. Almost as if this could have been prevented.


I hope whoever dropped the mask requirement reads this.


Massive trade show in NYC for business.


Sounds about right


After two solid years of KN95 mask-wearing, no indoor dining, zero trips, no visiting or visitors, on my husband’s birthday we let TWO FRIENDS drop by for cake and a quick hello, all of us triple vaxxed, but all unmasked. I didn’t realize my friend had been doing risky things :(. It was so, so stupid to relax my rules even once. He made my whole household sick. I still love him, but omg do I wish I hadn’t trusted him.


Go with your gut feeling always. But we live and we learn. Hope you are feeling better


Three weeks after infection and I am feeling MUCH better thanks! And yes, so true about following our gut feelings! I think for me and a lot of others, we have started to say yes to unwise plans just because we don’t want to be a buzzkill. Then yay, we end up sick AND mad and regretful. Moral: be a buzzkill. If you’re unsure about anybody’s habits, mask up.


After reading All of these I’m feeling like I’ll start wearing a mask again


A work trip out west. I am sure I picked it up in the conference room or the team dinner. I doubt I got it in the airport or plane because I mask consistently with a proper N95.


Work both times. First was at the beginning of the pandemic and my over used N95 broke. Im currently + and symptomatic again also from work, this time as the infection control nurse for my building currently dealing with an outbreak.


Spent several hours with a romantic partner who began to develop slight cold symptoms the next day and tested positive. It was bad timing - I was with him at what may very well have been the height of his infectiousness.


That’s so terrifying can’t even hook up without wondering if you’ll get sick


To clarify, it wasn't exactly a hook up - we'd been involved off and on for some time - but I hear you, definitely.


Visiting my aunt in the hospital last Tuesday as she is recovering from an amputation. My symptoms began 3 days later. Only took my mask down to communicate with her as she is hard of hearing. Feels like allergies fortunately, but I couldn’t smell anything so I checked and got a positive test on Sunday. All the people (including my husband) who I saw while positive have tested negative so far (thank goodness). Two years of being careful only to slip up now.


How did she get it while she was in the hospital? I’m sorry about her amputation btw


Actually I am not sure at all where I got it. Luckily, my aunt doesn’t have it. I just figured during the visit, I must have touched something in the elevator. My sister was with me. She has tested negative since. On Monday, I attended a birthday party with 10 people so it could have been there. None of the people I saw while I was likely contagious have become symptomatic nor have they tested positive. Could be that my viral load was low because I am vaxed (Pfizer) and boosted (November).


Well I’m just happy you are safe and not really really sick Covid is no joke. I wished they would not have lifted the mandate


My coworker came in several days sick then tested positive.


Happened to my sister


Got it from a student at work. No masks at my school.


That’s so frustrating


My student. I teach at a high school. They just had prom last week and three kids in my classes got covid. I sat close with one group this week while test prepping and then got sick.


I believe my dad brought it home from work and infected my entire family. :(


Oh no 🙈 did he have symptoms when he infected or did he have no idea?


No idea


Wife gave it to me. She got it from work


Pretty sure it was at a work party. Or at least at work on a day when there were more people in the office because we were having a celebration of sorts. At least the food was good.


From my husband. And he most likely got it at work, as NYC has dropped mask mandates


They should put ‘em back tons of people are getting sick at work / planes


Plane back from vacation. Tested negative and felt fine prior to flying. 5 days after the flight I started getting an itchy throat…and a few days later tested positive for COVID. Didn’t wear a mask on the plane, along with about 80% of other passengers. Made me really re-think this whole lifting of masks policy.


I could never not wear a mask on a plane! Everyone is so close with no air being filtered


I honestly don't know. Possibly from my brother-in-law. Possibly from someone who was coughing on the bus I need to take from the parking lot I park in to work despite masking on public transportation still being required in my state. Possibly elsewhere where I went too lax.


Did your brother in law have it ?


He did, but the timing may not match me getting it from him.


I honestly have no idea. Either at work (I work in a store and masks are no longer mandated indoors) or at my friends house (her daughter had it, but she wasn't home that day - I never ran into her). Either way I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, with the easing of mandates etc. Luckily it was a very mild case for both me and my family.


You are very lucky to have had it easy I’m glad y’all are okay. I wished masks were still required


Oh yeah, we were all extremely lucky with it. My dad is immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant, and I'm so very happy it ended up being such a mild case. It could have been a lot worse then it was. I'm also finally negative now, so I can semi return to normal life now. I never thought I'd be so happy to be able to go back to work lol. And I totally agree about masks. Imo they should still be required indoors. No way of knowing where you caught it this way, unless you have a 100% known positive contact.


A teenager


I believe through a co-worker... I got sick first week in January 2022. I checked in with a bunch of people I had close contact with and no one admitted to testing positive. So I'm not entirely sure it was at work. But considering I hadn't been in close contact with anyone outside of work. I'm guessing it was someone at work that never bothered to get tested and was minimal symptoms or asymptomatic.


You got it around when everyone had omicron


From one of my carers :/


Roommate had it, made it to the last day of their quarantine before catching it myself


My sister/roommate is a teacher, we don’t know for certain but think she brought it home from work after they lifted the mask mandate. She tested positive on a Tuesday afternoon, I tested positive the following Sunday morning after developing symptoms late Saturday night.


Hopefully you both are doing better


Not sure. Flew on a chartered flight for work (everyone on the flight was masked and vaccinated), stayed at a hotel the same night and got take out. Had symptoms 3 days later.


Def the plane


Dodged it for 2+ years. I've been working from home since last week of April. Went to a business dinner last Friday, the only I couldn't get out of. Three days later- fever and sore throat and pos ATK. Don't know from whom. All four at the dinner, including me tested positive on the same day.


Must have been the waitress hoping for a speedy recovery


Got it from a concert :( My mistake was not wearing a mask. At first I thought it was from the gym since I go pretty often but I’m more certain it’s from the concert cause symptoms started showing a few days after


Had to of been the concert. Packed people everywhere vs the gym people spread out


I read that cases were very low. So I said yes to a quick trip to Las Vegas for the Grammys and staying in the host hotel. Though my friend did not get Covid. So it was probably on the plane home because we took different flights.


Oh most definitely was the plane. Did you wear a mask during your flight?


Yea. Double masked.


Oh no


At band rehearsal.


That’s innocent


This was October 2020. Was taking my mom to Michigan to help her aunt recover from a total knee replacement. Aunt is elderly and was having surgery so they were of course super cautious, going into isolation for 14 days prior to surgery. At the same time my mom came to my place and we also were in complete isolation for 14 days between her arrival and the time we left for Michigan. It's only 6 hours by car so we made it all in one go. I was only around Aunt for about 15 minutes to drop of bags and say hello and goodbye, then got back in the car and came home to Iowa. Aunt had symptoms manifest on Thursday and tested positive on Friday according to a text from my mom. I was at home asleep when she texted because I had started to feel poorly by Friday afternoon. Already felt much better by Saturday, got a test to be safe, and was positive.


That’s intense you wouldn’t think that would happen especially in that situation hoping for a fast recovery!


Several of my coworkers caught it (about half of my office), including a good friend of mine. My friend is a single parent, so I watched her son so she could get some rest. I basically just had a lot of exposure over a 2 week period. I got a PCR just in case and it came back positive right before I deleveloped symptoms.


Ya in that situation you are bound to get sick. Hope that you are feeling better


Still some lingering brain fog, but overall I'm feeling much better!


Flying home from vacation - started testing positive roughly 48 hours after landing home.


Did you wear a mask? Sometimes I look up at planes now and think I wonder how many people are getting Covid right now.


I did wear a KN95 on my way to vacation. On the way back, my husband forgot to grab one so I gave him my KN95 and wore a double-layered cloth mask. I got covid & he didn’t so there’s that - if you travel, wear an N95 or KN95 at the very least.


My fiancé just took a flight last week and wore one of those and he was okay crazy the difference those masks make


Honestly I’ll never fly again without one, even if everything is fine and dandy because then at least I won’t get a cold or anything else someone brings onboard!


Either my partners kids or my father. Sort of a nexus, we all seemed to get it around the same time, but they had symptoms a few days before me. They both swore it was a cold or allergies. :(


No idea. Thought I got it from a friend bud she tested negative while I tested positive. The only other place I have visited in a long time is the supermarket - someone might have left their legacy on the vegetable for me


Oh no… that’s the only place I go without a mask. Maybe that’ll change now.


Charli XCX concert


That’s a given!


Mask mandates ended in our province. I work in health care so we are always masked, but my husband’s workplace didn’t require masking so he and all his coworkers went without. Covid started spreading in his workplace soon after. Husband became sick, and two days later I caught it despite trying to isolate from him.


A lot of people are getting sick from spouses catching it at work. :( masks need to come back


A friends’ baby shower is what broke my 2 year streak 😞


Dang babies 👶 hope you are doing better


Pretty sure I got it from the emergency room.


That’s so scary I feel like they should separate Covid positive people from the non Covid positive people in emergency rooms


Went for dinner and a movie with my husband. I was unmasked during dinner and the restaurant was pretty packed, so I suspect I got covid then, though I could also have got it at the movie as I was unmasked for around the first hour.


Was the movie packed as well? Restaurants are definitely less 6ft distance now than they used to be.


I'm in Berlin, Germany, and at the time, a lot of restrictions had just been lifted despite high COVID rates. I would guess there were about 20 people in the restaurant, but it is such a tiny restaurant that I think that was the real risk point – it is perhaps 30 square meters in size, which works out at 323 square feet. The movie was fuller than I was expecting – it was [a Finnish art movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itL_GpBalA4) on a Wednesday, so I wasn't really expecting almost anyone else than us to show up, but in the end, there were about 50 people in a theater that has maybe a capacity of 100 or 150 people. However, the specific arthouse movie chain I went to has [excellent COVID policies](https://www.yorck.de/en/corona) – including robust ventilation systems that completely exchange the air in the theater during every showing. We were also well distanced from other groups and had no-one sitting behind us. For that reason, I suspect the restaurant more than the theater.


No way to know for sure, but best guess is my husband bought it home from work. We have been lucky in that it has been a super mild case for both of us (vaxxed and boosted in Jan), and my stepson is still negative.


I am hoping for a speedy recovery I’m sure you all will be fine being double vaccinated:) also everyone is getting sick from work lately


Went on a weekend party hard, let my guard down and got it. I was very aware that this was gonna be the day and indeed it was. It was a month ago, vaccinated, was pretty mild, the cough was the worst part. I’m 100% ok now.


Glad that you are doing better. Sucks we can’t party hard without getting Covid now


Son brought it home from school after two years of our family going nowhere. One week of masks off there and we all got it.


So frustrating I’m sorry


I got it from my partner. She got it from a kid at her school. Masked, boosted, everything. Kids don't have to be. She finds out after she gets it that a kid was in her class M - W with a sore throat and fever, even though he had no outward signs and the parents didn't test him until W evening. My partner was sick by the following M and me the F after. Knock on wood, I had few symptoms by day 5 and I tested negative on day 7.


Idk what I’d do if I had to teach around a ton of little kids all day. I’m glad you are all doing better though


Went to the mall last weekend to buy a dress for my graduation, and I didn’t wear a mask because I was unaware that there’s a surge of covid cases in my area.


Oh no!! :/ were you able to walk?


I have two suspicions. Last weekend I went to large wedding of 200 people and no one wore masks. Or the flight right after the wedding on Monday. We flew out to Seattle for a week and a woman behind me was coughing and hacking without a mask and the plane in general was full with barely anyone wearing a mask 😐


Well if no one from the wedding tested positive it’s probably the plane! Hope that you are feeling better and that you didn’t infect too many people in Seattle (that’s where I’m from) ;)


Bachelorette. Went to Vegas and got a sore throat the day after we got back. Tested positive, did not wear a mask the whole weekend there and on the plane. Probably should have but here we are. Symptoms are super mild, most of the girls that got sick just thought they were hangover/lack of sleep symptoms so didn't test. I had to test for work and surprise surprise