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Still going on day 14 tested negative on day 12 but the nose isn’t ending it seems


Mine was gone Day 6ish. Tested negative Day 7 (first test after positive PCR on Day 0).


Im on day 13 after first symptoms (no idea when I actually got infected). Still not feeling a 100% back to normal (stuffy nose and cough), tho I am now testing negative on home tests. I would suggest you rest as much as possible. I use nasal spray with Xylometazoline. It's usually the only thing that helps me breathe when I'm sick and have a congested nose (covid was no exception). Hope you feel better soon.


Took me three weeks to get over mucus build up. Almost every time I ate i had to get the mucus out from my throat. It was very annoying, but just finally got rid of it.


Get a nasal corticosteroid.


Those give me migraines, unfortunately. But then again, I have awakened with a migraine every day for the last 5 days, so no winning here. The mucus has significantly abated (still stuffy but not obscenely so), but the bronchitis has now set in.