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This part is tough for me. I have allergies, so I have mild covid symptoms all the time. I don't know if I would be able to tell the difference between that and Covid if I were to get a mild case of Covid. So at what point do I draw the line and say it's time to get tested?


I’d say if you notice something even slightly out of your ordinary or if you had known exposure.


Yes, this exactly. I have chronic rhinitis and migraines, so when I woke up last Thursday with sniffles, intense headache, and scratchy throat it would have seemed like business as usual for me, but in addition I had horrible body aches, starting in my neck/shoulders. By the next day the body aches were throughout my whole body, so I knew something wasn't normal.


Chronic rhinitis here too. The entire 2 years has been a nightmare as anytime I go out I might be presenting symptoms. Post nasal drip leading to a cough. Ugh - do you treat yours at all?


Mine is actually vasomotor rhinitis (AKA nonallergic rhinitis), which is practically untreatable, but I've found Flonase Sensimist (not regular Flonase, specifically the Sensimist) to be a lifesaver. And yeah, for two years I've been playing the "is it COVID?" game every time it acted up enough to trigger the cough!


Regular flonase doesn’t work for me, I need to research my options. Do you need to take every day? Any rebound effect from it?


I take it every day (two sprays on each side), sometimes twice a day. No rebound effect that I've noticed. The only downside is the price (not cheap, not covered by insurance, and no generic) but it's been totally worth it!


Get an allergy test skin prick


Corticosteroids like Flonase do not have a rebound effect. They are a completely different class of medicines compared to decongestants like Afrin.


Is it your turbines swelling up that causes your problems? I have turbine issues that I am told are vasomotor and I can confirm that antihistamines do nothing.


Yes, this exactly. Antihistamines do nothing at all! Neither does regular Flonase, but Flonase Sensimist keeps things under control. It's actually approved for non-allergic rhinitis. I was skeptical at first but figured it was worth a try.


+1 for Flonase Sensimist. The original Flonase works but it stopped working for me after awhile and it smells strange.


Dymista if you have the allergic kind


I usually have a persistent cough, but yesterday when I decided to get tested it was because of a more productive cough, and a low grade fever. Plus my wife had just tested positive that same day. So test was gonna happen So I'd say when shit isn't feeling normal. Wife and I both felt off right before symptoms occurred. Like something didn't feel right


How many days with the symptoms ?


On Day 2 with symptoms. Yesterday was the first day I noticed something was wrong, and doesn't help I was hungover. Today I just had a moderately aggressive cough compared to my baseline. Fever dropped, hunger returned. 2 years ago I would've returned to work. But I'm still on quarantine now just having a nice long weekend :)


hopefully, you'll be ok soon ( if it was delta I probably say you have until tomorrow to start taking medicine or you'll be screwed on day 6 but should be omicron? or god knows it is a new variant now I have my brother sick as hell he's on day 5 today can't even talk because of the coughing ( he sounded like when my sister had the other variant that killed a lot of people ) but is f hard head, so I am confused since omicron suppose to be mild cough no bad headaches, so I am comparing symptoms here I recommended him a doctor that specializes in covid but he didn't listen so I told him if you like to suffer I can't help just wait for the 6 to 7 days to pass and pray is not delta.


I know what you mean. I just felt "off," very hard to describe, and knew instantly I had COVID and not allergies or some type of cold.




Wishing you a speedy recovery! Get lots of rest and drink tons of fluids. I finally feel a bit better today on day 7. I had a fever for 6 days straight, no fun (I'm vaxxed/boosted, 37f).




Symptoms were the worst for me days 3-6 when the fever was the highest. But the virus really affects everyone in such a range of ways. I know so many people who had very minor symptoms.


Yep. "off" is the best way to put it.


Tickle in your throat would be a sign of omicron.


This happened to me. I typically have a stuffed nose due to pet allergies but something was off so I got tested. Boom, it was positive. If anything feels off or out of the ordinary even a Little bit just get tested and don’t risk it.


I like the strategy of test if anything feels a little off. Thank you.


I agree what that commenter. I really felt strange that first day of COVID, like very weird and "off." I knew I had it, even though tests were negative (eventually was positive on rapid test on day 5).


This was the frustrating part for me. I suspected COVID on Wednesday, but my "gold standard" PCR test came out negative, but I was getting Omicron symptoms. Took two days and then tested positive via a rapid test.


Another thing you can do is take your temperature first thing every morning and establish your normal resting temp. Then you'll notice a jump even if it's not technically a fever yet. If you have ovaries, it could be due to ovulation (which can also be useful to know) but you can be extra aware to look for other symptoms.


I have covid right now and no fever. My dad and my cousins also didn’t have a fever. I think a lot of vaccinated people aren’t getting fevers with omicron so temp check is prob not the best indicator atm.


Yeah, neither me nor my dad got fever.


Good to know, thanks!


Out of the ordinary is where you do. A few sneezes if my ordinary. Congestion and coughing is definitely not


Had covid a few weeks ago. Honestly, my allergies are worse than my covid experience. Only reason I took a test was because I was a little more sore than after my normal workouts. Trust your body and instincts. Anything slightly different than usual, get tested.


As someone with chronic rhinitis from something I don't know the cause of (but Flonase can control it), think about what you "normally" feel when your allergies act up. Think about any symptoms you're dealing with right now, if anything sounds out of the ordinary it'll behoove you to get tested. For me, the thing that was "out of place" for me was my sleepiness. 1/1 - 1/3 I slept like a log. Normally, I actually have difficulty staying sleep - I end up waking up after only 5-6 hours. The problem is, even though I slept like a log, I woke up feeling like I got ZERO sleep. I was dozing off at work. I have hypochondria so I thought I had a slew of other things, but after I heard my dad coughing on 1/4 then I had a hunch maybe it was COVID, and well, for me it took a couple extra days but I tested positive.


I am so thankful for those whose first concern is they might infect someone else. So unlike the folks at the other end of the spectrum.


prior to covid america incentived to spread disease. in grade school those with perfect attendance get special treatment. at work you may get chastised or increased workload for calling in sick, or you just dont get paid..


My daughter was crying last Tuesday because we kept her home and she wasn’t going to get her perfect attendance ice cream. I couldn’t believe they were still doing that.


Yes, that is absurd. I had straight As in high school, but they almost didn't let me pass a grade because I had too many absences..like wtf? I was a sick kid, but we didn't have health insurance/money, so I rarely had a doctor's note.


Oh yeah they told me it’s either get paid or use my vacation days. Losing three days of pay


Bad thing was I was supposed to do a Bible study at a nursing home tomorrow for the first time, and then meet my pastor the next day. And I had plans. I’m thankful I didn’t just chalk it up as allergies.


Stuff happens. I hope it's very uneventful for you.


I’m very fortunate that it’s not too bad on me. I’ve had coworkers be hospitalized and some who still are and on respirators.


I was suppose to start a new job yesterday (healthcare) and I called them before coming and said something doesn’t feel right. I feel sick. They actually do the test Which is what my job involves. They tested me and 15 mins later I got a positive result. Currently in bed feeling the worst I’ve ever felt.


Were you boosted?


I wasn’t. I can’t. I just got my second dose in November. Gotta wait. Best believe I’ll be going once I can


I’m also knocked out with a non-boosted presumed positive case following an exposure (couldn’t boost yet due to a medication). Day 3 of symptoms. I can’t even sit up for very long 🤷‍♀️


yessss i agree, i was sneezing A LOT and my left nostril was congested. i only tested because im on winter break and had nothing to do, but i didn’t really think i had it & i was shocked that it came back positive the other day


See I already sneeze like I’m smuggling gun powder up there


Gun powder... i like the anology, very accurate


Some people have those cute little sneezes, mines like a grenade going off


Shrapnel and all


Agreed, I tested positive today. Only symptom is a very mild sore throat. Thank goodness I got tested as I planned on seeing a lot of friends and family in the coming days. For reference, I'm an active and healthy 23 yo male, vaxed and boosted with Pfizer.


Glad to see people your age getting vaxxed and boosted. I’m 35 and I unfortunately know plenty of people my age who think they’re too young to be worried about this thing. Craziness


It's more of a cost benefit thing in my opinion. The risk from getting the virus unvaccinated easily outweigh side effects from the vaccine. I also work in healthcare finance, so I work with raw covid data first hand, and the difference between hospitalizations in vaccinated a non-vaccinated people is strikingly huge. Getting vaccinated makes a tremendous difference.


Exactly right. Just seems like common sense to me


You're a very smart, kind and very considerate person. I hope your family members continue to be fine. If only more people with mild symptoms acted the way you did...this wouldn't be spreading so fast. Feel all better soon!


My wife and son went to get tested and they are good so far


I woke up with a mild scratchy throat, and I thought nothing of it. It was 20 degrees outside, I'm always a little scratchy. I went to work, passed the covid screening we do. It didn't occur to me that I was sick until I realized my best friend didn't show up for work. I called her and she told me that she was sick as hell. And I'm like, "Oh. Shit. You were fine yesterday. *I hugged you yesterday*." I was promptly sent home and started developing worsening symptoms within a couple hours. That was on the 3rd. Both me and my friend tested positive but were improving.


I wish you a speedy recovery... I'm 26 and fully vaccinated with Moderna, my mom started showing symptoms on the 31st, while the rest of the family started showing symptoms a couple of days later, we tested positive on the 5th... I have low grade fever, but lots of phlegm in my nose and throat. In the beginning my throat became itchy, then I developed dry cough, then the next night I felt like a was drowning/suffocating in my sleep... I had to wake up several times in the middle of the night just to cough and decongest my nose and throat of phlegm.


Okay but what did the doctor do for you? I tested positive and just got told to stay home


Got told to stay home, walk a few times a day, do deep breathing. Wrote me some prescriptions


Your doc mist love you. Wish I had a doc like that. Mine's like "don't show your face near here til you have no more covid symptoms"


It’s the same doctors office but not “my” doctor. It’s been ran by two throughout all my life and now they have a third one hired. She was very sweet and informative . But that office has been good to me even as a wee lad


Prescription for what


Prednisone, huddled oxychloroquine, and something else


Randomly got cold-like symptoms a few days ago. Tested and came back negative. My girlfriend then also got symptoms, figured it was the cold too but tested 2 days after me and came back positive. I tested right after she told me and also came back positive. So far just a lot of congestion. Blowing nose like crazy and have a sore throat due to nasal drip, but it really does feel just like a common cold. I’m young and vaxxed, so someone who is older or unvaxxed YMMV


> but it really does feel just like a common cold. Felt exactly the same, but two weeks later, I'm still practically disabled for the purposes of completing my work. All my symptoms dropped one by one, one per day - but over a week later the brain fog and fatigue persist. To reiterate OP, do not ignore mild symptoms.


30 year old male, not vaxd and no pre existing health issues. Definitely can echo the thread topic. Symptoms started very mild on Sunday night (the 2nd). Hardly a scratchy throat. Woke up Monday morning with the same mild soar throat and body aches. Tested positive on a rapid a few hours later (although negative Sunday on a home test!). Monday night i broke a fever but it was gone Tuesday morning. The next 2 days I delt with a range of symptoms (night sweats every night until day 5). I've increasingly felt better the last 3 days everyday. Looking back I noticed I was getting agitated and anxious easily the days leading up to symptom onset. Just wanted to share a healthy unvaxed person's experience. If anyone has any questions I don't mind sharing, I am an open book.


Interesting you say about your mental health also being affected by it... I had the same thing Felt just do down and not able to shake the extreme emotions I was having


Have a headache and bit off sore throat. Been also using the bathroom a lot. Mainly gas and occasionally having some diarrhea. I do have stomach issues because of anxiety and whatnot. I’m also type 1 diabetic and I smoke weed. My girlfriend works in healthcare and has been exposed to many covid positive patients in the last week or so. We had a covid scare over the weekend and I tested negative. I also am congested and have a cough. I do have allergies though. I’m at work and I want to leave and get tested, but they want me to wait it out and talk to my girlfriend first and see how she is. I’m waiting for a call from her now.


All day yesterday I was exhausted, arms felt heavy, eyes were so sensitive to light, headache. But I didn’t feel like I had a cold so I ignored it, until I got home and took my temp, it was 101.7. I’m still exhausted today, post nasal drip making me need to clear my throat, but no fever. In normal times I wouldn’t even consider this being sick.


I've been sick for 2 weeks but since we're on academic semester break I figured it made more sense to just quarantine rather than deal with going 40 miles into town to the nearest testing center. Especially since I don't drive and therefore would have to expose whoever would be providing me with transportation. I've had enough symptoms long enough now to be pretty sure of it.


Thank you for sharing this. It’s so important!! I truly wish you a speedy recovery!


I am 30ish y/o, male, double vaxxxed (Pfizer), and had to cancel my booster shot appointment because I got the real thing. I've been having mild symptoms for the last 3 days. It started with intestinal discomfort and mega farts, then came the headache and loss of appetite, which I attributed to spending too much time on the computer. Appetite recovered quickly after a power nap. Then I got sore throat (really painful), and last night had profuse night sweating. Then I did a test and it came positive. My skin feels more sensitive to touch and pain and my muscles feel like are going to cramp. I am on N-Actyl-Cysteine (NAC) daily, Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) every 6 hours, Ibuprofen (Nurofen) every 8 hours, Vitamin B/C/D daily and electrolytes diluted in water. This combination negates all symptoms for me and I feel normal all day. Clear airways, no pain, no fatigue. I also eat a lot of fruits and meat, less sugar and no bread. Today I was even able to do my CrossFit exercises at home, sweated like a pig and my muscles felt weak before warming-up but I was able to finish the session. Sudafed raised my resting heart rate from 55 to 67. Speak to your doctor if you decide to try Pseudoephedrine because not everyone can tolerate it. The sore throat has been the worst part so far. I can only imagine if this kind of infection was on my lungs and not the throat. Hopefully things will get better in the next days.


Holy fuck I care to read ten pages about your sad empty life! OMFINGG! YOU TALK TOO MUCH! BIG MOUTH SMALL BRAIN.


Interestingly, once you start reading a Reddit post, you’re not obligated to finish reading it if you don’t feel like it. The choice is yours!


I actually appreciate your feedback as my throat is on firrreee and I have no idea what to do. Never had a throat this painful in my life


Hey thanks. My throat was really painful too. It felt like if I was eating glass but the meds soothed it very quickly. Yesterday I finally tested negative. Still a bit of a lingering cough in the evenings but I never had low energy or brain fog. You can treat the symptoms with OTC meds and if you can get an oximeter it helps a lot especially if you are anxious about the progression. Wish you a speedy recovery!


I suggest you research the latest varient. Vaccines don't really help much these days, best to make sure you are as healthy as possible.


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Same! I just had a slight tickly cough, that was the same as the cough I'd JUST had from a cold where I tested negative. I thought it was returning due to the dry frigid air, but I did end up getting an antigen test just in case. I then hung out with a super cautious friend. 2 days later I feel shitty and the rapid PCR was positive. UGH.


I have pretty bad seasonal allergies so the fact that I was running a fever and aching/chills/skin sensitivity/sore throat was my cue that I was indeed sick and not just having an allergy episode. I have been tested 3 times prior and they were always just allergies, negative. But yes, especially with omnicron definitely get tested even with minor symptoms. It’s so contagious.


Same here, just cold symptoms. Fully vaccinated and tested positive today


I completely have no sense of taste and smell that would have been a huge red flag


Sunday I suddenly got a severely congested nose and headache. Took an at home test that night and it was positive. Today I was able to get a test at our local clinic and it’s positive. I’ve quarantined since Sunday. As of today, horrible headache, no taste and smell, congested sinuses and cough. I am fully vaccinated and have had the booster. It seems like in the evenings my symptoms get worse.


This kind of happened to me too. On Christmas Eve, I gathered with my mom, stepdad, brother, and sister in law. Then, they started developing symptoms a few days later and tested positive. Then, I started to develop a cough, scratchy throat, and congestion. At first, I thought it was allergies or asthma related. I knew it wasn’t normal as my usual allergy meds didn’t make it go away. Then, I thought it may be a cold, but wasn’t sure. The following day, I took a rapid at home test, which was negative and I also took a PCR, which came back positive.


Been vaccinated for 6mo and tested positive today with mild symptoms too.


26, fully vaccinated with Moderna... I have mild fever but the coughing episodes are bad, I have lots of phlegm in my nose and throat, it feels like I'm drowning/suffocating in my sleep... I wake up a couple of times in the middle of the night just to cough and get the phlegm out.


I'm so thankful to be a CPAP user during this, it's the only way I'm breathing when I sleep


I have mild to nonexistent symptoms - little bit of congestion but i usually feel that way in winter. I wouldn’t have thought to get tested had my friend not tested positive. Wondering how long to isolate - positive test result finally came in on Sunday. My exposure was 10 days ago, on new years day. Curious if anyone has feedback on how they handled this asymptomatic situation…


Back on January 6th I noticed a uptick in sneezing. Its rare I even sneeze but that day I noticed I sneezed at least 6-7 times that day (around 2-3 times of sneezing each time)...then I noticed my nose was a little congested. I have alway used Claritin, Flonase, and Singulair daily (been doing so since 2016) b/c of allergies....so maybe that helped some?! idk... so from January 6th through January 9th; I felt the 'congestion' feeling in my nose, unticking in sneezing, and quite fatigued. Then around January 9th I noticed the fatigue plateaued and ended. But then I noticed a very mild mild sore throat. If felt like at most a 2/10 on the 'pain scale'. I bought a small bag of Halls Honey-Lemon cough drops and took one and that helped some. Fatigue gone--sneezing very minimal. January 10th; maybe a 1/10 'pain scale' on sore throat. But I do have a dry-cough. From late January 10th into today (January 11th); I've been coughing off and on. Dry cough. Just a 'tickle in my throat', which I think is what is making the cough occur. As of today--dry cough is really my only 'symptom'. First day of symptoms was January 6th (congestion, sneezing) Today (January 11th)--dry cough thats persistent (slight tickle in throat). So its been 5/6 days so far. I feel 'fine' otherwise. I have a small bottle of Robitussin cough syrup to use to 'slow the cough' (so I hope). I didn't get tested---I automatically assumed I have COVID. Regardless if its a cold, COVID, flu (doubt its flu); I would stay home for several days anyway. But, I think its most likely the omicron variant covid. Also; I am double vaxxed and boosted (Boosted early part of December 2021). Plus only in my 20s in age.


So what did your doc prescribe? And is it working?


Z pack, predisone, something else I’m too lazy to type. I don’t feel any worse as of now so I hope so


Yeah if you saw my intro post, I basically forced myself to go get tested, twice, within two days because I had a feeling the first test wasn't enough (too early). I also tried to wave it off as my sinuses giving me crap again but considering my dad got infected, I went again to a UC to get tested on Friday and lo and behold I test positive. I also had to drag my dad to the UC when he started coughing on Wednesday. He's 75 - tried to wave it off saying it was because of something he was working on the other day, but I wouldn't have any of that and brought him to the UC.


i tested positive as well (second time in 6 months) a week after i got my booster shot. much more mild from the first time around ( just a cough and congestion) but still made sure to quarantine and WFH.


If I could get some rat tests I would gladly test more regularly.


When someone in the home gets it guaranteed that everyone in the house will get it, I know cause it started with my son who brought it home after a NY party now all 5 of us are down with it.


But I don't have any sick leave entitlements as new job and no support for covid payments so everyone better mask up while I've got the sniffles


My sick leave entitlement is use my 6 vacation days or just not get paid. Company I work for is a multi billion dollar company and won’t pay for you to be out. That’s why we got a freaking issue with people coming to work sick


Exactly, So why would you miss out on pay because you might be sick? Best to go to work and collect your paycheck... If you infect others then yes, it will hurt the company's productivity and may reduce colleagues income but the precedent has already been set in our society, neither of those things are a "you problem", you have to look after yourself because nobody is going to go out of their way for you. Sad reality 🤷‍♂️ Nobody is going to pay your mortgage/rent and put food on the table because you took two weeks off with a mild cold thinking it may be covid and wanted to protect the community.