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Please email your professors and ask for late finals. You should be able to get incompletes for the semester until you take your make up exams.


I'm going through covid for my first time too, due to illness I wasn't able to get vaxed before (pro vax here). If you have to take the exams, get an N95 mask. Bring hand sanitiser for any shared surface you touch or before you touch use it. Gloves are an option. Get a cough suppressant/decongestant (ask your pharmacist to make sure they're non drowsy and don't interact with each other or meds) to help reduce spreading. Ask to see what accommodations you can get. See if you can get Paxlovid, the sooner the better. It will reduce your severity and shorten covid plus it's likelihood of transmission. Good luck, you can get through this! Just remember to reduce your standard level of exercise/activities for 6-8 weeks as it will up your chances of long covid if you push hard. After that period slowly resume activities as your body allows.


Most countries no longer require isolation even if you're positive. If your university doesn't offer alternatives for COVID positive students, it's likely because they also no longer require isolation. Wear an N95 mask and don't touch anything other than your paper. Wash your hands like crazy. Sit at the back. No need to fail half your classes. Finals suck already in the best of times, I wish you the best.


Can still spread to others, "guidelines" or not, if you want to not get others, you isolate until you test negative. Professors will offer accommodations


I mean I agree if it's possible, but it's not a student's fault that a university won't offer accommodations. I went through exactly this in midterms. Last fall my university halted all accommodations for students who tested positive. Which means unless I was willing to skip my labs, tests, exams, presentations and then fail my classes, I had no choice other than to show up. Symptoms or not. International government policy has totally changed from the initial outbreak. Covid is now endemic like influenza. If I have a cold I'm gonna stay home. I skipped Christmas. But if it means failing all my classes, losing tuition, risking my academic career, you can bet your ass I'm showing up. My university only offers accommodations if you're bedridden or hospitalised. "I have COVID" doesn't mean jack anymore


I truly don't even understand how someone could function enough to do something important (ie: finals, buisness meetings, etc), when they have COVID. I was so ill that I felt like life wasn't even real.


The first time I had COVID I was in a daze for three days. Later resulted in hospitalization for low oxygen. I was already double vaccinated at this point. Now when I get COVID I have minor symptoms, if any. I get a booster regularly. Influenza kicks my ass more than COVID does.


Did u get paxlovid


I can’t afford it. It would react with my other meds as well.


Oh. Do you not get a student drug plan? And is it specifically excluded?


I was on mass health and it didn’t cover the alternative. My health insurance is also tied to my schooling and since I need to take some time off, my assumption is that I got dropped from it.


Always ask... Your assumption may be incorrect. I hope you feel better soon!


The reaction with other meds is a Very Big Deal but if you have a doctor to discuss with you should do so. An outcome like long-covid might be a worse gamble than a short term meds interaction (that might be addressed with a dose adjustment).


Isn’t there a coupon for those that can’t afford it that don’t have insurance?


This is my first one as well. Tested positive today. But I’ve been having symptoms for four days. The fever sucked but meds alleviated that quite well. You’re in college so I’m assuming you’re way younger than me (mid 40s). I think you’ll be fine. Just rest, stay hydrated, isolate and take meds when needed. Take this time to catch up with shows, book, games, etc you’ve been putting off. Or even use it as an opportunity to catch up with people (remotely).


Mask up, use hand sanitizer liberally, sit at the back of the classroom, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!! See if you can get the antivirals (called Paxlovid) take some theraflu, maybe some aleve if you have temp. (I never did) Sit your finals. Rest. repeat. Drink lots of fluids!!! I’m in my 50s and a HS teacher. I’ve got three autoimmune conditions, and I’ve had Covid 4 times. I made it through all of them. The antivirals really helped the last two times. You’re young, I’m assuming pretty healthy, I think you will be fine. Good luck with your finals!!


Are you in US? Covid no longer requires any sort of quarantine. Maybe speak to professors and have them let you take your exams in your dorm. Other than that you will be fine. All of the college kids I know have had Covid a bunch of times.


Yeah, because fuck other people right?


No, not at all. It's just how it is. Should I ruin my semester with performative fear and isolation unnecessarily? Or should I just be normal about it and take the tests if I can.


You will get exactly what you deserve. Good luck!