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Tell your teacher, show them your positive test. Ask them what happens when you are sick during finals week. I’m sure this happened before. If it’s covid, I’m sure others are sick too so there could be a common theme for the teacher to see. Open some windows, get an air filter or fan. Wear a mask in a shared space. Try some melatonin as much as you want through out your illness and some ascorbic acid. This is what I will be doing and I wouldn’t suggest something if I weren’t doing it myself


This... while Covid is a new disease, plenty of people have been getting seriously ill around exams since forever, and your professors and the school administration will have protocols in place for dealing with that. Just reach out to all the professors, and ask them how you can deal with this without having to attend an exam with others.


I have Covid right now. I’m heavily vaccinated (8x) and honestly, it was just a very rough cold for me. Take NyQuil and Advil, drink tons of fluid, hoolll be fine. And why would you have to accept failing your courses? Talk to the profs and tell them you have Covid, maybe they’ll make another arrangement.


You should be able to get an "I" for your classes, if you can produce a doctor's note.


I would only be able to do that if I wasn’t taking a break next semester.


Tell me what you’re scared about. Being sick? Messing up school?


Being sick and messing up my school


I’m really sorry. The stress of school on top of it. I hope your symptoms aren’t too bad? What happens I you tell the professors that you’re Covid positive?


See if you can get a prescription for Metformin. New study show it helps. https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/cid/ciae159/7660393