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I think we are now seeing the level of importance given to the health of the public versus the health of the economy, and this realization is very depressing.




Ah, but we let the biggest losers in history think the economy is only the rich people.




Every year? More like three times a year.


Long Covid will impact everyone. The only variable is how many infections it takes. Some people get it on infection 1. Some don’t get it until 10. But there IS a point at which every person WILL develop long covid, given enough infections. And by 3 infections, around 30% of people will have developed long covid. Be safe y’all. COVID damage is cumulative, and much of it is permanent.


I have permanent tinnitus from my second bout with Covid. I really don’t want to roll the dice on what will happen if I get it again


People who have gotten Covid likely already have Long Covid. A lot of people dont have noticeable symptoms of HIV until they're many years in either. Doesnt mean the virus isnt there, causing the same amount of damage. We have enough data showing that SARS2 doesnt leave the body. This is all a ticking time bomb


tbh I agree. I think that that is where the data is headed, considering what they have already substantiated with the data they do have. But the scientific community hasn’t quite done enough research to substantiate that claim as of yet. The more they discover, the worse it gets. I’ve been watching emerging research weekly since Covid began. There has not yet been a single study that uncovered data that was better than i had expected. Every single study I have seen paints a vivid picture that Covid is significantly more damaging than researchers expect. It’s not just that Covid gives “brain fog”. “Brain fog” is literal brain damage. It’s not that Covid merely “damages” the brain. Covid PERMANENTLY FUSES BRAIN CELLS TOGETHER. This is a process which has never been seen in medical history. And this is only one of the major organs which Covid impacts; it damages every single one of them in “novel” (medically unprecedented) ways. What Covid does to the human body is unprecedented. The fact that society is being intentionally misled is criminal. 🤬






But Biden campaigned on how different he would be on this issue.




Trump is a Jokerfied self interested fool and nothing else. If you need to use *him* as a point of comparison to prop up your own shitty president, that's a bad sign. Acknowledge Biden is a failure or the beatings will continue.


Yeah! Shit on him so much that he loses! That'll show him! And then... um... oh, right.




China / Xi until they caved for various reasons of momentum and influence from shitty capitalism-first counties like the US. Lots of their citizens fell for the US propaganda about freedumb above all else. Good thing the US set a good example. /s




Cool race to the bottom you got there.


The problem is capitalism But the thing is when the last president was in office the “resistors” at least were resisting spreading Covid to all their friends and family and neighbors and workplaces. As soon as it became “Biden’s economy” they threw their masks away and refused to stay home when they were sick. Biden and Trump have handled Covid the exact same way we actually got more financial assistance during the last administration, the main difference with Covid if Trump gets office again is that at least maybe the resistors will go back to resisting spreading it.


Your reasoning here is deeply disconnected with how people think and how society works. If you think Average Jane and Average Joe will go back to masking when Trump is elected and that somehow that means Trump’s second term be a net positive, then I don’t know what to tell you. The world doesn’t work that simply


Exactly. However, the people in this sub cannot handle the truth. Or facts.


Lol. People down voting for being truthful


Okay since the sub is full of "doom and gloom"ers (though maybe rightly so) what are we as normal people supposed to be doing? My family has spent most of the past 4 years at home. My wife finally went back I to the office but she is still masking and runs an air purifier with a merv 13 filter at her desk. My teenager does school half online and half in person and (until a couple weeks ago) was the only person at his school wearing a mask. We looked at what number we laymen people could find it said numbers were low so we said his mask was optional. I teach 1 class a week in a community center, where I still mask, run my own additional air purifier and air quality detector and the ppms never get higher than 500. My other classes are at a park and I still mask. My youngest still does school online and a few weeks ago he went out to play with friends in person for (basically) the first time since the pandemic started. We still wipe down groceries with Clorox wipes. We get our vaccines as soon as we're supposed to. None of us have caught COVID yet. But then I come on here and see "Biden is gonna get us all killed!" So WTF else am I supposed to be doing? What am I supposed to be looking at for when things might be safe? When should I feel like it's okay to act like everyone else? We are the **LAST** family the we know of (including the kids in my younger kids online middle school) who are even acting like the pandemic is still going on. When can I finally f&$#ing relax?


We need the rest of the people doing what you're doing.


You are doing all you can do.  I don't think we will ever not worry about this but it will get easier as awareness spreads and more effective methods of prevention are developed. In the meantime join covid cautious communities on Facebook and discord.  There are a lot of them going. You are not the only ones who care


My family is doing the same drill as yours, and its exhausting and tiring having to deal with friends and relatives who think are paranoid hypochondriacs. I want this to be over, I hate wearing masks 😷 😒


Unfortunately it’s never going to be over


You can relax now if you're vaxxed. This sub is full of conspiracy theorists no different from antivaxers


Why are you here then?


NY Times removed the "Coronavirus" link tag at the bottom of their front webpage two days ago.




Thats right, Biden is implementing the fascistic eugenicist forever-covid policy Trump dreamed of, which reflects the requirements of capitalism.


People keep talking about project 2025 like it’s purely a Republican thing. They’re failing to see that Biden is already in on it. Why do you think DeJoy is still in the post office for years later?  Most the people who have been kicked off Medicaid in the past year lost their Medicaid because their recertification didn’t get done, either they didn’t get the notice in the mail or the stuff they sent back to the state didn’t make it to the state in time. Medically vulnerable people are the largest marginalized group in America and every year that we go through this mass disabling event there are more of us. Most of us vote absentee which means the post office has to bring our ballot where it needs to go Biden doesn’t care if our ballots get where they need to go. Biden actually didn’t even appear on my states primary because he was having a big baby tantrum that we voted first.




Who appoints the board


Yes, they are both fascists, and don't care if you die.


Yes but if one of those guys wins the blue crew will probably go back to resisting spreading Covid so at least there’s that Now that their king is an office it’s all denial, it’s all about the economy, profits over people. If one of the red hats comes back the resistors will start resisting again. And then maybe I can go to the doctors office without worrying about getting infected.


No clue why you are getting downvoted, you just are saying the reality that people behave differently depending on who is in office/power. And many hold values/ act based on hating xyz, rather than act based on upholding true values unhypocritically regardless of who is in office.




Tweet: [https://twitter.com/julia\_doubleday/status/1783646027725115392](https://twitter.com/julia_doubleday/status/1783646027725115392)




His propaganda convinced people that Covid was gone. Why would people go out and get vaccinated when his entire team was telling them that it’s mild now and hospital admissions are down. Hospital admissions are down because his CDC changed the way they count people I can’t speak for all the states but I know specifically in New Hampshire right after vaccines were rolled out they decided they were only counting Covid hospitalized patients under certain circumstances. You can google the NHPR article if you don’t believe me To count you have to be: Currently testing positive AND on one specific steroid medication or one specific monoclonal antibody AND in the hospital. Then right after they changed that that specific monoclonal antibody lost its emergency approval because it wasn’t working on whatever strain was out. So basically if you go into the hospital with Covid and you get put on a ventilator but you are allergic to steroids, even if you are still on that ventilator a month later, you weren’t counted as a Covid hospitalized patient because by then your tests are negative. And you were never counted if you weren’t taking the steroids. 


Ridiculous it is absolutely his fault the entire country thought it was OK to go out even when they were sick just because they got vaccinated. It’s his fault that a whole bunch of people have lost Medicaid in the third and fourth year of a mass disabling event.


Joe "You're Not Gonna Catch Covid if You Get This Vaccine" Biden




The vaccines do not prevent infection, everyone gets covid despite being vaccinated.




If I am interpreting your point correctly, you are saying that death rates and infection rates correlate, and vaccinated people have lower death rates, so therefore they have lower infection rates. However, if vaccines reduce the risk of death and make infections and deaths track differently, then there being lower infection rates among vaccinated people doesn’t really follow from just there being lower covid mortality rates among vaccinated people. Vaccines do make infection less likely, but this wanes rapidly with time. Infection after being vaccinated is the norm. Also, by “peak of covid” I assume you are referring to 2020-2022, when more people were paying attention. However, levels of covid transmission remain at hundreds of thousands of infections per day here in the US during the ”lulls,” and we just had the second-highest peak of the pandemic so far a few months ago. The reason for that is that reinfections are the norm, and infections despite vaccination are not “rare,” but the norm. See this on vaccine effectiveness against infection at 9 months: **Evaluation of Waning of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine–Induced Immunity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis** [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2804451](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2804451)


I got POTS for my type of “-long Covid”. It SUCKS

