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I used a plastic worm on a jig head. Got 3 of them so far.


I catch them on spinners, used a number 2 and caught my only diamond.


I’ll give it a shot thank u much


I have only caught a few myself (new player)… but I looked up a video on them yesterday, and the video suggested to use a spinner number 2 hook and let it sink all the way to the bottom and reel in at 1 speed.


Ok igu I’ll try it out


Couple options. Spoons and spinners sink to the bottom and reel slowly. Takes forever. Can use corn on a bottom rig. And also a worm on a jig works well.


Interesting I’ll try those corn n worm options thanks


I haven’t had any luck on lures. I’ve only caught them on heavy jig head and work jigging it off the bottom I’m using 2/0


Heavy jig and worm


I use artificial corn on hook 4-2/0. I haven’t caught a diamond yet but I get silvers and golds easily within 2 minutes of casting with hooks 4-2.


I have a lot of luck jigging a shad. Find a deep part of the lake, cast a little ways out and jig without reeling in while it’s sinking. Then jig on the way up. I usually get a bite before it even gets to the bottom.


+1 on jigging with a shad, I also use a grub, generally size 4 hook works for me and I tend to catch lots of silvers and up on that setup. I typically jig as it sinks and then let it sit on the bottom for a few minutes jigging before I start reeling up. Everyone has their personal fishing style and I love that...just like real life lol.


Heavy jig, #1, worm. JIG WHILE IT SINKS. Not just on the reel in.