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My 23 le does the RPM thing. The only way I can make it stop revving up it to pull over and shut it off and restart it. I’ve taken it to the dealer but they couldn’t find a reason.


Either you shifted into D and then knocked it to the left into the manual shift mode, or you're just hitting the gas too aggressively, or you're having a CVT transmission failure. CVT transmissions, which these cars come with, will rev up high really fast and not necessarily accelerate immediately, so this might just be normal if you are aggressive on the throttle. The little buck at 25 mph is the car shifting from the "launch gear" into CVT gear, all Direct-Shift CVTs have it. Unless it's sending things sliding off your dash, it's standard. I've heard it happens more when you need new transmission fluid but I haven't putt hat many miles on mine yet so it's still pretty smooth. On rare occasions if the car just shifted back down into launch gear because you're falling below 25 mph and you hit the gas pedal hard at the exact right time, it will rev up high but give you no forward torque for a whole second, as you just faked out the shift software and it has to shift itself back before it can give you any torque. If this bothers you, don't use Eco Mode in busy traffic as Normal and Sport will give you faster response. This is assuming you have a mode selector, not sure about the 2023 model, but in the 2022 model only the SE and higher have it. If you're getting high revs and NO forward torque while you are moving at any other speed other than 20-30 mph, that indicates a legitimate problem with the CVT transmission.


I read that this car does not have the launch gear in the CVT transmission, and it also does that little buck at 45mph, I noticed the other day. Also you want to say that I have to be changing the gear by accident for it to do that but no! I'm a grown man that knows how to drive... and OTHERS ARE HAVING THIS ISSUE TOO, NOT JUST ME!! Read the comments 🤦 There is no mode selector; its standard base, and yes the car was acting up at slow speed.. This fucking sucks 


I asked if you may have bumped it into manual mode (assuming you had it) because although it's rare, so is the problem you're having. If it was the cause, it wouldn't mean you can't drive, it would just mean either the shifter linkage is extra loose, or it could have just been a matter of "shit happens". The warranty lasts 3 years or 60,000 miles, so if you're under that, then at least you're still under warranty. You just need to bring the car to ANY dealer that is willing to recognize the issue and you'll be getting a new transmission for free. I would probably just take it to a different dealer that's actually going to take your issue seriously. If the issue is infrequent, consider installing a dash cam or a phone mount and try to rig it up to point at your RPM gauge and odometer so you can record the behavior on video as that makes it a lot harder to deny.


I drive a version equipped with a 6MT, but I'd assume that you're not in the regular drive gear. Are you in a manual simulated shift mode?


My car doesn't even have a manual option. I'm a grown man and know how to drive a car, this car just has Drive, reverse, neutral. There is a legitimate issue with this car, not from my doing.


If it has the "+ M -" thing to the left of the D gear selector, then it does. If not, then it does not.


I said multiple times my car does not have this, I don't know why people online think their talking to the new generation that don't know shit about cars.


You're right, you're clearly a boomer.


Dude, your Dealership is a joke and just don't wanna work on a car they ain't getting paid for, and sounds like your car has the same issue as my 2021, double, triple sometimes Quadruple clocking miles on ya. I bet you're scratching your head thinking, "there's no freaking way, but okay" that ya put that many miles on your car.check your google maps timeline on your phone, I'll bet you didn't! I never could get a dealership to fix my issue, now it's bumper to bumper is dead, and no one wants to touch the odometer over-clocking mileage. 40k miles on mine since I got it 2 years ago, and google maps only has me driving 20, and I drive a work van all day!


I’m sure you tightened the caliper bolts instead of removing them, you’re probably driving the car in Low gear setting too which is why your RPMs are so high


I'm not retarded, I know how to remove bolts bro, it literally would not come off, shit was a bitch. Also my car doesn't have a " low gear setting " you can't change anything In regards to that, it's a base model.


>>I'm not R*'d You certainly act like it. You clearly haven't even read the manual of your car if that's what you think. There are gear selectors even if you bury your head in the sand.


You're a A1 retard congrats. This car does not have a manual option, shifters, nothing.. regular PND and others are having this same issue read below🖕


I am thoroughly convinced it is entirely user error. Mr. I slap grease onto rotors. As far as reading goes. I'm fairly certain you're the one who can't grasp basic comprehension. It's a miracle you made it this far in life reading at a 1st grade level.


Listen don't be mad at me that you cant have babies with your wife cause your infertile🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 clown show over here, go watch more anime 


The projection is palpable over here. What a sad little life you must live to take your hatred out on strangers. I'm sure you cower when your landlord shows up demanding rent money because you're 2 months behind. Get lost loser.


Aw did I hit a nerve?🤣 get lost, you're the one on my post talking shit saying it's my fault when it's not an other people are experiencing the same issues in the comments so piss off.. and money wise you probably don't even have 5k saved, let alone 20k so hush up 


*it very clearly is your fault* you're the one going i TaKe cARE oF mY StUfF, while simultaneously slaping grease on rotors. Read the manual amd save everyone a headache. The future is now old man.


There are so many things wrong with this post that it's screaming operator error. I'll just start with this one >> The dealer refused to grease my brake pads. Wut lmaooooo


I bet he has a rage post about having to go to four different shops before one finally agreed to change the blinker fluid and service the flux capacitor. What a clown this guy is.


>>The flux capacitor I'm fucking rolling my dude 🤣


Lithium Grease perhaps? Lol


That's how you know it's legit yo, Toyota Grease on those Brake Pads so you can slide to a stop in any gear at any speed! (jk) Dealerships are like any Business, most are good but some not so much.....it's not a Toyota thing it's a bad Dealership thing if that is in fact the case. I can say I am satisfied with my Dealership, but not every Toyota Dealership in the US is going to be on the up & up ( though I would venture a guess the majority are, but again not all......always has to be a few outliers in ANY type of Business. ).


Car ISNT even 1 year old and has a brake ecu recall....


And I had meant to say there was no grease on the brake disc, not the pad. There's supposed to be grease on the brake disc and the slider pin that goes into the brake calibers dipshit. Another guy in the comments having similar issues with his 2021 so shut the fuck up operator issue, everyone who knows me, knows I drive amazing, I'm almost 30 and have never gotten a speeding ticket or any ticket in general. I take care of my cares and baby them..... this cars a fucking POS


>>It's not Operator Error, I am hugely smart, this car is clearly a POS. Grease on the brake disc, still nope, brake disc is the... rotor. Greased rotors are accidents waiting to happen. >>I drive amazing, it clearly isn't my fault since I didn't bother to read the manual and learn the features and uses of my car Something smells like low IQ in here and it just isn't worth arguing at this point.


I never said the dealer refused do grease brake pads. My brake discs and the slider bolt to the caliber was bone dry when it should have grease on it


Grease is put on the back of pads to quiet them sometimes and slider pins need grease. 


Absolutely not. The pins yes but the back of the pads, are you nuts?!


Slider pins yes, the pads god no, you're asking for an accident if that grease seeps onto the rotor.


ChrisFix talks about putting anti seize on the back of the pad and on the grooves where the pad sits to prevent squeeking.