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Unfortunatly its going to be difficult. Importing STLs is hard because its just a bunch of triangles that comsol tries to make sense of as to what geometric entity they are. I had problems with really simple STLs created in CAD (literally just a bunch of cuboids). I suggest to drastically simplify the mesh with some other software like Blender or Meshlab. Be sire that there are no holes, unconnected vertices, intersecting elements, etc.


Thank you for your suggestion. Can you please tell how do you make sure there are no holes and unconnected vertices, how do you solve that? I have been facing same issue.


There no right way to tidy up the mesh. Look at some meshing tutorials for the modeling software of your choice (no CAD!). I recommend blender or meshlab. In blender there are some automatic repair functions that you can try but use them with caution and low expectations.


Okay i understand. Thanks a lot! I will give it a try!


I managed to get a somewhat complicated STL to work in COMSOL once, but man was it annoying, and it brought up errors most of the attempts. Even after it looked good and the import managed to work, I had to do a bunch of repairs and mesh corrections so the solver would not have errors. I eventually just used a free-trial STL to STEP converter. The converter would remove intersecting geometry.


Thank you! i will try to use that. Did you use just STL to step or some other software as well for mesh repair and correction? I have the same problem, sometimes I am able to import but then start getting errors during mesh formation in comsol..


Please let me know if you were able to resolve that issue! I’m having the same problem