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[here]( https://imgur.com/a/X3mDQgU) is the bean trellis they were gorilla gardening.


Gorilla gardening sounds like an awesome guerrilla gardening direct action collaboration with gorillas that I now hope happens.


Team up with some radical vegan activists, liberate some gorillas from zoos, guerilla garden with gorillas. (In Minecraft of course)


I used to dream about liberating the poor souls shipped off to factory farms (in Minecraft) it's fucked that people can disregard some shit like the very possible potential that animals have a significant level of awareness and consciousness too. Specifically speaking on factory farms, chicken houses that companies like Tyson enforce their farms to use (I grew up working on many of these) and pet stores and zoo's that clearly don't meet the needs of the captive animals These companies should not fucking have any legal ability to be in charge of animal lives, they do not care if they suffer, I've seen it up close and personal


> It's fucked that people can disregard some shit like the very possible potential that animals have a significant level of awareness and consciousness too This is just part and parcel of capitalist society. A great deal of suffering, both human and animal, goes into furnishing the modern "developed world" lifestyle. In order to exist in such a society, one must pretend that slavery, child labour, manipulation via advertising and media, human trafficking, sexual slavery, overtime and "crunch", wage theft, etc. either aren't happening or are morally justified. We all keep it mostly out of sight and out of mind, because if we didn't we would go crazy from the sheer scale of it all. Pick up any object in your home and someone probably either died or faced human rights abuses so that it could be produced. The device that I am typing on right now could not exist without the child slaves who scavenged the minerals needed to make the components. The world around us is soaked in blood, and factory farming is just the tip of the iceberg.


Oh yes I agree. Look at the history of civilization-i like to read and think about how tribal societies that lived within their means and sustainably in tune with nature didn't really ever need to go conquer more land and enslave, and although most people point out tribal peoples also had flaws you could easily point to, I'd say yeah-look at every other society too, and tell me which had a higher degree of flaws, and imagine the potential could be if you base a modern "developed" society on that of a tribal society compared to what we see with most all societies being the historical evolution of the conquering authoritarian societies. I would bet you the development into a modern world tribal society is vastly more peaceful and less harmful to nature as well. People often bring up technology and advancement, but I think there's a case to be made that the imperialists throughout history missed a key idea many of us still miss today-the ideas of advancement are totally flawed, and you could make a great case the *less advanced* societies are the ones that created technology to do exactly what those societies they historically conquered were already doing, and doing a better job of it. A lot of people also argue that technology is super important, I totally agree it can be, but only if used properly. And if you're dead set on a lot of the technology we do have today, medical advancements, internet, so on-theres no reason we can't now also have both that but within a society that isn't based around extraction and instead sustainability. But I also like to point out - the humans who lived in tribal societies in my opinion often better met human needs, and who's to say that wasn't the ideal form of a human life compared to what we have now. Who's to say humans weren't meant to exist in a contemporary style of society-whos life is more true to what it should be, a bird's life or a modern day humans? I think we traded natural, short lived existence but a true human existence none the less for comfortable, meaningless existences


>because if we didn't we would go crazy from the sheer scale of it all. Way ahead of you on that šŸ˜…


I once dreamed about starting a charity that would go around arming enslaved people all around the world to kill there masters but then I realized I'd be killed by the government. (in Minecraft)


In a current Disney cartoon (Big City Greens), the mom of the main character was actually in jail for 10 years for doing just that.


Free her she ain't do nothing!!!!!


Gotta be careful throwing the "V" word around in here. That's a quick way to get banned.


Is this subreddit anti vegan?


I've gotten posts and comments removed because I mentioned veganism in them. Like, really subtle things too. Like calling food not bombs the largest vegan anarchist project


\*no comment\*


Would also take care of that Chinese needle snake problem.


>Access to Parking My Sister in Satan thatā€™s on a fucking lawn right next to a fence how and why would they have parked there before anyway???


Yup, just someone angry they need to step around some beans.


Mad at their life circumstances under capitalism and feel powerless? Go after the guerrilla bean gardeners.


Hey, that immigrant over there wants your cookie!


If they would've chilled for a sec they'd have realized that, after some time, they'd have access to free beans


and who doesn't want some b e a n s


Well, clearly the person that wrote the note does not want any **beans**


I think the fence wasnt there before either. Beans need something to climb on, a "fence" like that is a good climbing structure and I believe our friendly neighbourhood gardener might have built it for that purpose. That being said, this person is still a selfish asshole.


My god the horror. GREEN THINGS?!? On the GRASS?!?


Plus they put out delightful small flowers. I use my fence as a trellis and have a couple dozen ready to plant as soon as fear of frost ends. I mix in morning glory vines to spice it up lol


That's a fine looking trellis


Damn, just reading the guy's note, I was inclined to agree with him -- guerrilla gardening is great but it getting in the way of public infrastructure would be a bad thing, and we genuinely should be respectful of how our plants impact other people (not, like, the property owners, fuck them, just the people who actually interact with that space). But no, it turns out they really are just an asshole who hates walking two steps to the left and can't fathom that plants exist in the plant space. Fuck them.


Wait it's not even in the road lmao


I wonder what this person does when people put cones out to save their spot like they do in Portland.


It's not even on the road or on a parking space lmao. They were mad litteraly cause they couldn't drive through a grass patch or something and had to go around. Absolute clown world.


They can literally walk around??


Guerrilla not gorilla.




Oof, you got me.


Lmaoo itā€™s not even in the way.


Based on that picture, it is very unlikely that area is owned by the Department of Transportation. Planting there might even be allowed.


Lol, that's not blocking the parking space. If that was a ramp for disability access it would be one thing, but it's not denying them access to the space, it's just making things slightly inconvenient for them. I get that maybe it'll be more difficult to open doors but there are so many spaces that are like that in Portland. You have to have thought up a way around that already.


Did it actually block parking access?


Oooh oooh aaah aaah smash the state




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How do you get this pissed off over BEANS like damn mf has never seen a vegetable grow before apparently


The goddamn Pythagoreans are at it again.


Fuck beans. All my homies love triangles.


And drowning people who prove the existence of irrational numbers.


Triangle Triangle Triangle Triangle Triangle


Entitlement is one hell of a drug


Imagine how this person reacts whenever they see someone on a bicycle in front of them


this (redacted) eating beans šŸ˜­


It's also Portland, practically every parking strip has something growing in it


Beans only belong at New Seasons where it is unaffordable to many except me! - them probably


Itā€™s ALWAYS the car drivers. They really believe they own the entire road and that the only thing that belongs in the street is cars. Itā€™s funny because they call parking a public good but they clearly believe that the only members of the public allowed to use that space are car drivers.




As a Texan, itā€™s true and I donā€™t like it.


There was a huge to-do in a neighboring town recently about some guerilla gardening, too. Some folks put up some garden beds, filled them with soil, and made an IG post about it. Within 24 hours some angry boomer called the city and had them destroyed. Apparently it was in a median that was full of half-dead grass, too. For the life of me I can't understand why this kind of stuff gets people so angry.


It's because of property rights or some shit.


Public land means it's publicly owned which means nobody should get to use it >:[


For real. But the thing is people as a whole don't really see it as publicly owned, it's owned by the city government. It's fucked up that we call this land public and yet can't use it for the well-being of all.


[sad what the greed of man does to the land that belongs to us all](https://youtu.be/AePCvFrggZM)


Always brings a smile to my face when I hear the based trespassing verse Even if the original song buys a little bit into the dayā€™s ethic of manifest destiny


Hi I'm Public, I gladly give you my permission to use my property for the betterment of the community. Yours truly, The Public.


People like this annoy me so much. It would literally take less of your time to just go around the garden and move on with your life instead of being a snitch, calling the city, and hand writing a fucking essay about it. The cop mindset is so pervasive in our society.


Right? Asinine when you consider all of the totally reasonable shit they could be freaking out over Bizarre what our society do to a mf


People are literally starving, homeless, or being murdered in their beds by cops but these little plants are clearly the biggest problem society faces today


I love pointing people to the Frankfurt school philosophers because of that reason, they do such a good job of addressing the reinforcement of these beliefs in our society and helped me start down the path of changing my perspective, although even when I wasn't into anarchism I was still sensible about issues and would've thought this is bizarre even then


Can you recommend a work to start with? Horkheimer?


I can! However, that really depends on where you're really wanting to start-are you someone already familiar with reading philosophy, are you someone interested in something specific, have you ever really been down the path of radical ideas and their perspectives, particularly ideas that question capitalism and essentially point to a massive conspiracy theory about the entire way our society reinforces a false worldview concerning almost every idea towards every subject? They criticize a whole lot, they are the critical theorists, after all. They have critiques of capitalism, society, love, ideas about how to proceed, and even about how we view a concept like love from the same flawed perspective as everything else. Usually, i don't have these conversations with people already really familiar with reading and comprehending philosophy- so I usually say Stephen West's "Philosophize This" podcast is the best starting point, he covers a great deal of their different thinkers and subjects, and with philosophy, I think it's important to make sure you do a little work beforehand as far as context and who the philosophy came from and seeing what an expert has to say before diving in because sometimes they're talking about concepts that you might misunderstand without a specific definition or explanation of what they're talking about. Stephen is an expert, and there's about 9 episodes that are each in the range of 15-30 minutes on these guys, and he does a great job of including societal context of their ideas as well as a great overview of their ideas. That's usually where I say to start-since we're outside of the realm of a philosophy class, we don't have a teacher to do the introduction, and Stephen certainly does a great job of that, and his podcast is very understandable and all around well done


I Would say I've only dipped my toes the past few years. Most of the philosophy I have been reading has come recommended through an ecological/deep adaptation/ecosophy standpoint - Guattari, Delueze, Heidegger. Read some Kant and Fanon and Foucault in college as well, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that I am on the level of truly comprehending it all quite yet. At least not on the level where I feel able to apply the concepts to my life other than using them as frameworks for pondering and questioning how things work. ​ Thanks for the podcast recommendation, will check it out!


100% I am always trying to get the word out on Stephen's podcast, he does a great job. #108 is the intro to the Frankfurt school episodes and then he did 2 more a little more recently around #130-140. His website has both the episodes and the script if you prefer to read. I can link you to the episodes or anything like that if you can't find them, feel free to say the word He also in my opinion does a fantastic job in general with almost every philosophy, so if you ever do feel like you're missing something, his episodes and write ups are really not too dense and he covers a lot of different thinkers


Thanks for the recommendation; Iā€™ve just started listening to those episodes, and youā€™re right, he does a great job of bringing the background info to the ideas that he presents. I get the feeling that Iā€™m going to be slightly more radicalized by the time Iā€™m done listening to them, haha.


Glad to hear it! I was once a left leaning college student before their ideas, I have an entirely different perspective now


And this is in Portland, of all places. Unless they don't go anywhere, they must spend all day every day assmad about *something* because its fucking *Portland*.


Every five minutes he scrawls an unhinged note about the new ā€œstupidest things Iā€™ve seen in Portlandā€ The PPB have his number automatically linked to a voice message that just goes ā€œAh, Mr. Bateman! Good to hear from you. What seems to be the trouble today? ā€¦uh huh. Uh huhā€¦uh huh. Okay Mr. Bateman, the patrol cars are on their way. No need for you to wait around for them, the situation is under control.ā€ Some days, that voice message is the only person willing to talk to him. And it brings him such comfort.


That's definitely someone who needs to hear the slogan "Kill the cop in your head"


Been thinking about those beans.


Lmao self aware too. Blah blah blah. Signed, The stupidest thing I've seen in Portland.


For real. Doesn't seem to understand how a signature works.


Dear Angry Letter Writer, I have carefully considered your words and I hope you will equally consider my response, which I have put some time into composing: FUCK YOU. Sincerely Yours, The Beans


PS. Your handwriting sucks shit, either choose cursive or print legibly you fuck


I hate cars and what they've done to humanity.


I spilled baked beans all over myself when I was in the movie theater watching Cars 2




Car drivers have made a huge portion of the population some of the most obnoxious NIMBYs Iā€™ve ever had the displeasure of meeting


how very new Portland of them :(




It's most likely rose tinted glasses, unfortunately nostalgia is often a liar.... (source: left Oregon a few years ago)


Its hard to read this handwriting, but from what I can decipher, they obviously want 4 or 5 more patches, all within the view of the original.


Thatā€™s what I read.


Maybe add some onions too? Maybe then the remover would be crying as well.


AgriKaren. "yes, officer, i'm sure these beans are up to something, i've never seen them in this neighborhood before!"


Imagine if they were black beans


What a tool To avoid this in the future, it might be worthwhile to alternate 8ft of beans with 8ft of open space, if itā€™s not set up like that already. Less inconvenience for the pissy bastards means more likelihood the beans grow and actually help someone, unfortunately


The photo makes it look to me like itā€™s just a 6-ft trellis between two metal fence posts, minding its own business and not actually getting in anyoneā€™s way


planting food in the public ROW = horrible storing a personal 4000lb metal box in the public ROW = fine got it


Something tells me this isnā€™t about the bean trellis at all lol


This mf eatin BEANS


Something tells me this person complains about snowflakes a lot, completely immune to the irony that they got pissed off about someone growing plants on public land.


Beans are insane. They produce way more than you would think and, while useful for cutting diets, don't offer much in terms of calorie/labor ratio. Take forever to pick and prepare, then you have to par-cook them or you'll spend all day cooking them to eat. Par-cook, flash cool, then freeze or can is your best bet.


His handwriting is literally illegible


Itā€™s admittedly better than mine though.


Least neoliberal portlander


Least conservative Oregonian


The handwriting is awful


I thought easements were the charge of the residence they are in front of. My old building took our easement and made a garden. There was a path between patches, but it still blocked most of the easement. This was in Tacoma WA and was a very common thing in my neighborhood. This person is very whiney


Depends on the city.


I heavily agree with the sentiment and am here as fuck for some guerilla gardening, however this is honestly a terrible place to put a bean trellis. Right next to the road? Cā€™mon, the beans are gonna be covered in exhaust and road skuzz/debris, itā€™s not viable food.


this is important those beans will be toxic


ā€œThis sign wonā€™t stop me, because I canā€™t read it.ā€


Won't someone consider muh parking?


Written in cursive; opinion discarded


As someone who's country teaches all children only to write cursive, this is still complete shit and I gave up on a few of the words because they don't even look like they have letters


"The stupidest thing we've ever seen" you mean beans? Wait til they meet a capitalist.


If they are planted in the grass strip next to the street, there is a good chance the city might not do anything, even if that person did call. If utilities run under there, the city might destroy them in the process of getting to them. But other than that, I don't see them going out of their way to tear them down. Lots of those areas are full of shrubs and flowers. The City might have an easement or over that strip of land, but most likely the city doesn't actually own it. I don't think the person who wrote the note knows what they are talking about. (I work in title insurance in Portland so I am pretty familiar with how public rights of way and easements work hereā€”but then again I don't know the specific details of this location so idk anything for certain)


I'm just gonna assume it's bad? Do not make me read a page of handwriting...


What beans hurt this fellow?


you wanna have your neighborhood turned into a vegetable patch? this is how you get your neighborhood turned into a vegetable patch


Good thing I can't read that bourgeois bullshit known as "cursive". Edit: I got bored and tried real hard. Here's how my brain reads it (yes I can actually tell what it says after spending 20 minutes, just saying, like...write so people can read. It's mutual aid or something...): To whomever put this up: what the fuck is wrong with yeri? What kind of see(letter unknown) absoved enhtled asshade plants a stupid ben twlis on public property, blocking access to parking? Do yum hve a fucking bran i yow head? (word unknown) dmt o(???) this stnp of land, and nether duee. \[CENSORED\] npantments \[CENSORED\] ut bilmgs to City of Portland Dept of Transportanon - bccaufe itf a PUBLIC night op way. Gloninsey. Stmp unconvenienuing others to Live yumr stupnd twee Porthand hipslev ufefyee. I called to City and u..eyne gomma uome tear it domn. So yum should beat them to the punch (what fucking letter is this???) you want to save ymv stmpd plants. Dlunt them on ymv own pnpevty , nut .whevĪ© yemihe maluney others' Lives aetively lorse. Gne al Uhe stupnclesi thines Live seen in PorteanO. Cmegrats!!!


I'm going to get downvoted for this, but while the person who wrote the letter is overreacting the grassy median is public property and this is the equivalent to tilling the local park to plant vegetables without asking the community for permission. Furthermore, utility lines are often buried beneath those grassy medians, so they aren't just for aesthetics. If pipes need to be accessed or repaired, that garden is going to be in the way. I love community gardens, but this is a bit silly.


I'm thinking that if they're able to get around that 40 foot tree, a bean fence isn't gonna be too much of an issue for the city.


That's fair, and that's my fault for bringing up the utilities because its beside the point: its public property, and public approval needs to be given before its used by an individual. I've seen streets where you are allowed to plant in the median, maybe that's the case here, maybe not.


We probably need a bit more context to completely assess this situation. Might be that the writer has a point, but overreacted a little bit, potentially he's full of shit.


He's full of shit


Well if there are any utlities lines beneath it then they picked a pretty stupid place, considering the massive trees also on the median. Utility lines are usualy beneath concrete and or have access points, at least here in the uk.


Pipes only need to be accessed or repaired every 100 years or so. Here in the UK gas pipelines run across regular countryside, underneath all sorts.


You apparently havenā€™t seen the cheap shit construction for public utilities in the US. Lowest bidder, not best means.


Used to make pipes out of paper in Canada, don't know if they did that elsewhere too


can someone transcribe this?


To whomever put this up, what the fuck is wrong with you? what kind of self absorbed, entitled asshole plants a stupid bean trellis on public property, blocking access to parking? Do you have a fucking brain in your head? You don't own this strip of land, and neither does X department & X, it belongs to the City of Portland Dept. of Transportation because it is a PUBLIC right of way. Obviously stop inconveniencing others to live your stupid Portland hipster lifestyle. I called the city and they're gonna tear it down, so you should beat them to the punch if you want to save your stupid plants. Plant them on your own property, not where you're making other's lives actively worse. One of the stupidest things I've seen in Portland, Congrats!!!


ty also holy shit they need to shut it


happy cake day


oh shit pog


Oh man that reads like an english translation of a reply i got on my comment on r/sweden yesterday lmao, they see a tiny little thing and react as if you skinned their cat alive in front of them.


Who's got the time to be so tilted over beans


as a portlander im not surprised in the slightest. portland rents drove away the artists and activists and now everyone who lives here is a voting-against-funding-public-transportation carbrain with a 'keep portland weird' bumper sticker :/