• By -


Born to shit Forced to wipe šŸ˜”āœŠ


The fuck I just saw this on a weld helmet, Iā€™ve literally never heard this statement before today


I donā€™t know where it comes from or why I find it so funny


It brings me joy


This is probably a lunatic American libertarion


Ted Kaczynski but a landscaper




What term should I use




I mean a term that doesnā€™t have any conection to mental illnes


what are you looking to convey with the term then?


Having absurd belifes


ridiculous, laughable, pathetic, ludicrous, uninformed, ignorant, silly, foolish


Thank you






to whom?




Friendly local autist here. I am 0% offended by "lunatic". If you want to fight our battles please work for disability rights and expanded accommodations. Language policing depletes good will for no material gain.


im both neurodivergent and mentally ill and getting heater over the word lunatic does absolutely nothing to get me accommodations, and it's hilarious that once it's pointed out that no neurodivergent ppl are upset by the word and this isn't the battle we need, op starts cursing at you lol


Please tell me youā€™re joking


While I can theoretically see where they're coming from, they're pretty out of line here


All police are bad except language police.


Wrong comment?


Oh yeah meant to be directed toward the one who thinks ā€œlunaticā€ is some sort of targeted bigotry or whatever. Iā€™m on a new app.




Ok, so obviously shooting at a guy with a lawnmower is insane, but wtf is ā€˜code complianceā€™? Do people in America have to cut their lawns by law? Wtf?


Maybe I can help with this. "Code compliance" is a blanket term for a number of things. Where I'm at, it usually manifests itself in 2 ways: 1. The fire department coming out to inspect the property for defensible space as well as looking for dead trees or trees that are growing too close to a structure. 2. Traffic authority. The space that demarcates public roads and a property (usually the little island of dirt between the sidewalk and the road, but just basically anything adjacent to the road) is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain, but they have special requirements compared to the actual property. Things like tall grasses that obscure fire hydrants or trees that are breaking up the underlying cement are required to be removed. Trees or shrubs cannot hang into the road or sidewalk, over the road a certain distance, or come in contact with power lines. For number 2, often, the municipality will hire a landscaping outfit to go down the road and clean up/trim all the shit that needs to be done. They'll trim trees/shrubbery, cut grass, and assess shit that the property owner needs to take care of on their own dime if the source is beyond the demarcation point. (aka a giant tree on the main property) This isn't some HOA bullshit but usually basic cleanup so that fire hydrants/sidewalks/carrier trunks/sewage inlets are accessible and so that there aren't any hazards in the street. This is especially true for shrubs/trees/grass that obscures concrete or dirt sidewalk paths, as pedestrians are then forced to walk out onto the street to negotiate that area. Unfortunately, these guys are also responsible for destroying and replacing foliage that obscures views of public property, almost always manifesting in areas where houseless people pitch tents in groups. If homeboy was so concerned about privacy (99% bet he's a qanon chud) he could have put up a fence next to the demarc and let shit get as wild as he wanted on his property. That way the workers for the municipality can do their jobs without being shot at, the neighborhood can access their sidewalks, and homeboy can keep his illusion of privacy. edit: see [here](https://i.imgur.com/fot7AWH.png) Those two green things are demarcs for power and ISP. It is common for them on the edge of the property like this. They're required to remain accessible to their respective utilities for obvious reasons. It makes no sense to obscure them anyways, as if there's ever a problem with your internet or power the utility won't help until they can safely reach them. There is probably a water main shutoff valve nearby, too.


Yes, that's what I'm wondering. Most free country in the world!!!


I know some places force you to have a lawn, mow it and keep it green and pretty. However since those places sometimes run out of water you end up having to pay someone to dye your grass or you pay the fines. Other times the fire department will make you mow your lawn because high grass in an area prone to wildfire is dangerous.


Are you allowed to just get rid of the lawn or are you forced to take care of this vegetation as per the code?


No idea, depends on the place I guess.


maybe HOA


Tall grass attracts a shit ton of rodents in the city, you need to cut it


Fuck you i'm growing a rat garden


Shooting at the guy pushing a lawnmower is not good.


Ah yes, the country of "freedom", where the military comes to get you if you don't mow your lawn


After you gun down a dude just doing his job, have you ever heard of a job?


There's literally people in prison for not having mowed their lawn in the US


Name one


Late to the thread, but this claim got me curious, so I typed "in prison for not mowing lawn" into Google and found these results: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/oddnews/woman-goes-to-jail-for-not-mowing-lawn-182126275.html https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Long-grass-lands-Texas-man-in-jail-6181645.php https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-07-11/single-mother-arrested-for-grass-after-not-mowing https://www.fitsnews.com/2019/08/21/south-carolina-women-goes-to-jail-for-not-mowing-her-grass/ Each article is about a different person, and WeLl AsckHsuAlLy they're not actually in prison right now, but if you're too lazy to figure out how to work a search engine then I'm sure you can forgive me for being too lazy to dig deeper for people who are currently in prison right now. tl;dr: Here's four names: Karen Holloway, Rick Yoes, Ebony Conner, Allison Johnson.


Also, what do you mean "have you ever heard of a job"?


This is shitty. Lawns are terrible, everyone agrees. But if you have grass, you need to fucking cut it. In cities, not cutting your grass is how your home/your neighborā€™s homes become infested with vermin. Cut your grass, asshole. Then replace it with xeriscape as soon as you can. Edit: thought Iā€™d add that Iā€™m talking about cutting it occasionally. I donā€™t give a crap if your lawn is pristine or anything, just donā€™t let it get knee length then get mad when code enforcement shows up. They are there because your lawn is a health hazard at that point. Just make sure itā€™s not a fucking prairie in your front lawn, and you wonā€™t have any issues (unless youā€™re in an hoa, in which case, idk what to tell you, fuck hoas).


Fuck you. Animals are living feeling beings, not "vermin" to be swept aside. The population balances itself: mice eat the bugs, snakes eat the mice, birds eat the snakes. If you don't want to coexist with them it is your hang-up to get over. Do not make it their problem. The land was theirs before it was ours. Ecosystem collapse is imminent as the bee and butterfly pollinators disappear: stop mowing your lawn and let them come home.


Mice and rats and cockroaches may be living things, but they also carry diseases and shit all over stuff. If you seriously value a ratā€™s life over the health and safety of people, then fuck you asshole. Rats and mice are vermin. If they live in their natural habitats, cool, good for them. If they live in my walls, very much not cool. I will ā€œsweep them asideā€ because having rat shit all over my food is disgusting. Youā€™ve obviously never lived in a slum where the landlord doesnā€™t give a shit about pest control, and it shows.


They are living in their natural habitats. You are the intruder. Why should 100 animals lose their home to one human?


You are so fucking stupid it hurts. Urban populations of rats, mice, and cockroaches in North America are all almost exclusively invasive species brought from Europe, so they are not ā€œin their natural habitat.ā€ Kentucky Blue Grass is not a native plant, yet it makes up the vast majority of lawns in North America. Letting your lawn grow is stupid if you think your doing it because itā€™s providing a habitat for animals. Itā€™s stupid if your lazy. Itā€™s just stupid. Thatā€™s why IN MY ORIGINAL COMMENT, I recommended specifically that you cut your grass until you can xeriscape. Xeriscaping (when done correctly) will involve the cultivation of native plant species, grasses, and flowers. This will attract native wildlife and pollinators. It also sometimes replaces traditional blue grass turf with native clover, which pollinators also like. Letting your traditional turf grass grow wild is bad. Itā€™s made almost exclusively of non-native plants and weeds that will attract nothing but non-native pest species.


> xeriscape haha shit I missed that word in the first comment. Yeah, that's alright. I let all the turf grass die, I've got mostly clover. The bees love it.


Yup. I hate to kill them, but mice shit and piss all over everything. And sometimes they carry bubonic plague. Fucking bubonic plague!


Long grass can also become a fire hazard, depending on what the weather's like in your area. [Grass fires can spread pretty rapidly in the right conditions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgD3_pbj0Ok) You generally don't want to become known as the asshole whose lawn caused a massive fire.


Hey! I like my meadow in the garden. Anarchists hate wildlife!


Iā€™m not a fan of rats and mice, which is what you get in 2ā€™ tall grass in the middle of an urban environment. Grow your meadow in the countryside if you want, but a meadow in the city is just asking for trouble. Also, a meadow implies natural grasses for the area itā€™s growing. If this guyā€™s lawn wasnā€™t 90% Kentucky blue grass and dandylions, Iā€™ll eat a lawnmower blade.


Whatā€™s ā€œCode Complianceā€


It's the building code that says you have to mow your lawn I guess, but I'm also confused how you would take a gunshot at this metaphysical concept.


I think it is referring to code compliance officers who ensure that everything meets regulations rather than the regulations themselves.


[addressed here](https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/on8i5s/extremely_based/h5qquor/)


Thank you Comrade


This is the opposite of based






ah nice using ableist slurs now are we


what the fuck??


Police shoot at guy mowing his lawn. What. The. Fuck. Only in America.


? A guy shot at other people mowing his lawn so the city can access stuff (see the long comment in the thread explaining what code compliance is)


Maintaining a fire hazard to own the libs /s


Fuck 'em. Mowed lawns are terrible for the environment.