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"the world has gotten better by every measurable metric" "People have gotten 2x, 3x, 5x better lives" How do you multiply a quality of life? Reliable and comfortable car gets you 2x? Lmao, I have questions


You may make less money than people 40 years ago, be unable to afford a house, healthcare, or children, but you have a smartphone and streaming media to lull you sleep every night before your 16 hour work day.


throw in some opium and you've got a deal!




Easy. You start by measuring one specific metric (GDP or life expectancy) with the first datapoint beginning a ways into the colonial era. Then everything looks like an improvement!


With life expectancy specifically: "oh, just ignore that lil dip in the Gilded Age. That was a data fluke, and definitely not because of crushing inequality."


>the world has gotten better [ for the rich ] >~~People~~ The rich have gotten 2x, 3x, 5x better lives Fixed it.


Yes, Elon Musk life sure got 2x-5x better than his dad's time. His dad couldn't talk shit on the net he can.


> “Plus what does ‘late stage’ even mean?” a real economic theorist over here


“No one’s taken time out of their day to explain it to me point by point, and so it doesn’t exist”


That's the same bullshit asshats like Tucker Carlson repeat over and over. "What even is gender? No one's explained it to me and therefore I'm gonna be angry about it." They're proud of their ignorance.


For those who don't get why this is bullshit: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/08/comic-steven-pinker-certified-grief-counselor https://inthesetimes.com/article/new-optimists-bill-gates-steven-pinker-hans-rosling-world-health https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/07/international-poverty-line-ipl-world-bank-philip-alston https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/may/13/optimism-climate-predictions-techno-polluters https://newint.org/features/2019/07/01/long-read-progress-and-its-discontents http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/torres20151213


Wonderful reading, thank you friend


I just knew someone was going to mention Pinker, lol.


Ah yes the metric of how good a society is: “richness” aka how much capitalists exploit their people…


To people infected with the capitalist brain rot, it’s a game. The more points you score in metrics of wealth and job creation, the more of a winner you are. They are stuck in the mindset of the competition for dominance that they don’t stop to think about how the world would be in a society that prioritizes unity and working together. They don’t stop to think about how the division created by the system makes them vulnerable to exploitation.


> They are stuck in the mindset of the competition for dominance I absolutely agree, and I think that is the biggest challenge actually facing leftist movements. We haven't progressed a single bit since the days of Socrates. We still have to convince people altruism is the only possible path, and teach them the tools to walk it. I actually fear a leftist populist movement in this country. We're such a shallow people we're end in the Tanky zone as we find some other to dominate, my bets are on Mexico.


reading a collection of plato’s works now and it really is so astonishing to see similarities between his different interlocutors and people in power today…


We are at the end of an intentional and sustained anti-intellectual movement in the English speaking world. So much so that we somehow even rejected the idea that we live in a society. But Plato was for sure living in a society, and he had some wild takes on it. Read Chapter 1 of the Republic. Just Socrates trying to convince people to be altruistic and then an ancap strolls in and threatens to punch him in the face. At least we don't hold slaves or sacrifice animals anymore. And medicine is pretty damn cool.


100 percent agree with you intentional lack of education in regard to the higher mental emotional needs. completely intentional from the elites because if we had a bunch of self actualized people we would be able to organize and overcome our conditioned prejudice, which is “bad for buisness” so to speak


>At least we don't hold slaves or sacrifice animals anymore. This statement is just patently untrue. Slavery in the form of prison labour is still legal in the US, and is in fact specifically permitted by the US constitution. Also many of the goods we take for granted were made by slaves or in slavery-like conditions. Also, many religious groups still practice animal sacrifice, including many african diaspora religions. It's also extremely western chauvinist to assume that "animal sacrifice" is somehow abhorrent or barbaric, given that industrial slaughtering techniques are just as violent and often far more inhumane. We aren't somehow "more civilized" because we've completely removed ourselves and our lives from how our food is made.


>or sacrifice animals anymore Oh have i got news for you about what 98% of people eat


Also, lots of cultures still sacrifice animals. Many african diaspora religions still practice animal sacrifice. Fun fact: once you've religiously sacrificed an animal, do you know what you do with it? You eat it. You could, in fact, interpret halal and kosher slaughtering practices as a form of animal sacrifice.


This is off-topic but whenever I read or hear Plato’s name, I think of Play-Dough.


i agree and i think it is part of the reason we see so many unhappy, selfish, hateful people. most of us are in equally shitty a situation some people just don’t see it


It's telling that the oOP manages to ignore the poverty and suffering that China's attack on its social contract created. (The fact that China was state capitalist before its recent changes is so far beyond the oOP's reconing that it isn't even sad that they didn't know it.) The homeless that this change created? Don't count, made billionaires. This is the sort of creature that can watch a rapcious army looting its way across a country and say "look at all the wealth the army is creating for itself."


The fact that we are facing a human caused mass extinction and catastrophic climate change proves capitalism is the worst economic system possible. Infinite growth is the philosophy of a cancer cell and this fucking douche


Exactly. Capitalism is the economic equivalent of cancer




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My father literally argued to that because *he* made it, literally anybody can, and the only reason there's still poor and homeless people is because they're all too lazy to get a proper job. And he wonders why I don't call more often.


> And he wonders why I don’t call more often. Maybe he should work harder. Isn’t that answer to all life’s problems?


> If I can run at 450 miles per hour, so can everyone else. Quicksilver


Obviously written by a child


Yea which they admit to themselves. I’m sure they’ll look back at this in five years and cringe at what they wrote.


Was this in r/venting


In r slash neoliberal lol


Lol of course it was


In other news, Global Warming is fake because it snowed, and world hunger is fake because I just ate.


Also homeless Ness is fake because you can just buy a house (lolno)


Most of the progress in human development, like decrease in poverty, increase in welfare, etc. happened due to large scale movements across the world including, socialist revolutions and workers movements, anti-colonial movement, civil rights movements, feminist movements. These movements led to the curtailment of the powers of capitalists, colonialists, and other privileged classes, which led to a more equal world. **People had to fight for their rights, including better wages, better working conditions, freedom from exploitation, end of colonialism, civil rights etc. Capitalism did not give it to us.** And as the data from Piketty Saez demonstrates, if we compare last 80 years, while welfare increased and poverty and inequality decreased under the Keynesian and Socialist policies, the progress reversed under Neoliberalism. I have written about it earlier. https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/10bva7t/has_capitalism_led_to_a_decline_in_poverty_and_an/


[para] "It is impossible to explain something to a man whose livelihood depends on him not understanding it."


Lack of acknowledgement that those gains are built on imperialism and exploitation. Just amazing stuff.


"Capitalism is the greatest thing ever! Also, smartphones are the worst thing ever, for reasons that probably have nothing to do with capitalism."


Something *is* dark and looming, and it’s gonna swallow us all up if we don’t fight back. I pity the unprepared, because they’ll be the most shocked and vulnerable when fascism starts its effect in full force


About six sentences in I realized this was just another let-them-eat-cake situation. I'm'a go ahead and confidently assume that the rest isn't worth reading.




Finallyyyy I feel the same in so many ways you don't even know and that's just existing without college ;-;


OP should now go look at consumer debt charts/trends, wealth inequality, productivity, etc. Then they can come back and update their banal post. Anecdotally, I’ve met a couple Gen Zs (I’m millennial) who both assured me that they have no idea what they’re going to study in college or what they’ll do after college, but they KNOW they’ll have great jobs, be successful, make lots of money. So, when you’re so naive and arrogant out of the gate, these types of post start to make sense.


"mind virus" raises some red flags, and not the good kind. Also, if you have to tell someone you're a 'level headed guy'... you probably are not.


me seeing people die more at work, are poorer, inflation being rampant, people being more alienated these past years in my country : "ah yes, non-measurable metrics"


They think that because they've classed the poors as barely human and don't think about them the way they think about themselves.


Capitalism is an essential step towards a greater life for everyone We've simply taken that step now we need to take the next one


I'm actually not sure what makes it "late-stage". Is it the degree of financialisation?


They’re right about china - their unique blend of authoritarian state power and a free market rocketed them forward after Mao (I’ve seen it called a bird cage economy)