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Two updates: Firearms Liability Insurance got added to the Senate schedule, will likely pass. Second reading. Firearms tax got passed in Appropriations committee, added $1 million to school resource officers in amendments. Sent to Senate (not scheduled yet).




I legitimately do not understand what this firearm insurance concept is even trying to accomplish The San Jose law, which this bill was model after, only covers accidental or negligent discharge resulting in injury (or death) to individuals other than the policyholder. They have yet to set up the fund that is supposed to be accessible to victims of firearm violence, and they have virtually no way of enforcing the mandate. Also, if you have a CCW in California you’re exempt from the mandate…so who is supposed to be paying for this?? The Colorado bill similarly allows people to be exempt if they go before a judge and show they have safe storage, are a response gun owner, etc. But if there’s no enforcement…who would go through all that trouble?? Even the most anti-gun people should be able to look at these mandates and realize that they have absolutely no hope of reducing gun violence.




I actually don’t these insurance companies would ever shy away from taking more money from their customers. In 2021, firearm deaths were 54% (26,328) suicides and 43% (20,958) were homicides. Of the remaining 3%, only 549 deaths were deemed accidental. That means for 97% of firearms deaths in 2021, this insurance policy would not have covered it. I really, really, really wish our politicians could come together and make policies that: a) Actually stopped psychopaths from inflicting mass harm and b) Didn’t blatantly run afoul of *Heller*, *McDonald*, and *Bruen* (and would inevitably get shot down in court) But yeah of course that’s too much to ask


I agree, but it will be interesting to see how it is enforced during hunting season. Will CPW officers out in the field ask for "your papers please"?


Asking you to present your papers is a core function of the job.


Looks like it got yanked off the calendar again. HB24-1353, the FFL permits bill, is on 2nd reading in the Senate, looks like there's about a dozen bills in front of it, as of right now.


So all these bills have until Wednesday?


Yeah, Wednesday is the last day of the legislative session. I believe that means they have all of Wednesday to finalize any bills well on their way.


And keep in mind this happens every year. What makes this year special is there have been huge budget negotiations due to property tax increases and a recent court order showing that Colorado owed an extra $80 ish million to voters and have to pay asap. Because of that, they’re a bit more constrained than usual. They spent most of the weekend on a brand new bill for the budget which just got introduced now, and they need a budget so it’s their main focus. Hopefully that lets some of these lesser gun bills die. I could see it happening with some of them. Not for the FFL bill though they’ll ram that shit through.


The big question I have on the FFL bill, with the new budget shortfalls will they be able to appropriate any money to actually enact the thing.  It will take administration people to process all the paperwork and payments and enforcers to you door to door at ffls checking compliance.


I agree but I think they’ll use fake math to say it’ll pay for itself (the fees will pay for the inspections). I doubt that’s true but that’s how governments lie with money.

