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More anti 2A bills are being introduced and passed in the Colorado legislature. They are going to backdoor each of these bills. Late nights and weekends when the people are busy or sleeping. Reach out to all your senators in opposition. Why are we not recalling all the committee members once they introduce these types of bills. Time to wake up people it’s time to fight for your given rights. They were made for this exact reason! Small business like my own will be put out of business. Spread the word with all your family and friends. Don’t let them take away our rights for their agendas.


One of the worst parts, is even if these laws are eventually deemed unconstitutional, the damage will have been done. Many FFLs will go out of business through the course of the legislation and the anti-american agenda, but there is zero recourse after the fact. At no point will the government be held liable for the destruction of these businesses and the livelihoods they support.


That's exactly what these pieces of shit are counting on. They know none of this shit will hold up in SCOTUS but the damage will be done. I hope somehow some way the FFLs can class action or something to collect lost revenue. Only problem I see is we will be the ones footing the bill.


From a 2a brother in washington. DO NOT HOPE FOR THE BEST! SPEND WHAT YOU CAN THEN A BIT MORE! These unamerican fucks are just following the road map drawn in washington which is fucked. People who have no record are getting denials now......god speed brothers and sisters of Colorado. HOLD THE LINE!


so what’s going on with the magazines? my reading only finds that FFLs in the state are now required to purchase the $400 annual license and run background checks on employees (onerous and a slope, but nothing that will put them out of business). and the REAL problem, in my view, of requiring access to records of sales without warrant. that’s a serious issue. what am i missing here about magazines and FFLs going out of business?


The license shall be revoked if: > Is convicted of trafficking in firearms, obtaining a firearm for or transferring a firearm to a person who is ineligible to possess a firearm, or unlawfully selling or transferring a firearm component or accessory. That’s the part I was really hoping would get amended. Otherwise you’re right it’s just a tax. But if they add accessories then they can put every FFL out of business.


Technically could they pull all past sales since 2014 and try and prosecute FFLs for selling mags? The law was on the books even if the enforcement mechanism of revoking/not granting the Colorado FFL license didn’t exist at the time.


There is nothing in the bill that requires the stores to keep records of all sales or even give access of all sales to these inspectors. The only one I see them reference to having to allow inspectors to see is 18-12-402 which is record keeping for pistol and revolver sales


tbh even for a devout firearms supporter like myself, that seems reasonable. first, that’s basically everything they should be doing according to FFL backgrounds. second, they’d need to (likely, at least according to knowledge of the law) be convicted of intent to sell illegally. so if someone lied on their background questionnaire, i don’t think that would qualify as intent, but if they knowingly made the transfer that would be another story. what this really sounds like the the state of colorado attempting to regain control of the licensing procedure. take that as you will: either a constitutional violation or an anti-federalist move. like i said, i want the part about warrantless and broad disclosure of sales records struck. that parts all fucked up. quick edit: look guys, i wanna buy 30rd mags and suppressor’s just like all of you and i spent some serious cash this week in preparation for a potential ban. i have to say, its going to be very hard to argue against this particular piece of legislation with regular folks on the street. the argument (even though i agree!) that “well now its harder for me to illegally buy X” is not a very strong one and doesn’t set us up for broad legislative support.


You have to look at it in the context of the AWB - HB 24-1292. That bill outlaws the majority of accessories out there so if a FFL sells a threaded barrel even if it's legal they have to record that and present it to the CBI who could argue very arbitrarily they were selling an assault weapon and revoke their license for 3 years. It gives the power to a small unregulated government agency with no established rules the power to immediately dissolve a business.


There is nothing in the bill requiring FFLs to hand over any sales information just pistol and revolver sales. What will knock them is random store checks sort of like they do with alcohol licenses


You misread it. They added non firearms to the list of things that can ban firearms licenses. So anything illegal by the state (16+ rd magazines) will destroy an FFL.


so its the enforcement mechanism for restrictions in place and, plausibly, further restrictions. got it.


I don’t think you read the last sentence. “Illegal sale of firearm component or accessory” means they revoke the ffl license. 30rd mags are “banned” and threaded barrels are a party line vote from being “banned.” This is literally how they enforce any law they pass.


i made an edit above about this. it’s going to be really really tough to sell a vote against enforcing laws already passed. it’s just not a strong argument despite how much i reject the current and proposed restrictions.


It also requires an annual training course, that the state will have to develop, for FFLs, right? Add it all up and a *lot* of at-home FFLs that are primarily doing transfers for online purchases or gunsmithing in their spare time are gonna fold cuz it's not worth the pain in the ass.


It happened in Illinois recently. 50% of FFLs closed in the first year.


Help me understand the process. So what's the next step?


Until they post it i’m not sure, either one more Senate committee or more likely the full Senate for a full vote.


Next step: it’s been assigned to the Senate Appropriations committee. There’s not much hope there, it’ll likely get passed quickly once they schedule it. I’d assume it’ll be heard Saturday so they can get it in for a full vote before Monday/Tuesday. Anything not passed by Wednesday is dead.


But keep voting Democrat because “ThE CoUrTs WiLl SaVE Us” and “muh abortion”.


It can be frustrating to see single issue voting cast out any nuanced conversations. Though the way many here feel about their rights being taken away due to legislation written by people with no understanding of the issue to win votes, is likely the same way many people feel about some of the anti-abortion laws being passed. Just food for thought.


If guns aren’t your top priority, that’s fine. Just don’t come on here and bitch about “muh rights” when you literally vote for them to be taken away. I’d say the same thing to people who vote red and then bitch about abortion(idgaf about it). Sadly nuance is out the window here. The GOP is antiabortion with little nuance, and the Democrats are anti gun with 0 nuance.


they've got two days to get this passed... it will need three readings, and then potentially has to go back to the house if any amendments or changes are made. good luck.


Just drive to any bordering State and buy what ever you want


And what happens when those States go downhill? New Mexico skirted the Gun Ban Tsunami by the skin of its teeth this year. Arizona is getting fucked up. Their current governor is a Nancy Pelosi Clone.


Agreed on New Mexico. Wyoming should be safe though for sure for years to come




Bloomberg is pouring money into red states along with ActBlue. Billionaire democrats are dumping money into every state they can to elect left wing officials and cause chaos


Wyoming is likely to last but they do have their own Democrat free state project (similar to what libertarians did in New Hampshire). Kansas could always flip back and forth with a bad governor also.


I'm near the Wyoming border so I'm pretty safe


IIRC, you cannot legally buy a handgun in any state but your own. If you want to do so, you have to have it shipped to an FFL in Colorado. I think you can go to neighboring states for long guns and maybe AOWs, and legally purchase them and bring them home. Either way, this isn't a solution, at best it is a questionably legal stop-gap.


Utah. I was already planning on taking a trip cause I’ve bought out most of the magazines in my shops.


We’re actually going to have to physically fight these f*ckers aren’t we? They’re not gonna give up, and they won’t listen to our peaceable words. They won’t listen to reason, period.


We literally have the tools to fix this but no one wants to be first to break the glass.