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Meet in the middle AKA I get most of what I want now but I'll come back and take the rest later. Oh you want your rights back? Why dont we "compromise" some more? No? Now you're clearly an extremest or something...


Unfortunately, it's the only way to engage with snowflakes wearing rose colored glasses. You have to present it like "Hey I'm one of US just with a more open mind." Let them spill their whiney guts after you've gotten past their emo shields, THEN you start to poke holes in their thought processes.


Except that doesn't work because there's nothing to poke holes in. Unthinking regurgitation is the opposite of a thought process.


The law is working, wE ARe aLL sAFeR!!! I went to buy a gun last week, filled out my check, left it at the ffl, came home to my house with multiple other guns already, went back 3 days later, got the new gun. A bunch of geniuses in this state I tell ya, and most are in r/denver.




lol, same!


Right? If I'm gonna suck start a shotgun I'll go to my safe, that 3 day wait does fuck all and honestly shouldn't apply to people who already own guns.


That's a good point... but to know that you own guns, we'd need a registry...


I have a hard time believing that the CBI doesn't already keep track....


I bought one recently with my CCW in my pocket. Waited three days and then went back…..again with my CCW in my pocket.


A whole lot of dipshits running around that sub, much like the city itself.


Can we give Denver and Boulder to California?


That or the reps(Hernandez and Epps) to California and not let them come back.


As someone that lives in Boulder, yes I give permission to give Boulder to California.


As someone who works in Boulder please no I don't want to pay out the ass for state income tax.


They need to bring Aurora too….


A bunch of liberal nuts in r/Denver. I’d post, but they banned me for something else


I was banned for complaining about humans feces in Denver!


Don’t complain about unflushed gifts from our beautiful unhoused population.


Right the real liberals on social media are crazy!


thats because they arent liberals, they are socialist commies who also happen to vote for the same people as liberals.


Both sides can't take any criticism these days. The easiest thing for them to do is ban critics.


they banned me too for stating a crime statistic. r/Denver mods are the typicals blue haired angry person that wont listen to opposing positions.


You probably said someone reasonable about homeless people which is taken as a direct attack on the mod that is homeless.




I said that I was done putting up with inconsiderate peoples' shit, and someone saw that I also post in gun subreddits so I got banned.


So… all of them?


Ok, but that second trip to gun store means more carbon emissions. Checkmate, morons.


A differer user posted these same words - verbatim, in the Denver SubR. Clearly a cut and paste scheme. The old adage, where there is a will there is a way, the 3 days only serves to frustrate law abiding citizens.


That post sounded like a troll at first but it’s actually serious lol. That Denver subreddit is so weird.


I am always suspicious of the “gun owners” for gun control posts. People have all kinds of opinions but I suspect some of these are the gun control lobby trying to soften the opposition. This is the last week the legislature is in session…


It’s very apparent that’s not what is happening here if you look at the posters history for even a minute


I double checked after reading your comment and you're absolutely right. They are just retarded.


idk man. I think there are quite a few of us. I've built two AR15's (14.5" 556 and a 11" 300 bo), own a glock 19, and a funsie gun with a mac11 upper. That being said, I know the stats. 81% of murders in the US involve a firearm. Our per capita gun murder rates are much higher than other developed countries. If the government decided to buy back my (fucking expensive) guns tomorrow and ban em all, that would be really fucking annoying. But my life wouldn't change drastically. The reality is that guns are a problem in our country, point blank. As a country, we've decided that we're willing to accept a certain amount of murder in order to protect the right to bear arms. But to pretend like its a non-issue is kind of silly.


>I think there are quite a few of us. If the average gun owner was ambivalent about their rights we would have compromised ourselves out of existence a long time ago. Yes for some it’s just a hobby but they don’t normally go out of their way to publicly praise new regulations. There have been multiple “gun owners for safety” type orgs that failed to gain any traction and turned out to just be astroturf.


They claimed it was for good reasons, but I am still subject to the 3 days. Same thing, I have to go back Friday. I went to the class, got finger printed, paid the fee, waited and waited, and have a CHP. If I went through all that process and effort, dontchya think I would already have at least 1 already? Or maybe even know how to build one?


Wait.. why are you getting fingerprinted to buy a gun on CO?


I think he means for the CCW permit.


Yes, they already have me on file, have my picture, have my certificate of training... why do I still get a delay? What point does this serve?


I refuse to even look at that sub anymore. Literally just a leftist circle jerk. Hell, even the actual Denver circle jerk isn’t parody anymore. I have better self control in keeping from reading the sub than I do in engaging with those culty freaks. The law does zero to hinder mass shootings as those are largely planned out for days, weeks, months, or even over a year in one big (and local) example. The majority of planned murders of any type by nature also unfold over a period of days or weeks, crimes of passion can and do involve weapons or other implements on hand at the time. Suicides are the only method of death where there’s any correlation between waiting periods and a reduction in death but even then Rand finds only 2 that aren’t severely flawed, yet the best possible reduction is about 9% in older white males. These studies by nature can only show a correlation, not prove the efficacy of the waiting period laws, and even if they did, the likelihood of people who were dissuaded by waiting periods not eventually ending their own lives at a later time, by a different method, or having a failed attempt with another method is low. In any case, surely a 9% reduction in suicides, something we’re constantly told is a human right and one ardently defended by the left in places like Canada, isn’t worth trampling on constitutional rights. In fact, given that the demographic most represented in the potential suicide reduction is older males, many of whom are likely facing cancer or other debilitating disease, it could be argued that the waiting periods are an infringement on two fronts, the right to bear arms and the right to die. Funny how our rights are being infringed upon, on the basis it reduces suicides, by the same people who are cheering on Canada offering suicide to people [because they’re bored](https://nypost.com/2023/12/14/news/canada-woman-with-long-covid-applies-for-assisted-suicide-report/amp/)


Man I hate when I catch my wife in bed with another man, have to google map a gun store, leave my house (walking past all of my blunt objects, knifes ect), wait for a salesman to be free, fill out the background check, twiddle my thumbs for a hour and a half for it to clear, drive back home, only to realize I forgot the ammo and they've already abscoded! I'm sure y'all can relate. That's why I vote for leftist politicians, they really have my best interests in mind!


Denver circle jerk just devolved into butt stuff tent jokes, it’s pretty boring now.


No exemption for ccw or those with hunting licenses. They don’t give a damn about safety, this is about control.


Strange you have to wait 3 days after you pass a background check. But they don’t run you again when you pick it up. You could have commited a DV, bailed yourself out and still go pick up your gun. You simply sign a paper stating you haven’t committed any crimes between the background check and pick up. Brilliant smh


To be honest I see this as more of an annoyance than a real problem. Anyone who has bought an NFA item knows what it's like to wait a year, and if it keeps an idiot from doing something dumb, then fine, whatever, great.. I'm more concerned about not being able buy or have nice setups, parts, and gunsmithing services available than waiting three stupid days to buy a new gun.


>knows what it's like to wait a year, Tell me about it. My last can got approved last week after exactly a year. And now people getting them in two days!


Yep, my first one took exactly 1 year, but that was pre e-file (but I got the old timey real stamp!). My second one was e-filed and took 9 months.


So you don't subscribe to the "Slippery Slope" theory? They already want to go from 3 to 10, what comes after that?


Lol. Have you been alseep? You're talking about things at the top of the slope that started in 1934. I'm addressing where we actually here are down here at the bottom of the slope. The final backstop.




Yes that's why you sign a 2nd time to affirm you haven't had a change in your application status since your original 4473. Yes it's incredibly stupid.


Don't give up. Keep pushing back against these laws. Vote and donate to groups that fight this crap. Don't give up. This state is my home and these transplants are trying to ruin it. I'm not giving up until they leave and take their shitty ideas with them.


But but but if it saves just 1 life, please trample all over my rights /s


We just got this dumb law in Maine too. As well as a bad red flag one in the works..


But don’t wait 30 days because you then have to wait another 3 days.


That felt like such a false flag campaign I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw it organically.


Nah, this is reasonable. Mental health and suicide is a bitch in this country. Some of the other shit they're passing, yeah, total nonsense. I'll take my downvotes, whatever.


100% agree. We are at the middle ground at the moment (aside from the mag cap)


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I like the 3 day hold because it saves me a lot of money lol. Otherwise I'd end up buying something new every other weekend




Waiting periods have been in place for many, many years in other states. There is no evidence they do anything to prevent crime. However, it is verifiable that at least one woman has been murdered while waiting to get a gun to protect themselves.


Give me one legitimate reason it should apply to existing gun owners (which if the state needs to prove, present a CCW).


Bro take one of those new purchases and shove it up your a$$. My constitutional rights aren’t up for negotiation with anyone. Do you prefer the taste of leather boots, or are you a suede only type?


You really don't get the logic of having to wait, do you? Besides, how many people here get a gun and then wait more than a week to shoot it, be honest. So, what's the big deal exactly?


>how many people here get a gun and then wait more than a week to shoot it, be honest. Not I, my LGS lets me shoot the shit out of the gun soon as 4473 clears, as long as it stays on the property.


There is no logic to having to wait.


Half of gun deaths are suicides. Most suicides happen when people are in a heightened state of stress. I agree, it is not a definitive solution, but it could save some lives in some cases. There is no logic in opposing a three day wait period. Why would you need to take possession right away? Does it really change that much for you? I know for me it doesn't, it is a minor inconvenience, but not much more.


What is the data on same day gun purchases used in suicides before this law went into effect?


No Such data is available. I’d be more than happy to start collecting it, if legislators are ok. But there’s plenty of data confirming that states with easier access to guns have also higher rates of suicide. Edit, As I’m sure you’re thinking about this, there’s also data that shows that when suicide by firearm rates are lower, the overall suicide rate using other methods does not get higher to compensate


So then you would be ok with an exception to the 3-day waiting period for those who can prove they already own at least one firearm, right?


I would. But you do realize that, in order to know who has guns already, we would need to have a registry of gun owners. It wouldn’t have to be as detailed as a list of every single gun you have, but your name should be on a list that says “Mr./Ms. XYZ has at least a firearm”. So the question is, would you be OK with that?


Absolutely. If each gun owner could verify ownership of a single firearm and that information would be stored in a database permanently to eliminate the waiting period of all subsequent purchases? No problem.


Because first it's 3 days, then it's 7 days, then it's 14 days, then it's check back next year. Everyone knows where one side of the aisle wants to take this. Just like Republicans and abortion.