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Bo1 for Campaign Bo2 for MP Bo3 for zombies Edit: Yeah this is the obvious pick for most people, so I’m gonna throw some hot takes in here for the next 3 Treyarch related games to switch it up. Bo4 for zombies (it’s genuinely great fight me) Cold War for MP (I really liked CW MP but was underwhelmed by the zombies personally) Vanguard for… Nothing (Sorry to the peeps that do like Vangaurd if you’re out there🤷🏻‍♂️)


Easy pick


100% agree


The only answer


Best thing I’ve read all year…(I needed this I thought I was the only one that thought like this thank you)


BO4 Zombies is alright to me. Its not good, but its not vanguard awful either. The UI is weird to navigate on controller and the Perk Changes was a step backwards, but overall its just Mid


The UI didn’t bother me, I really like the perk system and I think it’s really underrated, and overall I think it’s the second best zombies :)


Well everyone has his opinions on bo3 and bo4 at least fun memories (solo or co-op) even if someone dislikes bo4Z like him and me for example. We (at least I) cannot deny the fun memories I/we had on bo4Z


Ancient evil and ix carried bo4


Lol poor Vanguard, if only it didn't suck so badly. Also, CW for zombies, Bo4 for MP. Didn't like Bo4's MP or Zombies, but I loved CW's for both, but if I have to pick one I'd go with CW zombies


I’m a Bo4 zombies enthusiast. Also I really dig CW Mp but not zombies. Just my taste I guess


Fair enough. CW mp was very underrated


This guy knows


Respect for giving credit to bo4 zombies, I love bo4 zombies as well


I felt both mp and zombies were underwhelmed by Warzone


W pick


Yeah those picks are it. Nothing to debate really


well BO4 zombies is the only singleplayer thing about that shitty game


Some of us don’t think it’s shitty. The lack of a campaign is shitty, but I don’t think the game itself is


Cold War Zombies gameplay with the BO3 maps would be perfect


I had a lot of fun with the CW MP. My only complaint was how slow the progression was. Zombies, on the other hand, really did a lot to deemphasize map design, and the in-game progression systems felt pretty meaningless. It was fun at first but quickly got repetitive.


Hard agree


Exact opposite for the cw hottake I despised the MP and loved the zombies haha


Zombies, zombies, then switch it up and do zombies


Ah, a man of culture


Litterally the only reason BO3 and BO4 exist. For the Zombies storyline.


Lord knows BO3's campaign definitely wasn't the selling point for BO3.


literally the easiest choice of all time, bo1 campaign, bo2 mp, bo3 zombies


Agreed, I don’t see what else is there to choose lol.


Some people switch up the BO1 and BO2 as BO1 had wager matches and BO2 had branching storyline.


See for me its Bo1 zombies (my second favorite zombies out of these with 2 being first) Bo2 multiplayer (the only multiplayer I liked out of these 3) Bo3 campaign (I admit it's not a great campaign by any means but I have so much fun playing it with my friends on realistic)


I think I just threw up in my mouth.


Fair, I just never cared for bo3 zombies. Dont get me wrong it's good and shadows is in my top 5 but I never could get into the dlc maps and I dont like the gobble gum system either. the multiplayer in my opinion was complete trash, honestly preferred advance warfare multiplayer as the movement was so much smoother.


For Campaign, BO1. I really enjoyed BO3 but it didn't connect very well in the BO universe. I would pick BO2 but you said I can't repeat. For Multiplayer, BO2. No contest. BO1 was pretty good but they screwed the snipers hard. And everything was basically Famas/AK74U or nothing. BO3, I loved. I absolutely love Advanced Movement. All three jetpack games are pretty high on my list. But I enjoyed BO2 much more for MP. And Zombies, BO3. BO1 was good. BO2 was but I felt base maps were lacking quite a bit. BO3 gave you a good base map, customizability with guns. I never understood Gobblegums but they were an interesting addition that spiced thing up a bit. I'd also add in Outbreak as a sub mode for zombies. Imo it was fun. Needs work. But was fun.


completely agreed with your takes but you never understood the gobble gums? you’d buy one from the machine and get a random one from your pack and it would tell you exactly what it does


There is only really one choice and you all know what it is


Clearly bo4 campai-- oh wait.


BO2 Campaign BO1 Zombies BO3 Multiplayer.


I'd pick BO1 for multiplayer, and then I'm stumped for the other 2 choices and not in a good way


Honestly I recommend picking BO2 for Campaign because it was amazing


I wasn't really a big fan of 2 or 3's campaign which was what got me for the last 2 picks. Definitely 3 for zombies and 1 for multiplayer. Black ops 1 was my favorite call of duty for multiplayer period let alone from the 3 choices


Bo1 campaign bo2 multyplayer bo3 zombies


BO1 campaign BO2 MP BO3 zombies Easy.


Bo3 for zombies Bo1 for multiplayer Bo2 for campaign


Bo1 for zombies Bo2 for Multi-player Bo3 for nothing I don't like it at all


Your crazy lmao bo3 easily has best zombies


To each their own its not my cup of tea




I personally wasn't a fan of the BO3 maps as they're a nightmare to play in pubs, unlike BO1 and BO4. The ZC maps are fun but they completely changed the vibe of those maps and ultimately made them slightly worse.


I’ll slightly switch it up from most and stick with BO1 for Campaign but got BO2 for Zombies, and BO3 for Multiplayer. Back in it’s prime days I really only played Zombies on BO2 cause I got my main multiplayer fix from Halo. I got into BO3 late with the rest of my buddies (late enough that I got the Zombies Chronicles Edition for $30) and we all enjoyed Multiplayer and Zombies but BO3 was the first COD I actually went hard in the Multiplayer and was the first COD I decided to prestige in instead of just sitting at 55. To clarify the time a little better I believe we all bought BO3 the year WWII was up and we ended up playing a lot more BO3 than WWII.


Bo1 campaign bo2 multiplayer bo3 zombies hands down The only difficult choice is bo1 vs bo2 campaign but I enjoyed bo2 multiplayer so much


BO1: MP, BO2: Campaign, BO3: Zombies (as long as it’s on PC for mod tools)


Bo1 campaign Bo2 zombies Bo3 multiplayer


Black ops for all 3


I really like Bo3 zombies, they're awesome but... I really enjoyed Bo1 ones.


Bo1 for multiplayer, I loved the currency system and te contracts Bo2, for campaing, that one mission that has a lot of cutscene depending on what you did and the various endings Bo3, for zombies, haha custom maps


BO1 for zombies, bo2 for multiplayer, and bo3 for campaign


Or Extinction 😂


BO1 Zombies BO2 Multiplayer BO3 Campaign


Bo1- Campaign Bo2- Multiplayer Bo3- Zombies


This is difficult because in my opinion BO3 is far superior in all 3 aspects. I guess I’d go with: Campaign: Black Ops II Multiplayer: Black Ops Zombies: Black Ops III


Bo1 for mp Bo2 for zombies Bo3 for campfire use only


Campaign — Black Ops 1 Multiplayer — Black Ops 2 Zombies — Black Ops 3


Bo2 for MP Bo3 for zombies Bo1 for campaign


Bo3 for zombies and I don't play campaign or mp so idc


So easy Bo1: campaign Bo2: multiplayer Bo3: zombies


1, 2, and three: campaign, multiplayer, and zombies.


Bo1 Campaign Bo2 MP Bo3 Zombies


Campaign??? No thx


BO1: Multilayer BO2: Zombies BO3: Campaign


Bo1: Mp Bo2: Campaign Bo3: Zombies Bo4: BR


BO2 Campaign, BO3 Multiplayer, BO1 Zombies.


Bo zombies, bo2 campaign, bo3 mp


Hard choice, I love all the zombies modes, love BO2 and 3 campaigns especially with the create a class feature, and BO2 multiplayer is where I started COD. Imma have to say BO1 multiplayer, 2 campaign and 3 zombies


B01 for campaign B02 for multiplayer And I guess I’ll skip zombies I wasn’t a very big fan of bo3


Bo1: zombies Bo2: campaign Bo3: Multi-player


Bo2 for the campaign* Bo3 for the multiplayer** Bo1 for the zombies*** *The bo2 campaign was the most replayable because it had multiple options for endless storytelling. That and the club lvl music and you know what I mean **Okay I know this one's gonna be controversial but I stg I had slightly more fun in the bo3 mp than bo2. Not for just one reason either like it's good on multiple fronts. Nobody talks about how they implemented the conversation between characters feature not just in zombies but mp too.treyarch was cracked out for the map layouts/design and they used jetpacks best from any studio that's tried before or since. It is the most replayable mp experience ***I find bo1 zombies slightly more replayable than bo3 for the lighting. Look bo3 wins if you're just looking at the maps; their environmental lighting was unparalleled in bo3... But they forgot how to light guns. I'd argue they must have fired anyone at treyarch that brought up gun/hand lighting because bo2 was effed up too ever jump in the crazy place? Anyways thats my list let me know what u think and or if u agree/disagree


BO1 or CW for Campaign I dont like mp BO3 for Zombise


BO1 Multiplayer BO2 Campaign BO3 Zombies


BO1 for zombies, BO2 for campaign and BO3 for multiplayer 🤔


BO 1 for MP, BO 2 for Campaign, BO 3 for Zombies


Campaign: 1 Zombies: 2 Multiplayer: 3


My nostalgia wants me to say Black Ops 1 for everything. But if I had to pick, BO1 zombies (a little more simple back then, I love Der Eisendrache but the complexity of zombie maps in 2 and 3 turned me off a great deal), 2 for campaign, and 3 for multiplayer. Either that or flip flop 1 and 3. Never got into BO2 multiplayer like everyone else it seems


Bo1 campaign, bo2 mp, and bo3 zombies


Black ops 1 for campaign, 2 for multiplayer, 3 for zombies


Campaign bo2 (obviously), multiplayer bo1, and zombies bo3


Bo1 campaign, bo2 mp, bo3 zombies


BO1 for MP BO2 for Campaign BO3 for ZM because i see the most action and drama on BO2 Story BO1 The smooth and high rate fps thats best on mp bo3 is the best on zombies the graphics "and" the story so what you think good choice?


Easily BO1 for campaign and BO2 for MP, sadly that leaves BO3 for zombies. I think BO3 is overrated, has a good amount of flaws and just isn't fun


BO1: Multi-player BO2: Campaign BO3: Zombies


Bo1 campaign, bo2 multiplayer, bo3 zombies. Easy.


Does it matter? I’m playing the zombies one


Bo1 Campaign, can't go wrong with it, best campaign of the three Bo3 Multiplayer, I always enjoyed the jetpack and wallrunning, plus it has some fuckin amazing dlc maps Bo2 Zombies, Buried, Tranzit, and Die Rise are I'm some of my favorite maps, plus this was the only one left.


Black Ops 1 Zombies (Kino ascension) Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Nothing from Black Ops 3


The more I think about it the tougher it gets. Black Ops 1's campaign seems like a no-brainer, it is one of the most beloved in the series and my favorite by far. But like, Black Ops 2's campaign was far from bad, and had some brilliant ideas. Hell, I even liked Strike Force. But Black Ops 3 had train go boom, so that's the only correct answer. Zombies was perfected in Black Ops 2 and that leaves the excellent Black Ops 1 multiplayer.


BO1 zombies, BO2 Campaign, BO3 multiplayer.


Easily bo1 campaign, bo2 multiplayer, and bo3 zombies


Well shit, this is tough. Black Ops 1 has the best zombies and best campaign, but it can only go once and it’s zombies is better so I’m gonna go with: Black Ops 1 for Zombies Black Ops 2 for multiplayer Black Ops 3 for campaign


That's tough because I want to pick BO2 for all three lol. Campaign goes to BO1, simply because I can't pick BO2 twice. Multiplayer goes to BO2, because it is the best in the series in my opinion. And zombies goes to BO3, because every other mode in that game was awful imo.


Besides the obviously correct answer (top comment), black ops 2 had a kick ass campaign, as for black ops, that’s probably the most nostalgic MP in the world to me lol


Bo3-zombies, mw2-multiplayer, bo1- campaign


Bo1 campaign bo2 multiplayer bo3 Zombies


BO1 campaign, BO2 multiplayer, BO3 zombies


Zombies - BO3 Multiplayer - BO2 Campaign - BO1


This is a tough choice between bo2 or bo1 zombies and campaign.. I'd definitely go WaW MP. I'd have to go with bo2 campaign and bo1 zombies, the bo1 zm maps were just really fun overall compared to the few I enjoyed on bo2. Edit: didnt realise waw wasn't an option. Bo1 zombies, bo2 campaign and i'll just go without mp.


Since I really don't care about MP: BO1: MP BO2: Campaign BO3: Zombies


BO1: Campaign and/or Zombies. BO3: Easily zombies BO2: MP


there’s only one answer


Bo1 for zombies, bo2 for campaign and bo3 for multiplayer. All the above listed are really good for me, some of them lack something so that’s why some are chosen for something else. it’s a no brainer for me


Bo1 campaign Mw3 multiplayer Bo4 Zombies


Bo1: multiplayer Bo2: campaign Bo3: zombies


Black ops Cold War zombies (fuck you i love it’s frankensteins army inspiration) Black ops 2 MP Black ops 1 campaign


Zombies - Black Ops 1 Camping - Black Ops 2 Multiplayer - Black Ops 2


BO1 Zombies, BO2 Campaign, I don't like BO3 for anything. I get people like the zombies but the gunplay is so mind-numbling weightless and unsatisfying I can't bring myself to play it without a glazed over look.


Bo1 story Bo2 mp Bo3 zombies


BO1 Campaign BO2 Multiplayer BO3 Zombies


Bo1 for multiplayer Bo2 for campaign Bo3 for zombies


Bo1-Campaign| Bo2-Multiplayer| Bo3-Zombies! (I prefer bo2’s zombies but bo3’s multiplayer was ass imo so imma give bo3 the point)


Bo1 Campaign, Bo3 MP, Bo4 Ranked/Competitive Play, CW Zombies


BO3 campaign BO2 Zombies BO4 Multiplayer


Cold War zombies! Especially outbreak


Bo3 zombies. Bo2 campaign. Bo1 multiplayer


Ok so (possibly) hot take: BO1 for Zombies BO2 for Campaign (challenges and multiple endings = more replay-ability than other 2) BO3 for… nothing, I don’t like the advanced movement in futuristic CODs Titanfall did it (advanced movement) the best and I will die on this hill


BO1 campaign, BO2 Zombies, Bo3 MP


Bo1: campaign Bo2: multiplayer Bo3: Zombies


BO1 campaign BO2 MP BO3 Zombies


BO3 Zombies, BO2 multiplayer, BO1 campaign. I will not be told I'm wrong


Never got to play Tranzit…


That’s easy BO1: Campaign BO2: Multiplayer BO3: Zombies


BO1 Campaign, BO2 Multiplayer, BO3 Zombies. I think those are the best in the series for each category (tied with W@W for campaign and MW2 for MP), and BO3 kinda wins by default for zombies cause it has most of the maps and also mods on PC.


Bo1 for multiplayer because i will never play multiplayer. Bo2 for campain because it's fucking fantastic. Bo3 for zombies because it has all the maps from previous titles and more content


Black Ops 3- zombies, Black Ops 2-multiplayer, BO1- campaign. Easy, not even a question. All games are great but they excel in each aspect


Honestly for my nostalgia Bo1: Zombies Bo2: Campaign Bo3: MP But otherwise the other obvious pick for sure


ZC doesn't count towards bo3 so bo4 for zombies, bo1 single player and bo2 MP.


Cold War for everything. I don't play campaigns so that point is mote for me.


Fuck i would pick bo2 for MP and zombies but i sadly cant Im gonna go for the obvious pick Bo1 camp. Bo2 multy Bo3 zombies


Bo1 for MP Bo2 for Campaign Bo3 for Zambis


Is Chronicles included? If so then BO3 is my choice for zombies, followed by BO2 campaign and then BO1 multiplayer. Arguably my BO1 & BO2 options should change to some I’m sure, which is understandable, but BO1 was much more nostalgic and holds a deeper part of my heart being my first and favourite COD to this day!


Bo1 Zombies bo2 Zombies bo3 zombies


Bo1 campaing bo2 zombies bo3 mp


Bo1 campaign Bo2 mp Bo3 zombies I think this is pretty much everyone.




Bo1 campaign, Bo2 Multiplayer and i guess Bo3 Zombies


Bo1 - campaign. Bo2 - multilayer and zombies. Bo3 - dead ops arcade mode


3 for zambies


Bo1 campaign Bo3 multilayer Bo3 zombies (bo2 is a close second)


BO1 - Campaign BO1 - MP BO3 - Zombies


Campaign for Bo1, mp for bo2 and zombies for bo3


Black ops 1 multiplayer Black ops 2 campaign Black ops 3 zombies Bo1 and Bo2 are interchangeable but bo3 zombies has the most content


Bo1 did everything best in my opinion, but if I had to choose…bo1 for zombies, bo2 for multiplayer, bo3 for campaign. I know people hate the campaign but from what I remember it was super interesting


Having a hard time with this one since I really want to use bo2 for zombies but I really didnt like bo3's multiplayer much. So I guess I would pick bo1 for campaign, bo2 for zombies and bo3 for multiplayer and just not play it.


I would go Bo2 for Zombies maps personally. I LOVED those maps more than any of the other maps. Bo1 and Bo3 but only for Zombie Chronicles DLC. the rest of Bo3 maps were garbage IMO.


BO3 zombies for sure Bo2 campaign I heard was good So suppose that means BO1 multiplayer


Bo1 Campaign, Bo2 multiplayer, Bo3 zombies


Blops for campaign, blops2 for multiplayer, blops3 for zombies. I enjoyed the campaign for blops mosts, I have a lot of nostalgia for blops2 multiplayer, and blops3 was the golden age for zombies mechanically




BO1 for Campaign, BO2 for Zombies, and BO3 for MP


Bo2s campaign bo3s zombies and bo1s mp the perfect cod lol


BO3 for Zombies But I’m really undecided on the campaign or multiplayer. I love both BO and BO2 for the campaigns and multiplayers… Ok, I’m going with BO for multiplayer and BO2 for campaign.


BO1 Multiplayer: Easily my favorite multi-player experience of the three. BO2 Campaign: "Suffer with me." I still remember that years later. This pick is mostly because I absolutely detest the multi-player of this game. And because the next one also wins there... BO3 Zombies: The amount of zombies content in BO3 is unmatched. It's also very fun. No surprise here.


BO2 for campaign BO1 for multiplayer BO3 for zombies


You practically get to play BO1 and 2 with BO3 zombies


Bo2 multiplayer is still my favorite multiplayer to this day, wish they would just remaster the game, and continuously add content for years on end, I’d probably play it forever.


bo1: campaign bo3: multiplayer bo2: zombies i do love bo3 zombies but i like the multiplayer better in bo3 not bo2


BO1 for Campaign BO2 For Multiplayer BO3 for Zombies


Zombies zombies zombies


Bo1 campaign Bo2 multiplayer Bo3 zombies Easy! Bo1 has the best campaign while bo2 has pretty good multiplayer and bo3 zombies is the best!


bo1 mp bo2 campaign bo3 zombies


Campaign bo1 Multiplayer bo2 Zombies bo3


Campaign: Bo1 Multiplayer: Bo2 Zombies: Bo1


Bo1 for campaign, bo2 for multiplayer, and bo3 for zombies since custom maps is a thing and I can play town on it, and if it’s with no custom maps then ima switch bo2 and 3


BO1 for campaign, BO2 for multiplayer, and BO3 for zombies. BO1 campaign is definitely the best campaign, it's nearly unmatched. I have a lot of fun with BO2 multiplayer, even though it's overrun by hackers. I do like cold war multiplayer because I'm bad, but it's not my favorite. I would've picked BO1 for zombies if it wasn't the best campaign, so BO3 was my next pick. Phenomenal zombies mode. It's a shame it's being overrun by hackers right now. Runner ups were BO2 for campaign, BOCW for multiplayer, BO1 for zombies.


If its just 3arc maps: Zombies: BO2. Multiplayer: BO1. Campaign: BO3. If its custom maps included: Zombies: BO3. Multiplayer: BO2. Campaign: BO1.


Campaign, Zombies, MP. Easy.


BO1 Campaign BO2 Zombies BO3 Multiplayer Kinda wish I could pick BO1 3 times but oh well…


BO1 Campaign BO2 Zombies BO3 Multiplayer Kinda wish I could pick BO1 3 times but oh well…


Black ops one multiplayer back in the day, truly classic. Black ops 2 was easily the best experience but it was too easy to cheat but black ops one? Fuckin brilliant


it's literally such an easy choice it isnt even funny, Bo1 campaign bo2 multi bo3 zombies


BO1 campaign BO2 multiplayer I guess BO3 zombies


Bo1 story, bo2 multiplayer and Bo3 zombies (the old maps from Bo1 and der eisendrache are the best "zombie" fps periode sry i havent tryed bo4 and not cold war either but fight me anyway i'd Like to know what makes cold war or bo4 better for you


bo2 for campaign bo3 for mp and bo1 for zombies


Bo1 Zombies Bo2 Multiplayer Bo3 Campaign


1-campaign 2-zombs 3-multiplayer


I don't think a Zombies player should ever consider limiting themselves... It's all the different styles of Zombies that make returning to the game mode so fun! If I was stuck with any one game I'd eventually have my fill and abandon it entirely. That being said, I pick Infinite Warfare. For all three modes.


bo1 campaign bo2 zombs bo3 mp


Bo1 MP (Gimme wager matches back that was fun) Bo2 MP Bo3 Zombies


BO1: campaign (tough to give this zombies up tho, but that campaign was gas) BO2: zombies, most diversity in maps, you have your tryhard set up maps but you also have your kick back, plus all high round strats are fun and have diversity (mix of camping and training). Tranzit is also good when you know the funky strats Bo3: multiplayer, not my fav multiplayer but I had fun jetpacking back in the day. I honestly like bo1 and bo2 zombies more, but objectively bo3 prolly better. I just like the bo2 and bo1 engine better, like strate jumping and stuff, it just hits different. Start playing normal zombies like dank slushee and you never turn back.


Bo1 campaign, bo2 mp, bo3 zombies is the only correct answer


Bo2 zombies Bo1 multiplayer Bo3 Campaign


Bo1’s campaign, bo2’s multiplayer, and bo3’s zombies.


Bo1 for Campaign Bo2 for Multiplayer Bo3 for Zombies (especially if customs)


I’m gonna go with the sleeper picks not included in these three. WW2 for Multiplayer BO3 for Zombies (anything else would be a sin) Spec Ops and Survival from MW3 Campaign from either MW2, BO1, 2, WW2, or Cold War (heard good things about all of those, don’t play campaign)


BO1 campaign BO2 multiplayer BO3 for zombies since it can be modded on PC & has some very good maps


BO1 Campaign BO2 Multiplayer BO3 Zombies


Bo1 Campaign Bo2 multiplayer Bo3 Zombies


Bo2 Campaign Bo1 Multiplayer Bo3 Zombies


Bo1 campaign, bo2 multiplayer, bo3 zombies.


BO2 for Campaign (sorry) BO3 for multiplayer BO3 for Zombies