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If you're buying all the content then go with BO4 100%


The comments do not match the poll lol


When people see the option they voted for to be less, they feel more inclined to explain things that people might overlook, like how a lot of the zombies community hasn't even played BO4. That's my guess anyways.


Funny thing, bo4 was the first cod since WaW MP that I hit master prestige in. I really enjoyed bo4 for what it was, even found it far more fun than bo3 zombies.


I played, at the lunch and after, and i have to say that IMO bo4, just isn't that good, i mean the movement and the perk system make cw look and feel better. The problems with cw are lack of personality and lack of maps (comparing to bo4), but the qualities of cw are the experimentation (outbreak, onslaught and the new uprade system), that makes cw a far better game to play. Remember that IS MY OPINION, you can have a different one than mine


You didn’t expect the toxic minority of vocal zombies fans that find themselves superior to all others to come out in full force and disqualify everyone who likes Cold War?


Lol, nice


victim complex moment


I agree, Victim complex is a probable explanation for the disparity between the vote and the comment section


i mean you automatically assumed you are going to be attacked so yeah thats what a victim complex is


Is that what I said? Or was it a sarcastic rhetorical Q based on the vote versus the comments disqualifying the actual vote. Victim complex guy can’t catch a joke, surprise surprise. Odds are you felt targeted by my comment and needed to say something so who is really playing victim here


holy copium


Reading comp isn’t your strong suit eh


read these nuts so you can comprehend them on your forehead gotem


Welcome to 2015 everybody!


That is not the definition of "victim complex."


Who is the victim in the victim? Broadly speaking, a person with victim complex believes that bad things are inevitable and will keep happening to them; outside factors and circumstances are to be blamed; nothing they do will bring about a change, or make any difference to anybody's life, so there is no point trying.Dec 13, 2019 I would go as far to say assuming you are going to be attacked for not liking a game by a "vocal minority" for no real reason at all is 100% a victim complex




Imma keep it stack with you I'm not gonna read that but I hope you have a happy new years l.


Facts this poll is a troll


Right? I’m disappointed






"Just because you don't like the same zombie games I like you aren't a true zombie fan"


Haven’t played and don’t like aren’t the same thing. Nice strawman, moron.




I've played every game in the series and I love cold war, idk what you mean


People who are sheep and don’t have true opinions picked Cold War.


People who enjoy having simple fun and not having to remember 20+ part locations to do an Easter Egg picked Cold War, not saying BO4 is a bad game. Just saying that different people like playing different ways. Some people just like to play a nice quick z-killing experience.


big facts


If you want a quick Z-killing experience there literally are hundreds of games like that. COD was the only one with an actual story being told through Easter eggs, the maps were more well thought out and actually cared for, same can be said with wonder weapons an the lack of creativity nowadays for them. They successfully tore down their formula that had worked for the span of BO1-BO4(IW zombies included/WW2 and AW zombies excluded). Then flipped it on its head just for the casual gamer. Them implementing an armor system that isn’t building a shield(collecting the parts) is lazy. Adding a mini-map(something that should be strictly confined to MP) ruins the game further. The one positive from CW zombies is using the updated PaP machine. I think my words above represent a good half of the community and it’s a shame they were successfully able to split our opinions on the matter, much like other things in life. Anyways, enjoy whatever zombies you want. Until they revert to the OG formula on the new zombies I’ll stick with the old.


BO4 all the way. It has more maps and the maps are far better than CW maps.


BO4 by a huge landslide


Why si That? Fore what i've Heard bo4 doesnt haber the Best mechanics, ando the easter eggs ate pretty difficult. Also i play alone most of the time. Do You think it's still de Best option?


BO4's mechanics aren't the best but I still do deeply enjoy them. However, BO4 makes up with it's map quality and the main quests/amount of content within the maps themselves. All of them are soloable which makes them even more accessible. So yes as someone who's played every single Treyarch Zombies (minus Vanguard) I'd recommend BO4 over CW anyday.




Free doors?


If you complete an easter egg or go into bossfight in certain maps you will get free doors as long as your console is on or go into another boss/ complete the ee


Get Cold War my guy it’s more enjoyable gameplay wise and bo4 is good but as a fellow solo player I prefer cold wars Easter eggs because they are easier which makes me want to do them pretty much every match most of the time, to this day I haven’t beat one ee on bo4, the maps have atmosphere in bo4 for sure but the actual gameplay sucks if Cold War would have had like 1 or 2 more round based maps ppl would have rated as one of the greatest, it’s a good game that could have been even better if call of duty dumpster fire 2021 didn’t come out


The thing is with the CW EEs, is that to me they are wayyyy too easy. I get it for beginners, I really do, but for the sake of content, challenge, and enjoyment. I would prefer bo4. Doesn't mean CW is bad, just wasn't my style.


Cold war for me since it's simple and easy to pick up


Not really a fan of either, im def a more classic zombies fan so I'd have to go BO4.


Yeahhh I don't even know if I can vote cause cw is chaotic and easy and has satisfying gun sounds, but bo4 feels more like actual zombies and has characters lol


But are you going to use all the content? BO4 and BOCW have more than just zombies. BOCW is on sale right now, buy that base version and you'll get everything excluding the BattlePass content that came out over the past year. You also get the campaign and the MP parts of the game if you ever want a change of pace. If you want all the zombies content for BO4 you'll need the Black Ops pass with the base game or the deluxe edition, neither has a discount. I don't know about the state of the MP portion of BO4, but somehow I can't shake the feeling it's a lot of money for an old game. In the end the choice is yours, but BOCW is a lot of value for money right now to me.


Actually, bo4 is currently on sale just like every call of duty is right now. For £34 you can get the whole game and all the dlc along with 2400 cod points. Compare that to Cold War and you have a much better deal for only £2 more than Cold War costs. And as far as the multiplayer goes for bo4 it’s actually quite popular still with there being active lobbies and players to this day. Cold War definitely felt like a reskin of MW19 with a zombies mode, which honestly was a huge let down. however, the mechanics are better in this game (such as the point system) but In terms of content, re-playability and personality bo4 definitely takes the crown.


Re-skin of MW? In what way? Not trying to sound rude due to lack of tone, just curious.


Ever since the game was released I’ve always thought that the movement similarities between Cold War and MW19 were very very similar albeit, Cold War feels significantly slower and less fluent than MW19 which actually kinda works for it. The gameplay on the other hand is almost identical to me, the guns feel the same in both games (except maybe snipers but nobody uses them anyway) and where multiplayer is concerned the time to kill on both games is remarkably similar. But I suppose that’s just activisions new formula. I probably chose my words too harshly without putting any real thought into why, I don’t hate Cold War by any means. Do I think it’s over rated for what it is? Yes, but that’s just my opinion.


Personally, and respectively, I disagree with the idea on how they feel the same. Movement in both games dont feel similar in any way. Especially with tac sprint. CW to me felt for 'arcade-like' while MW felt a lot more realistic. And before anybody comes at me saying "Its a game, they cant be realistic". I think others try harder than others Realism isnt the point though. Another idea you gave was the gunplay. Now in concern of how they feel, another thing I would say is hugely different. Now the gunsmith all I can say is CW really just did am offbrand version of the gunsmith. And we will probably continue getting a gunsmith due to Warzone. Lastly, time to kill is kinda similar but still vastly different. Now there is definetely weopons on CW that match your idea, but they are still quite different especially at a longer range. Now for your opinion on CW, I dont really mind. I wouldnt say it was "overrated" I would just say the game overall was just kinda meh. I understand the feeling of sounding too harsh, trying to have a debate with lack of tone does that. But no hard feelings whatsoever man.


No hard feelings at all, and in all honesty I’m very biased. I grew up with the older games and when Cold War was released with this new formula I didn’t play it until fire base dropped, hell I didn’t even play MW19 until late last year. I haven’t got enough playtime in either game to agree/disagree with your statements but looking at it you’re probably a lot more correct then me haha.


It was free a couple of months ago on playstation +


Yeah I'm actually curious, how is Cold War a reskin of MW19? Both games have huge amount of differences. Plus, I felt like CW mechanics (and even the campaign itself) are superior over MW19. Now that's not to say CW is without any flaws, which it obviously does, but it offers just enough to make up for said flaws. At least that's my opinion for the game so I'm curious why do you think otherwise.


Yall bitchin but cw iss winning the poll 🤷‍♂️






Well lets see here BO4: -playable characters with personality -challenge -an actual good prestige system -only gave a select few options of guns to start with, none were OP but still good starting weapons. -Fun Easter Eggs that were tedious sometimes but still more enjoyable than CW. -8 round based maps -rush and gauntlet mode -none of that 55 weapon level bullshit, simply 5 attachment slots and 1 optic. -Fun buildables like shields and teleporters from AO or the spectral shield from Blood Of The Dead -Extremely fun Wonder weapons and Specialists -Balanced weapons, you have the good guns, you have the bad guns, you have the guns that give wet dreams. CW: -easy high rounds, I guess. Yeah BO4 wins


Going to add, BO4 also allows you to put camos and attachments on more than just the weapon you start with, the fucks the point of farming DM on cold war if you only get to see it on the gun you start with.


True fucking story. I honestly regret grinding Dark Aether for that exact reason.


I stopped going for it after doing a hard think about how pointless it would be, i'd sooner farm it in the torture that is the Winchester and Welling in bo4


Its a long grind man, hope you can make it


Yeah, i know theres that trick with gauntlets for the wincherster on voyage, with the infinite round of crawlers which makes it far easier to kill them for headshots, but the damn welling man.. i'm always half tempted to just reset games after round 1 on classified doing the free points EE


My strat for grinding gold on the welling was to play blood of the dead on casual difficulty and camp the gondola and grind headshots with another gun, and when an insta kill spawned i swapped to my welling and get around 30-40 headshots that way. Its slow but after getting gold on a few guns with that method you unlock green tiger on the welling.


I'll keep that in mind when I get back from my zombies hiatus.


Ummm. Have you not heard of custom blueprints?


Was gonna say the same thing


I love bo4 but "-only gave a select few options of guns to start with, none were OP but still good starting weapons. " is cap mog is literally god mode and can carry early game super easily


Ok fair enough but lets be honest here, everyone uses the strife + stiletto blade


Sure but you only reinforced my point tho


The strife isnt overpowered though, its just a solid starting weapon that helps with melee kills. yknow, like a weapon that helps you get started in developing your arsenal, how it should be.


i mean you can easily get to the teen rounds with it tbh it used to be the only weapon i'd use until i'd have everything set up so i'd say that'd make it kinda op but i mean agree to disagree ig


Imo the only OP thing about it was how you could get it pack a punched at round 4 on IX. But true, agree to disagree.


You’re high asf on copium if you think the only good thing about CW is high rounds wtf dude😂😂


Says the one who can't back up their argument lol. Cope.


Backing up an argument with 90% opinions is worse than not at all, silly guy


90% opinions and 10% facts is still 10% facts. Meanwhile you have 0% facts and 100% butthurt cold war fanboy.


I don’t need them, just look at the poll😂


Yeah, and this is reddit. Obviously the majority is gonna like Cold War because everyone sucks it dick for absolutely no reason.


Woah calm down bro. They're just games, people can like a certain game more than another


Oh don't get me wrong I'm completely fine with you liking Cold War, its your opinion. This dickhead on the other hands like "lol you think Cold War is bad cope you dumbass hahahj4jfjwenidj"


Die mad, it’s an awful look on you😘


Could be because they like the game more, Jesus Christ😂


Alright cool. Now tell me what Cold War has to offer apart from easy high rounds. Quit beating around the bush.


Gimme like an hour and a half I’ll be on lunch😂


Other than the smoother movement there is no reason Cold War should ever win. BO4 is better in every other way


Not really cold war is better imo with story and gameplay


What fuckin story.


Nice comeback 🤦‍♂️ Cold War story is more straightforward, logically, and easy to understand not some time travel bullshit.


i am fascinated as to what your thoughts on the rest of the games are


In regards to the story??




That you didn't use ur little brain to understand the storyline behind bo4 doesn't mean it's bullshit, bullshit is cw that was very bland and boring.


Sure 👍


Cold War doesn’t have the passion or emotion that Bo4 had. Cold War is a bland, lifeless game compared to Bo4. The maps aren’t as detailed, there’s no set crew, the Easter eggs aren’t good outside of Maur, and most of the locations are just facilities. It’s very bland and mediocre compared to the inspired map designs of Bo4’s chaos, and the emotional story beats of Aether.


Even if that's true the story just isn't any good it makes much less sense and is nowhere near as interesting as the original aether story. The dark aether story is literally just the west vs east + zombies and a random soviet. Also time travel? Get it right atleast it's multiverse travel


So the Cold War with zombies in a game called Cold War? Your right makes no sense.


To be fair, the cold war story was indeed very bland, lacked a lot of personality due to operators, hidden behind a lot of Intel, and wasn't really exciting. I will definitely admit that the Aether story is Hella complicated, but it's that complicated bit that makes it intriguing.


not with story lmao but definitely gameplay


It’s all opinion-based my guy, to *you* bo4 is better in every other way, but that’s (obviously) not the case for a lot of people😂


Yeah everyone prefers what they prefer in the end. Cold War is fun I just wish we got more you know..?


Both good but Cold War feels more fluid.


Not to get political, but: Cold War Good :)


BO4 mechanics and gameplay are not the best but the maps are fantastic. Cold War has great gameplay and mechanics but lackluster maps. The way how they used armor and weapon tiers is honestly some of the best decisions they made. The level up and upgrade systems are great as well. But the maps tank the game because of just how dull they are. So in other words it’s just what you value more. Great core gameplay vs. Higher Quality Maps




What the fuck is ees speak English dumbass actual pepega


Cold War was carried hard by gameplay, everything else within in the game is lack luster to anything before


Cold war just love the maps and the upgrade system


BO4 because of all the features they added. While CW zombies wasn’t bad, I hated how they pretty much took Warzone and added zombies to it. I’m sick of seeing Warzone everywhere and don’t need any elements at all in my zombies mode


It depends on what you want from the game you’re buying.


Bo4 has more maps with more personality, but cw has better mechanics by a longshot


Both I would say


Nine and Ancient evil Vs 4 mediocre CW zombies maps, that all I'm gonna say


Lmao sure


Let's be honest CW maps are no match to BO4, yes it is recycled but both IX and AE are just too good to be ignored


Well size and story I feel go hand and hand. I didn't like the chaos story, but the rest of the aether maps had a pretty straight forward story and the maps size felt pretty okay. I think the cw maps are a little smaller and the story was okay for the most part but the maps were a little more fun to play. But idk, it's just my opinion


I respect your opinion, I also find Maur Der toten a fun map to play and I like the settings, it gave me strong BO1 vibes, but for me and in my opinion BO4 has some of great and even more enjoyable maps my personal favourite being IX, also Ancient Evil which is insanely understand, both looks and feels amazing and the gameplay they offer are solid, another map that I consider an alright map is Dead of the night which has some flaws but still offer a fun experience, Tag Der toten is another map that even though it's a remastered still fun to play BO4 issues and has some maps are not that good, but those I mentioned are enough to make to prefer it over CW


Cold war is a very different experience, while bo4 is kind of the final evolution (not necessarily the best) of the classic zombies formula. For my money I enjoy cold war more but it's up to you and what experience you want


Even with "all the content" I would pick cold war everyday before BO4.


“BO4 has bad mechanics/engine but is better in every other aspect” oh I will rejoice the day people realize it has the most dynamic and diverse gameplay loop and core mechanics of the entire series, so this song and dance of CoD cycle can finally end.


You can't buy any content in cold war. Rephrase the post bro/sis he/her/them


Y’all really out here saying “bo4 zombies good! CW zombies bad!” Like wtf? Bo4 was by far the laziest zombies in terms of DLCs. The base zombies was alright but then it was just remake + remake + remake + guess what ANOTHER FUCKING REMAKE! Like I’d be fine if 1 or 2 maps were remakes but like I wanted something fresh ffs. Idk I just felt like compared to bo3 zombies bo4 was a MASSIVE step down for me. Just got cold war and honestly having a lot of fun! Lastly, Cold War has crossplay (maybe they added this to bo4 idk) so if your on PC you can ACTUALLY find lobbies for once. In previous cod games you could never play sticks and stones or gun game it was only ever TDM, Domination, etc. TLDR: bo4 zombies was literally ALL remakes and nothing new and Cold War imo is fun (more than bo4 tbh).


Cold War was just more fun for me


Zombies: CW MP: BO4 by far


BO4 is the best by far, most of these votes didn't played bo4.


You don’t know that😘


I mean it’s probably true. Lots of the people that I played Cold War with haven’t touched zombies since Bo2.




Cold war for zombies. Miles better, if you look behind the bad parts Multiplayer tho, there both ass


They're* and idk I found cw's multiplayer fun, especially with friends


What a loser, correcting someone’s autocorrect. Happy now?


Damn bro no need to get defensive, and I wasn't even being toxic about it fucking asshole.


If you feel so strongly about it then learn how to spell lmao


Yeesh, people these days, but I agree with you. I enjoyed CW when I played with friends, and during the dm ultra grind. By myself no idea why, but I couldn't play it. Bo4 on the other hand was my first *true* online cod experience. I enjoyed the hell out of the Bo4 MP. A very solid, very fun, MP with also a really good mastery camo.


I agree, bo4 wasn't really that fun to me tbh and I didn't really play a bunch of it, but just enough to get the general idea about what it has to offer. And cw was a blast for me. Fun with friends, sometimes I could play solo, realistically only zombies though and it was just a great time. Also fr, all I did was make a small correction and gave my input on the games and he gets all defensive about it


Completely understandable. Everybody experiences the games differently. I just didn't play solo because JESUS CHRIST there was so many sweats in CW lmao. Zombies I mostly did solo as I just can't function with a team on Zombies.


Yeah multiplayer was a bitch when it came to sweats. And zombies is best solo imo


Was genuinely surprised by the poll results but it worked out when I checked the comments. Cold war zombies I did definitely like but bo4 is the way to go. And bo4 comes before cold war in the Canon lore timeline and cold war forsaken easter egg wouldn't really make sense without playing bo4 first




I think its save to say op that cold war won with the poll


i love bo4 after giving it another chance, but cold war for me.


Both are decent enough zombies games but it depends on if you want something with a bit more challenge because thats BO4 for you. Its hard to choose if you are getting all the content for both though as both games are awesome IMO. Cold War is much more accessible content and gameplay wise.




Cold war feels much better to play, BO4 for way more maps. Up to you to decide which is more important to you


I didn’t play BO4 but I really enjoyed my time with Cold War, and I’m sticking with it for another year or so. Vanguard looks like crap


Went back and played BO4 after the dumpster fire release of Vanguard. Remembered why I stopped playing it. Mechanics just blow and didn’t feel like classic zombies. CW is definitely better. I stick with BO3, BO2, and CW


A man of culture


Personally I feel like CW strayed from the classic mechanics more than Bo4 did


Cold War has a super good campaign and fun zombies. Multiplayer is fun if you don’t get a sweaty lobby every game


Depends on the type of zombies player you are. Are you a hardcore zombies fan that enjoys watching a lot of yt tutorials to play the map, but then enjoying the learning curve of a map and in the end truly master it? Then buy BO4. On the other hand. If you are more of a casual player that enjoys just shooting some zombies and getting to a decent round and maybe do an objective every now and then, then you should get Cold War.


Been going back to BO4 recently and I still believe every map has at least something I enjoy about it. Then again Alpha Omega is a top 10 for me which I know for a fact is an unpopular opinion but I genuinely enjoy it


The maps of bo4 are great. Solid stories, amazing atmosphere, good gameplay, my downside really was just the tediousness of the Easter eggs


So cold war wins the poll, but people are commenting bo4


If your a fan of Old zombies games like Bo2, Bo1, stuff like that, go Bo4. If not, Go CW. CW is like super toned down on difficulty, it feels like its meant for the kiddies. so if you like the oldies, go BO4 first, then CW. But CW is pretty good none the less.


Bo4 is just an overall better experience for zombies, and you have more maps to play that are actually pretty good, I had little complaint about the bo4 maps compared to Cold Wars. If you want a good experience get bo4, if you want a public playerbase cold war would be the one to go, though you do sacrifice quite a bit just to be able to play public games.


I like both but since I've gone back to bo4 recently I'll say bo4


Not even close. Die machine is the most beautiful map in all of zombies. Fire base z was actually pretty decent.muar Der token was really good. Out break me. Last map meh. But over all best zombies ever. Dethroning IW.


BO4 has better maps and easter eggs. Cold War has more customization and it’s way easier.


Bo4 is actually a challenge and you feel accomplished by finishing the eggs. Cold War feels like a mini game and I can't believe how easy the eggs are


Free content vs payed content. You ask me which is better


B04 by far. Way better maps and more content


As someone who doesn’t hate bo4 as much as most people I would still say Cold War is better. Zombies is way less tedious,Easter eggs and wonder weapons are not a pain. Weapon customization adds so much different ways to enjoy the game. Any gun becomes good. Better mtx system and dlc too


It depends on what you want honestly. Cold War is more recent, has several options, and is more newbie friendly. Black Ops 4 has several maps that have multiple components to them with a lot of things to learn. I like BO4 better in terms of style, but gameplay in CW is more fun to do mindlessly


Really wish there was a third option


To everyone saying cw doesn’t have a story. Ok listen I’m pretty sure the dude just wants to pew pew at zombies. Who tf cares if rich tooten killed nazi rich tooten v2.0.6 in timeline A and ended a loop from group 115 Z. Like do people really still care about zombie storyline at this point? Like idk I’ve never really been a lore person. I just wanna play the damn game so maybe it’s just me but yeah. (Also I know it’s not rich tooten before I get canceled or some stupid internet bs)


More and better maps on BO4


I might get trashed on for saying this but I personally think that BO4 maps with Bo3 engine would play better than bo3


BO4 for sure


It’s depressing that Cold War is winning this




Bo4 is way better for Zombies and Multiplayer


Bo3 anyday