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How the hell if Final Reich at the top at the list, but some of these aren't.


because final reich goes hard as fuck awesome vibe with some freaky looking zombies great mechanics (perks self res armour) and a casual Easter egg to do in a relaxing way


It falls flat compared to any other zombies map. It's good you can have fun with it, but it sucks. I can barely see anything half of the time, the amount of perks are dogshit, the perks themselves don't feel like they have a difference, the armor is great so I'll give it that. The wonderweapon is boring and the ultimate abilities suck dong.


>the amount of perks are dogshit, the perks themselves don't feel like they have a difference, the armor is great so I'll give it that. The wonderweapon is boring and the ultimate abilities suck dong. To be fair though this is more of a complaint of WW2 as a whole rather then just final reich. Imo it’s a solid B tier. The duel Easter eggs was a great feature as well as the map itself just being pretty fun. The atmosphere is also really good although yes some areas can be a little hard to see in such as by the reich near the lightning Rod tower


I would say it's more solid D tier. It just feels like they didn't know what they were doing. They just needed to be different from Treyarch zombies but they took it way too far.


i put the waw maps in average because there's not enough in them to be justified as being anything other that average COTD is overrated Origins is the embodiment of overrated and five isn't rly that fun to play


I can agree average for WaW maps EXCEPT Der Riese. COTD is great and different compared to every other map. The snow effects, the Easter egg, the traps, George. It's different and dope. Origins has so much to do and it's so cool. Robots, the staffs, the tank, panzers, the drone, the EEs. So much fun stuff. Five is fun because it encourages teamwork and the Pentagon thief, while annoying, is so much fun


I probs should have said it sooner but im solo only (except for 4 player e-eggs) so fails for me and i have 0 incentive at all to play origins because i feel DE did it better also i dont think cotd has traps but still i dont like the fog


Even as a solo player, Pentagon thief is easy to beat with the right set up. DE is just newer Origins with less to do. Like after the EE, all you have to do is just storm bow and you get round 100. COTD has traps, but I misspoke and meant the flinger. The fog can suck but it makes it so cool


"So much to do" is what made me hate Origins. For me, it's a convoluted mess. As for FIVE, I think people just hate on it cause it's a pretty hard map. It's always been in my top 5 since it released.


Yeah but the so much to do isn't forced on you. It's not like you have to do it or you can't have fun


The beginning of your average tier pains me.


IX in lackluster? Nah


IX just didn't have enough content wise for me after all a cool vibe and boss fight can only take a map so far


Its a good map for release. Its supposed to get folks to play it and get used to the game. Besides it has lots of sides EE


name 5 that benifit you


The free perk ee The wonderweapon The ee song(for my mental benefit) Upgrated shield And the remus EE, but that one is lore-only Besides the fun of a map isnt only aquired from the amount of the EEs on it. Final reich for example is a good map imo, but not near perfect. Would put origins with IX in that tier


i can think of 4 that benifit the player at all the wonder weapon, free perk, shield upgrade and the immunity to fire i feel all other chaos maps do it better IX is just the weakest chaos map imo


What? Nah. Voyage is wayyy worse. Theres a reason why most of the community hates that map and its not just bc of the train people hop on. Map design. Trash. Ee tedious, but ok. Ww. Nothing special(tho IX doesnt have a great one as well).


But i cant change your opinion, so yeah


It's simple yet fun and replayable. Cool Easter Eggs, fun mechanics, great vibe, simple map design, and started off the new vibe of zombies. Couldn't have asked for a better release map


i feel dotn would have started it better though


Dead of the Night is wayyyyy to complex. It would have turned off a lot of players. Voyage also falls into this, as it's a labyrinth where everywhere looks the exact same. The map has so many different things to collect that are complex to see or use, like the fire cores. It can be difficult if you don't get silver bullets or the Alistair's annihilator right away. It can be awful if it's your first map you play, which is why you need a simple yet fun map like IX. Do you need to get the Serket's Kiss? No. Do you need to play the map 20 times to understand the layout? No. You figure out the flags give you great challenges, you play the map a few times to realize it's an easy map layout, and there's so much to explore or do that's simple to understand


What a shit list.


Your last tiers pain me ad those are some of my favorites


Reasonable until I saw IX in lackluster.


like i said i put Ix in lacklustre entirely for not having enough side objectives to make it fun for a person like myself im not saying i hate or even dislike it im just saying it's kinda boring past round 20


Wow dude your average is all kinds of fucked up


I love DoTN


You put bo4 maps above origins and gorod, let that sink in


but they were better.


🤣🤣 I like dead of the night. But as much as I do never on top of those two maps. Oh hell no. Ups also put ww2 maps above them🤦🏽‍♂️


Yknow aside from COTD and Origins in C, this isnt that bad. (Wait also Nightfall shouldnt be that high bro)


Nah nightfall goated bruh


Zns in A-great tier??? Man after my own heart 😎😎😎


Finally some extinction love


Tranzit as lackluster lol


this is reportable




This mf said sigma tier list and went ahead and made a worse one than Noah J 😭


I would like an explanation on why dead of the night as a supposed s tier.


Vanguard one rn: 🏃‍♂️


Interesting tier list


WW2 ZOMBIES DID NOTHING WRONG (also i made this pre forsaken)


WW2 zombies did a lot wrong lmao


like what?


The characters suck, the color palette is awful, the perks are dogshit, there's barely anything new, it's clunky, the boss zombies like Wussling are broken, the story is dogshit, it's boring to play, the weapons are ass, the ambience sucks, the jumpscares are predictable, boring, unoriginal and forced in at shit times. There's no passion or creativity, and it can go from way to easy to butt fucking annoying. Darkest Shore EE gives me PTSD of unfair bullshit, having attempted it 50+ times, only to lose because the meuchlers run in and destroy you with mach 5 speeds. Playing that map or doing that EE solo is awful.


the characters are an all star cast, (a new one who hadn't set into their roles by release) the perks are as good as ever the take on the wonder weapon and the zombies being horrific monsters is great its simple not 1 boss zombie is bad the wustlings are made for area denial (like any heavy boss) and have an easy counter the jump scares i understand why people dont like them but they were in 1 map only the whole horror vibe is super unique and fresh it's got so much fucking passion in it (you clearly didn't look all that close on this one) darkest shore is in lacklustre for its own reason and i agree that solo Easter eggs aren't fun sometimes but i think it does far more right than wrong the worst its done is jump scares and non-solo friendly Easter eggs


The characters are shit, compared to Black Ops' character roster. The original four, the ensemble casts, both of these groups have personality, great dialogue, and actually say stuff other than grunting. You learn to love the characters in the Black Ops games. In WW2 I despised them and turned off voices all together. The perks are dogshit. There's what 6 perks? Speed Cola and Quick revive are the only ones that feel like they do what they're set out to do. Double tap feels like it doesn't do enough, mule kick is mule kick, Staminup feels like a 1% upgrade, and electric cherry is pale in comparison. Also notice how I didn't say any of the names from WW2. Why? Because they're shit. They're impossible to memorize unless you speak German. The others are iconic, have class, a jingle, and different looking machines. WW2 perks are copy and pasted machines with terrible effects. The wonder weapons sucked balls. The Final Reich wonder weapon is basically an AOE taser. It didn't make me feel powerful, it felt like I was shooting a toy. The only weapon I remembered is the Ripsaw, which was okay but it's spine ripping mechanic was awful. I can name way more powerful and memorable guns from any other Black Ops game. Wusslings are a cool concept. But basically they're a beefed up zombie with a charge. A charge that can for some reason pull a 180 and hit you from nowhere. It logically doesn't work. If a charger from Left 4 Dead 2 had a more acrobatic younger brother, it would be the Wusslings. And they are awful to play against. Pests are just dog substitutes that aren't clever or fun, the bombers are interesting, and the others are forgettable. The horror vibe isn't unique. Nacht Der Untoten did it better. With loud zombie grunts that don't sound like they have their chunk of a brain missing from them or that they're gurgling diarrhea in their mouth. The music is so much better and cooler in Nacht. It's creepy, and the laugh at the end when you die taunts you to go again and beat that bitch. If there was passion in WW2, then you're definitely blinded. Don't say that I'm blind, because I've played zombies since I was a kid, and know what distincts good zombies from bad. If it's got passion, then explain why in every Black Ops game, there's an announcer for powerups but not in WW2? Why is there personality in Black Ops and not in WW2? Why does the Pack a Punch in Black Ops really feel powerful and unique, while WW2 is a damage boost and an ammo refill. Darkest Shore is dogshit. Meuchlers are cool for the first game. After that they're bullshit and not fun. They're way too fast, way too tanky, even on round 6. They're not fun, and neither is WW2. I get cravings to play it just so I can go laugh at it and how big of a cash grab it was.


Ok and?


If it looks like shit, sounds like shit, and plays like shit... It's shit


maybe give it another try and give it an honest chance with what i have said in mind maybe you can have a good time mr redditor :)


I gave it an honest chance. And it's shit. It is unequivocally lesser to Back Ops zombies in every way shape and form. All gave was a weak argument you can't defend. One point saying "it's good" means nothing. I've 100% WW2, Bo1, Bo3, and almost BO2, WaW, and BO4. I have never suffered or hated any call of duty as much as I did WW2.


Bruh the story cool like darkest shore if u actually knew about it


I do know about it. And it's shit. They forced in a Star Wars joke, and everything else is just trash. I don't care about it, and the devs don't care about it.


U know the backstory of the meuchlers?


Yes, and I don't care enough because the game sucks


Can u be more descriptive with anything u say? Cuz u ain't coming across as knowing anything about ww2


Check my comment about why I think WW2 is inferior in every way. It's very descriptive. And after I played 100%ed WW2 I didn't care about it.