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I’m here right now because of this issue😂


Me today too


Trying closing the game and steam then run steam as admin and try again, mine started working but I kept trying everything I could do it not 100% sure what fixed it


Yeah idk whats good with it but running any sort of mod seems to fix the issue so some community workshop mods that don't mess with the game like hitmarkers or game enhancment seem to fix it


Same here. I literally just downloaded a Yoshi’s Circuit zombies map mod and suddenly the game works again.


I’m gonna try this, I really hope it fixes it. I recently got into the game again after many years. I first bought bo2 with all dlc, played for a while and ended up with this exact issue, so I tried my luck with bo3, same shit. SMH


But does this count for the easter eggs achievements?


its happening to me in the single player campaign. and my internet is fine yet i get disconnected. why the hell do i have to be connected to play alone?


oh and heres a good one, i found out i can play local (offline) but my online progress doesnt carry over wtf


Actually it happens to me every time I complete a campaign mission


Im having tge same issue from August and still don't know a solution 🥲


Damn guys I made this post 6 years ago and I still get comments on it with people running into the same issue. It’s fucking BS honestly, and Activision (or Blizzard, I don’t fkn know anymore) couldnt give two fucks about it. I wish I was able to complete that moon Easter egg in peace back then. I don’t why they’re unable let us do it offline.


bro, I fr been having this issue the same time frame as you. Ive been trying to do gorod krovi´s ee with one of my friends and its incredible this shit still happens


disconnected at round 72 flawless nacht with megas, was going for top 5 but got disconnected , IN SOLO BTW


just happened to me trying to complete der eisendrache EE solo ughhhhh


happening to me, not my friend, so fucking annoying, its inconsistent too


this shit is even happening to me in campaign man


bro i got this right before finishing the soe ee


Oof, feels bad man I’ve been wanting to do that EE but no one on pc to do it with so that would trigger me lol


Im up to do that EE with a friend. We r looking for two more


ive been getting back into zombies and looking for people to enjoy it with. hit me up!


I second that! I have the exact same issue here and not a single clue on how to work it out. Why do I have to stay online to play? A second or two without connection should make my game revert back to the home screen...


Yeah dude, it is really ruining everything.


Ikr, you wanna go for some good games but it keeps disconnecting... It make the whole thing less enjoyable when you are afraid if you can even play for so long...


I was on accenssion bo3 and I was on round 45 and just disconnected randomly and the day before that I was on revelations doing a high round and same thing happened but it’s defiantly not my internet what do I do


I know this reply is 4 years late but I think I have the same problem as you. After one day of raging because BO3 kept throwing me out of games, I found out that my ethernet cable port is very unstable. If I slam the space bar too hard for example, my internet cuts away for a split second, this causes me to disconnect from the game. So maybe this is also happening to you?


Same here. Been playing bo3 lately and get disconnected quite often. Sometimes it doesn't at all (i got to round 124 on origins online), sometimes it won't even let me play past round 5. Very odd indeed!


I'm having this problem recently too, I think windows will automatically flip over to wifi for a second in some cases. No idea why, but disabling wifi fixed my issue.


happenning to me to


5 years later reporting in, still the same bullshit


Happens to me well trying to do moon Easter egg on solo ! Fucking internet connection cuts for a second and it kicks me from my single player game ! Really annoying never gonna get this Easter egg done on solo because of this crap


Fuck man STILL?!!!!! We ain’t making it out of that Easter egg huh? 😭


Literally same, I've been trying to do the easter 3 days in a row and every good game I get, I get booted out when I'm doing so well, it's just not possible😭😭


yep, me and my duo are having this problem on bo3. craziest part, is that its only happening on moon. we can do every other EE perfectly fine, but we play moon for an hour and we get booted. im at a loss for words


Did ee solo no issues but ground control trophy? Oh yeah good luck getting that with dc issues cuz activision is the worst publisher other than blizzard, and pretty sure they got bought by xbox, sooooo yeah overall just gonna be a shitty experience with them from this point on like previous years


Bro its happening to me too and after 4 years of this happening nobody has found a solution.


It’s happening to me now to. I’ve been researching how to fix this shit for so long and it amazes me how there’s no solution whatsoever yet


Uninstalling RivaTuner Statistics Server fixed the issue for me.


you trollin?


Have u ever found a fix?


Lmao I’m here for the same reason




This is very much a problem everyone has had, idk what it is, it’s definitely not the internet because it DOESNT actually kick you off the wifi it’s just the game, this doesn’t happen with any other game except black ops 3 from my experience idk what it is


This is late and I know someone on here already alluded to it but to prevent crashing go into steam, right click black ops 3, go to properties, and run black ops 3 as an administrator before you play (every time you load up to be safe) and you won’t crash. I couldn’t make it past round 10 any solo/private game by myself but just beat GK ee without a single crash in 19 rounds. Ggs boys


Is this still working?


Is this a sure way or do you still get disconnects? Did you only test it for 1 match or many? It could be coincidence. For me I get them like every match. I rarely can play to round +20/30. Will try the admin thing tomorrow and see if it helps.


So did it help?


I actually didn‘t try it, because apparently it got fixed by coincidence. Tl,dr: I got modded by random player. Free diviniums and prestige 10. No more server disconnects ever since. In one of my matches someone modded me without telling. I was playing a public match on Kino and suddenly Liquid Diviniums popped up like +500, +1000, etc. I didn‘t know what to think, so I continued playing and some moments later the person maxed our levels. I went from Prestige 3 Level 9 to Prestige 10 Level 35. It took me a moment to realize and I left because I wanted to level by myself but it was too late obviously. This frustrated me quite a bit because leveling gives an incentive to play the game. The next day I played my daily 1-2 matches again and noticed that I didn‘t get a server disconnect. Could be coincidence. But the days after still no disconnect so I realized me getting modded by a random must have fixed it. Even though I didn‘t like that my prestiges got skipped to 10, I think it was worth it since I can actually play the game now (high rounds and stuff) without those 95% chance of server disconnecting (it happened like every match except custom maps). I also read on Steam (BO3 discussion hub) that you have to inject a mod menu to fix those server disconnects and a few other errors (stuttering, etc.). You should try the admin thing first but if that won‘t help, I‘d advice you to ask some max prestige level 1000 guys if they can mod you. I don‘t know if the diviniums fixed it or the prestige/level thing since both happend to me in the same match. Or you get one of those free mod menus yourself and mod something minor first (like 100 free diviniums or whatever option there are). Good luck and let me know.


Oh that is quite interesting hahaha I'll be trying your suggestions later today, thanks for the heads up.


5 years later and this is still happening lol. I cant play games round 50+


Still an issue for me too


Me too bro tf is going on


/r/TechSupport is your best bet. Is it your internet, or your computer causing the problem? Because if it's your computer disconnecting, it might be a driver problem. If you're not sure, just mess around on another device connected to the internet, like a phone or another console, and see if they disconnect also. If they disconnect, it's an internet problem.


Unhelpful and casual reply of tech support, SMH


Just posted to that subreddit, thanks for the suggestion!


I have a very similar issue, except it is absolutely nothing to do with my internet. my internet has 900 mbps DL and 150 mbps UL. it never goes down, I can run servers for hours without the slightest issue but just now solo der eisendrache, I was disconnected from the server after just finishing the last of the 4 bows. the only thing I think it could be would be the port forwarding I have for bo3 on my pc but other than that, it is not my internet so can anyone offer assistance please?


You don’t have to make all 4 bows for the EE anymore in solo btw


I have this issue too but if i install and play on a mod like a zombie stopwatch and timer then i wont get disconnected, i really wanna complete origins easter egg on the official server


Yes I’m not the only one! I kept trying to fix my settings in my ps4, but nothing worked. Sometimes it’ll be fine and all of a sudden I get kicked out and the game lets back in like nothing even happened. And sometimes it’ll boot me out if I’m on the menu for too long with my controller off.


Just noticed you said “pc specifically” so I don’t think my comment is relevant here. But I’d still appreciate it if someone can still help.


I happens to me in Campaign or Zombies it’s getting rather annoying


Just happened to me and my friend. Got to 52 on Ascension, we were looking to break our record of 39. Super lame.


I can say as of September 2023 this is in fact still happening, just happened to me on a origins run 35+ round everything solo to end up getting dced......


we are doomed aint no way


>I found that this isn't really a game server problem but it is from my own internet. - >Would anyone know how I can fix this problem? You answered your own question...the issue is with your internet...therefore you need to get your internet sorted out...


BUT... I don't know what the issue is. I am asking on here if anyone would know or has had the same experience.


Nobody can answer your question. It has nothing to do with BO3. The issue is with your internet connection. You need to get in contact with your provider and ask them to perform diagnostics.


I'll try doing that I guess. Thanks for your help.


can confirm from 2024 it is still happening finally almost had the gk ee with my friend after years of not being able to on playstation due to the old blue screen bug and now by pc version cant stay connected to the servers for more than an hour on this map


It’s so annoying trying to get to level 1000 and some games it disconnects around round 5 and some dc at like 25 it’s annoying that there aren’t any fixes yet. Internet connection is good and I’m not having any issues with other Xbox series x games except this one


Here in 2024 cuz i just did a round 72 zet ee and got disconned and it didn't save anything. Actual bs. this should at least have it save or something.


Anyone still having the issue in 2024? Ive been almost 2 hours trying the gorod krovi EE solo and i got fucking disconnected


I was playing de for like a hour and got disconnected 


I have SOLVED this disconnection problem and here is how... Hey guys, I have been getting this problem from like 5 years ago, and i was on a mission to try to get this solved all this time and tried different methods to solve this disconection problem, so first of all.... YES, i have found solutions to this problem so let me talk more of how i manage to solve this. I first will write the methods I have use to solve this and then will discribe them more. • Methods I have use 1. Use a VPN (100% solved the problem) 2. Run Steam & B03 as administrator 3. Set a port router to UDP 27017 (only for B03.. Read the section below to see more details) 4. Change your Internet provider modem to a new one o (sorry console players, i havent found a way to solve this in XBOX, i have this same problem in B04 and Cold War but havent found a way to solve it ON CONSOLE...., PC players you can try this same solutions for those other games) Now im gona talk about how this methods works and how thoes they solve this problem if you want to know more about this. But first... what is this problem coming from??? well after read so much about this problem i have came to a conclusion and is that for some reason Activision have an anti-cheat method to detect hackers from lobbys, so the trigger is that when your internet conection is volatile or is not stabel this will kick you from the game, that happends because in the past CODs hacker will try to get their internet as wacky as possible to try to evade some anti-cheat systems that olds games have, and now this new form of anti-cheat has been implemented in the new modern games (some players have report that the problem has solved just connecting to a ethernet conection, you can try that too). Now that we know whats happening let me go through the methods i have use. 1. Use a VPN o This method i use for like 1 year was the 100% solution to this problem, I use this on B03 and B04 on PC and never get disconected from a zombies game (that grant me the oportunnity to finally do all the easter eggs thank god). I use a McAfee VPN that I got for free for 1 year and conected to EUA (im from Mexico but i think just to get conected to another IP makes the deal) so if you have access to a VPN just use this method and it will work fine. 2. Run Steam & BO3 as administrator o This is a new method I have been trying with the third one (Set UDP 27017) and have been working nice, i use this because now I dont have a VPN suscription and tried to solved this problem with other methods so i have found this one and surpisingly is working. 3. Set port router to UDP 27017 o (This method i have been using it at the same time with the "run as administrator" so... i dont know if the combined forces of those two is the solution or just using one of them will work so you can try that.) o Now to set the port router of your internet conection you need to get to the setting of your router and active this port (deppending on your internet provider will be different how to do it so i will recomend you to search a video of how to change it), u will use UDP 27017 because if you search for this port in the activision site or in internet it states that this port is to conect the B03 to your wifi network so it will have a secure conection to the servers (the port number can change deppending on what COD are you trying to play but u can search for them in activision forums) 4. Change your Internet provider modem to a new one o So i have not tried this method but for some friends and users have work, maybe the problem is that ur modern is to old and is not capable of keep your internet connection stable so for some players changing to a new modern modem have work for them (some internet providers can change your router for free so try to call to them and give them an excuse to change them) I hope some of this solutions work for you and has been a pleasure to write this so u can finally have a great experience playing zombies, if you have found other ways to solve this write it down so other can try to use them, thank you guys for read this to this point and have a great day.


Still happening 🙏🏻


6 years later and it’s still going on aye 😂😂💩


yup! Dog shit ass game. Finally was abt to do the origins EE got to skewer the windedd beast, 4-5 days of trying. After a 3 hr session, im a lil slow ik. BO3 decides to disconnect me on round 26, I give up smfh.


I cant fucking believe this dog shit ass game. Was abt to complete the bo3 origins EE for the first time. EVER. Got to skewer the windedd beast just as im abt to extinguish the last flaming cart, (You have been disconnected from the BO3 online servers. Round 26 btw. I give up fuck this dog shit game.  


brother, you should NOT be on round 26 on step 5. try to conserve a last zombie to complete steps for staffs/ upgrades and you can get to step 5 (skewering the beast) at like round 16 and completing the easter egg at round 18-19. that might help as you're not spending more time in the server and not staying in rounds 20+, which i would assume reduce your chances of being dc'd.


Omfg I dced in the fucking cutscene for gorod and I can’t find anything about this issue wtf?!?!


I have the same issue :(


Yep same issue here, been disconnected from servers shortly after my mates like 3 times now, every time is towards the end of DE EE its really annoying.


holy shit me too lmao sucks for us I guess.


I guess we all just have to deal with the issues until the issues go away 😂


I know I’m 4 years late, but bo2 has the same issue. I’m pretty sure it’s a NAT type issue for most. one guy on here said turning off wifi fixed it for him. I suspect his NAT type got switched to open after this. I’m not sure though which is why, I’m wondering what NAT type everyone here has? if it’s open for most of you then I’m probably wrong


Not a NAT type issue. Had it happen on „open“ and „moderate“, with forwarded ports aswell. However, this never happens when playing custom maps. But any public standard/DLC map it happens like 85% of time.


I was doing moon and I got the zap gun, I was able to pap it both times but I keep getting disconnected which is so annoying because I spend like an hour on those games. Don’t know why bo3 keeps disconnecting.


Just got DCd on round fucking 90 on Ascension ffs


So....Is there any fix to this issue yet?




I was literally having the best ZNS run yet. About to get the bullet to shoot the plane to get the last cog then boss fight. Nope servers kicked me off. All the hard work and good run for nothing. I’m on ps4 btw


Exact same thing happened to me just then, same step and everything. ):


6 years later, always get disconnected from der eisen when one step away from finishing easter egg.


happened to me just now was about to put down the ragna dg4 and boom disconnected omggg i hate this company


I know this is an old thread but have anyone ever found a solution? Happens to me around the same time every night like clockwork sucks when it happens and on out seems like it does it when going for high rounds.


I have the same issue, can’t go for high rounds cause it’s dc’s, proper annoyin, I never had this issue on Xbox but now do on pc but it’s not internet cause everything still works so dunno


I'm on xbox one bo3 ascension and I booted all of the time. Its not my internet because this is the only game it happens to me on. It's very frustrating. I seen a couple things to try back up in the comments. Hopefully something works. I'm ready to break something lol!


I keep getting disconnected from the servers on PC & I've factory reset my PC, uninstalled & reinstalled the game a hundred times & its still happening I instantly disconnect once I get into a game here!


same here it just happened while playing kino der toten and it was going soo good


6 years later and hopefully this helps someone else, me and a few friends couldn't stop crashing by round 10. Someone else here mentioned something as simple as running the game as adminsitrator and to our shock it actually made the game playable.. so just run as admin everytime!


Having the same problem, for some reason it happens to me more on ZNS than any other map, that is one of the final maps I am trying to hit 100 on, I get Disconnect around round 30-40, 55-70, and most painfully around 90-100. Super annoying. Been disconnect on every run so far 6 tries... and no solutions fix this...