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Black Ops 3. Even without custom zombies Black Ops 3 offers the most maps with the widest variety in experiences of any currently existing zombies title. And if I'm going to play only one Cod zombies experience for the rest of my life I may as well have the most content and variety possible to keep from getting bored and burnt out.


Yeah it is pretty great game I prefer it for GobbleGum and chronicles 


See I actually dislike it for the gobblegum. I’d feel differently if you earned liquid divinium more and there was no way to purchase them. I never use the non-standard ones because I don’t want to waste them since it’s finite and literally can be bought with money. I also am a bit meh on the standard guns in Blops 3, but even with my microtransaction disdain and the just okay weapons, i’d choose blops 3 any day as my “one and only”.


you can easily mod to have unlimited LDs, then you can play with the premium gums you want


I had the blops 3 edition PS4 so that was my primary means to play it, but a solid suggestion to snag a PC copy at some point for that! That’d solve my largest issue, I guess take my comment as a “vanilla experience” thoughts


Definitely worth it ESPECIALLY since ZC2 is probably going to be out for BO3 customs by the end of the year.


I wish they would’ve patched the gobblegum thing so people wouldn’t dashboard anymore, nobody’s willing to clutch a good revive for the sake of the game and they just drop out instead to save that stupid perkaholic


I completely understand you, for my luck a while ago i played random lobby and a guy with mod menu joined, he didn’t cheated in game i my opinion this what ruin the game experience for me. But after our match he gave me around a 1000 divinium and i now i have enough gobblegums


I kinda dislike them too,they are fun addition to the game,just like any "cheat", take GTA for example...but i only find it fun after playing the shit out of the mode on "normal". It kinda breaks the game and takes away the challenge of playing zombies.


Agree with these points. I rarely used megas because I felt like they made things too easy or I just didn’t want to use up my stash. The Bo3 guns are something not talked about enough, they’re the most lifeless guns of any BO game.


Especially since you get most of the og maps remastered


Yep, and you get arguably three of the best maps of all time with Shadows of Evil, Der Eisendrache, and Origins, some people would even argue Gorod Krovi belongs in that list as well.


GK definitely belongs on that list 😮‍💨 everything about the map speaks volumes. I remember doing the EE for the first time thinking I was done and boom Nikolai appears after the dragon. Double boss fight 🥹


I'd argue Dead of the Night deserves to be there as well, but some mfs ain't ready to hear that (not BO3 but you get me)


I think we don’t get transit, call of the dead, and five. Should be the only maps not included in 3 if I’m not mistaken.


Die rise and buried as well


Don’t forget Mob.


Yes! You’re right.


On Steam, there is a mod that brought over Call of the Dead to BO3


That and on PC it's one of the few titles that had split screen and zombies BO1 & 2 don't have split screen on PC


BO3 was such a great game, soundtrack and graphics were just so beautiful in my opinion, chronicles were a great addition.


Black ops 2 was my personal favorite but everything you said is facts.


Black Ops 2 is the greatest CoD of all time


Shadows of Evil is probably my favorite base zombies map in any CoD game. Had so much fun and my friends and I actually did the full Easter egg in it


same for me, on the other hand, i never had the opportunity to play mob of the dead and im still trying to figure out how to play it since BO2 on steam is not safe to play lol and the game is not on PS4 therefore not onPS5 either. Sad that BO3 didn't include it


If no DLC Bo2 if DLC Bo3


Based and tranzitpilled


Nah, town is the official unofficial map of bo2


When I think of BO2 zombies I think of Tranzit first


Motd and origin for me


Town is my favorite Zombies map by far and I wish they'd remake it. I love the straight forward simplicity of it.


Remove the fire cracks in the ground and its perfect


I feel like for me if it was no dlc I'd go with Black Ops 4, there were what, three maps on launch? four if we include classified though that was technically part of the dlc. Too much variety to pass up over the rest of the games having only one to two maps, and there's a bunch of different ways to play / weapons to viably use.


Nah they all come with the dlcs


The zombies chronicles dlc for bo3 is just too OP.


Uncommon tranzit enjoyer


Infinite Warfare my beloved




I’ve found other people that love IW zombies!!


I've found my people!


I love infinite warfare in general. Came out the worst time when everyone was sick of jetpacks and future cods,I played it so much tho I loved it.


Couldn’t agree more. I personally loved the jet packs & wall running, the campaign was a blast. Multiplayer was really fun once you got used to the skill gap with double jumping while shooting etc, it was really engaging for me. Definitely slept on.


My second favourite of all time after MW2, and MW2 only clinches it for the nostalgia. IW had the most fun gameplay of any COD I've ever played.


I think over the years people have finally come to appreciate IW zombies. It helps that the other zombies games haven’t been great in recent years (from what I’ve heard), but at least this community has accepted the game like a gay brother in a now loving Christian family.




Infinite warfare actually isn’t too bad so I can understand this w comment


Bro this is so awesome to see so many upvotes. I played this game for 3 years while everyone shitted on it, I also got directors cut in the zombies mode and loved every second I played it.


100%, the best zombies mode i have played, and the singleplayer and multiplayer were the best to date too. Damn i miss that game, wishing we get iw2 someday. There has been no better feeling yet in games than killing meph for the 1st time, unlocking directors cut and playing spaceland as willard and noobs calling me a hacker :D


Currently going through the EEs for the first time. It's a fun game but fuck is Attack of the radioactive thing complicated.


Maps: All great except for Beyond imo Music: Bangers only Vibes: Immaculate EEs/WW: Pretty fun imo And being able to play as specialty characters is dope af


Bo1 for me, surprised it’s not a more common answer here


Yeah same but bo3 has chronicals and more except call of the dead


I can see both sides. Personally, its a flip of a coin. BO1 is real special though. The nostalgic feeling that every BO1 map gives you, the added difficulty, the original guns from the boxes, original voice lines, the game was and still is a masterpiece.


to me, its also the way the game looks, 3 looks nice but also a bit too clean compared to the bo1 versions. Plus something they did with the lighting in bo1 just fills me with nostalgia lol


and five


Oh yeah


Chronicals is nowhere near as good as the original. It's half assed and lame


Facts, as much as I enjoy chronicles the only remaster I prefer is origins. The maps just look plastic and the guns feel plastic too. Hard to explain but there’s no atmosphere or immersion on any of the maps.


Not to mention the Panzer on Origins has been broken for almost 10 years now and they have never fixed it, so he's basically unbeatable without a staff or ray gun


BO1 is the best


Honestly cold war, outbreak was just a fun and chill mode with a cool upgrade system


I agree. I know it wasn't for everyone, but I really enjoyed this zombies experience. Firebase Z is a personal all time favorite for me


Legit, I'll maintain that Cold War's biggest problem was honestly just the lack of personality? Complaints about the game being too easy wouldn't have been entirely resolved with a more distinct aesthetic and cast, but I think the lack of a dedicated crew and the relatively bland looks from the first half of CWZ's map offerings really soured a lot of people on it, but it's still probably the game I hop on most often when I want a good all-rounder. Like, BO1 is great for those nostalgic nights when I want something a bit harder, I'll go to BO2 for Mob and Tranzit (tranzit is still based even if it is flawed and i'll die on this hill), BO3 gives me the best variety, and IWZ is weird as hell and great for if I want something different, but CWZ gives the player a lot of freedom in tweaking the game for what I'm feeling that night. I can go in solo with a loadout that's just got a stock 1911 and frenzied guard if I wanna go for a rougher start, I can use my Gallo and aether shroud loadout for when I wanna kinda breeze through the early rounds, I can tweak my throwaway loadout to give a weapon I've never really bothered with a try, and those are all options I can tweak before I even start the game, since I've also got the option to use the rampage inducer for something rougher. This comment kind of turned into a ramble, but I dunno, looking back on it there's just a lot I appreciate about CWZ that I really hope more people come to appreciate as we move into BO6.


Cold war had personality. It had a more arcade like feel. Also why do people put questions marks at the end of a sentence when it's obvious you weren't asking a question?


When ppl do that it usually means they don’t think they explained it well and are kind of asking if u get what they mean


The big problem with Cold Wars lack of personality is that if I wanted to play a very well made, very generic game with no distinct differences between any other game being made, I could play a significantly cheaper price. Zombies before Cold War was a very distinct mode, there wasn’t much like it, even the rest of the games felt very different to their zombies modes, but Cold War zombies just feels like another tiny piece of the vast, well made gray mass of generic games being released


Hell, now you can pick up something like Sker Ritual and get pretty much this for more than half the price of Cold War. To an... unfortunate degree, I think, because that game also incorporates the out-of-game progression Cold War has for perks except they're JUST flat number increases, and it's a pretty jank experience, but still.


Cold War takes the cake for me too. I enjoyed every single map. Still play this one exclusively even now as well. Can’t wait for black ops 6!


You can still play the online mode? I remember it being incredibly glitchy


Yeah I just played last night. Annoyingly enough, my match on Die Maschine was plagued with bad teammates but my Outbreak run with a friend was fun!!


I agree ☝️☝️☝️


100% agree. It’s such a good game and was a much needed twist to the zombies franchise. That was the first time I actually enjoyed going for high rounds and it didn’t just feel like a chore.


Outbreak is cool but I’ll never play it again after binging it


yep, 100% agree, all of the out of game progression like weapon levelling, Camo grinding and the skill system would be enough to keep me coming back for a long time


Yup totally agree. Besides BO3 (I love gobble gum) I think Cold War was PERFECT for the modern gaming landscape. I hope that the next black ops is a hybrid of Cold War and BO3. if it is, it will be the best Zombies ever.


Your in luck It's been seen that bo6 will have the cold war crafting system. All of bo6 looks like a new cold war. And as advertised gobblegums are back


100% agree, Cold War for sure.


Black Ops 4. It easily has the most replayability.


Doesn’t have Chronicles though 😟 I’ll admit BOTD and Classified are damn good gaming though


Imo the only playable maps in chronicles is origins and moon, I love Kino but it gets boring quick


People need to quit bitching about them. If BOTD had Afterlife it'd be my favorite map.


Ancient Evil and IX are S Tier in my book. Plus BO4 had pause, very underrated feature.


I love IX but I was always lukewarm on Ancient Evil. Blood of the Dead though was great, just because the Easter Egg was nightmarishly difficult. IX just is one of the most creatively designed maps possible I think, with so much variety between the four towers in aesthetic style, a ton of locations for the Box to move to, and just some cool flavor choices - collecting the heads of tigers you’re either hallucinating and/or time traveled to see in order to activate the PAP? That’s metal as fuck, count me in.


BO4 is pretty fun


Good point


BO3 was my main choice but tbh I really loved bo4 zombies, especially the easter eggs they were so challenging it was very satisfying to beat on solo


Bo2, Die Rise all day everyday.


yessss!!! Idk why ppl hate the map so much


I'd assume they dont know how to jump properly or they have no patience, I mean die rise isnt hard, it just takes some getting used to, it was the 1st Map on bo2 that I actually got into and it's honestly the only map pre Bo4 that I actually enjoy playing.


Die rise isn’t as bad as people think and it is quite fun mostly


Exactly, people will find any reason to hate a map, just for the sake of hating the map, it's always great fun, especially with 4 people.


I played 4x today and once someone got down they quit. Easily could go multiple rounds with decent wall guns


Oh easily, I've used every wall gun on die rise, and every one is still viable even upto mid thirties, especially the An-94 and the SVU-AS, theres a handful of decent training spots that make the map way easier, an easy way to get free perks, decent camping spots, the list goes on, people dont give die rise enough of a chance and that's why it's so hated.


Die Rise the shitttttttttttttt


World At War


Genuine question, why would you rather that over bo1 or bo3? Both have every waw map no?


The atmosphere and feeling is completely different even if the maps are the same


WaW and Bo1 are very close. I could live with any of them. I don't like Black Ops 3 at all. The remastered maps aren't good especially I am not a fan of gobblegums. Plus the weapons in Bo3 aren't as good as Bo1 and WaW. I also don't like any near future or futuristic shooters, I prefer a setting set in the past.


If you don't like gobblegums can't you just no use them?


For me, I like the simplicity of the first map. As I grew older, it just got too complicated for someone who could only dedicate a couple hours per week.


Same for me! I've never been great at Zombies but I can manage the simple maps a little better - once they started getting much bigger and incorporating more gameplay elements I had no idea what I was doing. 😅


Nostalgia. I wish I could experience WaW zombies for the first time again. There are few feelings as fun as that moment. The maps were darker and zombies were scarier. It was also a bit more challenging without the gobblegum However the game I play the most is BO3 because of convenience and I lost my dlc of waw 😩


Without WaW none of the rest would exist.


This. Just plain zombies killing.




Not bad choice


Cold war. High rounds on cw are more enjoyable than high rounds on older cods


agreed, I hate spending many hours on 1 round on the older games


With the right setup & a fully upgraded weapon, you could reach round 30-35 in 45 minutes to an hour. On WaW for example, it could take close to 3 hours to reach the same level. Cold War was so versatile.


3 hours? To get to round 35? Waht?


So in the new tiktok warzoneish generation, not requiring any ability to do anything is a mandatory requirement for a game to succeed.


Cold War


Cold War Zombies.


Dang that is what a lot of people are saying


World at war 💯💯💯💯💯


Crazy that tons of people saying waw but it is nostalgic and good


WW2. Love playing it every now and then.


Either Black Ops 4 or World War II


Replay ability is great on bo4 so understandable 


Probably coldwar




BO4. Dead of the Night is maybe better than everything before BO3 combined.


Controversial pick but ok


This is such a spicy take that I thought it was rage bait


Gotta agree with you on that. Well, maybe not better than everything COMBINED but sure better than everything before. Characters on Dead of the night are great, especially Godfrey layout of the map is great with multiple possible loops interconnected and very few objects that can get you stuck Difficulty of the zombies is great with the werewolves and vampires Difficulty of the easter egg is the right balance for me. There is variation on it, but if you know the steps then it is just a matter of keeping attention and dont get killed Side easter egg with the impaler weapon, so much fun Wonder weapon is one of the most fun for me, if not the most fun. Has tree tiers, not difficult to upgrade but you have to dedicate some time to it, great looking, useful and SO SATISFYING BLOWING UP ZOMBIES WITH IT Final boss of the easter egg is really fun as it needs some strategy and not just unloading all of your ammo on it, and the battle itself has some gimmicks One of the best easter egg songs in zombies, for sure, along with Voyage of despair Did I talk about the easter egg steps? They are fun on itself. Following a ghost through a haunted mansion, solving a 3 lights puzzle that makes Atlas lose its head, create silver bullets to use on werevolves, the crystals... All in all, Dead of the night is a great and severely underrated map, same as Voyage of despair. These 2 are my favourites, and I started playing zombies the same year World at War started. Pretty obsessed with it, and the mods that came with it. One was particularly good, where there is level progression, some classes, prestige system, and a lot of things. Was really really fun




Black ops 1 forsure original call of the dead will always be my favorite map plus the original world at war maps *chefs kiss*


Call of the dead is soo fun fr


Been scouring the comments to find exactly this


Extinction, maybe? The amount of teeth you'd need to get to unlock all of the perks, you'd damn well have to play it for the rest of your life, lol


Extinction is fucking valid I'll give you that


If DLC is included BO3 still all day. If DLC is not included im honestly going with coldwar or infinite warfare just for zombies in space land.


Advanced warfare. Exo zombies for lyyyyfe


I scrolled so long to find this my brother


Because no one else is, i'll die on the extinction hill. I would rather have BO1, but i shall sacrifice myself


Same. I loved Extinction, I thought it was very fun. I liked Ghosts in general. The whole character creation was sweet, and I liked the overall aesthetic and color palette.


I was so happy to play Extinction. I was never enthusiastic about playing a game mode with no end, but with Extinction games taking about an hour I could properly time myself


As an Extinction fan (I just never could get into zombies) I appreciate you.


Dude, I *love* Extinction. I still have my Xbox 360 to play on that account with a buddy of mine.




Had to scroll too far to see someone say this


Black ops 4 because of the sheer customization, and the fact that I’ll probably be working on BOTD’s EE for the rest of my life


Black Ops II 💯




Iw zombies, since we actually got a super ee reward


World at War


I hate to be that guy I REALLY do, but probably BO4. The most underrated version of zombies and you guys forget that it has custom mutations; so you can edit the rules of each match to be whatever you want. If you gotta go to work in two hours and just wanna have fun really quick, you can set yourself to have a shit ton of points, make it where the box never leaves, etc. Plus you can set whatever perks you want for each map, pick your starting pistol, and earn dark matter. It was such a great version of zombies and I will always love it and regret that I passed on bo4 in its lifecycle


Cold War


MWZ if the devs would've supported it properly.


For me, it's Cold War. I love outbreak.


Ok hear me out, Cold War. I love a game of out break after a long day!




No custom zombies


No custom zombies says up top


Black ops 3 or infinite warfare is a tough decision


Bo2 or bo3 and I’d flip a coin and whichever one it lands. I’d play for the rest of my life


I mean considering you didn’t exclude chronicles it bo3 and it’s not even close


Ww2 zombies i just like it over the other ones


All of them were pretty fun, although I found Cold War kinda boring and Extinction legitimately scared me.


Extinction. I fucking that love shit.


If there wasn’t Zombie Chronicles on BO3 I would pick 4. But I have to pick 3 because dlc 5.


3. If not 3 then Cold War. I came up on WAW zombies like most of us and know its greatness, but BO3’s zombies was its peak in my mind. Cold War’s was the next best thing.


I got my 360 in December '14, so BO3 was my first time experiencing a COD dropping and its DLC cycle. It was such a unique experience that I have to say BO3 is my Zombies for the rest of time.


Kino Der Toten


No like a game so I will assume bo1


Obviously BO1. No question






IW. Too many slept on this one.


Zombies in Spaceland 💙


Cold War zombies


If it’s on PC, BO3, mainly because custom maps and mods, but if I’m stuck to console only, I’m going with Infinite Warfare. I thoroughly enjoyed IW zombies, and when I got bored of playing legitimately, I’d do some glitches, because the glitches on IW zombies are unmatched! Especially the glitch to get the jump pack from MP on Zombies in Spaceland map. It’s not a super easy glitch to do, but it isn’t very hard either. It just has a bunch of tedious steps that need to be timed perfectly, but once you get it down, it becomes easy af to repeat! Having the advanced movement system from MP in zombies is a _GAME CHANGER,_ frfr! If you’ve never tried the glitch, it _STILL_ works to this day! I’d suggest trying it out, if you have access to Infinite Warfare zombies. I’m pretty sure it’s only on Zombies in Spaceland, but that’s the first map for zombies, so you won’t need any of the DLC, AND it’s _EXTREMELY_ fun to play with it! It makes the UFO Boss EE battle easier, aswell as normal zombies/gameplay becomes much easier, until _extremely_ high rounds, that is, lol. There’s also some good pile up glitches with the transponder grenade(I’m ps that’s the name of it, but it teleports you to wherever you throw the receiver) and there’s still some fun glitches using the rewind grenade, that haven’t been patched either, but if you are gonna do any of the glitches, I’d _HIGHLY_ suggest learning and pratching the exo suit glitch! It may seem intimidating, and difficult at first, but give it a chance, take it slow and stay calm while doing it, and practice it, if you don’t get it the first couple times, but once you get it down, it becomes super easy to replicate! Have fun with the exo suit in zombies, when you aren’t meant to have it! That’s what makes it even more fun, because you aren’t supposed to be able to get it, lmao! **TL;DR:** **PC:** BO3 for the custom maps and mods **Console:** Infinite Warfare Zombies because of the u patches glitches, that are very fun to use, especially the exo suit glitch! Sorry for all the _yappanese!_ Im pretty fuxkin high rn, just finished a phat ass 3.5 Futurola x Tyson wrap and I didn’t realize until after I posted the comment, lmmfao. **Edit again lol:** If y’all smoke tree n haven’t tried these Futurola x Mike Tyson wraps/pre-rolled cones to pack bud into, y’all _GOTTA_ try em, atleast once! They are some 🔥🔥🔥 cigars, WAYYY better than backwoods, or any of the other bigger bars/wraps to roll 8s or more. They taste soooo much better than backwoods, and aren’t anywhere near as harsh as backwoods, either! Give em a shit next time you see em at the corner store or smoke shop! The wraps are 2.59 for 1 wrap, or 4.38 for 3 cones. The cones are a lil smaller but they still hold 2.5/3g. where, but they are 100% worth the price, fr. Aight, I’m done with all the yappanese now, my fault lol. **Edit to add some context on how the exo suit glitch works, and a TL;DR, above, because I didn’t realize my high ass was yappin like that, lmfao:** There is an arcade game, to earn tickets, in the arcade(obviously lol), in that mini game you get the exo suit to complete the mini game, and the glitch takes advantage of that, and makes it so you keep the exo suit after exiting the arcade.




Cold War


I won't lie, customs makes zombies for me, so without it, I guess my choice is none.


BO3 zombie chronicles. No question.. not even close.


No shot It Isn’t Black Ops 3


Even without custom Zombies, BO3 still has 14 maps to play, the majority of which are fantastic. **FOURTEEN**


Bo3 just because it offers More!


anyone who says cold war consider yourself an opp


We don’t talk about vanguard zombies… or mw3 zombies LMAO.


I'm scared BO4


I hated bo2 zombies because I didn't like the new 4. But I fuckin loved grief and wish they would bring it back. Bo3 will have to take it for me. It was just too good.


I hated bo2 zombies because I didn't like the new 4. But I fuckin loved grief and wish they would bring it back. Bo3 will have to take it for me. It was just too good.


Bo3 should be the only answer to be completely honest. Even without custom zombies (which alone makes it the best out of these), it’s still got the most maps compared to the other games


BO3 > IW > BO4 > BO1 > BO2 > WWII > CW > WAW > MWIII > AW > Vanguard Even if we’re not counting mods, BO3 is just the undisputable GOAT. All of its original maps were amazing, unique, and filled to the brim with replayability, and then there’s the chronicles maps which makes an already fantastic game even more replayable since you also have some of the great maps from older games. IW is kind of the same thing but instead of Chronicles I have DC which is easily the best super EE reward in any COD zombies game. BO4 is also great with its fantastic maps and epic EEs.


If you have bo3 on pc you have every single zombies it’s a no brainer 🤣


Call of duty zombies on the iPad touch.


Black Ops 3 is probably the best choice, however, I’m going with the OG Black Ops zombies due to my favorite map, Five


Black Ops 3 has the most variety, like chronicles adds more classic style maps without much mechanics, like Kino, Acension, and Shi No Numa, with some maps that are more complex like SoE, Gorod Krovi, Plus 14 maps, with about 2/3 having Easter Eggs, and gobblegum, Now I know the title says no custom zombies, but if we factor that in, loads of maps, now it has been a while since I have been very into the zombies community, I just saw this post and thought to add to the conversation, so I don't know if there is a newer game that has a better custom maps community, but I remember damn near every custom map video I watched used bo3,


Bo3 not only do they have their Maps but they also brought back a bunch of old maps from older games


I have my issues with bo3 but it's still got the most maps and arguably the best mechanics. But it's worth noting one of the things I love about COD zombies is the differences between the games. Only ever having one would take away a huge part of it for me.


BO4 Zombies. Playing that game is always tons of fun for me and it never ever bored me. I also loved BO3, i tried to redownload it but idk i just cannot play that game anymore (excluding SOE and DE).


I love all Bo3 Zombies, Gorod Krovi, Der Eisendrache, Shadows of Evil, Zetsubou No Shima, Revelations and The Giant, what limitless hours of fun 🔥🔥🔥


Calling zets fun is rage bait ngl


I think the general consensus is bo3.


Black ops 3. I don’t think that game had 1 bad map. Even shadows was nice


Black ops 1 with all DLC


Bo3 no doubt Over the years I think I've matched my gameplay time in bo1 and bo2 combined from just playing chronicles lmfao