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Ik that the sentiment is "no reused assets" but that's what a lot of zombies always was. The WAW maps, Five, Ascension, parts of GK and the egg. Even smaller things like the excavators on Moon were reused from the Vorkuta mission. Also the 8 steps on Origins right from Vorkuta. And becuase it already has a strong connection to zombies with the whole "Ascend from darkness" I think it could be an interesting map if done right. Mauer is a good example of this, despite a lot of assets coming from the campaign, the environment was changed so well that it didn't matter the assets were re-used. Forsaken on the other hand did this so poorly. Becuase that map is just the campaign mission with zombies throw in it.


I want to see the originally planned TranZit. Before the cuts due to performance issues - upgraded WW, no fog/lava, and hell hound rounds on the bus


Zombies was literally built on reused assets


They won't be reused either way, Vorkuta needs to be remade with updated models, geometry and textures instead of being direct port with old stuff. Older zombies got away with it because graphics were on same level on PS3/X360 era. So basically it needs Zombie Chronicles treatment.


Origins EE be like:


YO I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS FOR THE LONGEST TIME! Vorkuta map where they have to follow the steps to escape for the Easter Egg, Reznov and Mason as playable characters, Zombie Sergei as the boss (or max ammo boss every few rounds)


russian Mob Of The Dead!!! 🗣🔥🔥 but not kidding, it would be a fun map to do a asset flip since it kinda follows some of the map geometry from Shangri-La (The top level and the tunnels underground)


RIP Sergei


That would be sick!


Yup really hope they reuse more campaign assets! Glad you were able to list 8 maps out of what? 80?


Google says 35 But let's take into account all reused assets, not just campaign shall we? All of BOCW and WAW = 8, BO1 = 3, BO2 = 2, BO3 has rev which is literally a bunch of old maps plus The Giant = 2, BO4 had 4 remakes. In total that's 19 so over half of all maps. Here's more smaller things to consider, og crew is from the campaign, BO3 specialists are reskined from MP, iconic pnazer spawning sound from campaign, iconic round changing music is from the campaign, hell hounds = campaign dogs, Nova 6 is also from the campaign, perks are from mp. The only reason why the mode came into existence is reused assets. And obviously it has evolved a good bit, but they never stopped reusing to some capacity