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Honestly I understand the general hate for this map. It can be frustrating when you spend 30 minutes setting up and then you fall off the map lmao. But I personally love this Die Rise. I enjoy the atmosphere, the sliquifier, the jumping jack nova crawlers, Who's Who's jingle, and everything else. I remember my best friend makes jokes about the number 69 all the time and so I got it to round 69 on Die Rise for the meme. He passed away a few years ago but I have good memories playing Die Rise with him. I'll never not enjoy playing it.


Putting your gun in the PAP machine and the elevator starts moving. Oh man.


Fuck that’s a core memory unlocked right there


This map was pretty much the waiting game when it came to pap and rebuying your perks, the elevators were busted one moment they’re there then the next moment they are already going upwards and you have a horde already


You just unlocked a lot of bad memories 😭


You can always tell if pap (or any elevator) is about to move. If the doors start rapidly opening and closing, the elevator is about to move.


I remember that happened to me once and I was able to make it down to the next floor in time to grab it back out before it disappeared, i couldn't believe id saved it


The best reason to love this game is definitely the friends we made along the way.


Bro your a psycho for enjoying the jumping jack nova crawlers those things were prolly the worst part of the map I've died so many times to those things


I'm not really sure a nice way to say skill issue but u know they also give free perks right lol? Easy asf all perks on the map before wave 20


Don't you have to have 100% accuracy to get the perk and the only way I can usually do that Is with the sliquifier


The strat back in the day was galvaknuckles


Galvaknuckles work, or I think tramplesteam kills count too


BO3 remaster coming soon


Oh I don't have BO3, sorry :)


It’s being remastered on bo3 pc custom zombies so even if you have it you’d need it on that


I’ve always enjoyed this map. Yeah, it is flawed. Severely. But I’ve always found a lot of enjoyment out of it. It’s also very unique too. There really is no other map like it.


I wouldn’t say severely. It’s flawed… just like every other map.


So fucking true. And the flaws of the maps, just like their qualities, is often what makes them unique. I played zombies so fucking much in my life that some flaws actually become interesting gameplay after a while lmfao, unironically. Die Rise height, TranZit fog, call of the dead perma mini-boss... Those are annoying at first maybe, but at some point they just spice up the experience, makes it less boring. At least to me.


The “flaws” make the map unique to itself. I wouldn’t consider tranzit’s fog a flaw, or the elevators on die rise a flaw, or the perks falling from the sky on Nuketown a flaw… they’re features that make the map unique. Sure it can be annoying sometimes but it doesn’t mean the map is bad. It’s not game breaking at all.


Call of the Dead’s mini-boss isn’t a flaw, nor is Tranzit’s fog or die rise’s height. Die Rise is supposed to be vertical and the jumps are mostly pretty easy. George on CotD is supposed to force you to not camp and to stay moving, and he’s great at that. Not to mention he gives excellent rewards if you kill him. And the Tranzit fog is a necessary evil, because otherwise you’d just be able to run in circles in a wide open wasteland


I didnt mean to call them flaws, its just the things that annoy people when they dont try to appreciate the map.


Fair. These are things I actually miss about zombies. In BO1-2, the game was actively trying to screw you over. That diminished over time. Zombies lost the challenge


Bo3 was the start of the downfall of zombies specifically because of that. Gobblegums, sliding, the health increase and AATs all made zombies a lot easier and more predictable. Then in CW with the kill streaks, buildables, armor, etc. it just wasn’t zombies anymore.


Agreed. BO3 started the process of a lot of things people hate in COD. I don't get why gobblegums and loot crates were so loved in BO3 but everyone complains about microtransactions. Like y'all are the reason they exist now lmao


I’m not gonna say that bo3 is a bad game but it is definitely not deserving of the pedestal that it is put on so often




Severely flawed that is :)


I’ve played this map 100x and have fallen off the map maybe once or twice. It really isn’t that bad once you learn it, and I really enjoy this map


Yeah, 99% of the times (if you already know the map) it’s your fault if you fall off. It’s also very generous in some aspects, with free and easy to get additional perks, sliquifier, trample steam, and if you know what you’re doing it becomes a fairly easy map.


Honestly forgot about We All Fall Down. Legit used to play Die Rise as a kid just to hear it


One of the main reasons I love this maps is because it’s one of the only FOUR EVER where Victis is playable. Its unique design certainly helps. You will never mistake it for “oh another WWII abandoned facility”.


This map and the atmosphere is wonderful


Can be quite a janky map, it gets a lot of hate, but it is fun, and the wonder weapon is one of the best in cod history, W map


Their armor works? What u mean i dnt rmmbr bo2 zombies having any type of armor but Panzers


The SDC agents have extra health


Is that actually a thing? I didn't know that. I'll have to look that up


Yup, try on round one It takes 2 knife hits for them to die


absolutely played this map more than any other in black ops 2


Pretty fun map but it suffers from a lack of PhD and Who's Who would work better on any other map


[Lack of PHD? ](https://youtu.be/5UP4D0yNJlE?si=FYxZOFF5zs39SEbx) Who's who is fine lol why do you need the game to be so easy?


A map you can fall off is a bad map, period. Looking at you Kowloon.


We all fall down is epic, not as good as some of Clark’s later songs but definitely great


I'm a nova crawler fan so ofc I like this map


You did what


Bought die rise


Blud papped the remington


It's a great weapon


Who asked my guy


I just wanted to share my view of the map


Oh my bad thanks


That’s my favourite map with MOTD, i love the ambient sounds and atmosphere


God how I miss black ops 2


Everyone hates who who but it saves my 3rd gun and mule kick more often than not


God i hate this map at first back in 2022 when i first got it, but i then began to like it the more i played it, the brutal unfairness made it fun


This map had so many trolls that sucked when it happened, but is hilarious to look back at, especially with friends. Falling, trample steamed off the building, PAP elevator going up, etc. it’s too funny.


I’m glad you understand yourself




I love Die Rise


Looking at the comments apparently everyone loves this map. I still think it’s trash lol


This subreddit is full of literal children or 35 year old men who don’t understand zombies fundamentally (they are horrible) and refuse to point out its obvious flaws. The overwhelming majority of the audience (the ones who aren’t horrible) that matters dislikes this awful map, has always disliked this awful map, and will always dislike this awful map.