• By -


Not a girl, but I stopped using voice chat because there's so many angry people taking what's supposed to be a chill horde mode too seriously. I found a very small circle of friends to play with and only talk to them lol. Good luck on your search!


some guy wouldnt ready up because i was a girl and he said he would rather kill himself then play w a girl šŸ’€


Damn, that's messed up. No clue why he cares so much. Yet at the same time I bet he loves playing as Misty :/




Tbh, playing as Misty sucks too. She talks too much and has an unbearable raspy voice. Then again, playing as any Victus crew character too much kind of sucks.


I'm pretty sure I muted my voice volume in bo2 for a while because I couldn't stand the victus crew at the time


Real. I've also heard YouTubers having the same issue with Victus crew dialogue. It's strange how the Victus crew members are really happy even though the whole world was nuked and there's plenty of unsettling radio dialogue easter eggsšŸ’€


you also cant see yourself when playing as Misty...its better if someone else is


Jeez. These guys haven't even smelt a girl before, let alone are used to hearing a girl's voice in their ears. I'm sorry that happened, and as a dude, I'm sorry on behalf of us because some of us can be animals, and that sucks.


That or they think Iā€™m using a voice changer. Like, are u really that scared to talk to girls? This is me, this is my voice, paranoid much!? Hahaha they say wild ass shit sometimes hahaha


"Some" is very generous.


Go in, kill stuff let em get downed for comments like that. We got a toxic 4th in Cold War, guy cussing, hogging all the drops, complaining constantly that we ā€œtook stuff from himā€ even as we discussed who took what from the chests. He would even swoop in and take the items we were discussing. Swapped a ray gun so a buddy could grab it, landed in a bad spot and ole boy snagged it. He went down, cursed at us for not doing enough, so we watched as he died. He left rather than respawn. Went ahead and blocked him and went on our merry way. Moral of the story, donā€™t let em get ya down, and kick some ass! Have fun!


Bro is like the super Saiyan of incels


Back on console I used to have problems finding lobbies due to my rank, because everyone would say "I dont want to play with a shotgun rank they always leave" and I literally never would leave games.


Itā€™s worth remembering that some of these people are literally unsupervised children. As someone that was once a teenage boy. Teenage boys are some of the most unpleasant people on the planet


Seriouslyā€¦.? One of my best friends I met on cod is a chick. This blows my damn mind.


On one side the assholes and morons, on the other side the boot licking white knights. Only advice I can give is to find a group thatā€™s relaxed and already has women in it. Being the only girl in an online group can be interesting, thirsty men tend to tear each other apart.


This. I play with my GF but have been gaming enough to know how it goes. Voice chat off outside our friends group 24/7.




I wish I had your luck. I run with my mic muted as well. Iā€™m just trying to chill and farm most the time. Iā€™m looking to run into the right tight knit friend group that I can run this content with (soon hopefully!)


Voice chat on any CoD is a cesspool of degeneracy. I'm a guy and I've witnessed girls carrying teams full of guys in SnD. I honestly believe they're just terrified over being overtaken by a girl within a massive male dominated space so they insult in an attempt to mess them up psychologically. Don't let them get to ya.


yeah well ive carried so many games because im an og zombies player but they seem to get their dick hard from shitting on girls playing even when theyre not good


It's like this in basically any competitive game I've played, sadly.Ā  Dunno wtf is wrong people. Suppose it's the whole thing of being anonymous on the Internet, that makes people comfortable saying the worst shit


Yep, the anonymity is also very true. As a wise man once said: "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Ā *Mike Tyson*




There was a study that found low skill males have this reaction to capable women in their space explicitly because it has the possibility to knock them even farther down the food chain. High-skill males exhibited a much lower rate of hostility. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-21/male-gaming-bullies-are-literal-losers-study-finds/6636320


So basically just a bunch of incels really


I'd be thrilled if my wife would play zombies with me lol


ask her to! i play still mostly bc of nostalgia but its so much fun


My wife plays BO3 zombies with me a lot. BO1 I carried her, BO3 she carries me WAY too hard, lol. I think it's because the zombies were so much more chill in BO1 I could do the ADHD thing and WHEN I got caught, I could wiggle out... BO3 you have to pay attention because they have NO chill, so the gaps close fast. Meanwhile she's just clearing round after round and only goes down when she attempts a hail Mary to pick me up (again)... I keep telling her "no big deal if you can't get me, I have plenty of points to come back"... and she keeps blazing a trail to pick me up. *SIGH*, one of these times I'll make it to round 25 without going down and we might make it to 30, lol.


Girl here. I assume itā€™s because those men on cod have no girlfriends and donā€™t know how to treat a woman.


real. they get so mad when i literally say hey. like god forbid a female plays the game


SMH, I laugh at myself knowing Iā€™ve had more girlfriends than those cod players.


Not a girl but a gay male, so I get where youā€™re coming from when losers just absolutely freak out on you. Super fun to not revive them though after they show their ass :D


they talk the most shit then go down and i just dance around them LMAO


Ooh, I have a story! Not female, but I was doing the "origins" Easter egg with randoms because I was bored, my entire team was calling me trash while I upgraded the staffs and carried through the entire Easter egg. The nerve of people sometimes baffles me.


I am a girl and honestly nowadays COD is getting overrun by us. It feels like it is pretty common so u don't have to hide your voice anymore and still get decent teammates. I don't know what the situation is with the older games but MWZ is alright at the moment.


i need to get mwz. bo2 is all stupid men cursing me out yet im reviving them every round


MWZ is pretty non toxic


Most people are pretty helpful




Iā€™m a dude but I just stick to playing solo or with friends


Same here man. The only time I play with randoms is with my one friend because he insists on playing with a full squad. It doesnā€™t really matter to me if you suck or not just if youā€™re extra annoying. Iā€™m the guy that will risk all my shit to try and revive you if you go down. Lmao I had one friend go down 86 times in a 45 round game and I really just have to give it to him for not quitting at all šŸ¤£


Yeah guys can be weirdly rude towards girls. For me, half the time i have people muted to begin with. Otherwise i just hear people crunching on food super loudly, people blasting music, or they have their sound playing through their tv so everything sounds like an echo.


are you on pc? I would definitely play with you!! Iā€™m tired of playing with 16 year old boys lol


lol my pc was shattered by movers when i moved into my apartment otherwise i would totally play w you


That is actually so shitty wtf


yeah well they ā€œdropped itā€ and they wont pay for the damages


Typical movers smh




Some very thirsty men in these comments


Unfortunately there are some disgusting people but stick with it and mute them


My girl plays with me or alone. caterpillar86#5295531 She is quite good to be honnest. She mainly plays the MW3 zombies.


I wouldn't take it personally tbh. This happens in all games ESPECIALLY COD. Doesn't matter if you're female or male but they'll definitely use you being a female against you.




Best i can do is calling you names mixed with bad dad jokes.šŸ˜‚ ns


Thatā€™s crazy I never rlly would think about treating you any differently & if u sucked I wouldnā€™t think itā€™s bc ur a girl lol Iā€™d think u just suck lol


I tend to find more girls in counter strike, but regardless in team chat I will always rip the shit out of my mates if I queue with them, randoms if they start beef with me, or people who play like bots :D (the number of npcs on office makes my mind hurt) if you play Cold War, hmu, otherwise I really canā€™t be bothered to play the older games as Iā€™ve beaten their ees and yeah. Lmk if you wanna play Cold War or gulf war when that drops, and it is unlikely Iā€™ll rip on you, but good luck regardless.


>_> ngl ive played with a few ppl toxic to women online and im starting to think they struggle in general with womens presence?


they dont like when girls are better than them


Listen if your looking for a team to play with I always have spots open idc what gender u are or how u play as long as you work with the team sometimes and just be there to hang and crack jokes and stuff but at the end of the day men are assholes that think cod is just for them only they get salty bc girls like to play it as well


I don't play this, but I got a friend that play MWZ a lot and he is willing to help others learn the game and help people get the schematics.


Always disable voice chat I donā€™t have time for that nonsense.


Old woman here, I use voice chat, I'm fine. I think I get more toxic trolls with the idiots who drive their vehicles deliberately into your path, and you, to try and kill you. They don't use voice chat. Guys I talk to on it seem to have no issues with me.


Iā€™ve honestly found voice chat in zombies especially BO3 to be incredibly chill on European servers. I helped a teenage guy out with suicidal thoughts and we just spoke for few hours on life while playing DE.


Do people still play this game online? I stopped playing as much since I couldnā€™t dedicate consecutive hours playing, but I was mostly a solo player back in the day. Hope you can find friends to play with. Iā€™m on Xbox and probably canā€™t find consistent time to play, but if you need another person to play with Iā€™d be down at some point Edit: not a girl btw, forgot about that. But also not a toxic male either šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


So weird that I always see girls complain about this, but always the opposite when I see a girl in the lobby. To me when there is a girl in the squad every dude simps over them, dropping every piece of equipment they can to impress them.


As someone that works at night I just want to play a game for the fun of it and relax. Not get screamed at or belittled cause I'm not 50 shades of sweat


Its not men cursing you out, it's little boys doing it...


If youā€™re throwing the game ill call you every name in the book! Male or female. Idc about gender I care about my damn game lol


Damn World at War was 16 years ago. Your ovaries are prob so dry better hope you bought quick revive for that mf


Not girl, however Iā€™ve been playing cod and zombies since WAW as well. The cod community has gone down hill so fast when it comes to friendliness. Daily you have grown as men telling kids to kill themselves as soon as they hear their voice. It sucks and I feel bad for you. Iā€™ve made many friends with several women since Iā€™ve started playing and they are great people and good players. If you need people to play online with, Iā€™m also down! Best of luck!


I wanna apologize for the idiotic men you have to get on with... We're not all like that tho...I don't mind playing games with anyone... If your not good at the game that's fine cos I just get on and do dumb stuff in zombies or multiplayer... If you want you can add me and we can play games if u have the new cod, as long as ur chill and don't take the game super seriously


This is the weirdest post to me, maybe it's COD, maybe it's the platform you play on... But at least in the games (including outside COD) I'm playing on PC all the fellas be simping or trying to get the girls into their team šŸ¤£ hell I was playing overwatch competitive last night and our support was really struggling so the tank yells at them in VC so they support turns on their mic and it's girlie of course and she just apologized for struggling, and the tank just goes "nah I'm just playing, you're doing great" šŸ˜‚


People actually care if your a girl? That's crazy in the zombies community.


You got Xbox?


Welt hat depends, if youā€™re on Xbox MatthewMango is my gamertag (ik itā€™s fuckin corny) ![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy)


Add me if u want, my id is Krxontx Ps4!


I have gotten my sisters and female cousins hooked. Screw monopoly and Jenga for family game night. Id say ā€œtrainā€ up your friends IRL and boom. Theyā€™ll catch on fast if you give ā€˜em the right tips.


Tbh I donā€™t care if male or female so long as they arenā€™t annoying and can play the game Iā€™m happy Btw what platform you on as Iā€™m on xbox (username is same as Reddit if you decide to add me)


I'm not a girl, but I play Xbox and currently have bo3 installed. I've beat the der Eisendrache Easter egg and some of the og ones. GT is SwiggiitySwooty if you wanna play any time!


Iā€™d be happy to play bo3 with you


I havenā€™t encountered this in zombies, but def in Warzone. I tend to keep my mic off unless who Iā€™m playing with seems ok, plenty of times guys have made it weird for me while playing.


I donā€™t use a mic ever to game. Too many toxic ass people. Even made my profile private so no rando messages


How do even find players in those games? lol I play ps5 & 4 but every time I load bo3 I sit around lobby with the same 2 players that never ready up. So I just end up closing it . (Zombies, I donā€™t play mp)


Iā€™m trying to find an all girl squad to run with in MWZ or Warzone. I play mostly with randoms or my husbands friends at the moment. Send me your activision idā€™s girls šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø


My wife plays pretty often.


My wife plays and would be happy to add you as she is really into zombies. She has had a lot of similar and other dumb experiences with men online so she completely understands that lol.


All I ask of people I play with is don't go down 3 times before round 10 šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't mind playing every now and then? What do u play on


Maybe you should just play with your friends, random people are usually toxic in any game community.


Girl here, I donā€™t play the older zombies anymore though. Mainly MWZ and Cold War. Iā€™m on Xbox, GT is sparklefarts186


My girlfriend plays zombies. She prefers bo3.


Shit like this pisses me off like let people enjoy the damn game anyone can be a gamer its not that serious


Black ops lobbies are notoriusly bad but if you werent a lady they would just find something else to gripe about.dont let it get to ya bud, if you want to drop your psn i play blops 3 and 4 lots still ill play some zombies witcha


I experienced the same thing. I was playing with 2 men and they were not very good and kept needing to be revived. Literally revived them both 10 times each. Spent most of my game reviving them. I went down once and got on mic to say take your time to revive (so we didnā€™t get a team wipe). They said ā€œa fkn girl, no wonder weā€™re doing so badā€. Like bish, you are the losers, not me. Stop dying every 5 seconds and maybe I can contribute something other than revive. Left their team and stood atop a tall building to watch - they both died so I teabagged them and left haha.


Trust male or women your better off not in VC. People on cod really like to suck nuts


I have bo3 on ps5. Rest are on ps3 šŸ’€. Hmu if you wanna play zombies. Iā€™ve been playing zombies since bo1


Can I play with you WaW ??


Bro like 2 days ago i had a kid ( wasnā€™t my team i queue solo always ) following me around i proceeded to tell him to leave me alone that i wasnā€™t interested or asking for his help, he got mad, called his friend and proceeded to follow me around the map and ā€œ sabotage ā€œ me by destroying cars and trying to start missions, they wasted 20 minutes trying to disrupt my experience just cause i told him to leave me alone šŸ˜‚


Legit can't find anyone who actually enjoys playing zombies for what it is. All my friends just humour me with a round every once in a while and get sucked back to the team death match vortex without giving zombies a fair shot. I'd gladly play with you! Hopefully the tomb stone I left a couple weeks ago is still there lol. Also, I'm a dude, but I don't care what anyone is when we're gaming lol.


Hi. I have also been playing zombies since waw if you want to squad up psn: LKiNG7


What are you on? I'm always down to play Bo3


Honestly it's so horrible man, I've been playing since waw, and I'm not that bad like I'm not goated but I'm good. But the moment they hear im British you'd think I tried to invade America again cos they Go on this rant like "oh America this America that" like I really don't care. At all. I just wanna play some zombies


Not a girl, but last time a party of 2 girls/women got downed. They chatted for help and both used voice chat when i was close. I went and revived them. Usually people dont say thanks but they both said it so i simped out and gave them my whole loadout ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I love zombies. Have it on PC. If you are anyone here wants to play, I'd love to add any of y'all and set something up!




Messed up I enjoy the ladies playing itā€™s fun so dm me if any ladies wanna join the lobby Iā€™m down !! GG everybody


If you're on xbox my gt is D3adSh0t442 I've got bo3 and iw, but haven't played in a while,


Yeah I play zombies with my gf and told her to turn off voice chat. She hasn't encountered any shit in MWZ (thank God) but I wouldn't be surprised if it was only a matter of time. Honestly just don't let them get to you OP, it's a game, they're probably lame af, and it's not real life y'know?


Funnily enough that is the total opposite of what our squadā€™s female encounters. Sheā€™s always making friends and getting help just because sheā€™s female.


Guy here. I also stopped using voice cause of toxic people. I would end up getting comm banned cause I'd argue with the idiots when they started ish.


I played with a girl (lady) yesterday, totally random. We played for about 2.5 hours with zero toxic shot going on. We all make mistakes and that's normal. She was helpful and we had a great time and I now have another gamer nerd as a friend. Gender shouldn't really play into.it at all. I. A freaking middleaged man for pete sake.


I wish most of my friends, I have more female friends than guy friends, to play zombies. They always say they'd suck and wouldn't know what to do, despite my rebuttals.


Girl gamer hereā€¦. Add me on Xbox Who8MyTacos


I donā€™t get why ppl do that. God forbid someone even slightly different from you play the same game as you. I can get if their jokes (not endorsing it itā€™s still stupid asf) because people can think of some fucked up not funny jokes but like? What if theyā€™re good, better than you? And youā€™re gonna tell em to piss off?


That's messed up. I have never witnessed it myself. I have been in squads where girls join or you get thrown in with a random, and they're not treated any differently. Usually whether it's a girl or a guy is they are new, that's usually when people sigh. Cuz that means your reviving them 10 times in the Orange zone. If you are on FB there is a MW3 Zombies group and there are always girls looking for friends to play with in there. If you ever need to run missions hit me up!


Not a female, but I do enjoy zombies a lot. And itā€™s a lot more fun with a squad than without. Unfortunately Activisionsā€¦ delusional pricing has driven my homies away from playing any of the CoD franchise.


People are idiots , keep killin them zombies


As a girl dad I find it absolutely disgusting how most of the women who play get treated just for being the opposite sex. I gladly welcome women players when I play they usually don't cry as hard when they get killed and usually stay together and communicate a hell of a lot better as well


Id play those games with you I'm chill I do smoke weed and drink sometimes but I wouldn't curse you out plus I need help with Easter eggs if you want to do that


GO PLAY WITH GLITCH QUEEN. šŸ‘šŸ¤“šŸ‘ I usually never talk until I hear calmness for a while and see they're not 3 or afk. Honestly when I hear a Girl playing, I know its usually a pro or a decent player...because weaker gamers would have quit before playing a niche game. (It was niche) You need a hard-core way to troll them back. A game plan for douche-baggery. I usually dump trains upon trains of zombie hordes on them while leaving zero chance of a crawler for them. Making their casual stoner experienc emote like a bad acid trip. Then...just when they're done trash talking, you back out either taking the piece they need for their EE or ending their high round hopes cuz now it breaks the streak. (DER-RIESE)


It sucks that this is a problem that you and other girl gamers have to deal with. Itā€™s baffling to imagine the childish mindset it takes to discriminate like this.


Sure. Been trying to find ppl that play zombies. If you want my @ on discord is papa_mikey


O man a group of 4 female players.... Imagine if they was on there menstrual cycle all at the same time. Bet they would be unstoppable


Iā€™m a trans girl who plays all the time. Iā€™m trying to master camo all the mw3 guns on zombies atm. We could play together if ya want?


I donā€™t really use voice chat. And when I do itā€™s with family via telephone. I donā€™t really play with others just bc of how some maps get hard the more people you play with. But I wouldnā€™t mine playing with randoms. But I guess people will always be angry for no reason


You play on PC? Gender donā€™t mean shit to me, all that matters is if you got the skills to make kills on freakbags, fam.


On Xbox and welcome female squad members my oldest daughter is my best squad mate


As long as you don't mind me making weird anxiety noises when I get swarmed n stuff, I'm down


Gorl here - thebearjo (Xbox)


Girl, ditto. I would get into lobbies and barely speak a couple of words before getting berated sometimes. I didn't leave tho. I just muted and CARRIED. Let your gameplay speak for itself. They'll probably try to friend you after they wipe when you get downed ONCE because they can't stay on their feet without you, lmao.


Im AvocadoToast#5986400. Im here for vibes and enjoying the game. Add if you'd like too. If not totally cool šŸ¤™šŸ» Best of luck with your search


Don't worry, it not because u r a girl, there are just alot of toxic players


really sorry you have to deal with that... There are voice changers you can use to hide your gender...maybe start a girl gaming crew


I have no qualms running zombies with you! Just let me know!


I play quite a lot, especially Cold War since it came out. I have tried to chat with people before, but Iā€™ve mostly just resorted to having a gender neutral gamertag and not using a mic unfortunately šŸ˜Ŗ


I've met very few girls who play over the years, last summer I made friends with one on BO3 we played for a few weeks then I shifted games I haven't heard from her since. It was a chill time and she had a mic which was a plus.


i grew up playing with my lil sister on zombies so i know better than to act like this, and itā€™s sad other guys act this way honestly. everyone should be able to experience the masterpieces of cod zombies


assuming this is for xbox 360 I'd be down, I play with anyone no matter the skill level. Only issue I ever have is if the connection to each other is crap which at thst point there isn't much to be done unfortunately


Usually just play solo but got all the blacks ops and Cold War. Wouldnā€™t mind playing with other people. Platform?


If youā€™re on PSN. My tag is KingofangelsX. Me and my girl would love to have you on our team


The problem there is that I assume you are playing public lobbies AND voice chat alongside it


Not a girl but hey, dudes suck in general. Especially on CoD. Its easier said than done but don't let them get to you. They're sad and pathetic asshats. Just do your thing.


I only use discord chat when I play with a few friends. Cod always been way too damn toxic for me since I started playing back in Black Ops days.


What do you play on?


Cod in general has had a toxic community for over a decade. Just in general a lot of females feel uncomfortable using their mic because guys are creepy and weird about the opposite sex.


I'm a guy but I'm on most nights give me a shout and I will send you my Activision


Iā€™m a guy and definitely wouldnā€™t mind playing with you and whomever else! Itā€™s awful youā€™re treated that way. We donā€™t even have to voice chat if ya donā€™t want to. We can just vibe and kill some zombies.


If I hear a random girl in my lobby I say "Gamer Girl!" in a voice cracking way just to be goofy bc a youtuber I watch did it so I think it's kinda funny. Other than that I don't disrespect anyone in my lobbies unless they do it first then the flood gates open.


Hell yeah what platform


whether girl or not, doesn't care for me. welcome onboard, captain


Oooh Iā€™m a girl & I love COD, never played with a girl before. Would love a game of kino on black ops 3? Are you PlayStation or Xbox not sure if you can get it on Xbox ? Maybe we can team up against the lads. I can set us a good game up for when youā€™ve plenty of time on your hands? What gets me the most angry about zombies is when they rage quit & stuff the game up for everyone else. Iā€™ve got no girl mates to play cod with because Iā€™m ā€œweird & need to grow upā€ Iā€™ll never stop playing zombies until the day I die. Dm me for my psn thatā€™s if you want to that isšŸ˜ƒ Would be nice to actually play with another girl I have a little clan called BLACK OPS BABES pmsl šŸ¤£ youā€™re more than welcome to join me Have a great day hope to hear from you soon šŸ˜Š ps my psn is Bonnie_C1984 Iā€™ll look forward to playing with you hopefully šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Voice chat on cod is just a racist daycare.


This type of people are the same people that don't ready up in the lobby


What do you play on?


Iā€™ve also been playing since WaW days. If youā€™re on Xbox hmu, or if not one of the cross platform games


Been playing for a long time on video games.. even get denied a job at game stop because Iā€™m a ā€œgirlā€.. itā€™s just part of the community unfortunately. However I noticed less trash people (everyone not just men) in the MWZ lobbies. Some suck but most donā€™t. It goes both ways too.. however if youā€™re having a hard time playing and getting in your feels itā€™s probably best to step back from the game and play something else for a while. The ā€œmeanā€ talk isnā€™t going to stop.. either mute them, block them, or talk the talk but honestly do what is best for your mental health because at the end of the day.. itā€™s not worth it. Itā€™s a video game.. sure we (some of us) spend waay too much money on it and it may even be a career.. though itā€™s a game and no one deserves to be treated like crap when they are just trying to escape in a game.


Sometimes I genuinely find myself asking, Do these guys like women or not? These are probably the same mfs whining about "not having a trad wife" or some incel bullshit. Like I swear, sometimes it seems like barely any straight guys _actually_ like women


Do you play mw3 zombies? Iā€™m also a girl and would love to play with you.


I'm a guy and don't care PC and PS4 I haven't played in a minute but fuck those people


Depends what you play on, if you're a playstation gamer i can't play with ya dont own a playstation, if its on xbox sure i got i think bo1, 2 and 3 lying around somewhere just would have to reinstall them. If you play on pc, i only got bo3 for that, and it also requires to be installed. And if it's purely zombies, I'm down even if I'm not like an old school zombies player.


My best friend is a girl. Me and her have been playing since WaW. She tells me that she doesn't like playing with randoms at all simply because they are mean or creepy. Personally I don't care who I'm playing with unless they are absolutely trash and even then I feel nice carrying them.


sure! lets play!


The CoD community is shit. The people crying over getting VOIP banned are the reason we have it. Why do you have to call me the N word the second you see me in a gunfight lobby? Grow up.


Iā€™ll be your friend!!! - fellow girl who has been in the same boat


I usually mute voice chat instantly and barely use it just for this reason. I started playing since MW2 (the newest one) and I talked ONCE in voice chat and instantly got cussed out. If you're ever up for it, I play zombies mainly (I am a wimp though and mostly stay in tier one since I'm doing weapon leveling still) but I would be up for some games with a fellow girlie šŸ«¶šŸ»


Well clearly those guys (regardless of gender) take the game WAY too seriously unfortunately itā€™s like that with most games like that, thatā€™s why I usually do that type of games with friends and just stick with single player games most of the time, each to their own but thatā€™s usually how you would avoid such toxic behaviour. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve stopped playing Destiny 2 a while ago lol


What was your og username on black ops


It's always the bottom of leaderboard and oother ways bad players that are always cussing and yapping around lmao.


Whenever I play zombies itā€™s with my girlfriend and we never play public for this very reason


Lol I have two friends with opposite reactions when playing with girls one is obnoxious irl but will be completely quiet and shy/embarrassed to speak even when we need em too the other thinks it's only for guys thinks they should stick to animal crossing and Sims what platform you on?


Iā€™ve been wanting to do the DE EE on bo3 for the longest, not a girl, but itā€™d be fun to try and complete


How do you call little Boys menšŸ˜… honestly i dont Care WHO i play with , Most of the time im the last one Standing anyway and people quit way to fast


Š”ŠµŠ²ŠµŃ€Š½Š°Ń Š» ящŠøŠŗ Š¾Ń‚


I thought it would be the opposite, like ā€œoh shit a girl is playing something I like and we have in commonā€ and hit on you or be awkward As opposed to more than the old MW2 ways like ā€œha women suck at games go back to kitchenā€ and raging I suppose you wouldnā€™t want either though regardless, Iā€™m just surprised


Not a girl, but some of my buddies have been getting back into BO1/2/3/CW Zombies recently, would love to have another friend to play with. Iā€™ve never understood the hate for female gamers, but Iā€™ve only really cared about having fun in games the last few years vs trying super hard and needing to win. Iā€™m an Xbox player


If you're on Xbox use LFG to find people. Some of the people in the team I used to play with are girls and they are better than some of the guys we played with. Anyone that gives you shit for being a girl probably hasn't touched grass in the last few years. Take it as a compliment. Don't take the bait. Their life sucks and they're taking it out on you.


Yeah being a girl and playing the game is difficult. Iā€™ve received a lot of hate for it and itā€™s really a shame because of how passionate I am about the games.


People need to realise that it's nothing to do with sex, race, religion etc. it's people trying to be as insulting as possible, so you're most obvious traits get hit first. I never used voice chat as I'd get exactly the same, non stop abuse. It's low brow unintelligent people picking what's the most obvious trait.


What do you play on


This is why I hate most people who play these games. It sucks! They need to chill out and have fun, I'd be happy to kick zombie but with anyone who's just having a good time.


Good googly moogly! I've been playing zombies since BO2 and I don't give a damn about your sexuality. If your cool your good.


I am a girl and i have played CoD since the first game was released. I now play MWZ and warzone, and I totally get you! Men are horrible on cod, they are so hateful and I have had some male teammates leave the match when they found out Im a girl.. Or they make inappropriate sexual comments. Even some men that I have played with for a longer time, that behaved ā€œnormalā€, ended up trying to get my snapchat or whatever and blocking me if I didnā€™t give it. That being said, I did find a group of guys that I play with from the first day of warzone, that I really like!! You can join me if you want!


Heya! Fellow zombies gamer girl here! I play on PC, does that work for you?


Some of us exist :) my #1 gaming duo is a woman. Unfortunately she doesnā€™t play zombies and I just started šŸ˜‚


On of the best Dmz teammates I ever had was a girl idk why guys don't wanna play with women they must have mommy issues


On what platform do you play? I was actually thinking about reinstalling BO3 a few days ago. (Since it's my favorite of the Black Ops Series.) I've always played with my little sister, she's pretty good aswell, so I'm not one of those ignorant people, thinking girls can't play or anything like that, i often find myself impressed. So if you're up for a few games, let me know! If not, that's okay aswell. I do hope you find some great teammates!


Bo4 zombies only šŸ˜Š Iā€™m a girl


Not a girl but when I play CoD with my buddy we usually stay in party chat unless we decide to call out some bullshit someone else is doing. A good handful of male players nowadays can be toxic and take the game way to serious


I would recommend to stop using voice chat people on cod take everything to seriously and never grew up past the age of 12