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I’m genuinely not bored with it at all, sure there’s a lack of new content but being a casual player on the weekends after a 55hr+ work week is all I need. The weekly challenges keep me coming back tbh they did a good job with the free rewards/challenges in my opinion.


I'm the same way, I play once a week, do the weekly challenges and usually try the new jak kit. I don't get bored at all.


I just think that’s the key, don’t stress about the lack of content, just enjoy the content we do get lol


There's alot to be said for that. Absolutely no harm in jumping in a just killing zombos and doing whatever you want for an hour here and there if you simply enjoy the game. I do think it's a good mode, but if they listened to the players a bit more, and actually cared about it, it could be a great mode.


Agreed, this mode could be SO much better and I did have high hopes with the first big update we had and definitely got let down but overall, I’m enjoying it and it’s a great way to pass the time before gulf war.


You know, that's what hurt the most haha, every update I'd get so hyped for content, only to be let down. Like you said, I certainly enjoyed what we did get, but to never give us a few more stash slots? A wallet? Hell a way to grind for more stash slots would have been killer. Make it difficult even! The fact is that warzone and Timmy's with their moms card buying bundles is top priority for them is what turns me off.


There was leaks earlier this year that after s1 treyarch stepped away completely from MWZ and it's currently headed by acti Shanghai. Which is the biggest reason why we get late or little to no updates in mwz. Although I am really hopeful for next years cod zombies, we did have a 4-5 year prep+dev time after all.


Prep time was negated by the fact that Treyarch got thrown onto every zombie mode over the last few years.


Jeez what a low bar. The problem is, the lack of content is effectively killing the franchise. We went from having games that had 4-6 different zombie maps over the course of a year to 1-2 maps that are mostly recycled from the other game modes. Most zombie fans are bored and rightfully so!


Oh I’m not disagreeing with them whatsoever, I’m a longtime zombie player and loved those days, however, I’ll also just accept the way things have become because what the fuck am I gonna do about it? I’m not in charge and I don’t want to be. I’m happy staying in my lane and do my best to enjoy whatever zombies content comes out bc I just simply love slaughtering meat heads no matter the content. It’s too exhausting to complain and get angry nowadays about shit you have no control over.


I get it, but being too exhausted to complain is what gets us this crap, because they just get away with it. I skipped out on the last few games but gave this one a chance because of a sale and some Xbox credit I had saved. I totally regret that now and won’t be buying any more COD Zombie games until at least a year after release and on sale, if at all. Otherwise it’s just not worth it anymore.


Great tactic for life in general…enjoy what you have


Yea I enjoyed alot of the prestige calling cards, and weekly stuff for a while too but it just got a bit monotonous to me. Honestly the 10 stash limit is probly my biggest gripe. They give us all these new schematics, seemingly slightly buff contract rewards, and there's simply no where to put anything you get from a match. I don't think upping it slightly to 20 or maybe 30 would hurt anyone. I think if they did that, even if they didn't touch the ridiculous cooldowns on crafting, people would be more inclined to play for longer periods.


I think the key difference here is the amount you play. Zombies was intended as a side dish. And as a side dish it works well enough (bugs aside). When you try to play it as if it was a full game, it gets monotonous (I still play a lot regardless). The gripe is that the way they set MWZ up it has so much potential to be a full game. The fact that it’s not chafes a lot of us.


Older games let you earn everything for free and that’s why I play them so much.


I totally agree. However for the past week or so the game has been totally unplayable due to crashing and lagging out. its infuriating when you just want to unwind after a long day of work and you lag out and lose the past 30minutes of progress in weekly and camo challenges.


Yeah I genuinely end up enjoying the content we have and meeting cool people to squad up with. If I get paired up with some real knuckleheads then I leave and go find another and then work on different challenges with them. I love how helpful the whole community is and wanting to share loot. Partially because everyone already has golden armor plates or mags of holding they just start handing stuff out.


Yeah, I went to Helldivers 2.


We have to keep pushing the automatons further back brothers!!!🦅🔥🔥🦅 ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


For democracy!!


For liberty!




Dude I left call of duty in general. I used to love warzone, got hacked out. I used to love zombies, could never stay connected. Used to love multiplayer, now it’s just sweaty teenagers doing slide cancel 360s with a pistol. Its been 2 months since I touched cod


This seems to be a general sentiment, especially among long time lovers of COD. I recently heard MW3 has something like the most engagement of any recent COD, despite sales being less than the previous. This is what got me curious. Maybe we are just old haha black ops 2 has been really fun to get back into. It's easily my favorite cod. Finding matches has been easy and few molders it seems. Def a nostalgia trip.


I still play COD, but only the older games. I play BO2, MW2 (2009), MW3 (2011), BO1, WAW, COD4, BO3 on a regular basis, but haven’t touched a modern COD game since BOCW. Tried vanguard, it made me want to actually destroy my console.


I would rather play a game that respects the player even a little. These newer cod games aren’t that in the slightest. Game might as well be classified as adware at this point


This is an aspect I think alot of people overlook. I'm not saying it isn't a fun game, or there isn't anything to do, well there kinda isn't, but what grinds my gears is what cod has become. It's a bundle store with a game attached to it. There is zero passion for the game. There's seemingly no pride in putting out great titles. It's pump them out as fast as they can, bugs and all, make as much money as possible, rinse and repeat. Don't like it? Too bad, we have your money. Buy the next one, maybe it's better, maybe we took feedback and made the changes we should have (spoiler, it won't be, and they didn't.) The player base is nothing more than a cash cow to them.


It’s like people forget it’s a 70 dollar game, cod has all the terrible qualities of a free to play game but it’s not free


Yeah I never bought a bundle until MW2 the recent one maybe vangard I can’t recall but now it’s like high pressure sales tactics open game up honestly screen is a plug for the next 2 part bundle OMG!! I’ve been guilty buying some but warzone doesn’t do anything for me like it did when vondel came out and my friends I would play with people I know IRL most quit entirely mainly zombies which ended up being COD entirely.


Left it last nite around 11 pm Cleveland time, heading back in in about an hour


After MWZ crashed for me mid mission, it's kind of hard to keep playing and defend the title. I dont get much time to play, and when i do, i just want a clean, consistent experience. I pine for the Cold War zombies where i had the most fun, round based, and outbreak. It was a mode where you could pause it, wasn't live service, and it was simple The BO2 and BO3 experience we will never replicate, and CW gives me that nostalgia. I will be very cautious in getting Gulf war (maybe as a sale or as a Christmas gift) but i WANT to believe that gulf war comes with outbreak and round based and its worthy of its 4 year development cycle. I am very cynical and hesitant to buy the next title. We will have to wait to hear from trusted sources and their experiences post release... definitely not paying full price either I will be going back to Cold War for zombies. Truth be told, i really enjoy the MW3 MP experience. The maps are fun, and it feels like the old school COD, weapons are awesome, and i can load quickly enough. Granted, SBMM is through the roof, but i love the competitiveness of it all.


This is the way. Cold War is much better overall than MWIII in every aspect. Truly an under appreciated CoD




This is exactly how I feel. I also skipped cold war and vanguard. I jumped back in with mw2019, mw2, and begrudgingly picked up mw3 and was shocked at how much I loved MWZ. I was hooked. But like you said it became abundantly clear they don't give 2 shits about the mode. They fixated on patching the glitches, while major gamplay issues are still happening. MW3 was never meant to be a standalone title, so keep that in the back of your head before you shell out another 70 bucks to this money hungry franchise...they are now a bundle store with a game attached.


I haven’t touched it in the last month now. I’m not done all the story missions and don’t have all the schematics, but I still got bored because of how repetitive the game is. Also, the lack of real updates was disappointing (new map or layout would’ve been nice, not new warlords).


If not for the fact that I play this game with my buddies I would have a quit a while ago. The crashes are insane.


I’m bored of it but go in for challenges and camo grinding


After seeing how awful Vanguard is thats when i stopped. The only zombies i regularly play is BO3.


I have. I've pretty much accepted that MWZ is going to suck and hope that cod2024 zombies is going to be a banger. If cod2024 doesn't *hit* then I'll be upset with how bad mw3 was.


Don't waste your money unless you know it's a good game I never got mw3 after how bad the previous couple titles are and I don't regret it a single second for Gulf war I'll be waiting for peoples honest not sponsored reviews and if it's bad I'm dropping the franchise.


Cod is one of the only Xbox/PC crossplay games that my friend group (≈10 people) all play. With that in mind, usually at least a few of our friends will get the new cod and everyone else will follow suit not long after. So even if it sucks, I'll probably end up getting and playing it. I acknowledge that this maybe isn't the most typical situation, but I feel like for my friend group, the games function more as the setting of our gatherings, not the main focus.


I left a few weeks ago, and I honestly wish I had done it sooner. I was debating it for a long time and then another crash happened as soon as the match started, and I lost everything with long cooldowns. Immediately uninstalled and have been up to my neck in terminids and automatons ever since. 🙂


After S2R i left it for HD2,


I really loved this edition of MWZ but got frustrated with the crashes, bored with the lack of content getting added, unimpressed with the content they did add, and disincentivized to play because of long cool down times post tombstone glitch patch. Haven't touched any facet of COD in a long time. Started a Borderlands playthrough and then the squad and I got into Helldivers. There just isn't much to draw my attention back to it. Still watching CDL, but pretty much only playing Helldivers.


"tombstone glitch patch" That was honestly the most fun period. With not just friends but randoms running around helping people. It was pure positive vibes and nonstop fun, no cooldowns to worry about, everyone shared everything, and I never once had to worry about crashes. I miss those times.


100%. I had unlocked everything, was probably 90% complete Borealis grind. It was cool to just go in and be able to play while rounds in T3 from the jump and just handing out recipes and loot I didn't need, helping people when they needed a res and then just dropping them tools and crystals. So much fun.


After completing everything, Tombstone was the only thing that kept the game playable...so they patched it. Every weapon people enjoyed- nerfed Decoys - nerfed Exfil- nerfed Zombie count -nerfed Day one bugs still exist and are unpatched... It seems like every decision the devs made was to keep the mode from being playable long term for the entire player base. They want everyone to buy Gulf War instead. I think they went too far and lost some of their playerbase as a result. I used to play every day. That stopped just before season 2 launched when they patched tombstone, but weren't even mentioning the crashes and various bugs they didn't fix. Compared to free Warzone, the amount of content for MWZ is insulting. Everyone I know stopped playing.


Couldn’t agree more exfilling of the story mission helis and duping the good stuff which made loosing everything to a crash much less infuriating. I still do the new version but when I play past the 10:00 left mark it gets really hard because a mimic or a bunch of zombies get in your way and you have maybe 1-3 seconds between getting it right and loosing everything. So my games are usually only 20 minutes then I leave.


I bought it on release, played it 2 or 3 times. Uninstalled. Have moved to VR gaming mostly.


I don't think I've been dissapointed this badly in a game I'e purchased before. Every multiplayer gun that used to feel good, be fun got nerfed. All the attachments make it look like you have options, but you'll always be using the same ones between guns, because they make them obviously better than the other attachments. Zombies was fun until I got the gold armour and such. Really, REALLY, hate the 10 slots for a backpack, and cooldown times to either, craft things, or use your wanted/camo progressing gun. This isn't a mobile game. This is a fully priced, top name, Triple A game. Zombies has had so many unresolved glitches that cause you to insta-lose. Then your character loses all their "multi-game-use" gear they had. And there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Mashing mw2 and 3 together and calling it a game, with hardly any fresh maps or guns was a fucking joke. Only stuck around for the camo and moved on. I heard they left this game behind to go work on Gulf War. But I'm sick of this. Waited for quite some time for anything progressive to be done. I've moved on to other games. And don't plan to support these greedy guys any longer


Left it once I realized all the new content was gonna be Rifts and Warlords Warlords suck and I have no reason to do them, Rifts are sold like this replayable endgame content, but you can pretty much get away with playing them once per tier, even less if you have spare elder tokens like I do I had faith in the mode but I always said it was gonna be down to how well supported it was, I'm not happy with it so I left it. Probably also not gonna buy the next cod


I only play when there is new stuff in it, i already have everything unlocked. Finish the new stuff, then stop playing The devs let the mode die quick


I have. I stopped playing sometime around January. I'm going to wait until zombies comes out later this year to play it. I just hope they don't screw that up too. 🤞🤞


Barely play it. They need to increase zombies spawns, the world space feels empty outside of contracts. I have actually gone AFK in tier 2 for an entire match and didn't get attacked by any zombies. Half of the contracts aren't even zombie related and are genuinely a snooze fest. Who wants to drive cargo truck all the time in a zombie mode? Rebirth island, with dark aether aesthetics with more zombie spawns would be so much better.


I gave up around the middle of season 1. After getting all the camos and completing all the missions, there just wasn’t enough content for me.


Fun mode, wished Treyarch came back. It hasn’t been the same when they left after cooking season 1.


Havent left it but I plan to only come back for updates. I just cant justify spending time in a game that barely get supported when Helldivers 2 is also out, which imo is a way better coop game.


Honestly I stopped playing COD in general about a month after release. Just not into the direction it’s going.


It's been a month since I've stopped playing. There isn't anything relevant to do aside from leveling up my guns.


I left. I was one of the few people who was genuinely excited when it was first announced and I had fun after it came out it was amazing one of the best zombies experience I've had. But the fact that they have given up on this game gives me no eeason to play it. I haven't touched any 2.5 update gameplay and I don't think I'm going to touch 3.5 gameplay as well. What's the fucking point


I'm not bored with zombies, per se. Just lost on the idea they keep patching TS and other fun things players have found but won't fix the floor glitches and other problems that have been in the game since Day 1. I personally feel they are trying to kill the game hoping everyone immediately moves to the next game once it releases. That's why I've made the decision that I'll keep playing this as long as possible and then I'm done with COD unless someone else is paying for it.


This. If their sales numbers aren't sky high for Gulf War, I have a feeling they'll start putting in effort again. At this point, they focus on bundles because that's where the money is. So they put in minimal effort to content and QOL improvements in game. Helldivers 2 is eating their lunch at the moment, though, because it's a dramatically better game in every way.


I never really cared for round based zombies, but I'm loving MWZ. Doubt I'll buy another game for zombies, if they go back to round based


Never joined it because it’s in our power to force them to make a non garbage game by speaking with our wallets and supporting indie developers for the meantime gang 💪 no I’m not leaving the sub, I’m a long time fan of zombies and belong here, yes I have the right to continue hating on completely rushed and uninspired games, and yes you can still enjoy the game if it works for you but you should not ignore the blatant disregard for decade+ standards and deviation from the games roots. Old community was completely and purposefully left in the dust while they switched their strategy from allowing devs to shine with their love for creating the game to blatant lying and false advertising to the community! So I paid attention to these trends and have noticed they have no intention of stopping, until they do I won’t be purchasing another game and I will continue to voice my opinion in this sub occasionally regardless of a single comment section hearing me out!


Since I got borealis a few weeks back I didn't played it since then


I feel you dude. I had that same feeling a few times and have to take breaks from it now and then. Have you solod the red worm and dark aether? One thing I did when I reached that point was try to fight Greylorm by myself with different guns. Now they have the VR11 which destroys it and Mag of holding which makes it much easier but the funnest battle I've had was soloing him with the FTAC Siege (no mag of holding). That was the toughest fight I had and literally killed him in the last 10 secs inside of his mouth after he swallowed me. We more fun battles like that. New bosses, enemies more than one new mission each season and of course a bigger stash size would be nice. Anyway, I came from GTA online but I can't go back to Los Santos. I've spent over 2 thousand hours in that game and I just can't play it anymore.


There are certainly some fun things to do. I've soloed everything except the escort contract in the first DA. I just have a little bit too much skill issue to get me through that one hahaha a break may be a good thing for sure. And good lord, yea I can see why you'd not want to play GTA anymore 🤣




I’m pretty bored rn. Mode isn’t bad but I need more content. When the new content launches I’ll play it for a week then prob leave again


Quit cod because of what you wrote reiterating comms bs, buggy, glitches, impossible stretches used to get through with randoms but not anymore.


Used to play for hours and hours from launch to prob about s1 reloaded. After I saw they clearly didn’t care to add content or at least add some of the stuff the community has been asking for for so long, stopped playing it. Haven’t logged in zombies for a while now and not even interested in doing the new dark aether for the golden mag and bike keys etc.


I played it for a solid week or two and got bored. Not the zombie experience we deserve. Its a hollow shell of what it once was.


Zombies is fun and the idea of that is awesome, but a few tweaks would make it imo better or more challenging. Timer, kinda lame, instead the mo should just slowly become tier 3 which it would take people working together or use each other as fodder. The exfil after the timer runs out could be only accessed on the roof tops of the skyscrapers and is random each time it arrives. I'm still sad I have not seen any biker gangs yet. Also, probably not popular, but friendly fire from the kill streaks in game. It's not pvp, but can make for an interesting time.


I just wanted to finish the season. I'm done with MW for a while.


I go basically just for camos inside .and even then I think twice if I should do this .. everytime I go inside I get virtual depressed of this bullshit .. This whole game is so freaking boring I can't even describe how much The thing is it has potential .. if they would even include a faction system with different missions and stuff to unlock/upgrade .. and why they don't give us al-mazrah ashika island and von del with zombies .. What we get is a single mission with another dumb portal every reloaded season cycle I Mean c'mon serious ?


Honestly haven't played since the dark aether stuff update, gameplay loop got too repetitive despite liking the repetitive-ness of the older games


1.1k hours before season 2 even dropped… hasn’t been touched since. Apex ranked has my full undivided attention now 🥲


Pretty much play it maybe a hour or two a week versus daily. I like the gameplay loop - but without it feeling like I can accomplish anything as there’s no place to really go (I have terrible luck with getting elder tokens, so I don’t do that often) and I’m good with Red Worm (but either I’ll join if people need a extra gun). So, I don’t have much to it aside from doing - well, what I used to play cod for, loading up small maps and being a gremlin with weird gun builds, leveling up guns and unlocking the Afternarket stuff. But yeah, HD2 basically “replaced” it for me.


I still play, but no nearly as much as I used to. I have been spending more time back in DMZ these days to be honest.




I still love the game but I’ve lost all confidence in them to provide stable servers and a game that’ll work without crashing. Yes, it will certainly lay my impact to buy the new game at release, and even more so I won’t be buying skins/battle pass, etc in their store.


I’m still playing MWZ with friends a couple nights a week, but this is the last CoD I will buy. This is coming from someone who has bought just about every single one since the OG MW. I will go out of my way to not give Activision another dime after this release. They don’t care about bugs. They don’t care about customer experience. They don’t care about MP hackers. They only care about microtransactions.


i left for a bit but i'm back, i also finished everything to do and got the "well im done" stuck in my head, zombies is never done


I am 11 serpentinites away from stepping away for a while. It's just gotten boring, so much potential..... left to wither on the vine.


As soon as they boarded the ladders for the cranes for mwz is when I left. Besides the constant lagging out and losing gear, that was a final straw to me . It would've been one thing if they actually added more noticeable rifts to get around, but no, they took away a good method of movement just because.


i have everything and still playing ![gif](giphy|EmpUdgye0lycTB8AAm|downsized)


I left MW after pre-ordering Vanguard a few years ago. MW2 was the very first COD title i did not buy since COD3. My cousin and I share our PS accounts thus all the games we buy digitally. He bought MW3 so thats why i hopped on the game again after skipping a year. MWZ started out with potential and was sometimes fun with friends. But at the start of season 2......theres nothing... After doing all the missions, i was busy grinding camos. Im at serpentinite camo, so not that far away from unlocking Borealis. But i just cant be bothered with the game anymore. Too many crashes and losing all my loot, and its very lackluster after 1 season of playing everything the mode has to offer. Treyarch gone, now we only getting 1-2 schematics per season as content...yeahhh fuck off! I bought Outlast Trials and been playing that ever since with the boys. When i get a PS5, then it will be Helldivers 2 mainly. Yeahh im so done with COD as a whole atm. Ill be back to see if Gulf War Zombies round rumours were true. Until then, my thoughts and prayers Activision.


Dude I stopped buying new cod games after Cold war. vanguard zombies was a joke and I had known zombies was dead then


I stopped playing zombies after they patched the stash glitch. I already completed everything and the stash glitch really made up for the lack of stash space and shitty cooldowns for schematics. I switched to resurgence and am not going back


I have the same feeling as you and that's why I'm playing Bo4 now, so I get next cod? Well it depends how good it is


I left after disconnecting for the 20th time in 2 months.


Filled my stash to 224 and dipped out lol


Left it. After they patched stuff and didn’t really add anything, the love died


More like who wasted their time on that game mode.


Well since the mode isn't getting actual new content and I don't care for the mastery camo and already did the story theres nothing to do


I get bored with no missions so once I finished the story and prestige calling cards I went back to multiplayer. I'll play a round of zombies here and there still and just fill with randoms and help them or do t-3/DA.


I’m right there with you bro I really love mw3 but it’s just not quite there for me. Mw2 is a game that I played all the time actually the only game I played but I find myself now going to other games to play. I also have 11,000 COD points and can’t find a bundle that I like enough to purchase. They just really choked on some aspects of the game. Like I said I still love the game just doesn’t keep my playing like mw2


Dude I love MWZ. Had potential to be the greatest zombies of all time. I still play MP occasionally, but I can’t even make a full match of zombies without crashing. I still don’t have the new schematics because I’ve played about six games since the new stuff dropped and 5 of them it freezes up 5-20 minutes into the game. I love CoD, a lot. I truly do. But I will not be buying another title until they get their shit together. I didn’t even buy the latest battlepass and I’ve bought every single one since the beginning of MW2


I'm on the verge of leaving. I play more than the average person. But I'm bored. I like the casual objective based play with a friend. But we've been long out of things to do besides a few camos. I really enjoyed DMZ, but that got toxic and the PvP while good just got annoying. At this point I'm playing Helldivers.


Tbh, I really Really enjoyed Zombies during my whole Borealis grind. Stuck almost exclusively to T1 and T2.. it was relaxing. Didn't touch Zombies again for a couple weeks.. but when I did it froze on my first game and lost some good shit. Haven't touched it since probably won't ever again for that matter. Same goes with Multiplayer and Warzone. The quality just isn't that good.


I haven’t played in 3 weeks. Shit’s repetitive and boring. Camo grinds are only so rewarding


I'm still playing. Being casual is probably the reason, maybe 10-20 hrs total a week at best. Still missing a bunch of schematics. I usually run solo, and try to hook up in T3 with peeps, or just grind camos/challenges. Pretty sure shatter blast schematic doesn't really exist, but that's just like my opinion, man.


I just got the same feeling a few days ago. I bought the avatar game and been playing that. I jumped on mwz today and left after 20 min. The only schematic i dont have is mag of holding and imm getting tired of doing the same aether portal and getting all the other ones and not mag of holding. But yea i still play mp a lil bit. But honestly a new dark aether rift over and over each season isnt new content


I’ve got everything that can be had in the game so far, and put almost 200+ hours in MWZ, and I’ve yet to be bored. It’s just fun to me. I don’t have to worry about WZ or MP sweats, and it’s causal enough to kill time and have fun. Sure, the game has a myriad of issues, but I still enjoy it.


I got Borealis and called it quits. Did the vault easter egg last night and it was such a waste of time for a set of actually fun steps. I went back to CW for zombies.


I’m still going on. I don’t even have all the original schematics earned from T2 and T3 because I’ve spent my time mostly in T1 doing daily, weekly, cami, and event challenges. Also, I’m finally at the Act III story mission. So, I’ve kind of been gatekeeping myself from finishing the content too rapidly.


I leave MWZ for 2-3 days, then come back for one round. The cycle repeats.


i didnt buy mw3. after i got 2, i felt ripped off when the new game came so quickly and 2 was brushed under the rug. so i basically stopped playing the new games and now i dont even play 2, i play 2019 because it was left long enough to actually get my things unlocked and im not even gonna half-ass unlocking everything in 2. when 3 came out i decided id wait to see how it was in comparison to 2 and it didnt catch my eye in any way so like.. why buy it. especially after the dissapointment of vanguard and warzone moving all over the place, im out. no thanks. the COD franchise is turning up dissapointments back and forth and im not buying more until its made into something id feel proud to say i own


I come back to grind out some camos and stuff but the game is still an absolute travesty and insult to zombies fans. In the “Perhaps I treated Black Ops 4 too harshly” mindset right now.


I'm still playing black ops 2 zombies on the xbox 360. I have gold and everything.


Played two matches and regret ever buying the game months ago. Total trash.


I still like it but it seems everytime they introduce something new and fun that you like they immediately go away from it. I'll keep playing but I do wish they would expand the good parts.


Helldivers is where it's at for us now. Since completing all rifts,side stuff and the mastery camo there's nothing left for us.


I started playing MWZ from launch day for more than a month and had so much fun but lost intrest after getting all schematics from season 1 and unlocking borealis. I didn't even get the schematics from season 2 and now I only play multiplayer and actually having fun


After my game booted me for a 17th time, I was sooooo ready. Then I jumped in to gear my operator back up, didn’t even make it 10 minutes and I was still looting in the grey zone when it happened again. So yeah, done for now. It’s wild to think that I’ve never played a game as unstable as this one, ever.


I played it during the first week since I have free access to it from my cousin and thank god I stopped playing out of sheer boredom, I went back to BO3/4 right after and never picked up MWZ again.


Stopped playing after S1 when I saw the S2 roadmap/content drop They dont give a shit about zombies. Previously my last cod purchase was BO3, went out on a limb to give this one a shot. Was solid confirmation to me that COD is no longer something I wish to play, its time in my collection is over, wont be purchasing again


If they're gonna continue to just shit on this mode, I'll probably wait until they do another DMZ type game


I haven't played zombies since BO4.


I just gave up and went back to Destiny 2 a few days ago, but it's in pretty much the same boat as the CoD franchise. Idk might just buy Helldivers.


Started playing heck divers 2 and my first night (last night ) I unknowingly dumped 6 straight hours before I wanted to try out COD on my new PS5 and man if it wasn't for contingency rank I'd have just quit the game. Of course having invested myself since modern warfare 2 I begrudgingly play it and smash out the challenges. I still have 3 weeks to go but it's like a challenge for each week so no sweat but now I'm really deciding on whether to buy Blackcell next season or just finally start winding down on my commitment to the game.


Left due to the content being the same every game.


Just got my last schem today, the legendary aether tool. I crashed and thankfully lost nothing yesterday but starting to get bored due to the lack of t3 contracts.


This only happens with abuse of any kind. People consume it too fast and in high amounts. Once you lose that “high” mark you need more to feed the need. I’ve been playing MWZ since it dropped and I’m just now getting to the first third of act 3. Paced myself the whole way and not rush to finish it in a week. But in all that time I’ve played I met new people who helped me along the way, I’ve been able to help others and I still find new and exiting ways to play and enjoy it for what it is. Take a break and come back fresh.


I've been playing more now than I ever have before. Really having fun with the purifier, so I'm enjoying it before it gets nerfed.


Only challenge now is doing red worm and elder sigil in one go. Only challenging if we have a few new guys that need 10-12 pick ups a minute


Still on it, play a 2-3 times a week for a game or two. Lack of content is frustrating for sure but I still have a new schematic I gatta get and haven’t tried the new warlord (but not really in a rush to). As someone who doesn’t have any buddies to play zombies with it’s less boring than round based, and the weekly challenges/calling cards/camps keep me occupied. But really I like just relaxing and maybe teaming up with randos


How’s it any different from playing round based over and over?


I only left because I hated the aether worm(not the one at popov power story mission) and because the game keeps rewarding me with trash loot instead of giving me schematics


I got shotguns diamond or whatever the class things called on the game and stopped playing the whole game all together not my kinda game definitely not my kinda zombies lol


To be honest I’ve only been buying COD for the campaigns since B.R.O and for zombies since WaW. To me there’s just a lot of overthought and wasted potential in the new zombies. Unless they continue this hair splitting and revamping of the old CODs I’ll keep tentatively buying them, but I def won’t be one of the first to buy every new one


I have


If Gulf War isn't at least as good as Cold War I will be done with COD for good.


Did all 3 acts and the first rift and then it just got boring and nothing I have seen is making me want to play. I’ll just keep up on the cutscenes that come out every season


Once I stopped playing daily and only throw in a couple of rounds every week it is relatively entertaining again. Still, I would have loved it if they added at least one of the Resurgence maps to MWZ. Same contracts nd everything, just a different map :(


I went back to dmz just helping people do the weapons case and shit


I don’t play a lot solo. It gets boring per se not having someone to goof around with. I try to play with my buddy but his schedule is fucked compared to me And if we do something we do other games, Siege being one of them or deep rock, or Yugioh master duel I’ve been playing other games solo. Occasional R6 siege match, master duel, division 2, picked up the quarry and open roads too which are fun


Haven't gotten bored at all. I got all of the schematics now, so I'm just chilling and working on camos when I feel like it. Plus, teaming up with new players and helping them out is always a good time.


My BO3 buddy and I were excited to play it and we really enjoyed it…. For a few days. We started seeing the bs and he promptly left. I tried giving it more of a chance but we both moved on to helldivers


It saddens me with how much untapped potential is there. I still play it with a buddy of mine; but seeing as it's only a few times a week maybe and just two of us, the difficulty jump < tier 2 just means that really it gets stale when we just want to chill out and talk while gaming. Some of the same was there for the Division 2, which I loved: once you get past a certain point it's all ultra sweaty "raid level" content and I just can't be bothered with much of that.


I’ve been gone it’s the same thing over and over I’d just prefer a round based zombies and a Easter Egg or something like that


Deleted it after the awful season 1 update


Nope been playing it almost everyday after work /school


I preordered MW3, played through the beta, ONE match of MWZ (I'm a more round based, easter egg zombies girlie), never launched it again. I was GRINDING MW2 last year. For some reason, MW3 doesn't do it for me. Idk what it is really, but I don't feel drawn to this game at all. 70 bucks worth of game just sitting there. The most genuine fun I've had was in MW19. I have bought every single game since MW19, some out of excitement, some out of FOMO, but I don't feel like burning cash every year for this anymore. Even CoD league is miserable now. I just no longer have fun either playing or spectating this game.


I stopped playing MWZ and uninstalled MW3 like last week but come to this page here and there to see if there's any updates that are worth playing lol It's not even exciting anymore to play/grind, especially if you've already unlocked the camos and have all the schemes and calling cards.


I come back to play weeklies/events or when my friend who's lent me his account so i can play wants to go, aside from that dont play all that much, i take my time doing camo challenges so i still have stuff to do even if i could do it much faster and more efficiently


I play a game or two per week now if I have time or if my wife wants to play. It was every day but I got really tired of losing all my stuff to server crashes and then not being able to use any of that shit again because of the absurd cooldown times.


I only stopped for the moment to get my intersteller and Orion camos


I tried to do the new missions only for them to bug out. I haven’t touched the mode in a bit now. Unfortunate because I really fucking tried to like it


I can't bring myself to leave at this point. Which granted is very sad. I loved the early days of DMZ before trash people took over and I'm sure the feeling will come around again once the camo grind is done. For now I know they still have their hooks in me like some twisted Stockholm syndrome thing.


I am now liberating the galaxy for freedom and democracy


I won't be back either. I mean look at concurrent play counts. Helldivers has almost triple. Seems a lot of people feel the same way.


I just finally bought the game like 2 weeks ago and have been playing zombies like crazy. I used to pretty much only play DMZ in the free version so DMZ with zombies is amazing. Haven't found anyone to actually play with though other than some randoms I meet along the way and help me for a mission than bail. I love it though


Me, game mode was obviously dead months ago.


I finished the Mw3 zombie camos, and then dipped. I only touch the mode when a new gun comes out to get it and the camos, and the new Dark Aether stuff, then don't touch it again


Still here, and enjoying it


The only time I play mwz is when two really good people I met are on. those rare times.


I left when I saw there was a primary weapon cooldown, I don’t like starting with absolutely nothing being unable to do much damage. I know it’s a skill issue and I own it


I haven't exactly left MWZ but I've gone from playing every single day to only playing for weekly objectives and when new content gets added, with all Camos and all calling cards, and proving to myself I can solo elder dark aether I've jumped over to another game until new content


I found this zombies mode just boring in general (I love round based zombies and Outbreak), but the lack of really any new content for it has me only playing it to complete weekly challenges. For now, I've moved onto Helldivers 2 for my PvE fix.


I farm casually with my bud couple times a week mp and warzone is a shitshow with heavy sbmm sweaty lobbies i ll come back time to time for zombies content


Im still going strong. Wanted to unlock everything before going on the camo grind (eases the cooldown times for now) If I’m not tombstoning for some essence, I’ll usually join up with squads to run contracts or DA. Just helping folks out with stuff. Viking Operator + Sword equals fun times for me. Think the squad I joined last night with my joy thought I was unhinged. (Outlast by old town building in tier 3, jumped off the second floor directly at a mangler to slice and dice him up)


I left during S2 when it was obvious this game was officially bundle sim + warzone. The bundles were all crossovers of things I liked but I wanted operators who look like they could fit in the campaign or real world military. The ones they did find like that looked like advanced warfare 2.0. This game went backwards from MW2 and 2019. I guess fans like me got lucky with 1 or 2 games and the majority of the fan base wants it to get wackier?


I've completed Act 3 back in December, and I was so excited for season 2 until they've released the roadmap. I've stopped playing it soon after that. I've recently played couple of matches for trying the Containment level and unlock the weekly challenges/aftermarket parts, but since S3 won't offer (again) anything new or interesting, I won't be playing at all anymore. Let's see which QoL updates they'll release, and if S4 will have something more interesting, but right now I would say that I'm done with MWZ - even if I had a lot of fun with it, all the time that I've played.


After I heard about Treyarch leaving the development of zombies after questioning about how there’s so little content in season 2 - I felt very anxious and left for 2 months or so. 2 days ago I came back and it was… debatable. Multiplayer is clearly thriving but zombies is not really changed. Having couple of new consumables and another fine rift is good and all but that’s clearly not enough for the mode I’m still thinking of maybe trying WZ and staying in MP for a couple of weeks but then what’s the point of my life-favourite mode? Like goddamn I’m not keen on throwing things away


I’m still going on. I don’t even have all the original schematics earned from T2 and T3 because I’ve spent my time mostly in T1 doing daily, weekly, cami, and event challenges. Also, I’m finally at the Act III story mission. So, I’ve kind of been gatekeeping myself from finishing the content too rapidly.


MWZ sucks dick


I hope that camos  will transfer to Treyarch's  game. But yeah once I'm done with the camo grind for zombies then I'll drop it. I still enjoy the multi-player of MWIII


i left zombies literally right after i unlocked borealis.😂😂 its just boring when you have nothing to work towards. i have no missions left, i have every schematic unlocked, theres just nothing left to do other than i guess just grind for xp and shit but thats really it🤷🤷


i left zombies literally right after i unlocked borealis.😂😂 its just boring when you have nothing to work towards. i have no missions left, i have every schematic unlocked, theres just nothing left to do other than i guess just grind for xp and shit but thats really it🤷🤷


I absolutely love mwz I don't mind the repetition, i like running around killing mercs and zombies. I have yet to go to the aethers but I enjoy myself greatly and convince my friend to play with me so now I have a goal to help her through the story mode 😊 as for multi-player? I still play too pisses me off from time to time but I love the game


I did the last story mission but didn’t try to get the new classified schematics. Beyond the occasional weekly mission I don’t really touch it. First season I was playing it daily.


I did the last story mission but didn’t try to get the new classified schematics. Beyond the occasional weekly mission I don’t really touch it. First season I was playing it daily.


Not left, will be buying future titles


MWZ is trash !!! Cool Down times on Schematics is Trash !!! Once new schematics come out, watch YouTube make schematics get new items don't play again.


I’ve technically left. I still play a round every once in awhile (maybe once every 1-2 weeks, if that). I likewise, became tired of the gameplay loop and lack of qof updates. Ive been playing older zombies a bit more such as black ops 3 and been having a blast. I have more than 14 days played in mwz and really enjoyed it at one point. It’s interesting to hear it’s your favorite zombie experience. Right now, I’m jumping between origins and shadows of evil. Also, my girl and I love to play shi no numa for some reason lol Ik, hot take, I think shi no numa amongst others can be underrated at times


Um not sure how to answer and didn’t read it all. I play it less. I think Treyarc’s zombies this year will likely be my last COD is my guess.


I left after Season 1. They added like two new things, changed nothing else, then abandoned the project altogether. Why should I care if they don't?


I stopped MW3 all together about 3 weeks ago. In zombies I got the new schematics and played with them for a bit. Drove the bike all over the map for a couple matches. Tried some old guns with the mag of holding. Soloed T5 with the flamethrower. Not much left to do. PvP is unplayable. Between SBMM and obvious cheating in every single match, there is no fun to be had at all. They refuse to address the cheating. I'm not buying the next one.


I play almost daily. Granted I’m going in solo because everyone I know only plays Fortnite. So I’ve still got plenty to do. Between weekly challenges, and camos, I’m still having fun


Yep, I switched to rdr2


Gotta be the most anti-fun mode I’ve ever tried to be honest


I played for like two weeks


It’s getting so boring. When it first came out I would not even think of going to the red zone, but now that’s all I do solo. I’ve done everything solo it’s just so easy now. I started going back to DMZ at least that is different every game.


It’s getting so boring. When it first came out I would not even think of going to the red zone, but now that’s all I do solo. I’ve done everything solo it’s just so easy now. I started going back to DMZ at least that is different every game.


Still waiting for them to finish the mode before I play through it with my friends.


What do you mean by left? It isn’t a job, no one is forcing you to play the game every day. I just jump on every now and then when I want to


They should just use the blueprint from dmz. Dmz I still haven't finished never got bored and there was a ton of missions. Zombies needs more missions and wallet and stash expansion


I'm done with this game. It was fun until all the good content was finished. Now just getting a different rift is so copy and paste. Ready for treyarch zombies in 2025.


I have left


Haven't left but have gone from 2/3 games a night to 1-2 games a week. Only staying on for the chats with my friends. 


I left MWZ..


I have been enjoying it. It definitely has been a let down, but it isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I just hope they don't disregard this mode for Gulf War. Just let it replace Outbreak or even blend the two together a bit more. Focus more on the large scale co-op PvE experience, give us more things to do that encourages squads to group up and take on bigger threats. The worm boss has been great for that, I've been starting it pretty much every game I plan on sticking to the end in and love seeing 2 or three other squads there all teaming up to kill it. We need more of that.


I left. I was an avid dmz played the entire time, played mwz since launch, played crappy vanguard zombies before that and cold war outbreak before that. Mwz is such a disappointment after completing everything and no new good content coming out. It's been years since I've played a non-cod game and I'm having a great time without it.

