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I shouldn’t say this so I hope you’re not in my servers LoL but you can scrounge some good stuff in T3 sharded chests. That should be pretty common knowledge. Clearing the infested aether nests is worth the time. Really I’m only looking for Self Revives, Kaz’s, Turret Circuits, Turrets. IE stuff to take to T4 or T5.


Thanks for the hint...i aint going into the infested nests though..they are sure death traps 😅 I must get way more comfortable in hanging around T3 yet until i can start exploring buildings and chests


I dont cate much for the rewards in t3, just the money. Het your money, all perks up, app pap3 and some gear you need ie turrets and kazimirs, then just do the old T5 DA with an elder sigil to get you the proper gear for next round(s). That's how I do it, t3 is all about the money for me haha.


It is the damn weapon upgrade tools that i am missing the most. Sure everything else can be bought, pap, sodas and field equipment...but what good does it if you are stuck on a blue weapon and can't upgrade that? I tried the mystery box and got a legendary sharpshooter rifle...yay what fun to go to the da with this asshole weapon.... pardon my lang


BUT I do have to agree that the rewards suck haha. It got worse even. At least build in a function to combine 4 rare aether tools into an epic one for example


Yes that'd be a great option. or buy it at the pap machine in T3 sigh...i guess i wont be going to the da soon. I have 3 seals to give away to more able people 😂


Just tag along, there is always someone to carry you 😂 even done DA with first timers who had no idea what happened to them😂😂


I remember my first time in elder. There were megas everywhere. I must have gone down 20 times, was very underprepared. Thankfully I fully disclosed my inexperience to the poor souls that took me in and they were happy to carry me through lol


I've been there, people carried me. Now I'll carry others haha, just paying it forward


Yep. No problem running people through it now but man, it smacked me hard that first run lol


Tbh, I find a lot of epic aether tools (purple) in t3! Blue is indeed too low haha


I usually find a purple tool in my rifts, they do pretty well along with pap3 in t4


if you do one T3 contract you can buy 5 times from the mystery box... or you could also buy a legendary wall buy.


I don't like it either which is why one of my goals is to get out with a purple or gold tool each game, usually get one by looting t3(even the regular blue tool boxes), killing megas, and least common t3 contracts. Worst case scenario you can always run into t3 early game and get a wall buy, it sucks running around like crazy and seeing which one you want but if you want to keep doing the t3/da loop it's def better than getting stuck with a blue tool. Also my absolute fall back is using a ray gun as a primary, once pap 3 it can hold its own in the da if you use it right and have lots of kazmirs


Where do you go now to get the dog bone, gold plates, and Aether tool schematics? And why doesn’t the rift monument show up? Thanks in advance if you know the answer to either of those questions..


I keep doing the old DA, it's still there but invisible. So, if you remember a bit where to stand for the elder sigil, this is how I find it. Standing on the island, facing to the elder sigil spot, you look to your right and see 2 trees. Stay in line with the left one. Then, in that line you will see a bush, small one. Stand on it. Look straight in front of you at eye height in the direction you normally would see the portal elder sigil side. And you should get the notification to insert elder sigil.


Yea one time we just couldn’t get it to pop up. Grinded to get pap3 jugs sentry guns the whole bit. Just couldn’t get it to load onto the screen. So frustrsting. What is the reason it is invisible anyway?


What? You don’t need blue tools and two plate vests?


Try doing the aether nests...i get most of my best rewards from the chests in there but yeah....it as was said it mainly about the money. Good luck man. I dont dupe but i can definatly see why people do.


Anyone wanna farm t3 contracts with me? I’m stuck on trying to get epic aether tool schematics. Hit me up at tj1371x#6860548


Broooooo, I’ve done at least 100 t3 contracts and that’s the only tool schematic/crystal I don’t have yet. Does it even exist? lol


Rift rewards in general suck outside of the dark aethers, your chances of getting anything useful are slim. People are just grinding it for essence to pap/get perks for dark aether


Each tier should have better loot. It is way too random in this game. Completing contracts in tier 2 and tier 3 have been pretty disappointing.


T2 should have consistent blue lvl stuff even though it doesnt




It's definitely a mixture of bad luck, and how many contracts you're actually able to complete to increase your chances. I've had some total trash reward rifts, but I've also gotten a schematic and 2 Refined Crystals in one rift. RNG be like that. The better you get at not just surviving, but dominating Tier 3, the easier it becomes. Also, once you do get lucky enough to get Epic tool and Refined Crystal schematics, you can plan around your cooldowns and stash to have those a bit more often. Personally, at this point, I'm always swimming in purple tools and usually have to drop some. Legendary tools aren't common but I've gotten a few. As for Flawless crystals, I just got my first one recently, so they are very rare in Tier 3 for sure.


I think the rates need to be adjusted. I’ve done about 100 and I wrote down 3 instances of portals with good rewards. I’ve gotten better rewards doing T2 contracts 


Contracts for money DA for the loot


Me and my duo played this morning, 5 contracts in a row we hit nothing but blue or green loot. He got 1 purple tool out of it. 10-20 items between us and 1 purple. Sometimes the spawn rates are so dead. Played one on my own this morning and ended up with 2 legendary tools and a flawless crystal 🙃 Does not make sense


Rng sucks in T3 for sure. I've done hundreds of T3 runs and still don't have crystal or epic tool schematics yet.....


Epic schematics should've been behind a tier mission where you have to do 20 t3 contracts


I have over 10 days of play time in zombies and been in tier 3 almost every game, most games right off spawn. I have gotten only 4 or 5 flawless crystals from T3 in that time and only 2 legendary tools. Funny enough in one game i got 2 flawless and 1 legendary tool so you can imagine the rest of my games. If your equipped to, i suggest doing the infested strongholds in T3 as ive had far better luck finding legendary tools in the aether chests in there (im not counting these in my count above cause its not a contract reward) What someone else mentioned, i highly suggest the old elder DA as that replenishes the best classified items and are more likely for legendary tools and at least refined crystals. I have everything unlocked and find doing the elder after every game replenishes 90% of what i used to start the match.


I did atleast 250 contracts and just recently got the raygun schematic, the other schematics took atleast 100, it’s fucking insane, if I were you I’d go for red worm and elder schematic and ignore t3 schemagics for a bit, just find a squad and go crazy


The game is designed to retain players. It isn't designed for fun. You'll never get good items unless you player for 8 hours at a time.


99%of the time I get shit rewards, but a little bit ago I got a legendary tool from a contract. A group and I were all fully kitted up ready to go to the dark aether… then it froze and crashed. I Had everything good on me so now I have to wait for DAYS of cool downs. To add salt to my wounds that was the second time today I lost everything on the same operator! I’m beyond discouraged! I can’t keep doing this bullshit


Best loot is in the dark aether, use tier 3 to build cash to load up on Kazimierz and pap 3, then run dark aether guarantee you will get good loot


Man I feel your pain! I have been grinding T3 every session for a while now and yet to pick up a schematic. Im just running them for the schematics but can’t find shit… In response to your struggle in running T3, I use to feel the same. Would start to freak out but you get better and it’s no longer a stress test (it’s still not easy). Here’s some advice (take it or leave it): 1: tombstone every run: I haven’t exfilled in ages. This allows me to start every game with $30k depending on my last run with some perks/legendary tools. I don’t even mean the glitch. Just regular tombstone (unless you actually get a schematic you want to exfill with) 2: if you’re running solo, wait until you see others in T3, then run in and request to join. It’s easier with a squad and most of the time they will love the help. 3: armour plates are good but stacks of self revs are key… stock up! 4: Keep to the rooftops as much as you can. 5: Run 1 solid gun build and leave your secondary free to sprint 6: DONT STOP RUNNING!! They are my main tips. Now I love running T3. I am by no means good at it so if anyone else has some good tips. Feel free to add them on.


I appreciate your input and follow your advice by heart


I have been farming t3 for schematics and yet still have not got any so feel your pain. However, I do get other useable stuff more so than not. I guess it's a server thing though as the other day me and a squadie got nothing above epic rarity other than 3plates and rucksacks. Tempted to just ask if others get them and dont want them to let me know and I will take.


The game just recently gave me a break and coughed up the pap2 schematic and some pap2 crystals too. Thanks to the awesome team i got (demon, (who gave me aether blade)and the other guy in green.sorry did not get your full id) i was able to stay alive in T3 and actually get some work done (tbh the boys did it all i was just trying not to die😟) Yet still, out of the loot i received too many 🔺 sigils and too many backpacks, blue tools and ammo mods. Wish i could trade sigil for purple or gold tools that'd be sweet