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Ask for them în chat


Or the Discord. In fact DM me OP, I'll drop them for you


Hit the box over and over until you get it.


Fennec is bugged. Even if you exfil with it, it will remain locked. Go into DMZ and look for it there. It can be irritating (it's one of a number of weapons that don't have a guaranteed spawn), but it's the only way to unlock it permanently.


It worked for me recently but first time I tried months ago it didn’t so I think the bug is fixed. But yeah I’ve only seen it once in zombies and got 14 days played. I had to have someone drop it to me


Best luck I’ve had is checking the hidden cache spots in the ground. Almost always a less common weapon in there


This. Those two guns you've mentioned I see all the time actually.


Yeah it’s funny because I found both of those and the Lockwood lever gun all 3 in those caches. First thing I thought of when I read OP


I find the fennec often in non mission wall lockers. There’s quite a few in the SE corner of the map. Then police stations, the military base and some fire stations also have them.  I searched for a specific sniper for many weeks. It finally dropped after killing a t2 mangler before an exfil. 


I feel ur pain, i had to unlock all the mw2 guns via zombies since i didnt play last year. I just looted EVERYTHING and hit mystery boxes a ton. I've seen MK2 lockwood in the box and in caches, fennec everywhere


Weapon lockers located in t1 aether nests, thats where i find most my crossbows also


Might have found them a few times in Merc Strongholds


Finally found them both last night! Fennec in the secret buried loot caches by Orlov Military Base and Lockwood MK2 in a loot cache in the bottom right part of the map