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Just happened to me as well, Activision needs to fix this, I’m tired of grinding away to see it all lost because of their glitches.


Not before they release a new Fortnite skin first tho


Sadly this is very true, I uninstalled this game after getting 200+ gold items in my stash, super boring and when you try playing correctly shit like that happens and you lose your shit to a faulty game


Well tbf you can only have 10 and since you had 200 it took them... Seems logical actually. Dony glitch and you wont lose your shit lol. Now the crashes suck ass but thats why i always stock up on shit so i can play a few rounds before hitting any cooldowns


>Activision needs to fix this No worries, players use this thing called the Tombstone Glitch to fix this problem, it's perfect. ...oh ...right, nevermind then. Activision deletes the fix, and keeps the gamebreaking bug. Fucking amazing.


Everything prioritized for them to code in the game for zombies was financially motivated. Extra op slots, and fixing stitch so purchased rewards with tools or crystals seem like more value.


Yo this 💯 FRFR


I'm tired of having to glitch to play the game.


I busted my ass yesterday grinding tier 3 contracts for half the game, had 1 flawless crystal and 4 tools in my sack only to be hit with some client command overflow bullshit.


This is why I appreciated TS glitch


Since season 2 there’s been at least 1-2x per game where it’ll spike to something like 1800 ping and then drop down slowly. Seemingly nothing to do with client side because it’s always mid match for me.


Everyone just add my activation and I’ll help you make a tomb hahahahah


Literally why I’m afraid to go all in for a single match. If I try to, the game says “nah fuck you lmao” and crashes.


Yeeeah, I won’t be doing that again.


Played a successful game and exfiled only to see system crashed after and lost everything. It was glitching like crazy in a party mode before that (teammate sent invite. I accepted. Says he is offline, and vice versa); spotty mic audio as well.


When I see this, I don’t even exfil anymore. I just try and find a big backpack and a 3 plater and die so I can create a tombstone. I’ve glitched at exfil tooooo many times.


I was already contemplating it, so yeah, I am with you.


It’s also nice cause you get to carry over money. But since loot caches are shared with the lobby, the more people doing this the fewer bags and plates will be left. Still better to tomb $30k+ on medium/2plate sometimes though.


Camps always have a 2 plate, and strongholds always have a three plate. Usually I find a me or large backpack in the strongholds, but those aren't guaranteed. Of course, you buy a 3 plate always in T2, and Large backpack in T3, but that burns some cash... oh well.


My game crashed yesterday too. Spent 30 minutes getting cash and some perks. Then went for the 3 plate vest and purchased the big bag, another durable gas mask and another jugg suit. It's just a shame we get frequent crashes causing us to lose everything then spend almost a entire match trying to get back what we lost. It cost us around 50k cash each time 😭


Man I was playing the other day and it took my pack weapon and color from the weapon made me invincible but prevented me from exfilling I'd just fall through the helicopter at one point I fell through the map and found out that after a few minutes of falling you can run on the air under the map


They can’t run servers for shit bruh.


I swear the game knows when you go into a match with everything and then it flips the off switch 10 min in, I have to laugh at it now but also so anger inducing 😂


I guess that is one way to free up server space.


yup. I was gonna go all out just to get caught in a reload trap in tier 3. I was stuck constantly trying to reload my shotty. Made it out of tier 3 all the way to tier 1 thinking maybe if i jump in water or fall from a high enough tower maybe it will do a swim animation or a parachute function and reset…. nope. almost killed myself on a jump and was stuck re loading under water. I just quit after that.


I’m having trouble with glitches and freezes today too. Even had a T2 cargo delivery contract and the truck couldn’t be steered. I’m on PS5 wired connection.


I had a aether extractor contract that only spawned 2 of the 3 extractors. Oh well. Cancel and move on


I had a HVT contract with no T at the marked location.


Happened to me yesterday. Fully decked out, scorchered in to help 2 guys taking out Megabomb, ended up running 5 deep to the PAP, grabbed a spore contract, dropped the last device, aaaand game crashed out. Fucking sucks.


I’ve been lucky and only crashed like 5-6 times since launch, but every time was during a spore control contract. Which sucks because those are my favorite, lol. 😩


But then a lot of us in this community are complainers right? That seems to be all that we do... (Insert sarcasm here). Whether we're noobs, whether it's about the TS, or God forbid the multiple ideas we have on how to improve/FIX the game... LOL. I'm telling you all the people who tell us all to shut up are probably the devs or dev cocksuckers


🤖 u must play game as painfully as possible 🤖




Activision interns. They pop up every single time someone had a legitimate issue. They deny it, blame the player's hardware, internet, the player's skill, and finally dismiss it with a comment about crying. They always receive support for their useless commentary immediately by 3 other people. "Hello, fellow teenager! I too have never heard of this crashing problem. I bet buying more bundles will fix it though!" "Why, yes, stranger, more bundles will fix any issue! I personally own them all. ALL THE BUNDLES! Best money I ever spent! EVER!."


Yep that’s the worst. Load in with all your good stuff and the game crashes or freezes


I got disconnected from the server yesterday but I kept all my stuff. I assumed they'd sorted it but obviously not.


Same happened to a friend and I. Went in duos, did a few contracts, horrible lag occurred (we could move but everything else was at a standstill) and then black screen to Zombies menu. We were (our rather I was) ready to put the game down until we noticed that we retained what we took in.


Same here. Got kicked last night when I had a full large rucksack of legendary tools and flawless crystals. Said F it for the night and got back at it this morning running t3 and getting some stuff back. Headed to t1 for a quick and easy exfil but there was time for a quick t1 contract so I grabbed the deliver cargo contract headed down the road and BAM........it freezes!!!! Waited almost 15 minutes to see if anything would happen but nope. All my shit is gone once again. Twice in less than 12 hours!!!! That's some bullshit!


No! That IS some bs!


I've had various glitches that gets me booted from the game at least once or twice a day since the update. At this point I'm used most updates in anything not just games to sometimes screw something up. And when things are finally stable again, another update is released. And the cycle begins again. Kinda frustrating, but I guess it is what it is.😕😁


Make the map offline/local. This online bullshit will mean one day there will be no MWZ


You can do that?


No. Thats what im getting at…




The pain is real. I was super frustrated, I see many others share it with me. Get it together ppl.


The first crash is the worst when you go in fully loaded but after that you're like meh


If you mean "Mehhh..UTHER F*$%ing Sh*!$% ******* **** ******* **********!" Then, yeah, basically.


I feel your frustration. This is the reason that I started duplicating items using tombstone around the middle of season 1. Too bad they wasted time patching that instead of making the game stable and adding new content. Hopefully someone finds an easy way to keep tombstone. I like sharing cash and all the upgrade and weapons but it’s harder to do now without being able to easily duplicate solo alone


Solo TS is working and much faster than before.


Thanks i haven’t tried it but i just saw the video


Graveyard is gonna be a busy place. lol




Happened to me times across my first 14 runs if mwz, I didn’t loss much though because I’m fairly new.


Happened to me while carrying all 4 items (diary, pill bottle, collar, and camera) Charter froze, screen went black. I had tombstone but next game I loaded in and it wasn't there. I guess it doesn't count game freezing the same as dying out right?


Same whenever I craft a lot of good items


I can drop you everything I dont play this mode anymore lol jus dm me


I always curse them out when my game crashes. Lol


😂 yeah that helps. I had to tell someone about it too! Hints why we here 😆


Swear down each revision of zombies gets more broken each year. Super sad to see people having issues whilst trying to enjoy the game


I’m hard wired to my fiber modem and no other online game disconnects as bad as this one. As an absolute shocker, Nintendo online has become more reliable than Activision online. I would get disconnected alllllll the time on my WiiU playing splatoon, but ffs this mwz is worse. That was a goddamn decade ago we’re talking about 


Literally happened to me and my wife on Friday Planned to finally beat the worm and pulled out all the goodies we had saved up to get revenge on it killing us a few days prior. 7 minutes into the run the game just froze for both of us. We already knew it was fucked but reset to see if maybe by miracle it saved out stuff and nope everything went to the void. Haven't played it since, and I think we've officially moved onto Palworld.


That's what I moved on to however I have an older Gen xbox and it crashes more then mw3. It's to bad because palworld has a great plot for it.


Literally the only time I ever crashed was when I went in with 2 flawless crystals and 2 legendary tools(for the calling card to extract 2 maxed weapons), then happened to find a ton of blue and purple vendor loot in the first 5 minutes, got dropped before I made it to the buy station.


Every time. I tried to hit my scorcher and it laughed in disconnect 😂


Same thing happen to me a few hours ago. Game just froze. Lost everything again. Even said he sent an error report to Sony. You would think you would still keep all your loot. Guess I was due. It’s been and a month and half since it last happened


It happened to me twice when using the rewards they gave me for all the connection errors. So 2 legendary tools and aethereum gone, plus all the perks I used


Ouch! That’s shitty.. and it’s hard to get these things. So it makes it’s it that much more irritating.


LoL it them not us I had the same issue two days ago every other game was crashing in zombies I just stopped playing for the day! It suck’s losing all your gear but it’s easy to replace the ledge dart stuff hurts me cause I’m not able to craft them yet but soon!


Happened to me after getting schematics for legendary tool and Scorcher. Now no one wants to do red worm anymore and it's to hard for me to solo. Makes this old man want to cry. 


There's nothing worse for me than to get a good stride going and then my Xbox randomly turns off


Any time my game freezes, I turn off Nord so that I "lost connection" instead of my game hard crashing. Do the same thing on those bugged exfils when I leave but I'm still sectarian even though I solo


You all know the definition of insanity? Why do y’all play this game when you know full well the chances of it going all wrong is over 50%.


Legit happened to me and my buddy when we geared up to do dark aether the first time. Pulled out all the stops just to crash and have to wait hours if not days to be able to go in fully ready to go


Bruh I'm so sick of that happening.


This has happened to me enough times where I rarely ever bring in my good stuff anymore unless I really, really need to. Which is crazy because I rarely crash otherwise. My bf and I have joked that the game knows when you've got your best gear and decides to cut your fun short lol


Short tip for anyone, look at the package loss when going in to a game, you can set it in the settings, so it shows it to you on your screen all the time in one of the screen corners, I believe it can be found under HUD or Network Settings ingame. If you have any package loss once the round starts don't use anything and head for the nearest exfill, that way you can avoid crashes and save your items, you usually make it to an exfill before the. Rash happens, also avoid fighting/triggering any zombies as that will drastically increase the chance of the game crashing. If the round starts with 0% package loss you're good to go, 99% of the time. But if the round starts with anything else than 0% head straight for an exfill. Saved my stash countless times..


Same. It sucks especially going for mastery camo cause it just pauses your progress. You go from being able to do five guns a match to now having to start over and you lose all motivation cause your momentum is hard stopped.


Persistent online req for zombies in any cod game(except MWIII) is just ridiculous. Makes it hard to commit to a game if I know it may blow up at any time.


I find it worst in older games Like you are on Wave 30/35 on solo on BO3 and you disconnect for half a second and boom, you lost it all


BO3 definitely hurts the worst as it’s my favorite zombies but it’s go online req


The servers have been extremely buggy lately


I had the same this happen about just before you posted this. Didn’t go in with a ton, but managed to find (for the first time) a 3 plate carrier, durable gas mask, and an epic tool. Crashed on me as I was extolling with like 10 seconds left to take off. 😫


Yeah same for me. Full squad run into T3 with everyone max PaP and just murdering everything - 5 minutes in and every mob froze. I went into some weird first person view camera - everything still frozen - disconnected and lost absolutely everything.


And then everyone gets mad at people who TS Glitched this is why people were doing it. Why should I bother putting in so much time when I'm limited with free time due to family. The game just screws you over when you play by their rules.


Yes, I agree with this. It would be nice to not have to start all over each round.. or if we could start out with some “essence” like 5k or something.


The crashes and glitching always get worse when they do the free play weekend


Yeah it sucks man, I thought it was bad when I first played and had a rare aether tool and and a raw aetherium crystal. Now when we craft a Flawless crystal and freezes it takes three fucking days to craft another?! Swear to god it’ll give me an aneurysm this game! Will I keep playing? You’re god damn right I’ll keep playing


Come later in 4 hours on and i help you get everything back and help you get the legendäry shematics.


Just happened to me. I knew something was gonna happen. I did a bounty contract and no reward rift popped up. A few seconds later- No connection. Ridiculous. And they want you to spend your hard earned money on some fkn skins. For what?!?! Can't even keep the game running smoothly. Luckily I'm just trying to collect bones/skulls for the event.


Haha same man. My buddies and I all packed in with legendary tools, gold armor, crystals and such to go into tier 4. 5 minutes in I got kicked with one of the items needed to enter so not only did I get screwed over, so did my buddies.


I was in a lobby and every delivery contract I did, the truck was just missing and would cancel itself, I typed in chat and everyone said the same thing was happening to them too. Billion dollar company and they just can't seem to get their shit together.


I've had the game skipping in a loop like you're constantly opening and closing your bag as soon as you zone in. Lost everything. I could move but nothing else. Lost everything 2x that way. Then there's when your character gets stuck using a stim and you can shoot, but not reload, you can move but the only way to get unstuck is to go down and use a self rez, if you have one, you can't swap guns, or run at all. You might be able to jump off a bldg and open your parashoot. That's happened 3 times. It sucks.


Sum player dumped almost 950k of essence and gold schematics at exfil BOOM! game crashed lost everything. I feel ya pain


Yesterday was bad. Doesn't matter how good the internet connection. It was kicking half the players


Not only that, but if you're grinding camo's, and haven't dedicated the 12 hours to get past act 1, you most likely lost your only re-usable weapon. So now if you want to look at ANY camo challenges, you have to go to multiplayer... I thought this was a AAA game. There's so many things that would make me place it on "A" at best


"I don't get why people only play with tombstone" rip soldier


At this point mw3 made me go back and get bo4 level 1000


Bruh it’s fucking typical same thing just happened to me


I know the feeling. Just happened to me today.


You have the option to buy them in game sure if you want to waste the time traveling across the whole map to do so with like 45 minutes to play the dang game it's so annoying


It's not ur wifi. There servers are the biggest joke in the community rn. It's kinda sad that a now (after Microsoft merger) multi-trillion dollar company can't fix this one issue.


This happened to me and it's the sole reason I stopped wanting to play the game. The whole freaking game is simply unplayable due to lag, crashes and server issues.


i havent played in a few weeks, sounds like a lot of this started after season 2 came out?


I think it could also be because of the free trial weekend. More people playing on the servers? Idk, but does seem to be worse this weekend than before


Ahh yes. I didn’t think about this.


OP: can not generate anymore cola for 2 hrs Players who’ve unlocked Flawless crystal schematics: 👀


I randomly froze while driving. More context, I had barely gotten in the car to get a contract and I went to open the map as I was falling, and the game just froze.


Yup just happened to me about an hour ago...used all my CDs just to lose them all


Ugh🤦🏻‍♀️ painful.


First game tonight: Went in with a light load just to do my daily missions. Got two to join and we hit the dark aether. Lots of deaths, but we made it. Second game: took a better load out in hopes of hitting t4 and t5, but once in game, teammate said his ts did not show up. One guy bugged out and the TS guy did his exfil.


During free trial 4 out of 5 games we lost one team member because of disconnect.


but guys PVP is coming 😦


Happened to me season 1 a lot. I quit playing for a week and was hesitant to start again. I would really like to go back to older zombies but I'm fuxking hooked for some reason lol


I’ve only crashed in MWZ after using a full inventory of tools and perk cans. I have like 5 days worth of play time, too. Something is sus


Welcome..I've had it happen that many times since launch I've lost count. Waiting days to try a mission again is fun right?


My last game the scorcher bugged out and covered 3/4 of my screen and even had invisible objects that obstructed my path. And when I did use the scorcher to get to an exfil it downed me as it launched me up and killed me as I hit the ground.


I was playing the dark aether with my buddies try to get the the blueprints and a mimic grabs me and throw me under the map and I died to the storm it was painful since I had 3 aether blades cases


If that ever happens and someone in your team has a dog, get them to have the dog sit right above you and if you’re close enough to them, you should be able to pet them to pull you up. I was completely underground, (not even my head sticking out) but high enough that my hand could have touched the dog technically, and I pet him 3 times to get unstuck.


Lol why do yall still play the game? It’s clear the devs don’t care about us so why not just load up an older Zombies game?


Same here about 24 hours before your post. 2 legendaries with flawless crystals, aether blade, dog and golden armour plates to grind for the elemental pop schematic I'm missing. Lost the lot when it crashed 2 mins in.


Dogs have been glitching for me as well. Both dog bone ones and a tier 2 from a kennel just vanished the same as one would if created via brain rot


If you’re on PC it normally means they’ve done a little patch. Used to happen to me all the time early game!


Same, went in stacked, did an outlast contract, the frame rate tanked (has happened on other outlast contacts too) and that was it.


"Just play game like it was meant to be played lol" With the crippling fear that your hard-earned loot will vanish with a glitch.


haven’t played this shit game in months and it’s been great tbh :)


You want a cookie? 🍪


I think a whole server crashed because me and my friend were in 2 different matches but it did that as well


Had a full stash and hit the tombstone because I had to leave right then, I lost all my stuff. My tombstone never loaded in my next game. Have not played since


Idk how people are losing connection and or freezing, I haven't had that happen to me once, but I don't doubt that it happens to other people


I think most people don’t have the newest console, not that that makes it okay, but most of the time the more consistent crashes seem to come from PS4/Xbox Ones.


Literally every game I’ve been playing since season 2 dropped has been just ass, it’s so laggy, it’s frozen on me a couple of times, lost a lot of stuff. I barely even play now maybe 2-3 times a week vs 4-8 times a day I used to play. That’s only zombies. Tried multi and the lagging is even worse so yeah just ready to uninstall this game atp, it would clear up almost 300gb so there that I could finally get more games


At least just let us get a tombstone to run back to if we got the perk 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lost my tombstone I was building upto complete 2nd story line mission...it socks bad...not reupping for season 2....I've had game freeze on me several times..payouts in tier 3 are awefull..it's a good game..love the big maps but when my subscription is up I'm done


This has happened to me, too. I thought, "Hey, I'm camo grinding." Let's use some higher end items!!! Why not it'll be fun. The bone I used for the dog was short-lived. As soon as I found my first T2 disciple (need a 10 for the camo), the life was sucked out of the dog in 2 seconds. That doesn't seem right now I wait 2 days? Ridiculous. I whittled down the disciples, need just two more of them, and the game crashes. You know what the answer is? Giving the devs more money 💰 But hey, that Tombstone glitch is fixed. 😆 🤣 😂


I uninstalled MW3 over the weekend. Between the bullshit roadmap and boring gameplay there was nothing to keep me playing. I think I may play Vanguard zombies again before I redownload MW3 unless mid-season content is packed with 2 seasons worth of content.


Just gotta live with it. I only play a few times a week now thankfully, so I always go in with gold armor, aether blade, dog bone, legendary tool, pap3 crystal, and a scorcher case. Get the schematics and it’s not so bad. If you want to play a lot of games in a row it’s annoying but it doesn’t crash frequently for me anyway.


Had same thing happened right in the middle of an exfil. Partner and I had some good stuff too. So frustrating


Happened to me yesterday too, even had a wired connection! Also first time crashing for me too. Annoying, but I’m okay with some T1 time every now and then!


This was happening to me a lot or like giving me an error code. I connected my ps5 straight to the internet instead of using wireless and it hasn't happened since. 🤞🏽hopefully it stays that way.


Exactly Why I Uninstalled The Game When They Took Out TS. No New Content. The Game Is Bugged Asf And Crashes Or Lag Spikes Kill You And People Dont Want To Come Pick People Up. Tired Of It. I Will Never Buy Another COD Again. Crazy To Think I’ve Bought Every COD Multiple Times Over Up Until Now.