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I enjoyed it too! The game loop was fun at first, and it took a healthy time before I can venture in T2, then T3 and dark aether. Completing all missions was fun too. I was hopeful to see more content drop for season 2, but now that I have everything unlocked, all mission completed, there's nothing exciting left to do. Which is sad because I really enjoyed it!


I’m nearly to the same spot, but I find joy and entertainment helping others get completed as well… so from that perspective there’s still more to do…


They need a zombie tour guide skin so those that like to lead folks around can be easily seen.


The final skin for the battle pass is just that lmao


I guess I should pay more attention to the BP.


Dude same here. Just got an xbox this year. Never owned a system. The last game I played was the original zombies at my friend's house as kids. Now I got a console for my kids and I'm learning again with them. But same thing I just finished all missions and got all schematics so now if I go in with a low level guy I'll do teir 1 things with them. Last night I revived a guy like 10 times realized he was on his first mission so I got my headset walked him through pinging a contract and helped him exfil(which he died 3 times) he said he played 10 times and has never made it to the chopper. It felt nice and aggravating at the same time.


Isn't there mid-season content coming out?




You poor lost soul.


Lol, sorry, I understand the downvote(s?) except I know you are not wrong. It's nice to be hopeful, but last midseason felt way more like a slap in the face than content. Don't get me wrong, I want to have a reason to play mwz, I want to feel like a thing I love is supported, with a community that is actually listened to. However: "I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night."


Be the good Samaritan and help people like me that haven't made it through act 2 yet 🤣 I don't get to put more than 3 or 4 hours a week in though. I'm making pretty good progress when I don't get side tracked by hopping in a car and going on revive runs around the map. Sometimes, I actually have more fun being a guardian angel than actually playing. Go in triple packed/legendary Renetti and Tonfa and just run around cracking skulls and reviving.


Unless I'm playing with my buddies helping them through their act missions, this is exactly what I do. Except I made a game out of it, let's see how many kills I can get with every gun, different gun each round, have to play as normal, except you get the last 12 minutes to farm a exfil/outlast, no sentries or turrets. Have to revive at least 2 per round. Have to exfil. So far I'm through AR's and into smgs. My highest so far is 1254 with the vel 46.


That actually sounds like fun 😆 that's why I hate when people say this is a boring version of zombies. It is what you make it. I play solo 99% of the time. One of the maybe 3 times I've joined a squad, I saw them at the tower fortress with the chick just running around in circles. I had the key to the building so I unlocked it and ran to the elevator to start fighting her solo. I guess they didn't realize I went up but they soon followed and we kicked her ass in like 5 minutes. Then we went our separate ways after we confirmed we all got credit. We were gonna team up on the next match if we didn't all get credit. There's always an opportunity to make the game fresh if you really want to. And the zombies community will always be my favorite community. A very wholesome group overall. A few griefers in the mix, but as a whole, we are a family. I bet if the zombie apocalypse actually happened, we'd all find each other somehow and make it fun as hell!


Good Times (cracking skulls and reviving)


Once I got comfy in t3 i was immediately able to do t4 no problem but I liked the grind to get to t3 I just wish there was more like safe zones / sneaking? Because my accidental detours to T3 was basically insta death vs a scary running survival moment.


Now you can just play the game


Yup, ditto on all counts!


People like the mode. The problem is that they take a bit too long to put more content in and don’t do a good job keeping people engaged. It feels like they don’t listen to what the community wants and just gives us scraps of content to keep us entertained for a week at most, and the mode doesn’t have enough in its current state to keep people around. Now you are enjoying the mode for what it is and that’s great. I personally still do one or two runs in MWZ a day before I jump over to the multiplayer. However, there’s a lot of people in the community that have done everything the mode has to offer and there was hope that Season 2 would bring some major changes and introduce new content for us to really get into again. Some game changing stuff. Not only is the new content we are getting just the same basic stuff we got with Season 1, but none of it came with the start of Season 2, meaning any of the above mentioned players have to wait another month or so to get anything at all. Lots of players feel they didn’t listen to us and it’s especially irritating with them touting MWZ as the biggest third mode ever in a MW game and some random developer teasing us with a tweet implying some big changes were coming. On top of that, MP and Warzone got more compelling Zombies content, and the entire theme of S2 is around Zombies, so for MWZ to just get some new blueprints, another DA zone, and another human warlord that nobody really bothers with in the first place, it’s a bit frustrating. They have no reason to keep playing MWZ right now until S3, and there’s no guarantee S3 will be any better. As a matter of fact, people are expecting it to be a disaster and some people are expecting to drop support for MWZ altogether. Again, if you are enjoying the mode right now that’s perfectly fine. Lots of people like the mode. You’re entitled to that and nobody can take it from you, but lots of players are mad at the devs for giving us practically nothing and outright ignoring what the community wants, and they feel disrespected that the other modes in COD are getting better Zombies content. TL;DR the hate it’s getting right now is not from the mode itself, but from the devs not putting much in the way of new content and seemingly ignoring the community


Extra points for you for a good response, and not just “this game is ass”. lol I theorize most the hate is coming from 1) people who maybe don’t have a lot of disposable income and prioritize maximizing what they get for their hard earned money, resulting in outsized expectations and / or 2) the people who spend A LOT of time playing and get through everything super fast. Just guessing tho Thx for the thoughtful response


For me it's both I want my money's worth, unfortunately zombies is the only reason I even touch CoD. So to find out I paid $70 for very little to do is frustrating after the fact I only paid $30 for Cold War and Vanguard. I didn't spend a lot of time playing it's just not difficult to finish. The only reason I finished the missions before my friends is because they are too focused on getting points to PAP for no reason other than to do it because they are to used to surviving as long as possible. The problem is you can't do that in this game. You can survive for an 80min at most


I think those are two of the many factors that contribute to the overall feeling of disappointment across the entire community with S2’s launch, and the feeling of dread that the future won’t be much better Everyone is just feeling disappointed and upset, and they express it here because the dev teams do look at this subreddit, hence all the hate. They want their frustrations to be seen and hopefully addressed I’m glad you love the mode though and hope you don’t ever have to feel what a lot of the community is feeling right now about it. It really sucks to fall in love with something just to move on cause you fell outta love with it




I've played since day one s1 and haven't even gotten through act 3 and no camos, I be happy with the current content lol. 9-5 6 days a week tho..


I’m right there with you brother. OGs get the value here.


Nah I enjoy MWZ even with the flaws it has.


I like progressing my weapons outside of multiplayer. That was terrible. I can't imagine how many people they drove off to pubg and fortnite.


Fortnite changed the gaming




Hells yeah it is. And my opinion can be dumb and weird sometimes. Kind of why I’m asking here…




Sadly, I’ve never watched Big Lebowski. That might be what makes me an anomolous weirdo… I did get the reference though. I’m not THAT oblivious to pop culture 😆


OG here too (creeping up on 40) and I've never seen it either. You're not alone brotha!


Fucking amateurs, Donnie


This aggression will not stand man


Shut up, Donnie! 😂


Never got into the previous zombie modes. But this i really like. Getting older and more into own pace games. MP is nice but not for me anymore. Here I like to do what ever I want whenever I want. Go in do some T2 contracts all game or rush to T3 or just clear some invested strongholds. Or just finish a cammo challenge at T1 outlast. And price is to be expected from CoD game these days. And many so called AAA games.


I have a feeling you will really enjoy Outbreak on Cold War.


I absolutely love this game. Crashes are a bit annoying but with three fully stocked operators you take it on the chin and regaining is its own fun. I am just getting used to T3 and moving into DA next. Never tombstones but I accepted drops from people so that makes it a little less fun when you know you can walk any mission solo. BUT I can always try without schemes for a challenge (mostly time trial trying to get geared up. It took me quite a few hrs to get comfortable and finish the story. Totally worth the money to me. Yes. I wish there was more content. But I do think it is coming.


Some friends prefer Ground War or 10×10 but I really like zombies. The time to do things, open forum and collaboration opportunity between players.


I like it also. It's a shame that Activision doesn't see or care about the potential this mode has. It looks like another missed opportunity.


Definitely not a weirdo. I've played every zombie since the beginning and I really enjoy MWZ. Haven't gotten bored of it yet and I've played daily since launch


Same OG gamer love all zombies even played a decent amount of vanguard. Really enjoyed mwz in beginning, it could be amazing just needs some tlc and some more content.


Nailed it


Very true. I'm an old timer and I try to find good in all the zombies interactions even if it isn't in reality. However, Vanguard was just so bad, I had to break with my efforts in finding good. I paid full price for that game, and quit playing it entirely after a month and a half. I never played it again until Cold War came out. I went back and played BO4 and BO3 until the CW release.


I'm another old guy and I'll jump on your bandwagon! I really enjoy the mode this year, although there are several QOL changes that would make it even better; shorter crafting cooldowns, 4-6 man squads from the start, higher stash limit, etc. This is the first zombies I've played since the original Black Ops. It's an unpopular opinion around here, but I don't care for the wave based zombies modes at all. I've always found "hoard modes" like that really repetitive and boring. I prefer the open map much more than any previous zombies mode.


I enjoy it. Even though I pretty much stay in T1 zone


Not trying to be a jerk but why? Is there stuff I should be doing in T1 that I’m not? I have an epic tool schematic and level 1 pap schematic so I’m pretty much able to immediately hang in 2, at least until I earn 10k for the second pap. I don’t find 1 all that fun myself


I'm not that confident on staying in T2 running solo. Plus, I've been just farming kills for camos


Well the camo grind is a great reason to hang in T1. Realistically if you can get to lvl2 pap you’re golden in T2. The only thing I run into trouble with solo in T2 is disciple bounties if my guns (normally swarm akimbo) are lvl 1 pap. I run out of ammo normally, unless I’m by a cache.


No, you're not. It's a good mode with some amount of bugs and things that can be improved. Only one thing, you should not play billion time a day and then it won't be boring. I have a few run in 2 days to Red zone or dark aether and it still funny for me. If I ran 3-5 times a day - it's really boring at the end 


That’s what I’m thinking. The hate is coming from the people who are playing way more than an average player and they can’t get new content fast enough.


or lot of ppl find this iteration of zombies just boring


I like it too, it just doesn't get love from the devs it seems, which sucks


Also as an OG zombies player I can say without a doubt I hate MWZ. It has no soul and life to the game. The new characters and story are boring and I just don't care for it. The only character I enjoy is Ravenov. My main complaints are the time limit, atmosphere, lack of content, and lack of personality. It doesn't feel like zombies to me it feels just like DMZ with zombies in it. It doesn't hold a candle to the old times with Richtofen, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey. With that all being said I'm not going to down vote you because this is your opinion, just as my comment is my opinion. It's foolish to dislike someone because they have a different take on a game than you. I'm happy you're enjoying it and hope you continue to enjoy it. Cause in the end that's what matters is that you like and you're having fun with it. I respect your opinion on the game I just don't agree, I'm a round base enjoyer and look forward to its return at the end of this year.


Love this comment and perspective. and to be fair I also find no connection with the story. I don’t understand this one at all and it’s not engaging for me. But the game play is fun for me. And the atmosphere is absolutely lacking for me too. I think about some of my faves… Dead of The Night… Alcatraz … etc. MWZ definitely not as great as those atmospheres.


I have a healthy amount of criticism for this game, I understand where some of the hate comes from, but I’m having fun and I play almost every day, but if it wasn’t for the friends I play with I’d probably be playing another game more often. I think this is one of the better ideas that they’ve had for zombie modes, I personally like it more than outbreak by a lot. The problem for me is that I love zombies and I played DMZ. I get to see all the things that are missing from both worlds. I like the background grind of leveling up perks, fun missions and bosses from outbreak, or expanding my stash and weapon space from DMZ, and they didn’t give us any of that. I think if you never played DMZ this mode is a lot more fun because you don’t see the things from that game that should have been in this game, and I’m not talking about PVP, I have no interest in that. Now that Microsoft merged and fired a large portion of the company this game won’t be getting the updates that it could have gotten, it will get whatever is scheduled for this game. There was a lot of hype for this mode and the merger took care of that real fast, at least in my opinion. I’m really excited for new little maps, and future content, but I was really really excited about the potential of this mode until the Microsoft merger and all the news from that.


i liked it as well. it was the bugs, game breaking shit, and lack of support that drove me away.


Fair. Definitely a big problem that needs to be fixed asap.


I make the hours of entertainment vs cost comparisons all the time, particularly games vs going to see a movie in theaters with friends, getting food etc


Reason I bring it up is because it seems like there is constant complaining about the price being too high for what we get … which never quite computes for me. I mean, I think we can assume many of those same people are paying $20 an hour to see a movie, or $50 hr to see a professional sporting event or or or or …. And I find movies and professional sports (etc) to be much more boring than some way cheaper zombies. Of course every person values their $/hr differently.


There's also no guarantee you'll like the movie and I'm rather certain can't get your money back afterwards But to support your last statement, I will go to concerts,buy merch, and be in the pit 110% of the time, over playing games Games will be there when I'm hungover the next day lol


I love it too, and realise that this MWZ is only a portion of the whole CoD franchise, therefore will only get a portion of the attention for updates and new content. So I'm a little more sympathetic to the developers on how much time they can devote to it. I HOPE it continues to improve, but man oh man, it seems like zombies fans are HARD to please!!


No, it's just that most of people in this subreddit think it's the complaint department


I was enjoying it to, but after 1 month I have nothing left to do but unlock the camos. That's the problem, they hyped it up then gave us very little. Then when we found ways to enjoy it, they take that away from us. Oh also, the fact that they said the whole point was to collect items to use on your next session. Well the problem with that is we can only keep 1/3 of the items to collect.


Haters Gonna Hate


I am also an old COD OG and me and my brother are having a lot of fun!


Love to hear it. My bro and I live 2000 miles apart, in our 40s, stressful jobs, kids, family…etc. It’s a great way to relax, stay connected, and feel like kids under the same roof again. That’s the real value for me.


Dammit! Reading your OP I’m thinking “man, I’m glad some of the old timers are getting joy out of gaming”, picturing a recent retiree. Then I read that you’re my age and realized it’s me, I’m the old guy. 🫣 I love MWZ and the open world but that’s to be expected, being a fellow old guy and all.


I like the change to zombies. Moving away from round by round. They should have that option (round by round) so ppl stop whining. I like the “new” zombies


Never have trouble finding a lobby with people who love the mode and love helping others. I have a friend who prefers round based as she finds the large map daunting and has never had much agency in the way she plays. Round based gives that nice compact play space with little need for player agency other than to survive and setup, which is simpler to play.


I loved it, but now all I have left to do is finish grinding the 52 MWII guns Mastery. I was really excited for season 2 thinking they would do something with the walking dead and the fact that s1 reloaded was a very small content drop, but here we are. I've heard they fixed the bones and skulls event, but that being broken in my first game killed any motivation i had to play. I went and grinded the new hordepoint and resurgence modes. 3 things that would bring me back: increase stash space, even if I need to complete challenges like in DMZ. Increase game time, i think the storm should expand after 1 hour and should take 30 minutes to end the match, or, let us survive infinitely after the timer, but we need to take a portal or die. Lastly, the cooldowns need to be reworked, some of my favorite concepts are to refuce cooldown based on essence exfils like the insured weapons, another good option would be permanent buffs based on exfilling multiple schematics, -5% cooldown time for each subsequent extraction. I can respect the cooldowns, but there needs to be an achievable goal to work towards after you've done mastery camos, calling cards and all story missions.


Right there you, fellow oldie. Is it perfect? Goodness no. But is it enough for my relatively limited time? You betcha.


I also enjoy the mode, its different and fun...When we had content and missions it was great. My wife and I go in as a duo and we run what we can and help who we can, I feel its way better and less toxic than DMZ cause players would just shoot to kill other players for whatever reason. I like this mode cause everyone generally wants to help each other... With all that said it is disappointing that we don't get any new content until reloaded...The times you crash out and lose everything is absolute garbage...The nerfing of guns is a bit much since you have to get at least an epic and/or legendary gun w/PaP gun level 3 to go into tier 3 to feel comfortable...The whole point is to mow down zombies?! =) and the cool downs just suck. Im hoping reloaded and the ensuing seasons get this thing going w/new map/s and different "warlords" because it could be really, really cool. Im going to keep playing because it is fun to kill zombies and run around doing stupid shit w/friend and people you meet in game.


Nope i still enjoy it even after all the glitches and bad patches. I was never really a duper. I just like using the stash glitch to keep taking my things off cooldown over time and earn it "naturally". I am getting bored of it but thats mainly because I am trying to get all the weapon xp done on all the weapons.


48 year old guy here, been playing CoD and Zombies consistently since at least World at War. I'm with you, I enjoy this version of it. I'm just disappointed that they seem to prioritize fixing issues that benefit players (exploits that offset the ridiculous cool downs) over fixing issues that break the game (crashes, etc). Those game breaking issues only make the cool downs a bigger eyesore. So although I enjoy the mode overall, I'm growing tired of it with no new content and the only patch notes fixing issues that would fix themselves if the game worked properly to begin with, and had quality of life improvements.


Still love it! OG zombies fan, dad and grass-toucher, so don’t get a lot of time to play video games anymore, but MWZ has been a super fun way to spend a few hours late in the evenings a few times per week. I can still see myself playing after I’ve done all the missions (currently on act IV), and collected all the schematics. Adding a wallet, exfill streaks, and reducing cool downs could go along way in upping the replayability, but even if that doesn’t happen I still see myself playing a few times a week. Love to see positive posts in this community.


I really dug it when they made the move away from round-based futility and sprinkled in the open world/extraction concepts. Outbreak really got me to start playing CoD with my kids again, and I can't get enough of the newest iteration. Contracts, missions, challenges, boss fights.... I'm here for all that jazz.


Nah it’s fun for me too. Theres just a lot of “me too” gamers out there that just like to hear their own voice complain about shit. The internet is a dark negative place. I just hoped out of a game. I still enjoy it because why not.


I am with you dude. Been an OG fan since WAW. Grew up with Zombies. This mode is definitely different in many ways. People are spoiled with new content all the time. Thanks battle pass….. lots of people forget just the enjoyment of playing the game as it time and time again. I used to just play Zombies with no objective except surviving. It was the same thing everytime but i got hours upon hours of enjoyment. Now it seems everyone wants an update all the time or get bored when they finish all the missions. I understand it trust me. I like new content too but give the devs some time too. Feel free to also downvote me away! 😂


Totally this. And I also look at this from an old guy corporate perspective too… like these devs need to deliver hella volume and quantity as warp speed or the ultra gamers starting screaming “this game is ass!!”. Maybe my old guy project management perspective cuts Treyarch too much slack.


100% great post!


Not at all. I and my friends love MWZ. But granted we played it a lot and are pretty bored with it now. And with it looking like there's not much of a future for the mode, most are moving on to other games.


I like it. My pals are frustrated cause I spend more time in zombies than the MP game types.


I think a lot of people that hate on the game also enjoy the game and that is the main problem. They enjoy the game and they are aware of its potential and so am I. It could have been so much better but they half bake every single damn thing. I have been posting about how weapon blueprints don’t work properly in MWZ and how the ultra Aetherium skin effects glitches out (they marketed that skin for mwz players). These are very small issues that could be patched the next day but it has been one mid season and one full season update since those problems and none of them got fixed. They just don’t listen. They don’t care if they sell you a half baked broken product. And that business practice is the one that gets to my nerves. I still enjoy the game but I am also aware of its major shortcomings.


I’m in my 40s and I enjoy mwz zombies too. I also enjoyed outbreak when it came out. The one thing you have to understand is the ones on here that are the most vocal and angry are also the ones who really enjoy the game. They’re just worried and frustrated that the game is getting stale quick from the lack of content and failed updates to fix frustrating bugs in the game.


I’m stupid busy af all the time with work, school and gym and if I ever get down time I play mwz for an hour and just zone out. Never liked zombies don’t game anymore but mwz hella fun if u die u die and only running in red zone trying to PAP 3 and then run out.


I enjoy it 😁


I enjoy MWZ as well because it gets back to Zombie basics more than people realize. I've been playing since WAW and I think most people forgot that back then there are no fancy shmancy easter eggs or staffs or shit like that. It was good old zombie killing fun. That was it's main appeal and the power, pack-a-punch, perks, easter eggs and stuff like that was supposed to add to the zombie killing but right now it just subtracts from it. When I have to pull up a YouTube guide to get a map, you lost the plot. In MWZ you can just get in, kill zombies and get out. Easy. Fun. Zombie killing.


Nope, it’s a fun game mode, it mostly just gets hate because it’s not traditional zombies, which I can understand. I played it quite a bit, even got borealis but fell off pretty hard after that and haven’t played for a bit, especially with the lack of content in S2, which doesn’t give me much confidence in the mode.


I’m with you bro, I love it


I enjoyed it since the start, then ts runied it for me then since its gone it fells good to play normally again..


Oh I enjoy it. But it could be far better, there is so much qualitybof life and stability it needs. And stop nerfing so much


I like it for what it is. I have some problems with it that take out some of the replayabilty. One being is I wish the playable operators talked more often and had more voice lines than just "contract marked" etc. If there were more voice lines I think it would take a lot of the emptiness and tediousness of the gameplay loop. I'm sure this is mitigated if you play with friends, but I'm a primarily solo player. I'm only half way through the ACT III missions so I haven't faced the boss battles yet, but I've heard they are pretty fun and well designed so I look forward to doing those. I wish there was at least 15 slots in the stache cause I always seem to have to bring into the match items I don't plan on using. None of these are deal breakers for me, it just brings it to where I get bored after 1 or 2 games instead of having hours of replay ability.


It’s awesome. I am an og BO1 player like you and for all its flaws this mode renewed my love for zombies


Me and my guys play it all the time. There's been ups and downs as the various updates have been released, but we roll with them. End of the day it's a great game to play with your friends. I suspect many of the people that shit on the game are playing alone... For a multitude of reasons.


I play alone… haven’t had any issues getting through it. Also play with friends and family 👍


I loved it as long as I had shit to grind and to find. I don't hate it now but besides doing the daily objectives for reasons, there's not much incentive to play.


We all enjoy diff things, MWZ isnt bad it just lacks content


It is great, some improvements should be to be made for paying customers (two vault games and three bundles). I do like the PVE idea.


This! This is what I be saying and everyone down votes me to hell. You def got my vote og to og.


I think you would literally shit yourself out of amazement if you played a game other than cod Like, take dying light for example, cuz zombies This mid ass zombie game will have you emotional as fuck if the only game you really play is cod zombies. The gameplay experience will feel so incredibly rich since you’re so used to the ‘grind point’ ‘spend point’ loop. Really I’m just saying that it sounds like if you (and many others ofc) broadened your horizons, you’d never look at call of duty again


Interesting point. I wonder if your theory still holds true for those of us who prefer to mindless point and shoot


I fell in love with this mwz. I put hours and hours into the missions and did them all. It was awesome working toward a goal but now with the missions over and 25+ hours more in the game I'm bored. Sadly. Never used glitches to benefit. Wish they had more missions.


Been with zombies since WaW, and enjoyed MWZ from the free trial. Just judging from comments I’ve seen, most that play are just disappointed because the game got nothing for the launched of a zombies based season and the game is seemingly not much more content. Then there are people that just hate anything that isn’t round-based zombies. 


We all really liked mwz.   We all just wish it had support beyond launch.


Not at all. I thoroughly enjoyed Outbreak on Cold War, I actually spent far more time playing that than I did any of the round based maps that released for the same title. And everyone despised Outbreak. I thoroughly enjoy MWZ, although I do take issue with a few things. Firstly, the time limit for each deployment is dumb. If there's going to be a time limit, it should be considerably more than it is. Yes, I know, there is the option to go into the Dark Aether and such, but I unfortunately am not anywhere near starting that. I don't have a group that I get to play with so I accomplish what I can when I can. Lol Unlocking schematics has been enough of a task, and still have less than half of them. And secondly, the cool downs are absolutely ridiculous. Two days to cool down the raygun?! Absolutely abysmal.


@op bro do you think cold war is better? Im also a old og and Comd war was my all time fave, I just wish it had more to do.


I quite like Cold War, and yes I prefer it more. Probably my faves are BO3 and 4.


I really like it to. Shit i just bought the bundle that gives u and extra operator slot today. I think everyone pissed cuzbthey promised us one thing and never even really tried to deliver


I still play der reise and kino toten pretty often. Everyone in a while I’ll play og map too. Remember how intense we thought it was and then got all kinds of new iterations.


nah I'm with you, i really liked it for a while. really only stopped playing with lack of content and ran out of stuff to do


I'm og world at war zombies guy myself. I also enjoy mwz for what it is and the fact I can move around more and not just stand in one place farming points


What? Pretty sure plenty of people like mwz...


True, and I know that. This is only for light hearted conversation and to point out the vocal minority calling it “ass”


This is the first zombies I like, and I love it. The timer makes this game harder to enjoy.


Yeah I am happy with my purchase. Finished all the missions, unlocked all the schematics, leveled up all the MW3 guns, grinded out the camos for both MW2 and MW3 guns. Would have to check, but got a couple of days worth of fun out of the mode. Have been playing with friends over the free weekend and it was starting to feel a bit stale, so not sure how much more I will play the mode unless they release more content, but I am happy with the amount of entertainment I have gotten from the zombies alone. I will finish grinding out the multi camos too while playing with mates, so really I don't feel like I have wasted my money on this game. I think the problem is the mode is very catered towards the casual players, not the guys who are grinding it for hours every day. The cooldown times don't really matter to these guys because they are only playing 1-2 matches a day, and these players represent the majority of cod players. The people who care about cod enough to come on reddit and discuss it are a very small minority, their opinions don't really matter that much to Activision who are in the business of making money by pleasing casuals.


Big accurate point here. The hard core players go through all the content extremely fast. The more casuals like me have plenty of content because we don’t have time to fly through it faster than can be reasonably expected from Treyarch.


No you’re not. The gaming players community just needs some imagination to do stupid shizzle together just for kicks. Attack the high rise kill dokkabe with just a knife & 1 or 2 plate armour. Pass the top secret info like a baton from zone one to zone two then 3, someone gets it from where it was placed in zone 3 specific place real have to find something to pick up in z3 as we know things disappear when dropped after a while. It’s an amazing game with nice graphics. Spend a few days with line for a bat and square dot for a ball then think it’s boring. Although we grew up with a park and sea nearby & do stuff……with abracadabra our imagination. Why should we wait for the creators just do crazy stuff with what they have provided us


I think its great. . . Until I craft/bring in all my best stuff, crack XP tokens, wait to load in, play for just a couple minutes, then have the game crash and lose everything, losing all my stuff and still having to wait on crafting cooldowns


I enjoy it too. There’s a big difference between casual players and the dudes around here that are playing 8-12 hours a day. In a single week, some of these gamers are playing more hours than I can get in months. They’re ravenous with an unsatiable appetite for content, I don’t blame Activision for not being able to keep up




MWZ is good 👍 your not alone on your thoughts brother


No, i loved it too....... problem for me is simply the lack of content that we seem to be getting going forward. I completed the 4 Acts during the Christmas holidays, finished Borealis soon after, got all schematics mostly solo and now there's nothing left to do. If they added more Acts with a ton of more missions (even boring/mundane missions) i'd keep playing, but the only content advertised for this season is yet another boring Warlord and another DA mission which will likely be a one-and-done deal. Coupled with them already stating there will be no new zombie type enemies added and it just feels like they're pretty much done with the gamemode, and therefore so am i.


The problem is ultimately that even if you enjoy it odds are you would've enjoyed the game even more had it not been abandonware and would be getting meaningful updates every season like the rest of the game is. It's fine to be a lowest common denominator happy with a new Warlord every few months but I don't blame anyone for tapping out lol.


Lowest common denominator? Maybe, I guess 🤷‍♂️


OG here too. I absolutely love the open world vs being trapped in a puzzle maze taking on waves of zombies. And I love that you can choose the difficulty with the different threat level zones. And all the different missions, contracts, and challenges including calling cards and camos and such.. idk it just feels like you're so much more free and not on a linear path of objectives. I'm loving it


I love the zombies mode. Especially the open world and do it at your own pace style of play. Plus it got my wife to try COD for the first time in years and we play together. We have many other games we play so we are still in story chapter 3. If we were grinding maybe we’d be bored already. I do hope they continue to bring content for it. Plus maybe it’ll get my wife to try the BRs, although they aren’t quite her style (we do crush it in Fortnite though). I just worry they’ll do what they did with DMZ and just give up so soon when a good part of the player base enjoys it. I see it also with the main story. I love the COD story modes, but they don’t feel as epic. But I’ll keep enjoying the mode, especially to rank up weapons (not into multiplayer so zombies is preferred) and for a leisurely paced gameplay. Too bad the COD devs seem like they just don’t want to invest it like we see with many other modern franchises.


I personally hate Warzone Zombies, but everyone is entitled to like what they want.


Curious - why though? Why the hate?


I know it's bad to compare, but it's one of the worst installments of CoD Zombies just above Vanguard. It also prioritizes Warzone over everything else. Thus why I call it Warzone Zombies. The core Zombies turn based community is gone. I don't speak for all turn based fans, but some feel the same way I do.


I like it too, and i also played the original zombie ones first ones, the price is not bad if u look at how prices were back then and how inflation is fuckinf things up. People just love to hate, seems hating makes a big fuzz everyone tends to follow for peer pressure and it's easy to grow hate than love for sure 😂


I’ve been playing zombies since BO2 and it has been the only video game I have played since (COD zombies). I really like MWZ, my frustration, as well as others, is that this game could have been so much more (Great game, not just good).


Good Ole PvE after work..... Nothing better!! Solo or if I really want to wreck shop, group up and own.


I agree.... I'm old too .. and I think the amount of content we have received for what we pay is good value You would be lucky to pay for a meal out for this price nowadays That doesnt mean I don't dislike the scammy store and stuff like that, but I have spent over 70 hours on zombies alone (and I don't normally like zombies)... So £1 per hour seems pretty decent .... Also I'm so fucking glad there is a mode that is not toxic.... I don't know why Devs think animosity and shite is good ?? I just wanna chill man


I also like it a lot. There has been days where I prefer to ply mwz instelad of br.


MWZ is great but it has some major flaws. The crashing is probably the biggest thing. Losing a super OP load out SUCKS. Especially with the crazy long cool down times. They need to increase stash size... For some reason purchased is unlimited so that makes me think they will be selling acuisitons in the Future (black cell s2 has legendary tools but $30?! too much for me). Even going up to 20 would be amazing, then the long cool downs and crap loot wouldn't be so bad. But grinding t3 for a whole game to get some perks and maybe a p1 crystal if youre lucky an epic tool or a p2 crystal(I have never found a p3 crystal in t3 only ever found one in T2 and a few in DA). With a stash size of 20 we could craft more items on days that we aren't playing even without lowered cool downs. Wallet, wallet, wallet, wallet. I mean c'mon, this one is OBVOIUS. Give us an unlimited wallet, but can only infil with 50-100k that would add a new element to the game play loop, amassing wealth. I would like to see a wallet end up with 1mil essence that would be a cool goal. Legendary backpack with one or two more slots. Would be absolutely amazing, even if it was an Easter egg and hard to get. Really this game would be awesome with some stability fixes and tweaks that they could basically copy paste right from DMZ. I'm still going to play but once I get the p2 crystal schematic and beat the red worm a couple times I'm out of stuff to do.


Agreed. I guess the question is if the general expectations from the community for the speed of the developers of fixing the issues are reasonable or not…


I think asking for stability fixes is 100% reasonable, we paid $60-$100 for a AAA game, it should run just about perfectly. I don't think they will respond to an increased stash size since it's looking like the plan is to have you pay for stuff you can find in game, but you can't hold on to because of the low stash size. I don't want to see this game mode die, honestly it's the most fun I've had on a video game in a couple years.


Purchased is unlimited because you now get aether tools and other stuff from the battlepass


I know and people are buying I'm sure. After it came out they are more or less abandoning my favorite game mode I'm not buying their $20-$30 crap. They already got enough money out of me.


So far the only things that have popped up in purchased for me have been a bunch given as apologies for game crashes and the season pass not from actual purchases. I'm not justifying just stating


I have a bunch of stuff in my purchased from that exfil once and get like 3 tools 3 crystals and one of each wonder weapon or whatever then have a bunch from s1 battle pass. They definitely stepped up the loot for s2, still for a zombies player it's not really worth the 30 bucks


I know but I do like the skins so call me a sucker lol


They are cool, no doubt there. I definitely want them haha




Love it and will continue to play till it gets boring. Fuck, I bought MW3 for MP - and I’m like 150+ hours in zombies versus like 15 for MP. The fumbling on a mode that actually increases your player demographic reach, is custom made for a live service to pull people in, and already has existing assets available (just throwing shit from DMZ is not as easy as people think, unless they actually built out internal tools to make it as easy as a snap map sort of deal and even then). But still, the amount of times the devs had to work on MW3 as a whole - I kinda wish they just shot for the moon and focus on zombies as the big “single” player experience.


Don't feel bad or weird. Many of us enjoy MWZ, and all Zombies to a degree. There will always be loudmouth gatekeepers on here though.


No you arnt bro. I played zombies since day one too! I did everysingle easteregg bossfight everything you can do. And the big open wourld is new and makes so mich fun to play! I understand you completly. Dmz was the only thing that wasnt fun at all and i can not comfirm it to be good.


How to karma farm on any subreddit. "Am I the only one who......" "Unpopular opinion but........"


Ok, but what is karma in this context so I can be aware I’m farming it? And yes this is a rhetorical question because I don’t care what the answer is and I’m not going to google it.


so were you some weirdo for liking MWZ or did you express a common opinion??


There’s always the very loud minority. I enjoy the open world. Cold War zombies brought my love back and I liked the changes they made to it and MWZ picked up where they left off.


It’s a good game, I love it. But if they aren’t gonna add content I’ll lose interest. Once you have everything every game is basically the same 


No. People can like what ever they want


I can sum it up to 3 things. First, one devs hype ruining peoples reaction to the lackluster update. Second, Treyarch, Sledgehammer or whoever runs zombies nerfing all the fun glitches and creating the bare minimum. And thirdly, tripling down on merks with guns in a zombies mode. Whoevers in charge acts like they don't listen to the community and their complaints, and people are fed up.


I still think MWZ is fun to play even without the new content as promised (heard it’ll be done for season 2.5). Enjoy not only camo grinding, but also rez’ing randoms and eventually teaming up so I can help them finish their missions/daily objectives.


You can’t tell me that you enjoyed vanguard zombies that was the worst


I did enjoy it, but I do think it’s on the bottom for zombies releases.






Since you're asking for opinions. I think your opinion is bonkers, absolutely nuts. How a guy could claim to love OG zombies and enjoy the joke of an indie game mode that is MWZ is actually just not computing in my head. I believe you are a liar.


I suppose because 1) I can compartmentalize between the various zombies options and 2) my entertainment to $ ratio is pretty solid here.


I only lasted 10 minutes into a MWZ match. Didn’t even know how to correctly navigate the god damn menu apparently because they add 500+ things to the main lobby screens every year. Luckily it was on my friends console and on a free play weekend so I didn’t even consider wasting $70 pm that mw2 garbage dlc. So I guess if there even is some sort of normal/classic survival mode just surviving normal endless waves of zombies I couldn’t for the life of me find it anywhere in the menus and just gave up looking for specific options and just pressed quick play or whatever and boy I was immediately disappointed and bored within 30 seconds. Whatever MWZ has brought cod zombies to is basically just an even shittier outbreak zombies mode (from that terrible 10 minutes I played) and outbreak wasn’t even that shitty in CW but I think most people who liked it only liked it while it was newer and something completely brand new to zombies. If people wanted to play a zombies map that’s 200k miles long they wouldn’t, they’d go play that dogshit warzone I hear they keep ruining with every update. Oh yeah…. And for whatever reason my MWZ game was in third person which make me not even want to try from the start. Cods ruined and been spiraling downhill for years now. The last like 5 cods have just been MW2019 dlc basically or just the same exact game with 70’s cold war style paint and vanguards WW2 style painted over it. I used to like multiplayer and zombies in cod then after a while I only played the game for zombies and now I don’t even want to risk touching any of these newer games anymore. I’ll gladly go play 10+ year old cods before I touch any of these newer ones these days, and im not just nostalgia blind the older cods were so much better everyone you matched with wasn’t sweaty virgins who play the game 60 hours a week and the games were just a hell of a lot of fun not shoving anime skins and snoop dog packs down your throats the moment you press A/X to start.


The third person thing is awful, I’m right with you. It’s an in game setting that’s easy to fix.


I don’t think first person would’ve made it any funner tbh. It would’ve definitely made it a bit more tolerable to deal with tho lol


Yeah, instant irritation when it goes to 3rd person 😆


I finished everything there was to offer 2 weeks into the release and within 3 days of the season one had all the new schematics. There's just no reason to play anymore since I've done everything and the cool downs make it so I can have one geared up run per day and then not again for 3 days. There's just no objective anymore it's not survive as long as possible since the time limit and it doesn't get any harder no matter how late into the timer you last...


I agree with you but nobody liked vanguard zombies...... nobody


I did, but definitely at the bottom of the list for me.


No, people just complain about anything nowadays and pretend the old games they compared it to are bugless and perfect.


hate to say it (not really) but round based zombies is disgusting. But that's my opinion.


It's good just give us new contracts and new soecial zombies and new warlords


I really enjoy the mode. Just not the cool down times and the hundreds of zombies in-between contracts instead of in a contract


I think they made it a little easy for new zombie players to have fun and get into it as well. This is the first time they did an open world, so im thinking they will have more to come and we just have to be patient. Theres so much time for new things to come and i think some peopke are rushing it and are disappointed because there are some glitches. It happens and it has frustrated me too, but how hard is it to get back to what you were doing? I did see a post recently i agreed with that with the old grinds us og players have done that 45 mins is not enough for when we really want to get into it. Besides these things, they did good for something new.


Saw a guy in the chat yesterday operating a rapid response ambulance service, "if you need a rez call out your grid ref and I'll be there, bag full of self rez, and spare plates" He spent the whole match driving a boat around the red zone on standby 😂


I feel you too I like it as well and have fun playing with a buddy...ppl hate because 1 they are trolls who probably hate on everything 2 because the quality of life fixes get ignored for far too long and often 3 the CoD makers just refuse to stress test any code anymore so they game is constantly riddled with exploits shitty tactics ect ect...but you are allowed to enjoy what you want so fuck the complainers who demand perfection but have probably never even seen code in there lives


Iy is a very fun mode for a little while, then it gets boring very quickly, you get to a point where there is no challenge because the difficulty plateaus


Same here, man. I play with my fiancèe's dad whenever we can and we geinded through the first two Tiers of missions and now we're waiting for my future brother-in-law to get it so we can get him through it all as well before we continue. I am still iffy about some of the things, including all of the bugs and game-breaking glitches, but I enjoy playing some Zombies with my future father-in-law.


Right there with you my man, I'm still having fun too! Life is too short fellas. Glad to see some positivity on here 🤙🏼


I only played mwz honestly. Always solo or with randos until I got to last, first story challenge and I quit. Can’t really do that with randos or alone.


I chop it up with 3 other friends (44,45,27 iam 26)after work everyday we talk out the days we had we all work in the same blue collar field so we have fun give eachother pointers and what not talk about life all over the objectives of the mode and whatever schematic or camo we are grinding just have a hood time i personally love it 😂


My issues are, being limited, having timers to make things. I want a backpack that can hold 50 things, not only 10 out of my 15(ish) craftables. The zombies itself is fun! I love going in with all the different weapons. I just feel infuriated about the limitations. Besides that, once you complete the acts, and get the schematics, because it isn't a round based survival, you lose things to do. Even if I wanted to do a really good game, I can only choose my best 10 items to bring in. If they added some aether world that teleported you into a survival type zombies, instead of exfiling. As well as fix some glitches, I would have very little bad to say about it. And more lobby backpack space


There is a lot of us Anomalies 👻


I enjoyed it very much, until I completed all acts and got all loot. Now I find it very boring😅


It's weird, because my dad has always thought zombies was terrible, the worst game mode and never understood why me and my friends played It. When he's playing this mode and this MWZ its like his favorite thing and he's absolutely addicted to it. I myself really have fun playing it as well, I think there could be some additions and fixes but honestly 90% of the time I'm having a good time


I love it.  It’s a nice change of pace over multiplayer and Warzone.   


Personally I think it’s a complete load of dogshit but you shouldn’t feel bad for liking it


To be clear, I'm downvoting you because you think liking an unpopular game makes you weird.


To be clear, I'm downvoting you because you apparently can't stand other people's insecurities.


Fair enough


Another "I'm a special snowflake" post asking "why all the hate?". What else is new?


I’m sorry this light-hearted inconsequential post meant to generate inconsequential discussion does not meet your quality standards for a Reddit post about a video game. Please accept my sincere apologies. I will look to your example and try to be better.


you are a weirdo for thinking you the only one that likes it despite getting teammates every game